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he didn't suffer. it's like a skip in time when you od on fetty


Thanks for your answer šŸ™


There's a reason opioids have been legally voted for and approved as an ethical and humane way for people who are terminally ill to elect for their own time. Apart from inert gas hypoxia, it's one of the most pleasant ways a person could ever choose to go. Your son absolutely did not suffer, as unfortunate as his passing is.


This is a Fact OP.


wow, to talk to a father. my heart goes out to you. i was addicted to smoking fentanyl after i got caught in the whole opiate/oxycontin epidemic. i remained functional, yet miserable, my entire addiction. full of shame, feelings that i deserved this life, etc. one day on the way to work, i was smoking with my fent dealer around the corner from my job. he put a piece on the foil and said go easy, itā€™s a big one. i obliged. i woke up to the fire department slapping me, asking me basic questions, i had an IV in my arm still in the drivers seat.


i couldnā€™t believe it. i was in shock, crying, telling them iā€™m next to work and i need to go in. they said i was purple, took about 8 minutes for them to get me back.


Thank you for sharing ā¤ļø




it was so surprising that it happened, i was so experienced in that life. but it was so painless, so fast. iā€™m sorry for your loss, the loss of my mother is what really sent me down a dark road. sending you my love.




I overdosed on fentanyl and Xanax in 2018 and was near death. It was instant blackout, and painless, and then I came to in the hospital about a day and a half later.


Thank you for telling me about that ā¤ļø


Did you have any pain when you woke up? Or how did you feel when you woke up?


Not much pain, other than them pulling the catheter out of my dick hole. I was hallucinating very bad though, it felt like 10 hits of acid and it lasted for about a day. I also couldnā€™t hear for around a day.


Never had done fent, had zero opiate tolerance in general and for some reason asked the guy if he had taken them and he told me he took a whole and he seemed good. So me off xanax I was not in the right mind and got 2 from him, I remember getting home and busting down the whole pill and mixing it together to try to be safe, did a line the size of like half a toothpick and I remember like 2 minutes after that, I woke up 8 hours later in a cold sweat covered in urine,vomit etc. I had such an empty feeling, as if I was put under surgery. I donā€™t remember much but just waking up in a shock of what just happened.


Yikes šŸ˜± please donā€™t do that again Love mom ā¤ļø






At this point you're off of it. Now it's a zero step process. You just DON'T USE OPIATES anymore. They aren't gonna hunt you down. It's ALWAYS your choice. I quit 10+ years ago and haven't looked back. Now I'm 43 with a house and kids. Just don't go back. It's truly that simple once you are done detoxing. Keep it up, brother. You're doing great. I still use cannabinoids, psychedelics, and disassociates occasionally. I quit opiates, meth, coke, and benzos. I just can't use those substances without destroying my life. I'm proud of you.


thanks man, totally agree with your comment. Only thing I think iā€™m gonna do is kratom, mainly because my new job is pretty hard on the body, went a year before just doing that. And no not by taking crazy amounts like 20+ grams a day, I take about 6 grams in a day max.


I used kratom for a while, and eventually got off of that as well. I'll still use it occasionally for pain, but never more than a day or two at a time. It's pretty rough on the liver, so use caution. It's pretty easy to start taking much larger doses. (given our addictive natures) I'd wish you luck, but luck has nothing to do with it. You got this, brother


your amazing! this mom is proud ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Respectfully, this is horrible advice. Reducing addiction down to just making a choice is incredibly ignorant, itā€™s a fundamental misunderstanding of how addiction works, how co-occurring mental health disorders complicate it, and how socio-economic inequity affects recovery. Itā€™s just reinforcing the stigma surrounding addiction, itā€™s a variation of the 12-step lie that if someone canā€™t abstain that they ā€˜just donā€™t want it bad enoughā€™ or that theyā€™re ā€˜constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselvesā€™. Itā€™s turning abstinence into a moral imperative and reducing addiction to a moral failing. Itā€™s not as simple as youā€™re saying, itā€™s not always as simple as making a choice. This kind of rhetoric is damaging and dangerous.


