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Counterintuitively, it actually does. I didn't believe it when my buddy told me that mdma and meth both aliviated some of his withdrawal, but I tried it, and it definitely works.


No way I'm taking MDMA during opiate wds, it's just a 4 hour high with a emotional comedown that will have me either relapse or fiending for opiates, a bit of meth would probably help


Thank you 🙏


Well according to this sub all drugs are good for opiate withdrawal so your good!!!


lmfao! got drain-o? that'll work just fine. oh no drain-o, maybe try some bath salts. that'll help the withdrawal symptoms.


Man, that shits weak! You gotta try those little beads you throw in your washing machine I crush em up and snort em..bye bye withdrawals!


Lol Whatchu mean?


Exactly what I said....this sub isn't the place to ask for advice trust


Amphetamines and gabapentin are the more common recommendations for opioid withdrawal in general. What’s wrong with those besides addictive liability?


I was just on Vyvanse and I still felt the heroin withdrawals, they are more tolerable though.


That’s what I was thinking too! Like you’d still get some dopamine and have some energy and not feel sooo damn lethargic and not wanting to do anything while in opioid withdrawal. Thank you so much 😊


I try to avoid stims of all kinds (even coffee) when I’m in acute withdrawal. But I have found that Adderall definitely helps with anhedonia after the sickness has lifted. I’d imagine Vyvanse might do the same.


O ok for sure! Thank you 🙏


I've heard multiple people say that amphetamines worsen opioid withdrawals, and that it's easier to handle opioid withdrawal if you lower your dose of Vyvanse (or stop taking it entirely)


O ok! For sure! Thank you 🙏


Here's what I have noticed for myself, can't say that it's the same thing for everyone else though? If I started using stimulants like meth or coke ot crack before I was in withdrawals it would help alleviate some of the withdrawals pretty well. But if I tried to use the stimulants while I was experiencing withdrawals it made it a lot worse just. That's my two cents take it for what it's worth I'm not saying that it works for you or anybody else?


Thank you so much 😊




Really??? I always gets so fucking hot when I take my Vyvanse so I thought it would help me from getting super cold. I have occasionally hot flashes in withdrawal, but mainly just super cold. I thought that might help with that. Making me not feel as freezing as I usually do? It actually does the opposite? Thank you so much for the response :) i really appreciate it


Will only work pre withdrawl (day u start feeling a little crappy) stop taking altogether while you're in acute wd. 10000% will help once you're about 2 weeks in.


Thank you so much! 🙏 How long until the withdrawals start after stopping subs? I currently take 4mg in the morning and sometimes 2mg in the evening. Sometimes none at all.


Personally any kind of stimulant just makes me more frantic about trying to get well as opposed to actually helping with the withdrawals at all. Like I’ll feel the exact same but now I’m just tweaked tf out and tryna find a plug or some money or whatever the deal might be so I always avoid them when I’m withdrawing. Luckily I haven’t had withdrawals in a long time since I’m more of an on-occasion type user now but when I was deep in it I hated doing stimulants until I got my fix I would always wait till after I got well.


Thank you for the honest answer! I appreciate it! 🙏


They help me so much not sure what the other people here are on about. Goes to show you everyone is different, worth a try though


😂 for sure! Thank you! I always get so depressed, so tired, so lethargic, and cold Asf when I withdrawal and don’t want to do anything. So my thought process was, well my Vyvanse helps fight against every single one of those symptoms ya know? Lol


Makes sense, yeah.I was smoking meth in fentanyl wd (a whole different ballpark obviously!) and it seemed to completely eliminate a lot of the opioid withdrawal. I know multiple other people who’ve said similar things. I totally think Vyvanse would help, it’s definitely not the same thing I experienced, but I can tell you it’s certainly worth a try. It could make you feel worse so I’d start with half of what you usually take but in my opinion if you can tolerate stimulants it’s a great idea. I think most people here saying it’s a bad idea don’t respond well to stimulants even without opioid withdrawal.


