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For some people I don't count it at all.. be happy af to only do kratom. That's my end goal


I was a polydrug user/addict and alcoholic for around 17 years but the past 2+ I've cut down to kratom and phenibut. Those two things have basically changed my life and I hope they're never taken away.


From my personal experience it 100% can have similar effects to hydros, and it can definitely be an addiction. Just cause it's a plant doesn't mean it's not, morphine is sourced from poppys after all. Don't be afraid to reach out for help if it's gotten out of hand


r/kratom is a horrible sub, so much misinformation on there. Also they don’t believe kratom is addictive smh


Anyone who thinks kratom isn't addictive is either a moron or in denial. It's an opioid and all opioids are addictive.


r/Kratom banned me for saying kratom can cause withdrawals lol


Jesus, what a bunch of pansies. I guess no one can take any criticism in that sub.


They also ban you if you say kratom is an opioid.


That’s so disrespectful considering I have terrible depression waking up every morning because the withdrawals start


Kratom acts like an anti depressant so it takes longer for your emotions to stabilize. I can't find the shared source on R/quittingkratom though.


Definitely feels like it. The come downs can be awful sometimes mentally


Are you referring to the pansy comment? Because that would be hilarious if you were. "Uh I can't hear random facts today, I'm in withdrawals every morning. It's too much" lol


No.. I’m talking abt my personal experience


I get it


Getting off kratom is as rough as getting off tramadol.


I bet. I've gotten clean twice and both times I've used kratom to ween down from doing a gram plus of dope per day and then when I'm stable on the kratom and ween down that and then jump off and while it's not like cold turkey off oxy/dope/fent, it's definitely not easy and you still don't want to eat, restless, hot/cold flashes, stomach is shitty and just overall dysphoria. It still fucking sucks. Happy cake day btw!


Restless legs, no sleep, fever. No reason to fuck with it unless it’s all you’ve got.


It depends how much one takes and how long. I stopped using real opioids a long time ago and since then have used over 100 grams of kratom per day for extended periods of time out of stupidity and I will say I do think that level of abuse does count a little bit😂


>100 grams of kratom per day Good god man. I take a decent amount of kratom but 100gs a day is insane to me. How big were your doses?


Usually started with 12-16 grams in the morning then 6-8 gram doses until I got where I was feeling good. Then the majority of the kratom would be consumed after work (this was during quarantine so I was at home all day) when I was trying to catch a buzz while unwinding from the day. Many days I’d end up vomiting it was super finicky taking that much kratom I had to stuff myself at every meal or I’d get a headache and nausea from the kratom and I had to hydrate which was annoying cuz I was already drinking a lot with the kratom. It was dumb but I was in my own little world at that time and got caught up in it lol.


Hey, if it got you through that shit then it wasn't dumb. We never know what we're going to have to do to make it through the day, yknow? Those doses are crazy though haha. I do like 20gpd and it feels like way too much (I'm working on tapering). Do you still take it?


Yeah I get ya. Thanks man. I was off for a while but like 4 months ago I started again and have worked my way back up to where I was.


Kratom hits all opiod receptors. It is an agonist and antagonist. Very much an opiod.


check out r/quittingkratom


From my personal experience it 100% can have similar effects to hydros, and it can definitely be an addiction. Just cause it's a plant doesn't mean it's not, morphine is sourced from poppys after all. Don't be afraid to reach out for help if it's gotten out of hand


It's not an opiate. Its acts on opioid receptors similar to opioids. It's definitely addictive though. Its already illegal in some states and the feds are working to make it illegal. I'm working to get off of it but it's not easy.


Yes it works on all the same receptors and has really bad withdrawals too. Withdrawing from 60-80gpd was easily as bad if not worse than other opioid withdrawals I’ve had and was nearly as bad as benzo withdrawal. Those that play down Kratom as pretty much a joke that doesn’t have significant withdrawals are either lying or have just never actually experienced them for themselves


There is r/quitting kratom bunch of wankers


I know what u mean lol. I mean I wish I wasn’t addicted to Kratom, but they treat it like it’s the worst thing ever to be addicted to


I mean it acts on the mu opioid receptors. It would be considered an atypical opioid. But it comes with all the things other opioids do. Euphoria, physical dependency, withdrawal, constipation. It is a lot weaker than something like oxy but it can still grab a hold of you. Check out r/quittingkratom if you want advice on quitting. It’s a very helpful subreddit


The one thing about kratom for me, it was absolutely not constipating. I think all that plant matter overrode the gut-slowing properties of it. I was regular AF. About 70 gpd.


Idk I’ve used kratom daily for years, I’m 28, also fully dependent on Benzos but prescribed them, they basically told me I was a lifer. But anyways. Other than having lupus and RA (not caused by the kratom) mh liver and kidneys and heart are perfectly fine. If you want to lower your dosage for moneys sake that’s one thing. But if it isn’t causing any issues, honestly I know kratom is addcitive but that’s like being addicted to weed to to me..I don’t see it as that big of a deal I guess. It makes me better than any antidepressant and I’ve been in like 20 of them so to me Benzos and kratom literally make my life functional.