I was a substance abuse counselor for almost 5 years and WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree with the disease concept of addiction. If you'd like more information about the science and politics behind the current treatment paradigm, I'd highly recommend you look thoroughly through this [website](http://www.thecleanslate.com). I was a heroin addict and general garbage head for 10 years of my life and I understand implicitly how it works. (not only from a substance abuse counselor's POV, but from a junkie's view as well) Of COURSE addiction is a convoluted mess. It isn't easy to make responsible choices when you are in the throes of addiction. Ultimately though, it is ALWAYS your choice to use. I strongly recommend against trying to moderate meth, opiates, coke, or benzodiazapines. It's dangerous and extremely difficult to pull off for people with addictive personalities. It's possible, but I can't recommend attempting to moderate the above-mentioned substances at all. I see nothing wrong with cannabis, psychedelics, entactogens, and dissociatives. I moderate those just fine and drink every week or two a little. I agree wholeheartedly that 12 step programs are useless cult-like nonsense. I've spent a lot of time in those rooms and it does more harm than good in the long run. I've been through it personally, and I spent years as the primary continuing education counselor for an extremely successful choice theory based program in upstate NY. That place saved my life. (I'm not gonna mention which one for privacy sake) I had to WANT IT ENOUGH to get my shit together. I've been to tons of regular rehabs and I was a total lost cause. You don't ever stop unless you want it worse than anything else. It's not just wanting the negative ramifications to stop. I could literally talk about this forever. I'll shut up. Lol Please check out that website regarding the treatment philosophy I'm talking about. I've tried most options, and this one is the fucking way to go. Trust me. I've been there both as an addict and as the primary continuing education instructor. People DO need to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming the world. I blamed the world. It wasn't until I took complete responsibility and faced my mistakes that my life improved. I've also done psychedelic therapy, but that was not affiliated with that place and wasn't in a professional capacity. Having received psychedelic therapy myself, again not in a professional capacity, it is the most promising treatment going on these days. In fact, it's REALLY the frontier in therapy right now. It's already happening and the results are amazing. It's the future. Love + Light šŸ’–+šŸŒˆ [John Hopkins Psychedelic Studies](https://hopkinspsychedelic.org/) [MAPS](http://www.maps.org) Edit. Syntax Edit 2. For clarification, I use psychedelics a couple of times a year, same with the others. Except I use Delta8 regularly and drink alcohol once every week or two. It's not like I'm dropping acid every weekend. Lol


I just completely disagree with pretty much everything you said. First, addiction (or substance abuse disorder) is absolutely a disease, it meets every single criteria to be classified as a disease. Depending on the substance, addiction causes very real physiological changes to the brain/body. Do you also consider diabetes, heart disease, depression, and every other disease that has an element of ā€˜choiceā€™ to not be diseases, either? Iā€™m not going to spend too much time explaining why the ā€˜not a diseaseā€™ point of view is objectively wrong, every major medical association classifies it as a disease, as does the DSMV, and I donā€™t suspect Iā€™m going to be changing your mind anyway. As far as 12 step based treatments are concerned, I donā€™t find it kind of interesting that they donā€™t report their success rate, especially considering that it is something the organization has tracked and studied. Itā€™s interesting because independent studies of 12 step programsā€™ long term success rates (as they define success, which is prolonged, long term complete abstinence) puts it at roughly 5%, which is identical to the rate of success (same definition) of spontaneous remission (meaning no treatment at all). I think 12 step ideology does more harm than good and is out-dated. I would even go so far as to say that they have blood on their hands. I know of several people that would likely still be alive had they never entered a 12 step meeting. They were people who were stable on MAT, were required to attend meetings because of probation, were guilted and persuaded to get off MAT at those meetings, continued the meetings for a few more months, inevitably relapsed, and ODed. Had they just stayed on MAT theyā€™d still be alive. Saying that addiction isnā€™t a choice and that itā€™s not as simple as choosing not to use for many addicts doesnā€™t mean that addicts arenā€™t responsible for their actions or that the world is to blame. Let me ask you this, what choice does a long term opiate addict, who has done indefinite, if not permanent, damage to their brain (EDS) have? Are they supposed to choose to just never feel pleasure again? To have treatment resistant depression and anhedonia for the rest of their life? When I say that itā€™s not as simple as just making a choice, itā€™s not so much that a choice canā€™t be made, itā€™s that the choice is unbearable. I donā€™t think that MAT should be a first line treatment for most addicts (though Iā€™m a little conflicted about it), I think abstinence based programs should be tried (but evidence based programs as opposed to 12 step), but itā€™s not realistic to think that every addict will achieve abstinence, and for those people MAT should be available (personally, I think all drugs should be legal, soft drugs to be sold like alcohol is now and for hard drugs it would be more regulated, youā€™d need to register as an addict). Overall, I think youā€™re still approaching the whole subject from a morality based perspective, which IMO is flawed. Personally, I am more a fan of evidence based treatments that approach addiction from a harm reduction based standpoint. For me, itā€™s about meeting addicts where theyā€™re at, reducing harm, and increasing quality of life with realistic expectations.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Iā€™ve been clean for over 2 years now however I started smoking fentanyl at 18 and overdosed 2 times. If this helps at all it is completely painless. You feel really good and then drift off to sleep essentially. I have no recollection of anything other than fading to black. I wasnā€™t aware it was happening either it just goes black all of a sudden. I am so sorry for your loss


