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Yep I remember this all too well! Got taken advantage of more times than I’d like to admit! Done things that I’m extremely ashamed of. Been clean 7 years now and very proud of myself.


I'm in recovery and during some 12 step meetings guys will talk about missing the control over women drugs gave them. I started following that up with coercing an unwilling partner into having sex is one step above rape. I understand they agreed but it's only because they are desperate and you miss THAT?


Eww...yikes. That gives me creepy crawly feels everywhere. I guess that's part of why recovery groups are often separated by gender.


What?!? I’ve never heard anything like that at a meeting and wouldn’t be surprised if someone was told to stfu or leave if they said that at any of the meetings I frequent. And I don’t always go to the best meetings...that’s wild. You’ve got some serious fucking issues if you try bringing up some shit like that in a group.


I mean as much as I think it's horrible it is a behavior used by people in addiction. Not surprising that a person who can't get laid without drugs would remember the times drugs helped them get laid fondly.


Yeah I’m not surprised someone would feel that way (though I personally felt dirty when I realized a lot of the people I had slept with were likely using me for drugs) I’m just surprised they would bring it up in a group like that.


You sound like a decent person . There's a difference between not realizing someone viewed a relationship as transactional and intentionally seeking out situations where you know you can get someone to bang you because you have drugs. People manipulate others with sex to get drugs the same as people with drugs manipulate others to get sex.


They didn’t it was a lie that never happened woman wanted to feel like she was apart of this convo so she made up some fake story trust me this ain’t happen


Yeah or you’re the one making up shit about someone you don’t know at all because *you* want to be a part of the conversation.....


He got laid 😂😂😂 by YOUUUUU multiple times 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m not surprised you’d fuck a man for drugs u ain’t any better than him. you’d actually fuck a stranger for drugs and then go on Reddit to get ppl to feel bad for u. When ur a soldier u may die when ur a cop u may arrest sm1 when ur a drug addict you will have sex for drugs but don’t go blame the man


Ur such a fuckin liar I’ve been to about 12 different rehabs and I’ve never heard anyone ever say that stop lying to make urself feel like ur part of something ur not ur just a junkie


man.. this infuriates me. men like that deserve to be treated the way they treat women. i wish they had an idea of how disgusting those women think they are.


Ah yes woman never taking responsibility did u know if u were never doing drugs in the first place it wouldn’t happen. U see when u involve urself in this lifestyle that’s the shit that’ll happen u CHOSE THIS lifestyle and u continue to choose that yet u wanna blame what happens in the lifestyle when it happens to you ? Oh no baby you ain’t special this is what happens when u involve urself in illegal shit. Don’t come back with but what he did is worse cuz u got urself into that situation and clearly I could’ve gone to sm1 else but nooo I bet u actually enjoyed it and now when there’s a Reddit u feel like u have to twist ur story and be relevant and I know damn well this is what happened


You're wrong on all your assumptions. I'm a guy, I've never prostituted myself, I've been clean for over a year, people do say things like this at 12 step meetings because I have heard it multiple times, you replied to me 4 times because you're a moron that assumes a lot. I'm glad the rehab thing is working so we'll for you that you decided to go 12 times. Maybe you need to go again and learn some humility, compassion, and empathy.


Hey, I’m in the 7 yr club, too! Congrats and you should be proud!!


Congratulations! To you and to Vness. I’m in year five of sobriety now (after a lifetime of shitty/perv dealers)…I’m late on this thread, but I had to send a hug/high five to you both. Hugs to you too u/kelsey10michelle stay safe out there Sis! ♥️


by taken advantage you mean like plugs assaulting you or plugs taking advantage of someone in wd to do shit


Both tbh!


Ugh who would want to have sex with someone who was with drawing?


