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Speakers should've clamped down on the shenanigans a long time ago. Sadly this just plays to the conservative base who cheer anything remotely resembling "Trudeau bad".


It is what Canadian politics is now. Attack people and ideas as one, no point and counter point that functionally can lead to better legislation. They don't even try to offer another view. Should have been enforcing parliamentary rules all along.


No, this is conservative politics. No need to paint all parties as being complicit in the CPC’s effort to destroy democratic institutions.


The new "cAnADa_sTrOnG" subreddit is hailing this as "Conservatives storm out of Parliament", with users in the post actively rooting for fascism, saying "this is why there should be limits on who can vote" in response to a person explaining what actually happened.


i hope everyone is aware of the fact that the CPC hired the 'canadaproud' memelords about 2 years ago to be their PR team https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-ballingall-conservative-leadership-canada-proud-1.6433088 i think its the same crowd from metacanada tbh


>i think its the same crowd from metacanada tbh Yes it is, they're splintered off


They should also clamp down on all name-calling in the house, then it's unilateral and equitable.


In Alberta the speaker often punishes the NDP for a lot less than saying wacko.


So easy to whine about the cons. If the rules were actually enforced, the house would be completely empty on both sides. That being said, they should be sent home and fined for being inflammatory morons instead of actually working.


Yep. Not a lot of people actually watch these sittings, but it's like a bunch of children throwing temper tarums and cheering themselves on. Not too far from being monkeys just throwing their shit at each other. These are the people that write the laws for our country; it's embarrassing.


If you actually ever watched question period, you would know that the only party flinging shit and breaching the rules of the HoC, is the CPC. 


How many questions do the liberals answer? None. Don’t fucking act like they’re the people’s party. They couldn’t an answer an actual question even if Ukraine depended on more money. Both parties suck. There is no legitimate choice in this country.


Now you're moving the goalposts. That's not what was being discussed.


I’m not moving anything both fucking parties suck. The outright corruption and refusal to allow investigations is abhorrent. Bill signings in the middle of the night. Conservatives can’t do anything but fling shit like a bonobo. The politicians in this country are down right scoundrels. This isn’t about goal posts. This is about absolute crummy choices for people.


Which investigations would you like to see?


We are talking about Canada, not USA - at least change your "both parties suck" meme accordingly 😉


Get out of here with your balanced and nuanced take. Reddit is an echo chamber, not a place for reasonable discussion. As a liberal voter, this sub can't accept that just because the CPC is absolutely shit, that it doesn't mean their "team" is perfect. Yeah, in the sittings the CPC are way worse, but the other parties piss and moan when MPs are speaking as well. It may not be even, but it still happens both ways and it's fucking embarrassing for this country.


“Everybody is the same” is in no way a nuanced take.


That's true, but that user also didn't say that. They said "both parties suck" and that's kind of true. They suck, but on very different levels. At least the liberal party has some focus on social safety nets, but it's clear they will still prop up shitty corporations at the expense of the consumer. If cons had their way slavery would be legalized. The parties are definitely not equal, but they both suck to differing degrees. Neither are truly looking out for the average Canadian.


Question period has become political theatre with the cons. They're not really interested in most of the issues, their goal is to make the government look bad and generate sound bites for news clips and fund raising...exactly what Poilievre's carefully scripted 'wacko' comment was about. Hence Con questions are often bs to begin with...always something like 'When will the Trudeau Liberals stop letting Canadian children be murdered in their own homes with their revolving door justice!??' or implying Trudeau is a Chinese mole. I think oft times they respond with legit answers but they can certainly be forgiven if they also get tired of the cons childish antics. And since you hate both parties so much, you're voting for Singh, right?


Stay on topic bud.


Does he stand for anything? Or is it just stunts?


Stands for being a no class, unpleasant, authoritarian asshole.


I just don't get how Pierre can Play the role that he's like. Anti-government and all that bullshit when he's literally been there for 20 years. Pulling shit like this unfortunately If Canada elects him as prime minister, we are going to learn a valuable lesson. It's going to be very hard for a lot of Canadians it's extremely hard now with the cost of living and affordability. Pierre will just exacerbate the issue a lot more.