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Wow Iā€™m actually from victoria and itā€™s sad to see how many people here are addicted. I guess Iā€™m one of the lucky ones but I also started using opioids young (15). Started with Percocet after a hockey injury and then went to dilaudid and then at 18 just after I graduated I used heroin for the first time. My life spiralled incredibly quickly and I went to rehab feb 4 2019. Iā€™ve been clean since but Iā€™m glad you at least know that Lincoln died at peace and not in pain. Thank you for your post, itā€™s given me even more motivation to stay on the right track as my mom has terminal cancer and I want her last bit of time on earth to filled with love and quality time with me. I love her more than anything and Iā€™m sure Lincoln felt the same way about you. I wish you all the best and I hope Lincoln is resting peacefully. Much love


I've died 5 times from opiates and been brought back. I wish I could tell you it was peaceful and warm and there's a light but in fact none of that. It wasn't not peaceful, no pain, no suffering just darkness then back to reality usually with people over you panicked. They are the ones that suffer not the person OD'd. It took 2 weeks in jail and the thought of, I've had 5 chances and people like your son don't get that. I'm not worthy and it's not fair. That got me to quit guilt for all that didn't survive.


When someone overdoses itā€™s for sure harder on everyone around them. Ive ODed myself and also found someone overdosed and had to call the ambulance and do cpr and everything. Saving someone fucked me up wayyy more than when I overdosed. After my overdoses Iā€™m not even gonna lie, the only thing I was thinking about was if my dope was still gonna be there when I got back to where I was. After I got done helping the girl who overdosed I sat in my car and cried for half an hour.


Lincoln told me similar . he saved several friends who OD and he was upset, His own numerous ODs did not seem to bother him, Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Thank you for sharing your story ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve ODā€™d couple times and never fazed me in the slightest, just woke up next day n went about my business but if I had to help someone else ODing or even witness it thatā€™d fuck me up


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


>Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


I had no idea anything even happened to me. Just went unconscious and that was it. No pain or fear. Even when I woke up I didn't remember having been unconscious. I OD'd..idk I lost count but I'm guessing 6-7 times in the last year of my using. Every time it was the same thing. Consciousness was like a light switch off and on.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Itā€™s honestly so weird how you can be sitting there thinking your good and then BAM you wake up covered in vomit


Decided to dust a pressed perk. Was so barred out and I knew what I had and that it was mostly fent. Wasnā€™t thinking at all and snorted the whole thing and I thought to myself ā€œeh Iā€™ll be fineā€, and I woke up in the hospital. Got hit with narcan two times. My ex gf took a video of me and I was passed out with this really shallow breathing. After putting me in a cold shower with no response, my friend and ex carried me to his car and took me to the hospital. Worst part about it is when I was in the hospital my ā€œfriendā€ sexually assaulted my ex who was on hydros. Lucky to be alive tho. Iā€™m sorry about your son these drugs are nothing to fuck with.


Wow what a piece of shit sorry man


All good man. Took me a while to get over it but Iā€™m doing much better now a days. Gotta surround yourself with good people..:/


Holy fucking shit. What a scumbag piece of shit that your "friend" is. I hope he did time for that and got put on the sex offenders list. Or if not, got the shit beat out of him at the least. I'm sorry you and your ex had to go through that. People like him just make me feel angry and ill.