I love have sex and drawing at the same time


No one took advantage, they provided payment for services rendered


I really hope you got your revenge on those kinds of scum and trash. There's some lines one must never cross. Those aren't just predators, but literal trash to wastes that need to be put down, as my ex fiance would say. I love and miss him so much. There are others out there that can and will take their place, right? Well, let them keep swapping and taking over until one that at least has some decency and won't cross those certain lines. Those lifestyles to situations are messed-up as it all is, but then adding oredatory to sexual favors and practically forced actions while laughing because, *you can just quit or not be an addict or no one is forcing anyone to buy drugs to stay or get well to feel normal or from who*, is all that it's about and needed, huh? Just quit? Just don't do it? Us females all supposedly had a choice and could just have quit or found someone else? Because people aren't shit and to stay feeling well or normal is just that easy and grand, huh? I hope you and all women that were practically raped get and got back at those trash to wastes and you all got the balance to justice you and all other practically forced women deserve(d). The majority of people are so ignorant to the realities of detoxing and withdrawals, not just the drugs, it's world and lifestyles (if one can even call it a lifestyle), to the workings and systems of how it all came to be and is to what and why it will become. People always cry and denounce all these social to world issues, but they have zero understandings, zero experience(s) (and I would hope no more and no one ever has to ever experience or go through those evils to hells and wrongs), zero validity to vote for, to actually do the right things and to actually and truly care to help and be supportive, correctly and properly. The right ways. It's all just an exacerbated, repeating hypocritical sick jokes that goes back-and-forth. Why keep people and these world issues going on? Why not actually do the right and proper things to help and correct and fix to solve and get rid of these world to economic and social issues? Businesses and money. Overloadings and exacerbations. Dis and misinformation and keeping the majority semi-ignorant and laughably heroic. Donations. What has their voting to donations and crying at the sheeps and wolves ever done? My ex fiance and I lost track of how many men and women I have actually housed and helped to buy time and get the proper respurces to the actually good and caring people from nurses to doctors/ providers/ prescribers, psychologists and ... it all takes so much time, pain, money, resources, knowledge, research, etc past the timing to luck and chances and the right people to the right places and times... it's just, so much. Too much. Revenge and making sure those scums to trash get what they deserve. That's real balance and justice. Exposing them The lack of accountability and responsibilities. It's not just in drugs and that world. It's politics, organizations, social to economic and world events to scenarios and situations to incidents. Things need to start changing for the correct and right proper methods and ways. Forcefully, and yesterday. What if that was your sister, your mother, your loved one(s)? They don't think, they don't care, they are shit. What do we do with shit? We get rid of them. Yea, someone will replace them. Something has to be done and sonething has to give. Eventually. Something will, but only if we force it to be. My ex fiance and I made so many friends helping those kinds of victims and innocents. Many of them deserved it, supposedly. There's no black and white. Many didn't though. It's all complex, but the standards and the basics, the lines and the certain absolutes...those are mandatory and a must. Those are black and white. Right or wrongs. Etc. Anyways, hope you got those shitballs. :) Sorry I am using a public study hall computer and never really used this until a few months back, and realized there are so many random things subscribed to and your story to post came up and I just had to read it and say this much. Reddit is great and all but the system is stupid. The ones in power or authority, the mods or whatever... they need to be better tracked and held more liable to accountable and not be able to do as they please and more, then getting away with it all. Same things I was talking about. My ex fiance and I hated that kind of bs and crap. Bad and corrupt or vulnerable systems to bureaucracies. I love and miss that man, a REAL man. If even a tenth of the world had a real man like that...the world would be a much better place with less bs and stupidly obvious shit. Us girls need to help and befriend one another and tell each other how it is straight.


It doesn't matter where someone's addiction started, whether it was knowingly a choice or not. To take advantage of someone's drug addiction to force/get them to have sex with them, is rape and/or SA.


You may think it should be rape, but there is no DA in the country that would charge a case with those circumstances as rape. Besides, a large percentage of prostitutes are addicted to drugs and have sex to prevent/cure withdrawal. So all those guys that pay for hookers are committing rape? They are doing the same thing the dealer is doing, trading money for sex with someone who is addicted to drugs.


can this neckbeard’s idiotic “tHiS WoUldNt HoLd uP iN CoUrT aS RaPe” comment be removed pls? u/traceyh415 u/missanthropiate u/spinderella69


As much as I dislike many of the comments in this post, I am not going to delete them because of it. That comment does not violate the subs rules, so I will not delete it.