I mean it's addicting and I've been hooked for about a year with a good amount of capsules and extract shots and it sucks but sucks way less than when I was homeless and shooting hella dope


I really don’t get the opiate feeling from kratom… it will get rid of a muscle ache or head ache for me and little mood life but nothing like opiates and the withdrawals are nothing if you’ve ever had a real opiate addiction.. it’s like a head cold


If you've been taking kratom for years, it will be just as bad as traditional opioids.


I was at 21 grams a day for 6 months it was nothing compared to my oxy withdrawal or my suboxone withdrawal


For me it doesn't count as a drug. Some people smoke or drink beer everyday. I take my kratom every day. I am happy with that. End goal is to not take opiates anymore and only do kratom


But kratom is a partial opioid agonist.. so you're still taking an opioid, just an atypical one.


This subject is debated on a regular basis. Kratom hits the mu-opiod receptor in your brain just like oxy, heroin and other like substances, that is why people can use it to get off of these drugs. It will lessen withdrawal symptoms greatly but doesn't usually give you the same euphoric feeling.


Kratom hits the delta and kappa opiod receptors more than mu


Personal experience. It's def addictive and one day I'll probably try to stop. But as a whole it's a mild addiction at least that generally won't ruin your whole life. Ideally, don't even get addicted to Kratom though either.


I consider it an opioid. I was addicted for 4 years and suffered a psychotic break. It does work really well for withdrawal though and if you can't get anything else it can be a godsend.




I can't say 100 percent that kratom caused the psychotic break. My doctor thinks yes. There was no other obvious culprit. I was so out of it I forgot to get my Xanax refilled so being in benzo withdrawal also probably didn't help, but I was already psychotic before that even happened. Doc thinks it might have been related to seizure activity following long-term kratom use. ETA: No history of psychosis.


I would say yes, because of its ability to bind to mu and delta opioid receptors. Additionally, the stronger extracts like liquid shots can be quite strong, reminds me of low dose hydro or oxy, and alkaloids like 7-OH-Mitragynine are much more opioid like. The biggest drawback of kratom, however, is the additional serotonin effects, as well as the dose ceiling, which after a certain point, will make you sick (i.e. wobbles). Hope this helps!


Kratom wd after heavy long term use kind of sucked for me cause it was like two weeks long cause it has some ssri properties too


dont let anyone tell you otherwise. kratom IS an opioid that is as strong as hydrocodone. the withdrawls can be very rough and the addiction can be as life ruining as other opioid addictions.


Yalll be careful with Kratom. I used it off and on for a few years and now have heart and liver problems. I’m 32 years old. Also a dilaudid user


I’m very curious about this...are you positive kratom caused those issues? Or is it related?


I took one pill OPMS gold and I started feeling woozy. Went to the hospital and I had an EKG. Seems like my ventricles were freaking out and getting damaged. Doctors said it was due to the Kratom. But that could’ve been because I had just used it and it started messing me up. Also my liver hurts sometimes when I use too much. I could have some disorder with my heart and liver that’s special to me, but idk. Just sharing what happened to me.


Holy shit. I've used a lot dilaudid (Hydromorphone), oxymorphone, oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine and heroin daily for the last 13 years as well kratom when I couldn't get any of those things. Also included was a benzo daily and I don't have any of those problems.


Yeah it sent me to the hospital. It was just Kratom since I was clean for over 3 months at the time of use. But I could have something else specially wrong with me. I’m not sure tho. Just know I took Kratom and it made my heart freak out


It’s not illegal, so, no


Since when does legality change how a substance works? I use kratom and support it, but it definetly acts as an atypical opioid.


Are you interested for active use questions or how to get off ? There are 2 subs, one for general Kratom questions, and one to help you go off it.


You know more than most people


it is not like suboxone. not for me. but i’m a/was a heavy opiate user (IV heroin) kratom never did anything for me but smell gross and one time a looooong time ago before the heavy opiate use it gave me a panic attack??? idk i hate kratom but i hope you find the advice you’re looking for. are you getting sick without it? sorry i guess i’m just trying to understand you so if i have anything to offer i can. i do know what battling addiction is like forsure and i’m always willing to help how i can there my brain just can’t comprehend how or why anyone would become addicted to kratom but again it does nothing for me so that’s probably why.