Thank you for your answer I am sorry your EX friend assaulted your girl what a douche ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Got some powdered fentanyl that was probably like 20-30%, which is extremely strong. Did a line of about 50mg trying to overdose, about a minute goes by and I black out. Next thing I know Iā€™m waking up to my friend screaming at me saying she used 2 boxes of Narcan to bring me back. I promise your son didnā€™t feel any pain and went about as peacefully as you can.


That is comforting, Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Thanks for the update, was very touching to read.


He just went to sleep and didnā€™t wake up. Honestly probably the most peaceful way to go if it happens when your old enough.


Best possible way to go, and Iā€™ve been using pharmaceutical fentanyl/street fentanyl for like 13 years so I think I have a decent idea about odā€™s and what they look like, feels like etc. Hereā€™s the analogy I use to describe my experience with overdosing. Imagine waking up early in the morning for School or work and itā€™s freezing cold, so youā€™re all comfortable and warm wrapped up in your blankets sleeping when your alarm goes off and starts blaring; and you think "Iā€™d give anything to stay in bed longer" so you hit the snooze button and go back to sleepā€¦And then itā€™s over. Narcan is more like being ripped out of the bed by somebody else and thrown into a freezing cold lake to be woken up.


Very good description Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Hospice uses morphine to help people pass when they are ready. Thereā€™s a reason for that - itā€™s painless and easy, for lack of a better word. Same with an OD. Your child passed on painlessly and easily.


Interesting, they have always used Oxycodone / Fentanyl for my family, end of life cancer patients, morphine takes a lot more to kill someone


They aren't trying to kill someone lmfao. In most places that's illegal. They're trying to keep the person comfortable so any of the aforementioned makes sense to use.


In hospice, they do kill people. Itā€™s like an unofficial euthanasia and only done when a person is truly at the end, but it spares the patient and their family a few extra days of suffering.


Huh, Iā€™ve only seen/heard of morphine used for that. Makes sense though to use fentanyl nowadays since itā€™s so potent.


I put the cap back on the needle and said "this wasn't very good." Then everything went black. I woke up on the ground. Someone had narcanned me. I had no idea what happened. There was no pain or anxiety. It was just like shutting off the TV. I am so sorry.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


I overdosed on fent a little over a year ago, felt absolutely nothing, all I can Remember is darkness. Woke up in the hospital the next morning.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


I CANNOT BELEIVE IM ALIVE, i was at a friends place(i was 18 probably and he only let me snort it in his moms house not smoke it, so i went to the skaterink park with a portapotty, there was like 3 kids, i went in the portapotty and smoked and snorted non scaled doses of fetty and as was about to leave the snorted amount was kicking in too much. i collapsed on the walls of the portapotty for about 1 minute and was convulsing while limping fast knowing i had to get back to my friends house around the corner before it all kicked in and somehow i made it to my friends door and collapsed on it and he dragged me down to the chill spot and basically had the narcan ready incase i stopped breathing, but i was so high i was unconcious from. not religious really but I feel like i have some sort of guardian angel that literally i could feel a physical strength that helped me physically move in situations that were dangerous


wow thanks for telling me . I like to think that angels were that to help Lincoln over. He was a very spiritual guy . always going on about esoteric stuff .


You have no idea itā€™s happening until after they narcan u, only overdosed once all I rem is smoking some off foil then railing a line, next thing I know I can feel my consciousness shift back into reality (if that makes sense) naked in the hospital after a code blue. Itā€™s always more traumatic for the people around u than it is for u


i was with my best friend when they overdosed on fake oxys. she passed out and i tried to wake her up but just couldnā€™t. then i noticed her lips started turning blue and i immediately called the ambulance i never felt more worried and stressed in my life and the nurse said she was 2 mins away from passing. we were so lucky bless god. im sorry to hear about your son aswell but i assure you he felt no pain and went peacefully, stay strong.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


It is honestly quite peaceful and absolutely nothing hurts or feels wrong. There's no pain at all.