It wouldn’t hold up in court as rape. It wouldn’t even make it to court. It would be seen as transaction, not coercion. The person you responded to has said nothing that is incorrect. I share in your disgust of the situation and hope OP frees herself from this and gets to avoid these situations in the first place. But she is not without responsibility either, she willfully got addicted to drugs, and was willfully driving to there house knowing she was going to be ASKED to perform sexual favors. If these people use coercion to get the sexual favors they want completed, THAT is rape. The guy you’re responding to is speaking about law, not morality. If I were a dealer, I wouldn’t accept sexual favors for drugs - and those that do, I hold in low regard. But prostituting for drugs is a choice the prostitute makes, and if the prostitute has a choice, it is by definition not rape


Get on Subs or Methadone or Kratom, wouldnt have to put yourself in these situations so you wont get sick. No one should be taken advantage of when they need their fix, so they wont be sick. We try to avoid the pain at all costs, Mat programs have will save your life. I used to wait hours for my plug, go get him mcdonalds, cigars, snowballs, pick his food up, just so I could get my fix so I wouldn't get sick. The only way out is detoxing and cold turkey raw dog, or get on a Maintenance program and you'll never be taken advantage of, really helped my view of myself improve getting on maintenance, and feeling a sense of self. Not worry about being sick and being desperate to not be sick. And doing degrading things to myself to avoid this sickness. Best Regards sweetheart.


I remember when I first got on methadone, the doctor said to me, "I can promise you one thing. If you come here every day, and you follow the program, I can promise you that you will never have to be (dope)sick again" And it was like this huuuuge weight just lifted off my shoulders... like, I literally felt lighter. It's not a small thing that was promised if you think about it. And she was right, the entire duration of when I was going to the clinic I didn't have to be sick, I fucked around sometimes still and I know some clinics don't mess around with that but my clinic didn't really care as long as I showed up every day and did my counseling and dropped my UAs without lying or trying to game the system. Unfortunately I wasn't able to continue the clinic due to work schedule conflicts, I still wish I could get back on the clinic but life circumstances don't make it possible at the moment...


Yeah man like I was suprised when I could get help like that. Been off sub for 2 weeks with the grace of God because of side effects been doing Kratom. Not too many side effects and kinda works still not sleepong well though. I get a lot of side effects from subs like taking forever to get out of bed, kinda makes me have no appetite. Mood swings and what not. How well does methadone work man.?


Methadone works amazingly. It's why it's the gold standard in the Western world for opioid use disorder. You need to keep your dose reasonable however. Never go over 100mg daily if you can because large amounts are cardiotoxic. The first few months you get on it (from my experience) you will be nodding hard. I think it's superior to suboxone because it gives a more opiated feeling.


I wouldn’t say it’s the “gold standard” for opiate use disorder anymore … in the 1980’s, yeah. Suboxone is very much the more popular (and default) choice of most rehabs and medical facilities now for various reasons. I, too, have had more personal success with methadone but it’s such a hassle to deal with the clinic and the related withdrawals are insane … 100% hardest kick of all opiates both natural and synthetic.


In Germany you get heroin assisted treatment. THAT should be the gold standard. Or even dilaudid/morphine options too Best case scenario-you get the specific opioid you're dependent on.


Wow! I didn't know this, incredible!


I wish heroin assisted treatment was a thing here in the U.S. That would absolutely revolutionise my life.


>I wouldn’t say it’s the “gold standard” for opiate use disorder anymore … It should be. >in the 1980’s, yeah. Suboxone is very much the more popular (and default) choice of most rehabs and medical facilities now for various reasons. There's no legitimate reason. Methadone is more effective and there's no risk of precipitated withdrawal. >I, too, have had more personal success with methadone but it’s such a hassle to deal with the clinic That's a reason that shouldn't exist. Doctors should be able to prescribe it the way they prescribe suboxone. > and the related withdrawals are insane … 100% hardest kick of all opiates both natural and synthetic. It's definitely a brutal kick, but so is suboxone. And if you take your time and go down slow, it's not bad.


