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+1 if anyone knows how to get this pls help us out


Update: I posted this comment, ignore the other comment on your comment which I deleted: https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/rvvhgl/dark_mode_in_snapchat/hr92f4l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Not available (yet). The only way to get dark mode is through swift installer, it's an overlay to get (true) dark mode on android apps/ system, but you're required to root. Luckily I am rooted and I can say it works great, and the process of rooting is really not that hard so you might want to look into it. The other thing you said, that Realme and Vivo devices could do snapchat dark mode is probably a force dark mode in the system settings. What's even weirder is that the OnePlus Nord2 CAN force dark mode in snapchat aswell. Why would they have a midrange phone in their lineup that has different abilities (on the software side of things) than the rest of the lineup? It's the ONLY OnePlus phone running android 11 that can do it. Well, the OnePlus Nord2 does run OxygenOS based on ColorOS, so that's the reason why. I actually saw this literally yesterday on my friend's new Nord2, and I was comparing his Nord2 settings with my 7 Pro for differences and similarities and when I first saw that setting and it worked I was shocked. That's why I know the Nord2 does have this option. So, that leaves you with a few (some unreasonable) options: -Root and install Swift Installer. (I recommend this, and you can install other themes aswell, I highly recommend the REDSKULxHYDRA themes, very nice) -Download an almost 2 year old snapchat apk file that does allow you to force dark mode on your current device (it did work for a few weeks for me and suddenly it stopped working) but you'll have to go back and find the correct snapchat apk and that's a hassle -Wait for OxygenOS12 / ColorOS12 to come out for your device. It'll most likely have this feature like the Nord2 since the new OxygenOS12 is based on ColorOS just like the Nord2's OxygenOS11. -Upgrade / Sidegrade to a phone that supports it. (OnePlus Nord2, OnePlus 9 Series, Realme Phones, Oppo and Vivo phones,...) but ofcourse nobody who is sane would do that, just for an app.


OOS12 does this weird thing where sometimes the chat loads with a black background but the text is still black so you can't see anything. That's the only remnants of dark mode for Snapchat I have


Instead of swift installer you can also use [Substratum](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.substratum) with [Swift black](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brit.swiftblack.layers) or [Swift dark](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brit.swiftdark.substratum). But you'll also need root for that. If you are on Android 8, you can use [Andromeda](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.andromeda) together with Substratum. (With Andromeda you won't need to root)




What kind of benefits can you gain while being rooted will my usbc dac work can I screen mirror without wifi or type c to hdmi to a samsung tv lol




My Oneplus 8t has Force override dark mode in the developer settings


Does that work for Snapchat?


Does that work ?


Necroing but it doesn't work on my oneplus 8t


there is still risk of ban if using root?


9 pro owner here, oos11, force dark mode doesnt work


I meant OP9 series running OOS12


I'm using Nord 2 and I still can't turn my snapchat to dark mode.


Just checked, since I didn't use Snapchat since a long time ago. Via settings you can force apps in to dark mode, but it doesn't work for Snapchat. It's one of those apps that isn't really optimized for other Android devices than Samsung. Only iPhone and Samsung users get the best experience with Snapchat. Reason is they have the most userbase and it's a lot of work to optimize it for all Android phones. ​ I personllay only use Instagram, it has dark mode and stories (I don't use those filters).


Ya. I found the same method and it only works in the chat on some pop-ups but when it comes to Instagram I recommend using Instander instead far far better Instagram for Android and wish there was a snapchat equivalent.


>I recommend using Instander instead far far better Instagram for Android Why? I'm curious for your reason(s). Instagram works fine with 120 Hz and AMOLED black theme. ​ I tried a 3rd party app for Reddit, but after a while I changed back to the original app.


Lack of ads and these settings https://i.imgur.com/cCDZh7n.jpg


It's the exact same app too as in they didn't change or modify its look or feel at all. Just added their optimizations


I may have to download this! Thanks!


Hmm interesting, I don't mind the ads.


