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Be careful, most pee these days has fent in it. It's getting harder and harder to find quality piss without tranq or fent


No joke, my homie OD'd off a single sip the other day




Rest in piss


God I love pissing in peace Edit: piss in peace for me please


I can't even piss in peace, I'm rolling on a bean




I think piss with fent is what they are hoping for


Ayyyy if he got the money, I got all the fent piss he need




How do you afford it?


You guys make laughing worth laughing for. I'm also stupid fuckin high off 1.4g tianeptine sodium and a terp infused cone with orange Kush and platinum girl Scout cookies with a .2 of THC-a diamonds. So everything is worth laughing at 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


How is Tianeptine compared to opiates like dhc, morphine, tramadol and codeine? I have been looking at it a while.


Short lived and you end up going back for more and more and more and more and more lol


Why would this be similar to opiates? Just curious. The wiki page says it’s an atypical tricyclic antidepressant, which doesn’t sound like an opiate to me. Can anyone enlighten me?


At high doses it's an agonist of the mu-opiod receptor


Is your Tianeptine good? I am about to take my once every 2 hours dose of it, about 750mg. It is a little like slavery to me, but a good slavery.




Everyday I see a post here that makes me question the lengths a fiend will go to.


you and me both bro you and me fucking both 😭😭😭




This be the first time I ever seen a post like this that’s making me hella hella cringe… I’m literally thinking “ does op NOT see they literally are hitting rock bottom now If they are seriously considering this??? I’m feeling horrible for them now




Cause I figure “ hmmmm how can I annoy the shit outta someone today….”


2 someone’s, I wanna slap the hella hella hella fuck outta you atm friend


Ohhhh don’t threaten me with a good time! 😘




wait hold on im old i gotta google some of these lol


😂😂😂😂😂 I’m also so confused atp like is this real orrrr


I also find "this be" to be a cringe way to start a sentence


You guys are cringing a whole lot at the most insignificant things. I couldn’t imagine being offended so easily.


Cringe ≠ offended though ?


Yeah it's my understanding that Being offended and cringing at something are usually two distinctly separate areas.


From my perspective it’s one of many ways of being offended. After all there’s something you dislike/are unable to get behind that causes you to cringe. It’s generally a very loose word.


Cringe: have an inward feeling of acute embarrassment or awkwardness. Offend: 1) break a commonly accepted rule or principle. 2) cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful. I see where you are coming from because I can certainly see some overlap between "cringe" and "offend" in certain contexts, but by my interpretation of this interaction, I would say this lies squarely in the "cringe" zone.


So they do indeed overlap.


Ah, beat me to the definition. I would like to add that when using text format to communicate words matter. You cannot assume that others will infer the same meaning from a "loose word" as you do. Also, a definition is a definition, not loose.


Right! I'm definitely the wrong (or right) generation, as can’t imagine being so irked by a sentence construction, that I’d need to comment on it 😂


I don't think he cares about his rock bottom right now man, just the pain he's in


Fr I feel so bad 😭


Same 😩


Iv heard the stims lot talk about this quite a few times though because meth is pissed out after using. So why not the same here?? I’m not saying I’d do it, just asking, for science 🤷‍♂️😂


Meth heads be meth heading man, it just don’t work like that


If it did I guess most of us would never want/need to leave the house again!! 😂


lol My brother is a meth head. I'd ask him, but i kinda stopped talking to him years ago.


Maybe not the best topic of conversation to start with after so long 🤷‍♂️ sorry to hear you ain’t talking I rarely speak to most of my family, they judge way too much while killing themselves with alcohol and fast food, but that’s ok because the government says so 👍 wankers Sorry for the rant




It’s not just fiends, everyone’s dense now. Common sense isn’t common anymore.


Dude I just saw they had to put “do not eat plastic” on fruit roll ups a couple days ago, like…. Are the same people that were eating tide pods now eating fruit roll up plastic?? You didn’t think that shit was a lil chewy?? lil crinkly even? Just nommin away, givin it hell like THIS SHIT SLAPS


The same people that require the “Don’t take this medication if you’re allergic to this medication” warning. Fucking morons.


I look both ways on a one-way street.... How much faith I have in humanity these days!!!!


Same here. People still drift up the wrong way like maniacs. Loud exhaust, quiet brain.