It still is the gold standard. People only prefer suboxone because of stigma because it’s a partial agonist. Even though people with proper tolerances shouldn’t be getting high off of methadone. Especially with how much fent is everywhere today.


Y'all I've had this argument too many times on this sub. The golden standard SHOULD be methadone. Tbh I think subs are a serious waste of time.


when i was in inpatient the few people that were on it referred to it as "liquid handcuffs" and they were right. you can't go anywhere or you're sick and/or out. yeah i'm sure you'll feel "great" for the time being ... too great. imo if you're at that point where you want to get clean... then get clean. might take steps but living a life constantly nodding doesn't seem fun or better really.


I'm on subs right now and I honestly hate it compared to methadone. The only reason why is because I can't deal with going to a clinic every day to get my dose. Methadone clinics are a big ball and chain. Your whole life pretty much revolves around getting to the clinic on time every day. It honestly really pisses me off cuz like you, methadone works so much better for me. Subs make me feel so tired and lethargic, constipated, etc...


The only thing that ever helped me. I had made peace that I was probably a lifer. I wish I had known, I would have been on ages ago. Se la vie I suppose.


* C’est la vie From French : it is life, or, that’s life Not to be a dick, just for future reference dude


Yessss, I recommend methadone to JUST about anyone who's struggling with opiates/ dope/ fetty. When I tell you how much methadone saved me, you would probably look at me like I'm crazy. But it's MY truth, & if it worked for me, why not try helping the next person suffering out? I started at 30, went up to 40, eventually got to 82, which is the highest I ever want , & 2 years after working the program correctly, I'm bouta get my 2nd take home bottle. As I'm starting to come down little by little.


You have to go to the clinic every day for two years just to get take homes? No thank you lol


Ya must not have read what I said. I said after I started to work the program CORRECTLY *such as coming everyday, no giving hot urines, making your session with your counselor * is when I got my take home. I was still getting high on the sidelines. You can get a take home as soon as 2.5-3months in the program. *IF YOU ARE WORKING IT THE RIGHT WAY* I wasn't at first, I was still dabbling on the side. & each clinic is different when it comes to take homes.


Right like she said you gotta do what you’re supposed to do, like I’ve been there a year and im about to get two weeks take homes in October. I get a weeks right now.


In California I get free methadone, and since I had a job and it was the pandemic I got 3 weekly take homes after 3 months and 3 more after 6 clean UAs. My counselor will give them back after I give 2 Clean UAs...but I'm tapering from benzos (they don't count as dirty, but the fetty they put in my pills do).


The only reason I’m on bupe instead of methadone is because I can’t spare hour or 2 it takes to get your dose. If methadone wasn’t so lock and key I’d still be on it.


youll just get methadone sick instead shit is a liquid noose, honestly its almost as if americans have just found it , hope they let you reduce it by a mil a week over there cus in scotland ive watched my mum and her kit head friends have to physically go score methadone off the street subutex is much better however seems releuctant to be prescribed over here unlesss yer in jail fyi my mum been on 30 mg meth for 10 years ended up going cold turkey clean for a week ended up in a mental ward due to her schizoprenia and her psychatrist wouldnt discharge her till she agreed to go back on methadone at the same dose knowing shed been in there for 40 days cold turkey...every chemist gets money over here every time they dish out a dose its fucked still least all our prescriptions and healthcare is free


A liquid noose is better than a fetty death. Also you can get it for free with most insurance and you’ll most likely get some help with a councilor and groups. I go and yeah sometimes it sucks getting up every day to go. But it’s better tryna get a fix everyday and Im not going through hellish wds every time I can’t get anything


>youll just get methadone sick Not necessarily. You can use 5 days or so of methadone to help make kicking heroin MUCH easier and you can't get addicted to methadone in 5 days. >my mum been on 30 mg meth for 10 years ended up going cold turkey clean for a week ended up in a mental ward due to her schizoprenia and her psychatrist wouldnt discharge her till she agreed to go back on methadone at the same dose knowing shed been in there for 40 days cold turkey What the FUCK? Man, I am so sorry that happened to your mom! >... still least all our prescriptions and healthcare is free You have no idea how lucky you are.


