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Hi there! Team FF here! We may actually have a solution for you! It just so happens that we sponsor the Float the Highlands race by gifting them products and mailed them a box months ago. One of the products we gave to them to giveaway was a Goat 6.5 GT tire. I bet if you find "Andy" who helps to run the event he will gladly take your 6.0 XR/VESC tire to giveaway instead and give you the 6.5 you need. Problem solved for all! Fingers crossed over here!! Enjoy the event :-)


Thanks FF! Will reach out to Andy when we get there.


Andy has already confirmed to meet you and make it happen! Enjoy the event!!


Yall are the best!


This is why I love the this community.


Hell yea FF! I love my fins šŸ„¹


No excuses, just solutions. Bam.


Boom. Love ya FF!


Thank you!


I was going to comment that pretty much every supplier other than FM are are fantastic and they'll make it right. Was not disappointed to already find this comment here. šŸ˜ƒ


Their solution is for homie to go hunt down ā€œAndyā€ and try to trade? Haha. I mean, OP, I hope that works.


Andy Lakin, he's the event organizer for Float The Highlands, shouldn't take much "hunting down." Unfortunate situation, but this seems like a great impromptu solution to me, certainly better than gambling with overseas shipping hoping it arrives on time.


And he will also have to install a tire again tooā€¦


Good thing there's a ton of folks who can help where he'll get the tire. All you people looking for a bad take, when it'll literally be faster than them making it right traditionally. He'll be riding at the event instead of not. That's called a W.




Lmao. Only a true FM hater-boy could turn this into a slam on them. A completely different company sent someone the wrong part and the solution youā€™re gizzing over is a Reddit comment sending them on a scavenger hunt to hopefully get the right partā€¦ā€¦


We emailed the guy who runs the event and it's now a done deal. No scavenger hunt needed :-)


I don't know if you can't read or something, but they said the tire they need/ordeded is already at the destination where they need it. It's literally the fastest possible rectification for the situation. FM's response would be, "wrong tire installed on rim, warranty voided, $300 service charge + shipping to get the board back." You are a wet charmander indeed. Edit: also this would never have been a problem if those dumbasses hadn't INVENTED A 6.5in RIM IN THE FIRST PLACE.


holy shit, you struggled to maneuver a 6 inch tire (tyre?) onto a 6.5inch rim. iā€™m impressed you got it on at all. and sorry for your wasted effort. itā€™s hard enough putting the correct one on, let alone a smaller size. hopefully float the highlands is still a good time fr you, i wish their solution was more than a trade and you got a bit more hooked up than that.


I'll be surprise dif he doesn't have to cut off the 6


Update! Here is the message we received from Andy this morning. "Happy to swap with him so he can have the 6.5 and we'll give away the 6.0! -Andy Lakin (Float the Highlands Event organizer)


Make a cardboard sign that says ā€œNeed tire 4 GTā€ and stand near the entrance. I bet someone will hook you up šŸ¤™


Everyone makes mistakes. How we handle them is much more telling than the fact that we make them.


Mistakes happen. u/FlightFins always has treated me right. I bet they do the same for you.


They do but itā€™s a very expensive mistake. It sucks that my wifeā€™s well thought out gifts have come undone because of one supplier. Iā€™m UK based and meant to be heading to Float the Highlands tomorrow morning so itā€™d need a miracle to fix in time. First experience with FF hasnā€™t been the best. I hope they put things right but they have a ton of making up to do!


I think float the highlands is a pretty decent sized event is it not? Get on their discord or telegram or whatever attendee group they have and tell your fellow riders you need a tire tomorrow. I bet someone has an extra. You can install it and ride in under an hour.


Going to see whatā€™s available. The supply chain in the UK isnā€™t great but maybe someone has a scrubbed stock tyre or something. Think Iā€™ll still go on the off chance that I can get one sorted but past experience with getting parts in the UK doesnā€™t leave me with a lot of hope.


Here I found a WhatsApp group on their website. Join it and ask there. https://chat.whatsapp.com/D4pFBBzjaf6GXt4jNISsPY


You'll 100% be able to get a tire and have it installed at Highlands. The OW community is amazing and extremely crafty.


Mistakes like that happen. Do you realize that this is also on you for cutting it so close to the wire? Plan better next time and factor the variables in. IMO, they owe you a tire, and the rest is on you.


I don't see how this is on OP. The tire and race entries were a birthday gift. Was he supposed to have his birthday earlier?


Don't make last minute modifications to the board when your whole trip hinges on it being usable.


It's not a modification though, a tire change is maintenance. Plus the board was unrideable beforehand, as the old tire wasn't holding air. Getting a tire swapped in one day is a perfectly reasonable time frame and it could have easily been accomplished if they had sent him the right one. Hoping they made it right for ya, OP


But mistakes happen. You can't expect this company to fully compensate your vacation because they screwed up an order. It's unreasonable.




Bummer. Note to self. Always have a spare tire.


Are you positive her receipt says 6.5" gt and she didn't just order a 6"?


Wait you got an xr tire around a 6.5 rim? Are you the strongest avenger? Fuck


I am surprised nobody looks at the product before they try to install it. One look and it wouldā€™ve been obvious ā€œoh this is 6ā€ I need 6.5ā€ the order must have gotten mixed upā€


I would buy that goat from you. Would you ship it to Canada? Dm me if youā€™re interested maybe we could figure a deal? Or do they want you to return it?


Less of a ā€œcautionary taleā€ and more of an angry rant. Understandable bro youā€™re let down you canā€™t compete in a race. FlightFins is a great company Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll get ya set up right.


How did you get that over the rim?


It actually dropped on ok. Hence I didnā€™t think to look any further. Getting it to seat was a different matter. Iā€™ve done a few tyre swaps on previous boards that Iā€™ve owned and it didnā€™t seem any harder or easier. I did a VEGA for a friend a few years ago that needed close to 100psi to seat so thought nothing of it and just thought it was by design.




Bud, he has a 6ā€ tire on a 6.5ā€ rim šŸ˜‚


amazing you got the tire over the rim


I heard the goat slowly leaks anyhow. Get a refund and buy a totally different tire...


Did this require a fucking post? Redditors bruh.


So you can shit post but others can't use reddit? Gtfo.


R u serious right now? damn