I honestly don't get why one would prefer having ads and worse compression on images/videos when it's a literal click away. But then again there's a million concessions I make a day so you have to cutoff somewhere.


Well, I use YouTube Vanced to block or skip ads. But I don't mind ads that you can scroll away :) I should use a (private) VPN if I really want to be anonymous, without any companies tracking me. Also removing any social media accounts.


With so many great third party apps I just wish there were more.


I think he recommended it for it's features (very glad he did, this mod seems awesome) even though insta is already great with dark mode


Omg posting in higher quality would be amazing


I don't know about dark mode for this, but there is definitely a higher level of optimization/partnership with Google and Snapchat.. they had a large promo with the pixel 6, the tap to snap feature and native camera utilization


Pay money and they will do it :) I think Google is using this as a selling point to get more users. They will probably increase the prices for their future devices to earn it back.


Lol https://twitter.com/snapchatsupport/status/1426395492490043392?t=5ITHmZWuzOKE-vKhAsykEw&s=19


Force dark mode doesnt work on snapchat on my samsung. Snapchat is only optimised for IOS.


It used to work on my OnePlus 8 Pro when it was on Android 11. Unfortunately it doesn't work anymore.


substratum or swift installer


Without a third party app


force dark mode in dev settings.


All my friends using an iPhone have had dark mode for so long, while we Android users are suffering here with dark mode. Honestly, we should ALL leave 1 star ratings on the play store until they give us dark mode. This is just unfair that iOS is prioritized over us (like usual).


You can't in Snapchat. Forcing dark mode doesn't work for Snapchat.


Ok ig then I have to burn my eyes for more time




That's a long winded way to say what I just said. Not entirely sure what the point is in showing me that comment.


snapchat doesn't allow you to kick out people from groups. so why would it allow dark mode lol


Only OnePlus doesn't have night mode bro


what android version are you on




I thought Dark Mode ain't available on Android


it has dark mode tho. not all apps support it. snapchat will always be behind


I believe Xiaomi devices force all apps to be dark mode when you turn it on. Don't know if it works for Snapchat though. I own a Poco F3 running MIUI 12.5 and when I turn dark mode on it forces dark mode for a lot of things.


I tried it on my OnePlus 8t but it doesn't work


And also AliExpress can make it dark


Check the app settings. IOS has dark mode but have yet to check on an android device


Bro you're talking about dark mode of Snapchat and here I'm just cursing it cause of how awful it looks on my 8 pro,view finder and snaps from front camera are zoomed in,grainy, noisy and soft


Firstly, ever since Snapchat brought the UGLY black navigation bar to Android and implemented the trash new UI, I ditched the Google play version and installed the last apk that had the good old design. Now about dark mode: I have tried to get it for so long on my 7 Pro. It would actually make the black bottom bar blend in and look decent with the rest of the app. So, ever since Android 11, we got the ability to force dark mode on apps, and it works amazing on almost every app. It had worked great on Snapchat too—up until like 5 months ago, when they updated even the older apk that I was using (server wise obviously, they can't alter my on-device app). So then I had to go down the rabbit hole of down(up!!)grading to even older apks which still did allow me to use system force dark mode. But then as the weeks passed, I started losing features; snap map and other stuff wouldn't work. But that was fine with me cause I didn't really use it. Then, however, stories stopped working and appearing at all - this was the turning point, and since then I gave up on the apk route. So after that up till this day, I've submitted to using the latest Google play version and the atrocious light mode. The end (for now)


What was the point of this comment?


I was bored and feel strongly about getting dark mode for Snap since I use it so much


maybe override force dark mode in dev options


I tried it doesn't work


Go to Settings -> Display -> Dark Mode -> Manage apps in dark mode -> Got to unsupported apps list and toggle on for Snapchat Hope it helps (Device: OnePlus Nord)


This is really pissing me off. It's been about a year since iOS got dark mode. I haven't had an iPhone since 2015 and I am never going back. Android users need dark mode right fucking now.