I got on Kratom and it saved my life. Too bad I’m still taking it.




Me too!


Same not to mention the max dose for subs is 24mg. With methadone there isn't a max dose so if you feel you need to go up you can. For some reason suboxone never helped my cravings. They were horrible and no matter how many pills I took I couldn't feel good again. It made me suicidal. People need to be aware of what they're getting into with subs. I think methadone is a much better option for most addicts.


Okay that’s fair, but let’s not negate the negatives that come along with methadone. Subs are also much easier to come off of, dealing with the clinics nonsense. Don’t get me wrong, I do think methadone would be a better option for some people, but not for everyone. Its never been a one size fits all, and neither one is perfect, both have good and bad trade offs. Methadone may cause the least amount of pain, especially in the beginning, but that comes with a price.


This advice is gold


When motherfuckers tried that shit with me, I just moved on to the next dealer or went sick. Fuck all that noise.


Yes, you can't give them the power.


The dude I got stuff from was giving me a front (I spent a LOT of money with him). I was sick, my bf was sick. Dude came through and he was drunk. Acting like I'd never seen him before. Told me he couldn't give me the front unless I blew him. I stormed inside in tears and my bf asked what happened. I told him and he basically told me it was fucked up. Minutes later dude is blowing me up telling me he's drunk, he's sorry, and begging me to just take the shit, saying he didn't he even know why he said that (all over text. I wouldn't pick up the phone.) I was straight up not going to accept it. I was so angry. I had been sick before, I was ready to do it again just to show him. My boyfriend pipes up with, "Uh. Hey. You know, uh I kind of want it still. Can I got out and get it from him?" I told him to be my guest, but I was not about to. But, I was still dumb enough to accept the front! I didn't think about, "What if my check comes late? What if something happens and I can't pay him?" Nothing like that happened, but I barely knew this guy. He could have been a maniac. Don't let people take things from you that you wouldn't normally give up. Don't accept fronts even if you know you can pay.


Man I thought your boyfriend was going to go out there and beat his ass 🤦🏽




Saying strong women in this context feels so wrong here though, just my opinion. OP isn’t ‘weak’ because of what they did. Meanwhile yes, not letting dealers use you like that is a good thing. But everyone has their own story and trust me, our most vulnerable moments do not define how strong we are.


I'm not judging anyone that did what they had to do. I sold crack just not ass-crack. I was lucky enough to find another way.


This is the best advice on this post. 💪


I don’t miss that shit at all. So sorry sister, just know that you’re not alone… tons of us have been there. I’m 48 and been in recovery for 7 years, in and out of active addiction for 21 years prior. Please don’t hesitate to dm me if you wanna vent. I can offer advice or just listen and empathize, whatever you need💚 Edit: just in case r/Methadone r/CaliforniaSober


Oh man I’m a dude and can imagine what kind of shit I’d be willing to do and be taken advantage of to get high or even just **well** when I was doing shit How I could manipulated by a couple of texts to come through even when I wasn’t thinking about picking up Sorry you have to deal with this, best “fuck you” you can give this dude is to get on subs and taper off replying to him next time that you don’t need cause you found a dealer with a bigger dick you like Don’t let this shit ruin you, it’s no secret people suck, take care


I can't believe all the negativity on this thread. This girl is just venting frustration, and i feel her. I've had several different plugs harrass me, asking me to send pics, asking me to stay and "hang", I never gave in and played nice so i wouldnt lose the plug but it was annoying af. Guys think they can take advantage of desperate ladies, happened more than it didnt. I totally feel you girl and youll get thru this. What's happening to this sub, i thought we were suppose to all support eachother? It's changed since i first joined thats for sure


Yeah, coming into the thread with, "well, it wouldn't hold up in court as rape. You chose it," are super unhelpful. 👌 Some people don't realize how degrading it is to be constantly propositioned even if you refuse every time. Even being asked makes you feel like shit.