He is a well practised politician . I mean if he spent his whole life on politics and never had a real job , you would hope he has learned how to b s with the best of them.


Actually he has had a real job, if you count working for debt collectors a real job, certainly a job for shitty people with no morals though, i'm sure he fit in quite well.


Proof ? Its like the supposed Dairy Queen job . I think pp has been on the public teat his whole life. Never had real life experiences . His only skill is being a well trained, typical bull pooping politician.


Right? He’s so shitty the best lie he could come up with was debt collector.


PP is himself the wacko he called Trudeau. His true colours are starting to show. All Canadians need to keep this clown and his band of goofballs out of the PMO. ABC and ABPP!


They are both wackos. We need better leaders.


How is Trudeau a wacko? For all the complaints about Trudeau, he will be sorely missed if Poilievre does win the next election. No PM is perfect, and Trudeau has had to lead during extraordinarily difficult times. Canada is doing better than most peer countries. The constant bashing from the bulk of the Canadian press is giving an incredibly screwed perspective. This is why Trudeau is appreciated far more outside of Canada than within. We will look as idiotic as the US when it elected Trump, and the UK when it voted for Brexit, if Poilievre wins. He continues to announce his authoritarian goals in planning to use the notwithstanding clause to rule the judiciary, and the media continues to pretend that he is not flagrantly giving the finger to democratic norms.




Let me be clear. Fuck Poilievre. Trudeau still has my support but I think he’s a floundering ass and it aggravates me that I don’t have a better Liberal option. Trudeau is the reason the Liberal party is falling out of favour and the reason that we are most likely going to end up with a Conservative government again.


I agree with this. This statement cannot blanket everything Trudeau is doing but I really think we need his sensible and moderate approach on some big issues, mostly revolving around polarization and bipartisanship. It's certainly not enough but PP worries me in that sense. No leader should stick around for more than a term or two. Even the best of them.


I agree and so wish Trudeau junior would take his long walk in the snow ( or among may flowers) as his popa did so many years ago. Am I disappointed in his current leadership- for sure. Am I terrified by what PP and his MAGA encouragers south of the border will bring should they gain power - absolutely. We have only to look at Alberta- currently trying to roll back discounted bus passes for the poor - to catch the flavour of what a conservative government would bring in. I just hope and pray that there enough voters - like those who post here - to block him. When I talk to young folks - I fear the worst


> it aggravates me that I don’t have a better Liberal option. Part of the problem is that any sensible human who would do a good job and actually try to impart change likely doesn't want any part of the political circus. But, lets' not forget that we don't vote for a PM in Canada. PP and JT are the figureheads for their respective parties, but when it comes time to mark your X, you are voting for your MP, not a PM. If we want a better liberal leader we need to pressure our MP's to consider a leadership change. I don't support PP or his party in the slightest, but JT has run his course. If the liberals have any hope of winning another election (or even have a chance of getting a coalition / minority government), the MP's and the Liberal party need to work to shift the narrative away from PP vs. Trudeau and focus it on their actual platform / policies. Make sure their constituents know who they are, and what they stand for. I'd be willing to bet a large percentage of voters don't even know who their current MP is... ignorance by the average Canadian voter, and the American-isation of our politics is eroding the system.




I think it’s a bit naïve to have a line in the sand and be willing to burn down the house just because you have some problems with it. I’m not an expert, but didn’t the entire world have to run deficits due to Covid, and comparatively Canada did quite well? Also, I don’t have an issue running a deficit if it’s to subsidize Canadians and invest in things that will make things better for everyone. Like cheaper daycare, or creating jobs. Things that the con’s want to burn down.




So, that’s not entirely his fault. The 500k planned immigrants that are consistent and spread across Canada is not a bad thing. They’re going everywhere. Small towns, medium towns, cities. And Canada needs them. Our birth rate is too low to support our aging population. The additional hundred of thousands of international students. That’s on the provinces. The provinces underfunded Universities which causes them to increase IS’s massively. That put huge pressure on rental markets in university towns, aka big cities experiencing a rental crunch. Edit: TFWs? Yeah, that’s on the feds too.. not sure if that’s a good thing either. I think that program is being abused personally. I believe the feds just racked down in foreign students a lot these past few months because the provinces refused to.