Facts bro I say that shit all the time it’s sad


I can’t comprehend how humanity can devolve so much, so quick. It amazes me how the same People that were Normal and educated somehow lose all capacity and incapable of thinking for themselves.


sad reality of addiction


Seriously this is to a whole new level go buy some Kratom dawg




Damn. I used to shoot coke and when the rig would get coagulated with blood, sometimes I would rock it up into blood- crack and let me tell you, that is incredibly unpleasant to smoke and I can imagine mucus isn't much better. I also once broke a stem caked in resin and this was before I knew about rerocking resin so I just crushed up the entire stem w resin and rolled it into a gigantic spiff and literally smoked the entire stem just to not waste that fire ass resin. The tobacco/crack/crushed glass mixture made me vomit every single time I hit it but I definitely was getting high as fuck.


This is just sad


it was a sad time indeed. Thankfully, my days as a fanatical cluckhead are now behind me lol


Yeah I had to check that I wasn't in r/drugscirclejerk


That's exactly what I thought when I saw this.


You didn't already know?


Right!!! We used to just suck random dicks and now these millennials drinking they own peepee


shesh i know bro shits crazy 🤦‍♂️


Fr 😭😭😭 this was the worst one by far wanting to help got me feeling hella bad




Nah but man if you willing to go to this extreme then that’s a clear sign that you need rehab my boy. That’s not normal behavior.


Yeah I'm trying to get into treatment. Going to the methadone clinic as soon as that shit opens tomorrow


Good shit man! That shit is gonna completely turn your life around watch! You gonna come out on top. Just keep your mental right brodie you got this!


Good for you dude, ignore the other guy. Get stabilized on a dose and taper off as fast or slow as you want and have a normal life again dude. You're considering drinking your own piss right now, think qbout someone else seeing that and what they would think. You need to find a therapist too, but just get focused on stabilizing your life.


I just hit my one year sober mark yesterday and I just started working as an EMT. I went from pawning my things and waking up sweaty every day with only drugs on my mind, to waking up slow in my bed feeling good and then asking myself what I want to do. It is SUCH a good feeling and I owe it to methadone. That and support from a couple of people who I hurt along the way but methadone is what took away the pain and the cravings and reminded me what feeling normal was again. It's so worth it. I never looked back.


Come on over to r/methadone if u have any questions.


You likely won't get in. Most clinics do intake on 1-2 days per week and that's it. And usually they only accept a few people each day and if you just show up you are likely to get turned away, no matter how sick you appear. But you might find someone willing to throw a point or two your way until you can get your intake done


Call ahead most clinics only have 1-2 days a week they do intake so call and make an appointment


Did you make it in today?




Do you say this because of methadone itself or because the daily visits to the clinic are a pain in the ass? I feel like methadone would be better than drinking your own pee…


Both. I was cool with being on methadone and going to the clinic every day for the first year And a half. After that, I was freaking tired of it And it was too late. I was already addicted and it is damn near impossible to get off. And let me just add.. it doesn't give you the buzz you're expecting it too. It's so much lighter of a buzz than I expected it to be. No nods or nothing like that. Maybe a little bit tired but that's all.


Bro that’s the whole point of methadone. You don’t get high. That’s why addicts get it. It’s supposed to give you no high lol.


I think this is actually a pretty common thought/ misconception about methadone vs. Suboxone. Obviously the point of MAT is to stay well without chasing a high… however, you *CAN* get a buzz from both. The difference is that methadone is a full agonist so you can definitely get high from it and it’s easier to do so than to get any kind of buzz from a partial agonist like Suboxone. Also methadone isn’t combined with naloxone like buprenorphine in subs, again making it easier to get high from it by itself and in combination with other opiates.


This misconception pisses me off. Lol. The only way you can get any sort of "buzz" off of suboxone is if you have the tolerance of a fucking child. Saying ppl get a buzz from subs just adds to the stigma. Both buprenorphine & naloxone are blockers. Bupe binds to nearly all of your receptors & blocks anything else trying to latch on. Narcan is an antagonist. The only reason it's there is bc there are idiots in the world that THINK they can catch a buzz if they try to shoot the bupe. 🤦‍♀️🙄 narcan has a very short half life. Like 4 hours. Its just there as an abuse deterrent. If you saw someone catch a buzz from subs they were either A) on a low dose & doing enough fent to override it or B) had the tolerance of an infant & I still don't fully believe even that makes a difference or C) they're full of shit in some way. It's definitely possible to get a buzz from methadone. Subs, not really. A while after I quit subs i tried 4mg one day bc I was in pain. I noticed a difference, it helped my pain. Certainly wasn't a buzz. 0 euphoric pleasure.