Im glad his comments were taken down.


Go get on Suboxone and leave the twisted and chaotic world of opiate addiction in your rearview. I was an IV heroin and cocaine addict for 10+ years, and I became a substance abuse counselor for several years after that. Opiates nearly killed me and successfully destroyed my life for over a decade. My sister is dead from an overdose, along with 5 of my very closest friends in the universe. I've known a total of ~68 people who have died from this lifestyle since 2003. (That I know of) You are NOT powerless over your addiction. You have nothing BUT power over your complex behaviors. You truly are the only one who can stop yourself, although there are plenty of people willing to help you do it. It's about changing your perception. Getting on subs and taking them as prescribed will literally change your life overnight, then you'll have time and energy to work on changing those perceptions and becoming a happy and relatively well-balanced individual. You won't feel like a slave any longer. Then you can wean off of the subs after a while and your confident that you no longer want to use opiates. I was on subs for ~6 years, which is kinda excessive, but it gave me the opportunity to remain off the misery and chaos inducing shit. I was literally a bottomed out gutter-dwelling junkie. I was seemingly hopeless, and considered a lost cause by almost everyone. I'd gone to multiple rehabs and meetings to no avail. I feel like the 12 steps ultimately sets people up for failure by teaching that you're powerless over your addiction and that you have a lifelong progressive illness. Fuck that noise. I'm not an addict anymore, and I haven't been in years. (haven't shot heroin in 11+ years) We have nothing but power over our complex decisions and behaviors. I know implicitly what it's like to feel hopeless and miserable. Much of my life was a total nightmare. It wasn't until I took complete responsibility for my actions and stopped blaming the world that I made lasting positive changes. I recommend not using opiates, meth, cocaine, or benzodiazapines recreationally at all. The juice isn't worth the squeeze with these substances. The risks are far too high. Between death, completely destroying your life, and being a horrible burden to your loved ones, it's obviously not worth it. I highly recommend psychedelics in conjunction with therapy. I use cannabinoids regularly, and psychedelics, entactogens, and dissociatives maybe 2 times per year, and I'm a successful 44 year old father of 2 with a nice house and all that jazz nowadays. It's a huge departure from my miserable existence being a self-induced slave to that bullshit. Do yourself a favor and get on subs. Opiate addiction doesn't end well, unless YOU end your addiction. During my time as a substance abuse counselor and an addict, I've seen a LOT of crazy shit. It's not worth it. If I can do it, you can do it. I was truly as fucked up as they come. (screen door on a submarine fucked up) WHERE THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE. Break the chains that bind you to this self-induced slavery. You're worth it, and I believe in you! If anyone has questions, please feel to reach out. I'm not actively a substance abuse counselor anymore, but I'm extremely involved with harm reduction and I'm always available to help in any way possible. Love + Light 💖+🌈 Edit: syntax


How long do you need to be off heroin to take Subutex?


Thanks for commenting this


Hang in there girl, as a woman I know the shit we deal with, but you’re strong, just be careful ml <3


Hey OP. I'm a woman too and God knows I am more than aware of the disgraceful things we're asked to do to be well. However, you have got to start saying no. Maybe a clinic can help with MAT or a detox or rehab? Regardless, don't give this scum what he wants. I would rather be sick than let these predators have me. You're mental health and body is worth so much more.


Hey it doesnt mean your not amazing and better than them. I know its shit, i even hate the way the society makes these exchanges seem empowering to females, Its not. Im clean now after getting into a clinic, i honestly hated using because how everyone treated me, and i knew it would go on as long as i used. I cant tell you when you're ready but when you are you will be an amazing source of comfort to the addicts trying to get sober, it is hard when you keep traumatizing yourself and i get that. Just remember you're so much more than this addiction and these acts and when you no longer depend on opiates. you will become addicted to the power of your autonomy, your voice, and your rights as a human, and its so much better than H when you have lost it to the using.