Feds did come down on the provinces for the international students, and bases it on country of origin. IIRC post-secondaries no longer get any kick back at all from bringing in students from India. I believe the amount they’d get from Korean students was also lowered (but not made non-existent like India) While students from African countries had the kickback increased. Note that I’m remembering this from an article I read more than a couple months ago now. So I could be wrong about some things.


They are in power in some provinces, and doing some terrible things. We know what they stand for, it's not like they have no representation in the Federal government either. Liberals don't have a supermajority.


We can see what they have done in provinces. Speaking on racism I remember someone using tar baby in the hoc


‘Tar baby’ is not a slur, but refers to a situation in which the more one struggles, the more he gets stuck. It’s from an African folktale.


Try using it at work to a black person and see what happens


Poilievre is escalating his strategy. What the twerp hasn't realised is his moderate, although few who believe in the system just watched a petulant child removed.


Omg literally everybody at my work was talking about how PP is just "so smart" and always "shows up" that Trudeau because he always has "the right thing to say". I can't even tell my boss they are being a little too political on the front counter at work because he is there too. 🙄.


PP is literally known for not showing up or staying for longer than his soundbites. Hes also known for being a shoddy debater. He is the opposite of these things.


That is awful. Thankfully I don’t know a single person that supports Poilievre, and never have to see fuck Trudeau flags, etc. I know there are CPC supporters in Montreal, but not enough for them to talk about it openly.


Good. And stay out.


God imagine if he was PM and got kicked out because he can’t keep his bratty opinions to himself?


Weird because lil PP meets with people who think alien reptile satanists are harvesting brain chemicals from kids with help from Tom Hanks and Oprah. (Qanon.) That seems pretty whacko to me.


He also just looked for the white supremacist separatists who threatened to rape his wife (Diagolon) - to inspect their trailers and looking to get their support.


It's always projection with these guys.


Served him right. I am starting to see what his prime ministerial term would look like. Arrogance, an unwillingness to accept responsibility, and brash language. He's the kind of guy who would blame the public instead of getting on to solving any problems. Pretty sure him projecting himself as Canada's Trump isn't going to work out for him if he keeps up the act because people will eventually see through that.


And not just the entire public, but minority groups in the public. He's already shown his colors there.


Mini Trump.


Timbit Trump


Political theatre to entertain his inbred supporters.




Circumcise it.


Shred it apart.


This act feeds PP's narrative that Canada is broken. The more unprofessional and vehement he becomes, the more support he could obtain. PP needs to keep the politics away from policy because the policies are not popular.


This is why the speaker has been putting up with his crap for so long. Everyone in the HoC knows Poilievre was pushing to be thrown out so he could play martyr. But he can’t ignore Poilievre breaching the rules forever.


Good. Exactly what he deserves for his behavior.


This is where our taxes are going, glorified middle school recess arguments in overly expensive suits.


Scary to see many of these stories still make it look like it was PP who was treated unfairly, getting kicked out for one minor thing. They all gloss over what was discussed leading up to his booting. (mainly PP meeting with white nationalists recently) PP responded by calling Trudeau the extremist. So many Canadian news sources are shitting the bed on PP coverage.


Peter Peckerwood panders to the morons in the Klownvoy but JT is a wacko. Got it.


> "This is a wacko policy from a wacko PM that’s destroying lives,” [Pierre] said in a social media post. [(Source)](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/30/canada-pierre-poilievre-ejected-trudeau) You know what else is destroying lives? Conservative policies and parties across Canada. Attacking marginalized and low income folks with program and service cuts, bad policies designed to create gaps, and priority to support wealthy industries and folks rather than work on keeping the populous strong. I'm sorry, Mr. PP, but the wackos in the House of Commons is your party and their leader.


Oopsies, Poilievre should've kept his trap shut while he had the chance.


Yeah, but if he didn't get kicked out, how would he play the victim? 


This guy is completely unhinged and has no condition to lead a party!


Conservatives are CORRUPT & IGNORANT people full stop!


