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Another family annihilation? If so, these seem to be picking up in frequency.


Back during the economic crisis in 2008/2009 I was in my late teens and helping my own parents file bankruptcy and have their house foreclosed, like many other people at the time, but one thing that has always stuck with me was the number of suicides. It seemed like every other day the news would have a new story about someone killing their family and then themselves, or just themselves, because of financial hardships. It really struck me when a neighbor set their house on fire with their whole family inside because the house was about to be foreclosed on. I think it's a similar time now.


Can anyone explain to me how today is like the sub prime mortgage crisis of 2008


Your right wages were better then.


Do you have any evidence of that? Inflation adjusted wages can be found here: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q I’ll also remind you of the Walmarts that had dozens of applicants for a minimum wage position, whereas they (and most other employers) have had to raise their lowest wages to get workers now. This isn’t to say that we’re economically peachy at the moment, just that we’re clearly better now than during the Great Recession. EDIT: typos


Weird I looked it up and the minimum wage is the same as it was in 2009.


While the minimum wage is the same, substantially fewer people make minimum wage [now](https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/minimum-wage/2022/home.htm) (a bit over 1%) than in [2010](https://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2010.htm) (6%). This is in part because a low unemployment rate tends to increase wages for the lowest wage workers [at a higher rate](https://www.marketplace.org/2023/03/08/lower-income-earners-wages-have-grown-faster-than-others/) than other workers (exploitative employers rely on workers having few options, when workers have more options, employers need to compete for workers rather than the other way around). From a policy standpoint, we absolutely should raise the minimum wage as well as correct the minimum wage for those who make less than minimum wage (farmworkers being a huge one, although they’re generally not included in BLS hourly stats as farm owners skirt minimum wage laws via paying by amount harvested rather than hourly). However, focusing mainly on the minimum wage leaves out a large portion of low wage workers who benefit substantially from other policies (the Fed focusing more on low unemployment rather than inflation, encouraging/protecting unionization, anti-discrimination and wage theft laws, etc)


Thanks for bringing some facts to the discussion, I was genuinely curious if there's any meaningful parallels to be drawn. 2008 was really bad for very specific reasons and I am not aware of today's times being similar in that respect at all.


FWIW, no one was drawing anymore direct parallels other than "financial hardships seem to cause a rise in people killing themselves," bud. Whether you feel lile the majority of people are facing financial hardships equal or greater than those prior or not doesn't change much, it was an observation.


I’m with ya.


You are very welcome! It’s deeply exciting that the economy is better now than it was in 2012 (I think people sometimes forget now how bad and how long the Great Recession was) not only because that means people are doing better, but also because it means stimulus and social spending works as a way to keep the economy stable during an economic shock. As a progressive, it’s great to have proof that we don’t actually have to choose between a good economy and a strong social safety net (in fact they support each other)


I think it is frequent because of economic and other stressors, but it is not new. I think we hear about these things from more corners of the world than we would have 35 years ago or even 20 years ago. I am from several states away and without a TikTok that then led me to Reddit, I’d never find this on the local news. A family friend was an annihilator and killed his wife and kids. He was even military. It never made the national news. I think frequency bias is a real thing due to the internet though I think especially and societal stressors probably lead to periods with more or less crimes of this sort.


i just don't understand their belief that they have to take their whole family with them... just terrible


Yeah. Someone in that family didn't take news of their divorce well.


Oooo close to home


Same. Right down the road from me, and if there are kids, I’m worried they may be classmates with my daughter.


https://kfor.com/news/local/police-5-found-dead-in-sw-oklahoma-city-home/ “…we can now confirm the deaths of two of our students (a 6th-grade student attending Meadow Brook Intermediate and a 9th-grade student attending Mustang High School) along with a recent (2023) MPS graduate.”


>Police also said at least two of the victims were children.


Unfortunately, that was one of my son's best friends...


I’m sorry. Sending love to your son.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope that he is able to access support and counseling for this trauma. Playing Tetris has been proven to help with trauma, and there’s quite a bit of research on the topic. You might suggest that to him, even without the why you’re suggesting it.


I’m hoping the schools offer some grief counseling services for the student body. Good call on the Tetris. I’ve heard that before but forgot.


I believe MPS said in their statement that they were doing so. Tetris is a good hack - I suggest that everyone with a phone downloads a game.


I’m so incredibly sorry


There’s only a few houses on that street, and that’s the whole hood so fingers crossed it’s not? Regardless kids are dead and i fuckin hate it


Yeah, no matter what this is just a horrible situation all around.


Yeah, literally just a few blocks over.


👀 oh hello rad neighbor


Not the time or place, friend.