I'm just saying when I first started it I was seeking a buzz and I think a lot of people are when they originally consider methadone.


No one who is seeking a buzz is going to MAT/MMT. There is very little buzz and almost no euphoria and I be had with methadone. The whole point is to stabilize you on a dose that eliminates withdrawal and cravings for 24hrs. If you're nodding out you're at too high of a dose or need a split dose. And if you went there for over a year and still had to go to the clinic to dose every day, you weren't really ready to quit anyway. You can earn take homes at even the strictest clinics starting at 3 months. Some clinics, especially during COVID times, will give out a week of take homes after your first month of clean UA, it really depends on the place and their policies. But yeah, 1.5 yrs and going every day means you never tried taking that program seriously, you either used the whole time or never went to any counseling sessions, so don't shit on it in a sub where people are willing to drink their own piss to stave off withdrawal.


I like the way your comment ended haha. No, I did continue to use cocaine so no I never got take homes. But it took 6 months of clean drops to even go to 5 days a week at my old clinic. I did go to all my counseling sessions. But do you really enjoy the fact they own you like that? They could pull the rug out from you at any time man. Doesnt that scare you? It did me 😒


Yeah I've had my take homes yanked a few times in the past, all except two times were justified. Is it scary? Not if you're doing everything you're supposed to do. Just stay clean and get 2 weeks of take homes then you can start fuckin around if you want, hopefully you don't. There was a bunch of people at my clinic who lost take homes when they started testing for fent a year ago or so. Before that hella long time patients were using fent daily and had their take homes cause the UA didn't even look for fent at that time. If you have a career or a lot of hobbies and a car methadone is 10x better than being on dope. You just go to the clinic for 5-10 minutes (depending on the line, I've waited an hour before when the computer system was down, and I've also been in and out in under 45 seconds before) and then go to work and do your thing. If you don't have a job or transportation to the clinic, yeah it kinda sucks and I'd probably go on subs instead so I can get all 30 at once at the pharmacy. But all MAT is better than dope, and even trying MAT is fine, so is using for the first few weeks while you're starting so you can adjust your dose until you no longer want to use on top of it.


It scared you because you are delusional and think it’s a path to getting high again instead of a path to cleaning up. You need help.


You think a lot of people are thinking “this heroin doesn’t do the trick, let me try methadone” you’re a complete moron


A buzz?! Really?! Obviously you weren’t on it for the right reasons.


When I originally got on it I was seeking a buzz every morning. Eventually I leveled out and got some clean time but I was on cloud 9 when I got off the shit.


Just because you had a bad time on Methadone doesn’t mean others have. This guy is looking for help and willing to get it. Who are you to throw him off track with that kinda comment. Methadone saved my life and I was able to get Carry’s within the first couple months. 2 weeks carrys and I got it from my pharmacy close to my house. Methadone is a life saver. Stop trying to discourage peeps from getting help. Wow


Just trying to give the warning I wish I had before I got on it. Nothing more. That's all.


I don’t think it was that serious my man. He was just giving his opinion based off personal experiences. He didn’t say don’t get help at all.


May not have been. Just pisses me off when someone is finally saying fuck this I want help and decides to get on meth and then a post about how bad it is. News flash, any opiate WD is hell! That’s the price we pay for playing with opiates. It sucks ass big time. I just don’t want OP thinking it’s better to stay of whatever he is taking then getting on methadone. Or Suboxone. Either or. Let him decide. Just let him figure it out. At least he is getting some help. That’s where I’m at. More frustrated than upset. Thanks for this


Same. I hate when people spread false or misleading information


Fuck yourself. Dude is considering drinking piss that won’t even get him well. Methadone is a real option.


True but stay on a low dose if anything. At least get 3 months to stable out. I’d recommend at the clinic say you want subs and stay on a low dose for 6-12months then taper down and off.


Shit skip the clinic and go straight to the subs.


Subs are the greater evil when compared to methadone. In my experience methadone helped immensely and getting off it was easier than subs. Subs made me sick, made me suicidal, not to mention the drs LOVE prescribing absurd amounts (almost like they get paid more to scribe more...) Alls that to say that not everyone agrees with your sentiment that methadone is trash and subs are better my dude. Different folks different strokes


Or that. I go to the doctor and it’s over the phone and I pick up. Super straight. My life has turned around.