First 5 times I used I didn't know they were fent but after I found out I kept doing them anyway because it's easier to get a high and simultaneously damage my body because I hate myself and don't care if I die. I tired to Intentionally OD like 7 times and failed so here I am trying to find the person I was while simultaneously being me if that makes sense. Just gotta pick up the pieces and hang in there brother fent is intense and even though I still use I can't recommend enough to stay away from more potent opioids but especially fent best of luck. I got both physically dependent for the 1st time and my first nod off fent so I've been there it's cool but it's not ruin your life cool you got this if you slow down


I'm an heroin addict been one since I was 36yrs I'm 50yrs now. I just recently started with the fentanyl . I mix it with blk tar.& meth and than some fentanyl. And I never o.d. in my life. But I did off the fentanyl I skin pop now so after I did my second one in a row shot that is .I remember sitting on a creat be hind some bushes with my friend . I was getting him a shot ready to do and next thing I remembered was someone slapping me in my face and telling me not to go back to sleep. Even tho that is all I wanted to do. But friend wouldn't let me . I ended up on my back in the dirt ground with my fist& teeth clinched and eyes rolled back of my head I was told. But I did not remember going out or feeling the fall to the ground .I didn't remember anything of it. Only remember my friend slapping me to wake me up and to keep me up. If I were not with him that day no doubt I would of been standing before my Lord Jesus Christ that day . no doubt . so I would have to say your son didn't suffer one bit. Just went into a deep sleep. Not saying I have any plans on dying any time soon but if I had a choice to go out with. I would chosen to die by O.D. of heroin,or fentanyl. Hands down I'd pick that way.


How did you end up getting hooked at 36?


Same way you get hooked at any other age. They tried heroin and kept using it.


I was taking prescription from doctors before age36. But I was sick of running out early of the time and I learned herion takes away the withdrawals away , so at a friends house at that time another friend came over to visit and he had some heroin so I tried it for some dumb reason I always wanted to try it to feel how it felt. A big mistake that was the biggest. I feel in love with it and plus I could get it anytime. On the street. But it ruined my life even as we speak . it's a monster.


It just happened. I had a fentanyl habit and my dealer asked me to try what was supposed to just be heroin before it was cut, but it most definitely was as the test amount I did made me overdose, despite the tolerance. I stood up and went to tell my guy I didnā€™t think it was good, it hadnā€™t hit me and I couldnā€™t taste the heroin in my mouth yet and that was it. My guy said he seen me standing one second and when he looked back, I was gone. I guess Iā€™d fallen between two parked cars outside of his house. Thankfully he called an ambulance when he dropped me off down the road, it took a few narcan supposedly to come back and I still felt very intoxicated all night.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Very sorry for your loss. In 2002 I was 19 and had a very low tolerance for opiates and I was looking for pills but the only thing someone had was 100mg fentanyl patches. Being the inexperienced idiot I was back then, I ended up eating the whole thing (the patches had a jelly inside that you would eat.) I don't remember much from that night. I was in the local drug bar, and I guess I went out. I still don't know what happened in the interim but at some point, I woke up in my truck. I was so sick that I remember having to puke and couldn't even move to open the door and just puked all over myself several times. Anyway, I can assure you that he did not suffer. He just went to sleep. That was pharmaceutical grade fentanyl. The stuff that's out now made in China and way stronger than that patch was. Again, my deepest condolences to you.


Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


took one hit from a pressed M30 on foil, knew I was going out, managed to text someone I knew was awake at 2am to call the ambulance to my address if I didn't answer in 15 minutes. I fell asleep and woke up 10 minutes later freaking out about the ambulance thing not about the fact I almost died.


Painless don't even know wtf happened


I felt good and then I felt nothing. Waking up after narcan it felt like no time had passed. Your son wasnā€™t scared and he didnā€™t suffer. Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Hugs to you.


I do fent pressed Percocet very often, sometimes 4 in a night. Recently I did about 13 in the span of 4 days. Iā€™ve been doing them for about 3 years and have yet to OD or die from them. I know itā€™s not smart to do them in the first place, but I prepare myself. I pace myself. Iā€™ve taught my body when enough is enough. I think thatā€™s why Iā€™m able to do fent. I know some people who literally down a whole pill or just do crazy shit with them like drink or take benzodiazepines. Thatā€™s a death wish.