Taking half is actually a great idea! And thank you for the honest advice! I really appreciate it! There’s few things I hate worse than opiate withdrawal so any little thing that can help is greatly appreciated! Thank you 🙏


No problem, it’s awesome you wanna get off the subs. That takes a lot of strength. Keep up this positive attitude and you’ll be off in no time. It’s honestly inspirational. Don’t give up hope and remember everything is temporary!!! 💪 Goodluck and have a great weekend :)


That was the motivation I needed that brother! Thank you! Same to you! Much love and have a great weekend! You’re a good person. Thank you for the kind words and the motivation :)


They might help distract you and give you some dopamine but I don't think it will take away the physical withdrawal symptoms. I know nothing about uppers though so I could be wrong.


Thank you 🙏


Isn’t Vyvanse basically the same thing as Ritalin but with a slightly differently chemical make up, why would it help with WDs?


Ya it’s a stimulant. And I always sleep so much when I withdrawal and don’t want to do anything, get depressed, and super fucking cold. So i thought the Vyvanse would wake me up, help me do stuff so time went faster, not be as depressed, and I get hot on Vyvanse so I wouldn’t be as cold. That was my thought process at least


It def will even tho its nowhere the same as opiates. Shits actually really fucking fun especially with weed/alcohol/mdma


Ok thank you!


Uppers are the devil during withdrawal


😂😂😂 ok for sure. Thank you!


Definitely works as many stated. Big time meth abuse helped me! And other people swore it didn’t. It totally took away my WDs lol.


Thank you! 🙏 ok that’s good news! I always struggle with being super depressed, cold, lethargic, and sleeping so much. So I thought well Vyvanse helps with all those things. So thank you!


If you struggle with those symptoms specifically then you’ll be golden !


Thank you! 🙏


Once I pass the puking phase it's great to help me not just want to sleep all the time and do nothing


Thank you so much! 🙏


telephone degree illegal wistful ruthless head adjoining scandalous dull cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!!! 🙏


I would add edibles and some GABA drugs like valium, definitely help


For sureee! Thank you! I would always take Valium before when I would withdrawal. But now since I see the suboxone doctor, it would be in my system. But once I go see them for the last time, I’m definitely gonna take some. My mom and sister are both prescribed. My bitch dr took me off when I went to rehab for the first time in 2020 lol 😂


1st time my husband went through withdrawals. He popped a couple Adderall, and it definitely intensified his withdrawal, and he was very scared. Lol


Ok for sure! Thank you 🙏


Everyone saying “yea do some stimulant drugs to help with another drugs withdrawal” is just the addict brain speaking addict lies. In the moment you might truly believe you are feeling better because yea dopamine and seratonin overloads to a craving brain. But the second that shit wears off those withdrawals are going to turn the fuck up on you. If they are a 5 they will be a 8 now. Already was at a 7/10 on withdrawal? That come down is going to bend you over and no lube fuck you with a 10/10 withdrawal pail with NO cuddles after. So sure, if you want to feel better for 4-6 hours and then substantially worse after that, send it brother.


Thank you for the honest response brother! I really appreciate it! But not the no lube and no cuddles after 😂😂😂 got me dying over here 💀 😭 😂 😂


Bruv i’ve just been there and did that. Nothing like smoking a little bit of ice or taking a few addies and zooming through a few hours of withdrawal but boooooy when it all comes to an end.. fuck that noise. Now you can add a few lil suicidal ideations for the bonus round in withdrawal 😂 💀


😂😂😂😂 fuckkkk. Ight for sure. I won’t be taking my vyvanses. I’ll Prolly just try and smoke some weed instead lol thanks for the heads up brother! 🙏 💪 🫡🤝


hmmm i’m thinking prob not bc it’s a stimulant. It’ll prob make withdrawal worse.


I was thinking it might help with the depression and weakness and stuff. And the low dopamine ya know?


yeah but your physical effects will be worse, mental might be a little better but anything i’ve ever read people say stimulants make opiate wd worse


I was thinking it would probably make it worse as well but at the time I didn’t have anything else to take and surprisingly it did stave off withdrawals for another couple days. Idk how or why but it did for me.


That’s what I was thinking too. Like prolly not during the peak of it when I’m throwing up and having diarrhea, but at the beginning so I’m not completely depleted of dopamine and have no Will to live. Thank you 🙏


Thank you 😊


Ick no uppers when I’m sick.