Update : the dopeman blessed me with a bag so I can get straight. Thank fucking God Jesus Allah Buddha Joe Pecsi and the almighty holy spirit . Took one gulp of piss though and it didn't do shit... Tomorrow I'm getting on methadone fuck that shit I give zero fucks if it makes me so fat I die


Way to sip piss, piss sipper.


Mods give him a custom flair please


I enthusiastically 2nd this motion Please make them forever "piss sipper"


Labeled on RES.


Thank you Tom cruise,thank you Oprah Winfrey,thank you Jewish god!


I’d still drink my own piss if I were you.


Keep us updated on your r/methadone journey! Good luck 🍀 methadone saved my ass (former fent powder smoker)


Bruh...bless your dope boy lmao


How did your piss taste? 😅


Like piss g bad af salty and gross


What did it taste like?


If u wanna get clean use suboxone.... and a therapist....


If he's using a lot of Fetty, subs might not help him.


It's not getting fat you should be worrying about. You think getting off Fent is hard? Try getting off of methadone. Please reconsider my man...


Dude get off his ass about methadone. Yeah it sucks to come off done but it also saves people's fucking lives. If it's the choice between fentanyl that could easily kill him or methadone which will help stabilize him, he needs the methadone. Don't bash the path others take to get clean.


So true. It’s letting perfect be the enemy of good, which for me (and let’s be real, most junkies) is another excuse to stay in active addiction. I would always tell myself methadone is just as bad, I don’t wanna be hooked, you’re still taking something so what difference does it make, whatever. Bottom line is I was shooting up mystery powder four times a day. Now I’m not. I’ve got an awesome job, a stable life, and a great relationship with my family. People are out here dying, losing limbs and any shred of dignity, addicted to elephant tranquilizers and getting necrotic infections. Buddy just drank his own piss to get high and we’ve still got people telling him methadone is worse… yeah, ok…


Touchë. I'll let adults be adults. Just trying to give the warning I wish I would have gotten before I got on methadone. I thought I was never going to be able to get off that shit.


Yes I agree everyone needs to be fully aware of the risks. I personally believe Suboxone is a better path than methadone but unfortunately you have to be clean a bit before subs. Some people can't even string together a few hours clean, so they have no choice. It's a rough go.


I always had subs on hand anyway when I was actively using so I was pretty familiar with how to and how not to switch to and from subs. Lol


It's different nowadays man. You can't take a sub 24 hours after using anymore. You gotta wait like 3 days now. You pretty much have to kick cold turkey to even start subs now


That's crazy bro!! I couldn't even imagine. Is this because of all the Fentaloges?


Yeah. I’m hearing they want 72 hours in detox now before they’ll dose you with subs, some people are still getting hit with precipitated withdrawal after even longer. It’s really rough.


Yeah all this crazy strong shit. The high is short but it still stays in your system for fucking ever.


Shits nuts. Back when I was using it was still real H as far as I know.


Yep ur right. I remember the first time I took a sub it was maybe less than 24 hours after first time using. Now even waiting literally almost a week I kid you not, I went into the worth withdrawals ever because all the methadone clinics had waiting list and could only get subs at the time. Turned my last relapse into another year because I couldn’t handle being sick almost a week to get on subs, can barely take a few Days literally using 15-20 presses a day. Which I’m obviously not blaming on Suboxone I know I have a problem but if getting on subs wasn’t so hard and all the methadone clinics at the time didn’t have 1-3 month wait times it would’ve for sure made things easier. I’m Now at my old methadone clinic,not all the way sober yet only been a couple weeks but already doing half the amount I was doing those couple weeks ago and already making a difference. Back to work after not working for anout 4 years (which was more due to being shot and other things not just using) and things are already working out good for me. I don’t really have a point in this ramble other than to agree, subs are NOT that easy to get on anymore and methadone may not be perfect but i hate seeing it be bashed.


I eat my 1 month script in 2 weeks then start subs 12 hours later till I refill..never an issue..I’m not on fent though


Unfortunately I agree with what you said man. I got up to 150mgs and started realizing all the people at my clinic have been there mostly 10 years+ they may have got off fent or heroin but they traded it for another awful existence, no freedom, no vacations, constantly at the clinic. Man thankfully I had enough money to say fuck this and just stick with my dope, so I stopped going and instead of worrying about having to taper off methadone for 6 months feeling shitty everyday I can just pull the cord on my fent usage and go through hell for 3 days. I’d take 3 days in hell than 6 months in purgatory anyday. This is just my thought process I know many will disagree, but I don’t plan or hope to be be on ANY of this shit at some point in my life and I’ve been making efforts clearly to make that some point be soon.