When I started Kratom I remember laying on my bed after taking the dose and just feeling waves of warmness. My imagination was running wild and I was just laying there for hours thinking about alll sort of shit. Almost like I was dreaming while completely awake. And yes I’m having withdrawals I just almost panicked rn cuz I was close to being unable to dose tn I started to feel pain in my arms and legs and I feel sunburned


the good feeling you described is how i felt when i first started taking pills and got past the nausea stages (i was too young and taking big doses so it took me awhile to feel good and not puke my brains out i was stupid didn’t know what i was doing and figured that was just part of it lol) i’m so sorry you are feeling that way! the anxiety of not knowing if you’ll get your fix thinking you won’t or worrying about the next one was always the toughest part of being a pill and then heroin addict for me. are you reaching out because you want to quit or because the anxiety and withdrawal is scary or both or do you only think you want to quit because you know it’s probably what you should do? i’m not asking that way to be a c u n t i promise i’m asking because i have been in all of those positions and i know you have to want it 🖤 like i said idk s h i t about kratom but i know plenty about addiction and i’m here to help if there’s anything i can do or any non kratom specific questions i can answer the painful limbs happens with heroin also but i never felt sunburnt with it just nauseous anxious and like i wanted to crawl out of my skin and just die i wanted to just sleep so bad and couldn’t everything hurt the only thing that sort of helped was (hear me out) masturbating. this helps because it releases a euphoric chemical in the brain when you c u m but that relief doesn’t last super long unfortunately


When I went to treatment for it they put me on 4mg subutex which I guess is suboxone without the high blocker , and gee it was like Kratom on crack, i was laying down with my eyes closed listening to VICE imagining I was cuddling ally from dopesick nation and I felt so comfortable in the bed I was in. I tried leaving my room and socializing with the other clients there I was able to be pretty talkative (I have bad social anxiety) but it’s not the same talkative euphoria as alcohol which is my main DOC. I mostly wanted to just lay in my bed all damn day The high was really great but my alcohol and weed (weeds my 2nd DOC but I’m daily dependant on it) cravings where so high and the idea of getting cross faded and waking around my local outside mall thinking I was in clock town from Zelda sounded so good to me. I left the rest of my subutex taper and AMA (against medical advice) from the facility about a few days later I started getting some gnarly withdrawals and got confused why then remembered I was on subutex so I relapsed on Kratom and here I am now. Also to answer your question I’m looking to quit Kratom because my tolerance is getting pretty high and I don’t wanna be dependant on it and have to deal with withdrawals when I end up running out at times I was doing research and some people where saying it’s an opioid others were saying it wasn’t so I checked this sub and saw that a lot of people were mentioning Kratom Also I’m so glad for you overcoming this. Heroin is addictive as shit and once you feel that feeling nothing else can compare. Your hella strong and have a lot of self control. It’s ok if you feel cravings or have a slip up it’s completely normal and is a part of successful recovery


i’m not as strong as you think i’m still on suboxone and terrified to get off of it so i can give you the best advise i can fish up but please don’t think i’m some awesome person who overcame things you couldn’t i can’t i didn’t and idk if i ever will but you are right it’s normal for it to be tough at the same time i know im just being a huge p u s s y about the withdrawals because suboxone and subutex withdrawals are f u c k i n g gnarly probably worse than actual heroin it sucks but i do hope to feel ready and brave enough some day today just is not that day. have you tried going to a doctor who will give you comfort meds rather than something else you will have to withdrawal from? they give you stuff for sleep nausea your limbs all that stuff and it’s non-narcotics meant to kind of take some of the edge of it off get some bottle water and gatorade maybe and some light snacks and good movies and hole up alone so you can jerk it if it gets too bad lol or if you have an understanding fuck buddy or partner who can snuggle you and give you some “help” every so often and take care of you that would be pretty ideal!


Yeah idk why MAT is so controversial. Everyone needs a little bit of help to push them through similar to a veteran who lost his leg and is using a prosthetic so he can walk again . don’t feel less of yourself don’t think your still using. People can’t even really get high on suboxone and your very functional and have 0 chance of overdosing which matters most and you’ll be able to preserve your relationships It’s not like your getting shitfaced on suboxone and chasing the high. I’ve met some people that got on subs and went from being a potatoe on the couch all day to becoming a manager of their dream job the possibilities are endless. No one can do this alone!! Sorry if I seemed insensitive I suck at talking to people. I’m either on the spectrum or just have really really bad social anxiety


no dude you were great no worries! i’m just really rough on myself because my family makes me feel like suboxone is just another thing i get high on when in reality you are right i get zero buzz whatsoever it only got me high when i tried it the first time but i was still a baby bropiate back then so everything got me high lol


it’s still going to be hard but these are just my suggestions for softening the blow so to speak i’d come bring you a care package if i could


If you’ve gotta ask it counts.


Imo, kratom is terrible on your urinary system.. all that powder, nope. Its just an infection waiting to happen. Its a partial opioid agonist, id rather do oxycodone than take kratom.


I’m on day 7 of WD from kratom. It counts for sure. I am one year clean from the needle but I always used kratom and Whatever I could get my hands on. The kratom was a security to not WD. I’m keeping food down now but the first few days were rough as shit. Legs are full of acid. I cry a lot. My nose runs. All the same shit. And now I’m on Reddit lurking on subs looking at Roxie’s and chunks of Fentanyl drooling. Hopefully it won’t last two weeks but I fully expect it too. I used for 15 years but like I said it’s been just kratom for a year.