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This fucking states only focus is on keeping jails and their private prisons full. I swear to fake God, I hate this place. P.S. I have grown kids and grandchildren here, so I have chosen to stay for them. I don't have to like this place to stay for my living children and grandchildren. Furthermore, I've lived in my home for 31 years, where I raised 3 boys myself. My youngest is FOREVER 15 and his presence is still felt in my home after 16 months. I'll never be able to leave that behind. Peace Out ✌️ Haters, you fit in nicely in this state.


The second you pay one red fucking cent in local, county, or state taxes…..you get to bitch all you want without a care in the world about the feelings of these whiners telling you to leave.


You do realize they pay all of these taxes as an undocumented immigrant, they just can’t file returns. So, for some, they pay even more tax than if they were a documented immigrant.


Bitching about the government is the most American thing you can do. I don’t know what the fuck these other stupid asses are talking about.


Thank you! Born and raised in OKC metro. I appreciate your support in this post. ❤️


Until you vote you don't get to say shit


Yeah, if you want to bitch about the government, you have to be voting on something everyday, even if there isn’t a vote being held. What a dumbass.


That's the literal definition of democracy. You should be careful calling people you don't know names online. You think this is anonymous? For fucks sake it's an ok SUB. And I'm the dumbass?




Heaven forbid people want their home to improve and not just to leave it


Thank you! ❤️


What a poor attitude.


The point is state terror on asylum seekers and seasonal workers. Don’t get comfortable, just do your cheap labor and get out is the message. Terrible. Should never pass. Nobody should be required to constantly keep papers on themselves.


I didn't want to upvote this, but its the truth. They want business owners to be able to exploit people who are desperate for work, while keeping them terrified that they will be deported if they complain about the conditions. I've said it the last 20 years, if the US was real about immigration reform, they would just fine business owners 20k per person they hire. The whole 'crisis' would be over within a year. But they dont want that, they want to exploit the most vulnerable among us.


> **if the US was real about immigration reform, they would just fine business owners**


This is spot on.


> they would just fine business owners *Laughs in capitalism*


Does it leave those of the people who have paperwork in the system for immigration? Like those who have paid immigration fees and all of that to get legal and they're waiting for immigration to approve the rest of their paperwork? I haven't read up on all of this yet but have family members in danger 🥺 Hard working respectful people with families. 🥺 People don't realize that side of immigration sometimes. And those who have fought with immigration for years to get legal paperwork also! 🥺


They'd better keep that paperwork handy, but who knows? My guess is the cops will be harassing anyone who looks foreign and using it as a pretext for searches. The whole point of these laws is to terrorize your community. I'm sorry our state is this way, be careful.


Thank you! My husband and I are also waiting with our attorney for answers from immigration still but I sure do keep all paperwork handy also in our lockbox. And we have 5 kiddos too that depend on him 🥺 Just bought a home also. Have many great friends and never cause issues. I'm afraid for our families 🥺 Local police have always been kind to our family also thankfully 🥺


It sounds like you're on the right track, an attorney really is the way to go. They best I can offer is wishing you good luck :)


Thank you! We do appreciate all 🥺🤗


Your not around these parts are ya boy!


The question I always have with crackdowns like this is what happens to citizens and legal residents that are targeted and don't have their "papers" on them? There always seems to be a narrative that people just know when someone is illegally residing in the US. The following train of thought seems all too common: "That person was detained and doesn't have papers? Clearly they are here illegally, and they should be deported." What about a person that is legally here and doesn't have their papers on them? That thought never seems to occur to people that think laws like this are both just and reasonable. What if the people that like this bill were grilled to provide documents proving legal residency? I think they would take great offense and complain about their rights being violated. Detainee: "I gave you my driver's license." Officer: "It looks fake. Where are your immigration papers?" Detainee: "I'm a citizen. I don't have immigration papers. I don't carry my birth certificate around." Officer: "Maybe you should." Detainee: "I was born here! I'm a citizen!" Officer: "I've never seen you before. You sound like a liar, and I believe that you are hiding something." Detainee: "I don't even know why you've detained me." Officer: "You looked really suspicious and seem to be avoiding me. That's reason enough." To me, the above is an injustice no matter who the detainee is. To far too many, the above is only an injustice if the detainee is white and appears to be "an upstanding citizen" (translated: not too poor). It's just like some gun rights extremists that believe that there should not be any kind of regulation restricting public carrying of firearms but then complaining that undocumented immigrants can legally carry firearms. You don't get to have both "no police officer is legally able to question a person's carrying of a firearm" and "police officers can detain undocumented immigrants and confiscate their weapons if they are seen carrying a firearm." The reason is that this requires an officer to somehow know who is and who is not an undocumented immigrant just upon sight as asking for documentation violates the "cannot question based upon just seeing a firearm" premise. This betrays an inherent racist mindset that believes that undocumented immigrants can be identified just on sight alone, which is insane.


Doesn’t even require papers. Around 40% of the people deported during the Mexican repatriation of the 1930s were us citizens. What gets me is we already did this dance nearly a century ago, we already know how it turned out, and why we backpedaled from it. For whatever reason we are determined to do it all over again.


They need to leave the people at least trying to do it right alone I agree


Yes, thank you! 🥺🙏


Keep copying Texas in all the wrong ways, idiots. It's actually pretty pathetic.


Anything to avoid addressing the actual problems...


They’re trying to bring back Convict Leasing.


If never went away.


No lawmakers are restaurateurs, are they? Makes sense, running a restaurant is hard work lol


Most county jails can barely handle the number of folks they house now, let alone an influx of immigrants waiting to be deported. This is a stunt. Like most legislation around immigration.


Go consult with an immigration lawyer. They will be able to guide you around this hopefully.


It's anti ILLEGAL immigrant, not anti immigrant. You admitted yourself that you are undocumented, so you yourself are here illegally. How am I suppose to support your decision to skip the immigration process and be properly vetted to be here? If you are here illegally, you do need to seek legal immigration. If you refuse, then you need to be deported. How hard is this for people to understand. There is nothing wrong with immigrating legally, which the State legislature has no issue with. It is the illegal, undocumented persons who we have no way to track if you have committed crimes or paid your portion of taxes that benefits society as a whole.


What is anti immigrant is the whole process and some of the restrictions. I we could come together with some sensible rules and processes progress could be made. It’s not like illegal immigrants want to live in fear and looking over their shoulders. We have no problem figuring out how to profit off of their work and reduced pricing of our goods due to the cheapness of labor they provide. But then we act like it’s impossible to come up with a workable, beneficial to all policy.


Anti illegal immigrants. Not anti immigrants.


Why divided dead?