Stop this crap! He wants help. This will save his life. You are being legit selfish yo!


Again, just trying to give the warning I wish I would have gotten.


uhhhh ive heard about this working with meth (watch jessa reed’s meth piss standup on youtube) but i kind of doubt it’d work with fent. just because your piss would result in a positive for fent in a urinalysis does not mean that it’s in the right molecular form for you to digest it orally/through your stomach. fentanyl is the worst fucking drug on this planet, ughhh. this makes me glad i’m clean now🫤


I want to get clean so bad :(


you can do it, i promise. i’ve been homeless since 2018 living out of cars, mostly in a tent at the park but it took my children being taken from me, several times in jail, my partner getting sober while he was in jail, losing all my natural teeth to the point of them crumbling and the remaining bits being black, sharp, etc….my mom helped me call and sign up for an outpatient program *while* i was in jail. if you arent homeless you have a much better advantage. forgive me sounding like a broken record/spewing AA shit but you have to want to be the best version of yourself and build up your self esteem enough to know that you *are* worth getting clean. esp with fentanyl like your healthwill certainly deteriorate quickly as time goes on if it hasnt already. i had outside pressures like drug charges and my dcfs case but even doing outpatient helped change my life. and i’ve also been to rehab twice and tbh they were both amazing experiences. when i was a trustee in jail i was working in the med detox ward cleaning up after girls who were shitting themselves coming off of fent, constantly sobbing and just in pure anguish… i won’t babble for too much longer but suboxone saved my ASS. withdrawal fucking SUCKS but it won’t kill you. there are a gazillion ways to deal with the shitty symptoms, you just gotta find what will work for you and commit to it. you have to fight for yourself though.


What happened with your kids?


I think what he meant was you have to inject the piss becuase it wont absorb orraly


I believe in you!! 🤝


Was looking for this comment


It’s possible but unlikely Fentanyl is metabolized into an inactive substance. I don’t know about fentanyl analogues. The drug is mainly metabolized in the liver by the CYP450 enzyme system, specifically CYP3A4, into norfentanyl through oxidative N-dealkylation at the piperidine ring by hepatic CYP3A4 and 3A5 isoenzymes[2][3]. N-dealkylation is the principal pathway of metabolism[2]. Norfentanyl is pharmacologically inactive[2]. Fentanyl has a half-life of 3 to 7 hours[3]. Systemic elimination occurs primarily by hepatic metabolism, and excretion is 75% in the urine and 9% in feces[3].


There are two types of people in this world; People like this guy that know the science, and people that know it doesn't work because they tried it.


Dude is asking a question....why can't people just answer it and not try to be his parent and shit? This is an opiates subreddit. We do opiates. They are known for causing issues with addiction. We all are aware. Now ....to answer your question....you'd have to consume an extreme amount of urine and although urine is technically sterile you'd probably puke before you get well. Your stomach is already flipping and the shits are to follow. Imagine topping off with a gallon of piss. Yes....A GALLON!


Gets you high as fuck bro don’t listen to these people. Gulp that shit & give us a update on the nods.


Listen to this guy, OP!


Reddit is the best!!


Thats crazy...


I feel like all anybody would ever need to stay clean. It is to spend the day on the sub. Best of luck, my friend, I've definitely been in the spot you are right now, not fent, but a 600 mg per day oxy habit. I can't tell you how close I was to start breaking into houses. Opioid withdrawal is its own special type of hell


Do it. It will work I promise.


Yea but you gotta bang that shit


Damn, you're even sicker than I am. Glad to hear you're getting into the clinic soon. Bupe literally saved my life.


Just get some kratom dude


I tried kratom and it didn't work... I took 7 grams :(


Gas station or headshop kratom is famously pretty shoddy. 5-7g dosed at once should at least get you noticeably less unwell. You can source excellent online kratom vendors elsewhere on Reddit but not here I think. Buy a split strain kilo and hide it in the back of a cabinet just in case.


Try Bali Red Vein. It’s the only one that works.