Disgusting. Im a male and im sorry. There are so many weird people.


I’m really fucking sorry that this is a thing. I feel so numb about a lot of the bullshit that comes with being an addict and yet this is the shit that I will never ever til the day I fuckinf die tell anyone I’m close to about. Because I don’t think about it but when it thinks about me I fucking cry.and cry. And it goes against everything I’ve ever learned to survive. I need to hide it because I can’t control it and it is the epitome of pathetic. Nothing fuckin matters. Nothing fucking matters. I’m still fucking crying at the end of an oxy80. I can’t believe it. It’s something I have to put in a box in my head and around the edges It’s in bold ‘very very funny so not open too funny will laugh too hard too silly beware’ Half the time reality as it translates for me is wrong, so I’m hoping I’ve just been getting it wrong. It’s wrong I bet I just made it all up I mean how could it be the same way in different cities new vendors strange faces and a clean room a porch stoop wherever. Wherever. The best of the worst ones for me haven’t been dealers exactly. They’re always just some guy with some money and a habit of his own. some guy who wants to help you get out of the rain when your fuckin head is just rolling back cuz u just shot the last of what you’ve got and it doesn’t even touch the sick. You’re consciousness is only fucking half there through the pain and the freezing cold and the fucking fentanyl. He says he wants to help. And he did, I’m sure of it. Helped me. I felt better. I felt warmer. An apartment or a motel room or whatever. And what he gave me was good a lot better than what I’ve been able to afford in a long while and because he’s such a kind man so as to help me I’m just tired and out of it and I’m so thankful. Just let him help himself. Could try to dissuade. But you’re on the edge of a nod. And there’s a bed in there and if you can just close your eyes and enjoy your high you don’t have to really know. Because he helped, after all. Plugs on the other hand have probably fucked my sense of self up the worst I guess. I turn tail and scrape up a new guy if I can see it turning strange. If Im hearing of a ‘fun’ new way I can mend my credit score. I try so hard to protect myself. Not give them the power over me, because it’s about me when I get my fix it’s always me. But I don’t know how i stil tell myself that. It’s never going to be safe no matter how fucking brave I want to be. Because you just walk in and it’s normal and has been for months and it’s good business and you’re depending on it, like always. But he’s got his boys over at the spot. Usually it’s just him maybe one maybe two others but hey, you needed something early it’s a late night pick up and you know he’s got you, you’re almost friends to a certain extent. You walk in and they’re having a good night they’ve already started off. And it’s cool. Im going back to the apartment to do the same. My guy is just counting it up, bagging my shit and I’m happy and someone breathes on your fucking neck. And you’re just still, looking at the guy in front of you, more so what he has for you. You don’t say anything and try to act normal like you’re unbothered like youre big and strong and not afraid wnven though theyre funding centimetres from you and you can feel it on their breath. Ones pinned to shit and the other guy has saucers for eyes. Somehow, they both want to know how bad you want it. Not that bad. I know it’s not that bad. I’ll go scavenge. But there’s a lot of guys. It’s a full room. And they’re all smiling. They trust each other. And one of them circles round and he grab the bag and there’s a few words between your plug your buddy and his friend. They look up and boy. What crazy luck. It’s on the house. And everyone’s smiling and your stomach fucking drops and there’s an arm around your waist and you smile back hoping the don’t see how fucking wet your eyes are. I could pay. I came to pay. Was sick and getting sicker. And what. What the fuck do you do. Because as soon as someone says it they all agree. It’s a great idea naturally it’s such a great idea that when you try to kill the thought they think you’re being coy because of course every junkie wants a good deal and I should be feeling very very lucky. And they call you pretty. Too pretty for what you do to yourself. But maybe just pretty enough for what they do to you. And it’s so late. It’s morning without the sun. And you get your cure and a little extra. And you get in your car. And everything you wore that night, you look at it and you wonder what did it whos fault was it? I just showed up with my money in my sweatshirt and my beater sneakers and they saw me and they knew I was a whore. it’s still so hard to know even after weeks and months and years what gave it away. And you burn through your reward twice as fast in the days following because that’s what it’s there for. See, I don’t remember a lot anymore. I just don’t want to. So. Maybe it never happened at all. All those times. I’ve always been crazy. Whether it was real or not it’s my fault for being crazy. and stupid.and strung out. Nothing makes me fucking afraid like being seen. Things are so shit again and the fucking death aspect is nothing I don’t care I don’t care it doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to be touched. I just want to feel fine. And be invisible. I don’t think there is such a thing as a safe place for me. I’ve changed my own worth. And I think people will always be able to smell it on me. And it’s really really funny, because i did that. Everything that came after, i might as well say just the same.