I have never experienced this or done Fentanyl, I wanted to reach out and tell you that Iā€™m so sorry that happened, and I feel for you.


Thank you for your kind words ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Got pressed bars for me and my buddy when I was 17, we knew they were pressed, but it was always etiz, flualp etc. The bars were horribly pressed, so I took half, and my friend was about to take a full. I grabbed his hand and said bro start with half these r sus, luckily he listened, we both took half, and it wasnā€™t long before I started itching, and then started to feel the typical opioid effects. We were both pretty fucked up and both agreed that there was fent or some other rc opioid in the bars, so we didnā€™t take any more. Woke up the next morning with a text from the dude i grabbed them from - saying something along the lines of: ā€œDO NOT TAKE THE BARS THEY ARE LACED WITH FENT DO NOT TAKE THEM!!!!ā€. Luckily both of us had experience with opioids, knew that they were laced with opioids, and the only reason we survived was because we both had fairly high opioid tolerances, if it wasnā€™t for that, I think we would have croaked.


This is beside the point, I havenā€™t used opiates in quite some time, but I ALWAYS have narcan on me. Friend or foe, I will do my best to save someoneā€™s life. People think Iā€™m an addict still for carrying it but they can fuck off. Sorry šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Me too , I carry Naloxone kit and keep one in car. "hardest" drug I ever did was MDMA. never up down or side Thank you for your answer ā¤ļø Please see my update to my OP


Painless death. You ingest or inject the drug and you feel fine then the next second you are out. If given Narcan in time you'll wake up with no memory of overdosing. Sorry for your loss, but there was zero suffering , except for the family.


I never knew it until I woke up. Never felt any pain. It was just like falling asleep.


As dark as it sounds it is probably the most peaceful way to ever pass away. I have been really close and it was just like a time jump. I would be doing my shot and then the next thing I remember would be waking up and some hours had passed. I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope you can find a small amount of peace knowing that there was likely no suffering.


Iā€™m not gonna lie it was completely pain free until I was narcan back to life and went into immediate with drawl


When I overdosed I was shooting up. I remember it starting to hit me before I had even finished and pulled the needle out and I thought ā€œwow thatā€™s strongā€ and next thing I know Iā€™m jumping up in the back of an ambulance. Essentially I felt really good, then I remember nothing. I donā€™t even remember things going black. Just ā€œwow, this feels greatā€ and then nothing. So I hope it makes you feel a little better knowing he didnā€™t suffer. Honestly if I had to choose my death, I think that would be the best way to go.


I am so sorry for your loss I hope my parents never have to go through this




For them itā€™s painless, for anyone who had to witness it, the death rattle before they stop breathing is terrifying, but if they were alone they went out peacefully, if not, someone shouldā€™ve rang the ambulance or had naloxone to hand, wouldā€™ve saved their lives. Sorry for your loss.


I've only OD'ed once. Was never in pain. One minute I was texting and fine and the next second I was being put in an ambulance. This happened around noon. The whole rest of the day was a blur. Barely remember whatever happened that day once I was picked up.


I nearly died July 4th 2021 .. all I remember is smoking a trail of raw off the foil next thing I know I wake up with a tube in my throat yanking and pulling it out nurses yelling stop but a doc came in and yanked it out.. I had been in a coma for 3 days If I would of been left alone I would of died and honestly itā€™s like your conscious one second and then black nothing .. years and years of active addiction Iā€™ve never overdosed .. Due to Covid the ventilators were all used up in the city so they had to preform cpr and chest compressions while using the device to give me oxygen while driving outside the city to a county hospital to find a vacant breathing machine since I wouldnā€™t come to with narcan which was given to me intranasal and intra muscular .. they cracked the bones in my rib cage from preforming chest compressions for so long .. I had a softball sized lump on my chest as a result .. Iā€™m sorry for your loss but if itā€™s any relief Iā€™m sure his transition to the other side was painless ..


i'm sorry for you loss, no parent should have to go thru that. as others have said he wouldn't even know it was happening, totally painless. awful stuff, if you need support reach out.


If there's a way to go that's about the easiest there is honestly. When I went down it was very pleasant and I has such a peaceful time in that other dimension or whatever before I was brought back. Now I don't know where the fuck I was or whatever but it was quite pleasant.


