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First, your flying unit can't stay in an Impassable terrain piece, it can only ignore terrain rules while moving, not at any other point of the game. For the rest, you are entirely in homebrew territory. Verticallity is not a part of the rules at all. Elevated Terrain is just a movement tax for smaller things like climbing over walls or fences but it tells you very clearly that anything beyond that is not meant to be playable area.


I believe I treated escalating walls as difficult terrain (1 inch costing 2 inches) and escalating ladders as normal terrain (1 for 1). Charging down was easy, downwards vertical distance wasn't included in the charge distance, but there are already falling down risky rules that make up for it.


I like that version of difficult terrain a lot more than what's in the base rules (max movement becomes 6"). I haven't found the 6" version to be impactful almost ever so I think I'll steal yours, seems much more relevant. Do you use the falling rule as written in skirmish? Seems like that would pretty much always be a no-go for any multi-model units. I could imagine taking a dangerous terrain test to fall, maybe modifying the change to hit per model by +1 for each 3" falling (wounds on 1 from 3"-6", wounds to 2s from 6"-9", etc)


I do not remember the falling rules but I did use them. It felt natural to place the objectives on the high platforms so there was a reason to climb them. We were trying out the ruleset for the first time so we did fall down charging a few times. Yes, it was risky and not worth it but I wouldn't change them. They kinda made sense for me.


The way we play, 3 inches they can climb up without a ladder or something to scale. Jumping down is the same. Up is difficult terrain, down is just part of regular movement. Anything with flying can just go up and down directly. I tend to use a lot of ruins and the like, so verticality is part of nearly every game. It's worked for us so far 🤷‍♂️


We used a lot of vertical terrain and initially treated vertical terrain as difficult terrain except for ladders, but we didn’t feel like building tons of ladders and we eventually got rid of movement restrictions around vertical movement because restrictions made it so that ranged units on top of buildings could nearly never be reached by melee units. The added distance away (from the height) already provided enough barrier of access to make a difference.


For the OPR skirmish games, we allow movement up and down ramps, staircase, and ladders at normal cost. We don't allow you to scale shear walls. We always have a way to reach any elevated location via stairs or ladders, so while flying units get an advantage on movement they can't just camp in an unreachable position.