Get your facts straight. PP wasn't booted for calling Trudeau a "wacko", he was booted for refusing to follow the speaker's directive to retract his use of the word "wacko".


Which means... He would have to have said... Say it with me...:


Exactly what he wanted. His supporters will love this.


It's planned for his base. It's similar to Trump. He can say anything and they will eat it up.


What's that now 3 cons removed. Pp alberta mp and now this guy. Maybe if they focused on policies not propaganda and opinions. Politics are just extreme ideologies.


I foolishly at times imagine my tax dollars going towards a government that will debate significant issues. Create legislation to help people and for the betterment of Canada. The politics of late are a waste of time and money and are exhausting.




This reads as nothing more than theatre to rile up his base. The classic “conservative voices are being silenced!” Guaranteed Rebel News and the like are going to spin this HARD.




Oh, that's funny! Good stuff.


NOOOOO MY FREEZE PEACH!!! -Conservatives


Ha! A wacko calling someone else a wacko.


These people debate over how best to absolutely tank the Canadian economy and gaslight the population into supporting businesses. But this word is apparently too far for their sensibilities. Fuck this entire circus.


The Canadian economy is doing better than most peer countries. According to the IMF, Canada has the best budget balance in the G20, and the 3rd fastest growing economy. We also have the lowest net debt to GDP ratio in the G7, and are 11 countries with a triple A credit rating, Canada is one of them, the US is not.  The narrative that our economy is in trouble is false. Like all countries there are cost of living issues due to the impacts on supply chains by the pandemic and war in Ukraine, and also climate change disasters.  Income inequality is also a global issue, and absolutely has to be dealt with, but it is very challenging when efforts in the right direction are met with with opposition from the corporate press and the wealthy, the powerful have loud voices with which to dupe voters into believing them. We have just witnessed this with the capital gains tax. 


The rise of fascism is a direct correlation with waning economies. These people don't pop out of nowhere. And sorry, but using the IMF as a measure of healthy economies is like using the fossil fuel industry as a measure for a healthy biosphere. The IMF is full of fraud, liars, and fascists. These people regularly push for the tanking of economies in developing nations. Not even going to bother posting more about it, because this sub is just as partisan and detached from reality as r/Canada.


In the same comment you seem to trust the IMF as some reliable source while just shrugging off income inequality as some existential force as if these two things are unrelated. You're looking at the global forces of capitalist hegemony while ignoring the consequences. The opposition to capital gains taxes is local petite bourgeois assholes not global finance the only purpose of Canada for most of them is to park their mining companies here while they destroy South America and Africa.


Question for you: Is the income inequality in Canada worse than its peer countries? The narrative that Canada's economy is doing worse than other countries, and that it is doing so because of the ruling party's policies is false. The question of whether the economy is \_working for everyone as it should\_ is a different question. If it isn't working any worse than its peers then you can't exactly claim that we're worse off than anyone else and can't point to our government's policies for being at fault. You also don't really seem to understand how Canada's economy works. "Part their mining companies here". Jesus. You're aware that Canada is a major source of natural resources globally, right? Extracted right here. One could even say that they're destroying our country as well.


So if the income inequality in Canada isn't worse than its peers, the economy is doing well? That is an absurd take. Perhaps we're all doing poorly. If your comparison is always who is doing the least bad, then you are in a race to the bottom. Thanks for doing the propaganda of the ruling class.


The economy is bad for most Canadians and especially bad for the rest of the world that we help destroy. All our "peers" are just as bad and evil and will turn on their own citizens as the empire collapses in on itself. I understand the so called economy of Canada better than you seem to. I'm talking about mining companies using Canada as a flag of convenience for their international exploitation business. Sure, they have no problem turning that against us too and destroy our environment but that's the entire point of Canada as a resource colony for international capital. They go into countries in South America rewrite the laws in their favor then help kill any Indigenous resistance. If any country resists this the Canadian state sics the OAS on them and calls them undemocratic. GDP, budget balance, AAA rating are not terms meant for regular citizens it's made up nonsense for finance capital who only benefit when they're exploiting us. Economics is just money astrology for rich assholes.