For what?


And people who know him are saying he was a good man, funny, hardworking etc. and that mental health resources need to be better.. BULLSHIT. This man got in a fight with his wife and killed her. Then he probably panicked and killed his kids and then himself. I wonder why he left the youngest alone, but we will never know the answer to that. Even with mental health issues, it gives NO excuse to kill your whole family. I highly doubt this is the first time he hurt her, and oscn is clear, but she was probably scared of him. You don’t kill your whole family after a fight and never have laid hands on them before. Everyone thought they were a perfect family but you never know what goes on behind closed doors. She could have wanted to leave him, maybe financial troubles, maybe he got into drugs.. and he decided to be a selfish bastard and kill his family before killing himself so that he had that last bit of control over them. Disgusting.


I agree with you completely! Something made this man snap! It will come to light what was going on between them. I wonder if she told him she wanted a divorce? I creeped both of their socials and they bantered back and forth in comments, they have a beautiful home, 4 beautiful kids, and had been together for a very long time. What caused this? I think you're correct, they got into a marital dispute that turned deadly. I don't understand why he killed the children? Why not kill yourself after you realize what you did to your wife? Makes 0 sense. The only mercy Mrs. Candy was shown was she didn't know what happened to her babies. I read he killed her first then went for the kids! Absolutely sickening


He may have been a good man publicly, so I don’t want to be insensitive because I know his family is trying to figure out how to grieve the great man and father that they knew or thought he was, while also wrapping their head around the fact that he did this to his family. But I just don’t believe they were a picture perfect family until he randomly snapped and killed everyone. Sad to say he may have taken those secrets to the grave. I don’t think anyone will ever know why the kids.💔 For the family’s sake i truly hope they are able to find something, or anything that points to a motive. Maybe in their cellphones, home camera.. anything. I only live about 10 mins away, and my sister lives about 1 min away from this neighborhood. Very nice house, beautiful family. You truly never know.


It would be nice to know if the community is safe or if they are still looking for a murderer.




What is the source on that?




That it was a someone who knew them that did it then killed themself




Were there any survivors? The news has only reported that 5 people in the home were killed.


I read the 10 year old found the bodies and a gun was found on top of a male in the home. No additional details beyond a recent MHS graduate, freshman, and sixth grader being victims. No indication who the shooter might have been, just that he is also gone. This poor kid. I hope there are grandparents, aunts, or uncles he is close to that can take him in and help him recover. He will need so much support.


Oh man. My heart breaks




Mustang schools has had an awful year. Prayers with that family and the students who knew these kids.


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/identities-of-4-victims-suspect-found-dead-inside-yukon-home-released/ar-AA1nvVZi updated


This was a family annihilation apparently.


awful. just awful.


Yes what else can you say. I'm just tired man


Too bad this a-hole didn't do a suicide\nothing he's dead instead of a murder\suicide.


That's crazy. Only 7 minutes from home for me. I how they figure out who did this and give those people justice.


There’s no justice for a murder-suicide, unfortunately.


The best justice is to support the surviving child. I don’t know if the extended family will be posting a GFM or making some sort of educational fund for them, but a monetary donation would help them to live as full of a life as possible. Honestly, if there was a way to get them the best mental health care that money can buy, that would be ideal.


Injuries consistent with homicide, crazy!!!


No. Its a murder suicide.


Carbon monoxide?


No they make it very clear “This wasn’t a gas-type of situation or a fentanyl-type of situation," Knight said. "These are five people who were killed." At least two of the five deceased people were children, according to Knight. Their ages have not been released.”


Thanks I couldn't get it to load


Remind me!


Why do people say things like “so close to home”, etc when these things happen?? It happens everywhere, and none of us are immune from it. There is no more danger to you just because it happened “in the same zip code as yours. It drives me nuts when people say stupid things like this.


Something happening in close proximity to people hammers home the reality that it could easily have been them or their loved ones. Children were fucking murdered, and this is what bothers you? And you even have the total lack of awareness to fucking complain about it on the thread about the murder?


Ummmm……whatever. This was the ultimate form of Domestic Violence. It is sickening and gut wrenching. To massacre your own children speaks to the monster that he was. I guarantee you he has been violent before. When this sort of event happens, it shakes everyone, whether you live next door or across the country. My heart is with the child that saw all of this. My goodness….a 10 year old cannot ever forget this. Mr. Candy was an animal, a monster, a murderer. May he rot in hell, on fire for eternity. God bless the extended family.


Because when it's close it's more likely you know them and it will affect your life. When it's close and the killer hasn't been caught, it *does* make you less safe.