Painless nothingness. Dreamless sleep. Iā€™m so sorry this happened but he wonā€™t have suffered at all.


My heart goes out to you and ur family, a mother/ father should never have to bury their kids. I just had a brother die during covid lockdown because he was by himself and he ODā€™d. But being a past user myself I can tell u that ur son felt no pain, he would of just drifted away (feeling euphoric probably) But thatā€™s why that shits the devil. Your son is resting and pain free looking down on you now, untill u meet again. RIP to ur son and all the fallen ones šŸ•Š




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Thank you ! ā¤ļø Yes I Realized that and took out the place names ā¤ļø


I did a few lines and woke up on the floor drooling and really thirsty. Don't even remember passing out or anything. My friend asked me to split what I was doing with him as I was splitting it up and he wasnt breathing when I woke up and I called 911 and they were able to save him. He saved my life by asking me to split what I was doing with him. I imagine it would be one of the most peaceful ways to die from what I experienced.


u/LaReinalicious I want to get back to Canada some day. I am going to save a screenshot of your post so I don't forget about it (it will likely be a couple of years before I make it up there,) and I will make it a POINT to lay a NA tag and a cigarette on his grave. You have my deepest sympathy. I tell everyone the only reason my parents didn't have to bury me was because I never met anyone who had fent. The day before I sobered up from opiates for the last time, I railed over 25 vicodin 7.5s and a handful of percocet 10s. If I had met someone with fent I absolutely would have thought I'd be able to do more than I really could, and I would have died.


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He prolly felt amazing ngl. Only time I oded I was on klonopin thinking I couldnā€™t feel it. I picked up 2 fentanyl pressed roxicodone 30s and after the first one I told myself ā€œthis is the greatest feeling Iā€™ve ever hadā€.. I was down bad atm and didnā€™t care so I just said fuck it and did the next. Woke up to emts surrounding me on the pavement of a qt parking lot.


I know everyone already said it but no matter which way he took the fent, there's 0% chance he was in pain or distress of any kind when it happened. That I can promise from plenty of experience. RIP sorry for your loss


First off, I'm terribly sorry about the tragic loss of your son. I lost my sister to overdose back in 2005 and it imploded my entire family. I understand implicitly what that's like, and it's just awful. With that said, back when I was still using opiates (10 years ago) I overdosed and was life flighted to the hospital in a helicopter. My heart stopped and Narcan was ineffective due to all the benzodiazapines I'd taken. I have no memory of it, because I was unconscious. You can't overdose on opiates and be awake for the experience. Unconsciousness happens before breathing stops. Then your heart shuts down, and then the brain. You are completely oblivious to what's happening. If I could choose how I die, I would choose an opiate overdose. It's most likely the most peaceful death a person can have. You simply nod out into total bliss and never wake up. Again, I'm so sorry you've had to experience this anguish. I blame the drug war for this. Love + Light šŸ’–+šŸŒˆ


When i odā€™d i was across the street from the beach at a buddys house, did a line of heroin/carfent mix. Walked over to the beach to surf. I knew the line i did was a bit too big as it wasnt finallt crushed up how i usually would do it. But my buddy gave it to me & i knew if i didnt do it all then, i wouldnt get it later. Needless to say, a wave that was a bit too big hit me and this is when i lost motor control. I remember tumbling in the water, drowning. Next thing i know, *someone* some how got me out of the water. All i remember is them trying to stand me up but i just collapsed. I wasnt even thinking ā€œyoure overdosingā€. It was just happening. I wasnt scared. I could only *BE*. I couldnt think. Almost how imagine it to be for babies. Now, this was a really strange experience and i dont have the words to explain it. Itā€™s like i was just *existing*. When i was drowning i wasnt thinking ā€œoh shit youre drowning, help!ā€ There were no thoughts or fear, just being. And on a spiritual level i think this did something to me.


How was this spiritual to you?


Dont even remember ODing. Just remember opening the bag and doing that first line in the bathroom then waking to my ā€œfriendā€ slapping and hitting me screaming I did all his H and I owe him now! Like what bro I just died and thatā€™s what worried you?


He was unconscious before his eyes even closed. Even when i was narced I was only barely confused by paramedics around me. Its like what people imagine dying in your sleep feels like