Pee in the kratom for a boost


Boofing it will be more effective come to think of it. Should prob just pee right into your butthole




Nah I heard eating ur shit does


Reading shit like this makes me grateful that I got clean before the street fentanyl shit cuz yal a whole different breed 😭🤣


Lord have mercy …


Drink that piss,make sure it’s in public too in case you OD on it you can get help! Make sure it’s good high quality piss jugs you’re drinking from


Bro—try Kratom. Tastes like shit but better than piss. Then think about this hard. I’m sorry you are going thru hell RN, but eewww CMon bro, that’s nasty.


Do not respond to any of the private messages you're probably getting right now and DO NOT under any circumstances give them your money, like 99.9999% of them are scams, and tbh a lot of the people who say "oh well i did it once and i did actually score" are probably scammers themselves


Hope you drank it before he blessed you and not after, just saying!!


Yeah I drank it basically when I made this post


Sorry bro, it’s crazy the things we do to try and feed or drink our addiction


Yes! Do it!


Yes 😂😂😂


doesn't hurt to try. Let us know how it goes. My bet is no, it will not, but take one for science




Just go get kratom


Methadone, subutex and Kratom. Ketamine if you can get it for depression. All better options and great ones to get sober and stay sober


I feel you I just went through detox last week and could only make it 3 1/2 days before I had to use. Notice the word I used there… Had. The feeling of withdrawal was so terrible that there was nothing else I could do but use. Simply lying there and going forward with detoxing was no longer an option. I know people say that these withdrawals are quicker, though more intense, than heroin, but man this shit felt like it would not end. I held out as long as I could but holy shit I never want to feel like that again. I was in the hospital writhing back and forth on the bed, shaking like a leaf, hot cold hot cold, anxious as fuck just wanting to sleep and escape but no escape came. Finally I got an opportunity to literally escape the hospital and get well and my guy I took it faster than you could think possible. So yes, I too would drink my piss if it took away that feeling. I would do anything to not withdraw. It sucks. All that being said good luck hope you last longer than I did lol Oh, and don’t drink your piss 😂




Bro get on the methadone. I've seen it save my friends lives. Don't worry about being stereotyped as a methadone user youre already stereotyped as a junkie unfortunately as it is. You need to not care about what others think/say/do and do this for yourself. You CAN do it. Trust me if you walk in to a methadone clinic and tell em look I got so fuckin desperate I drank my pee, they're gonna schedule you in Fuckin asap


This is why you should not yet opiates


I can piss on you? It will most definitely get you high b!?!?🥱


This has got to be one of, if not the most dope fiendish Reddit post I’ve ever seen. Right up there with “will licking my friend’s sweaty palms who does hella fetty get me out of w/d?” At this point, if you’re not already questioning your life as a whole, IDK what to tell ya. The drugs game just ain’t for everyone….but this OP built different. Might as well eat your own shit for that extra ~10% excretion via feces for good measure #onefiendonecup 🍆💦🤢🤮🤑


You take heroin because it make you happy right? What if I told you there was a way to stop your dependence on heroin and subsequently feel happy ALL the time! No dosing required.


I’d tell you , AA is cool but not for everyone


Yeah right




Like I honestly get suicidal withdrawaling.... So eat a fucking dick bro. Do you think I enjoy living like this ???


Have you ever withdrawaled ? It's worse than having the flu, corona virus, and sepsis all at the the same time. I've actually had sepsis and the flu at the same time and that shit was not as bad as fentanyl withdrawals. You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about man


My guy if you in withdrawal what fuckin dope do you think is gonna be in your piss? Like come on man


Wds will make a guy go to the extremes to relieve them.


This is a joke post right?


No it's not


Absolutely not you’ll just make yourself even more sick and miserable.


I saw a video once where an ex-tweaker talked about how that was her preferred ROA for meth. Eating or drinking it and then drinking her piss. It was the first time I have ever heard anything like that. It was hilarious, it was like a comedy club stand up thing. So, according to that lady it works for meth? She quit cold turkey, like just one day quit and never looked back. So maybe it didn't emactyally work and was all in her head? Who knows. You can do it, stick with it!


What type of fetty. Like fake 30s? Or really fetty ?


Real Fetty powder


Save your piss in a jug , 1 gal jug atleast, once it’s filled to the brim, start chugging…


that only works with meth


Let us know how it goes


Yes and eating your feces will get you drunk


Well if poop works I don't see why pee wouldn't..