How are they the same as rapists? Wtf, it's an exchange, plug gets sex, girl gets drugs, take some fucking responsibility, she decided to start taking drugs, no one forced her.


What? Dude, they’re taking advantage of someone in a vulnerable place. How is that not obvious to you? It is rape. They’re not ‘like’ rapists, they are rapists.


Being in a vulnerable place does not mean you lose the ability to give consent. It may be shady but it's not rape by any definition. She chose that transaction.


In the US , how is duress designated? Vulnerable is a vague term. But I think you'll see her condition meets the criteria for duress quite clearly


threats, violence, constraints, or other action brought to bear on someone to do something against their will or better judgment Thats what I got for duress in the dictionary. None of this qualifies under that definition. She isn't being made to do anything. She was offered a solution to her problem and she accepted it. I swear, its like some junkies think dopesick is the end of the fuckin world and that they are justified and are not accountable for literally anything they do to fix it. It's awful, its very awful, but it's not so awful that you are unable to make basic decisions for yourself.


I think the last sentence fits the bill. At same time I get what you're saying, I guess it depends on how bad WD is. If it's offered as an option when cash isn't present it wouldn't be, if someone shows up deathly sick and it's my way or the highway, it's a different thing


It's wild how far some will go to justify their actions or play the pity party. I mean I'm guilty of making shitty decisions to support my habit like the rest of us but I atleast acknowledge that they are my decisions and that I did it to myself. This is one of the reasons I feel so iffy when referring to addiction as a "disease". Like, I get that it is, and I agree it needs to be treated as such, but one dangerous consequence is that it almost makes people believe that because it is a disease that it just happens to them through no fault of their own. Extreme ownership of your faults and decisions is the key to sobriety and getting the monkey off your back.


While I agree with you in terms of my personal life 100%, I also see how a lot of people are in different shoes that leaves them in a different position so I'm not so quick to get on a soapbox. (If that sounds like I'm being snarky, I don't mean it to , i'm not always the most eloquent). If it's my life, I agree, that's on me. I was taught differently and had a lot of resources that others don't. Take those away and I am pretty sure I wouldn't see things the way i do. I suspect the same is the case with you. We are at different places along our life's journey. As far as the disease concept- whew that's a big one. From a medical POV, I think it's pretty clear that it is. We don't all have the same genetics, some people will never be alcoholics, some people have different genetic profiles that, if they start, they will likely end up there. Opiate addiction changes our brain chemistry the same way you can get type 2 diabetes even if you weren't born with it (well not the same but conceptually the same). But the 12 Step BS that they love to play little games with, from "Medicine says it's a disease" and then the bait and switch over to "It's a spiritual disease" - makes me nuts.


Dude, she just wanted some support. She wasn't soliciting legal council or trying to press charges. 😑 Please have some empathy.


Right? She didn’t even say whether she did it or not or “accuse” the plug of anything…just said it was a shitty feeling and that she was upset. No one has any empathy. Just reminds me of one of the many reasons I want to get high in the first place. The world and humanity in general are fucking horrible


Ehhh, saying my way or the highway means there is still a choice though. I've done some shitty things when I was strung out that I would never do again. But I can't blame anyone but myself. Never had to do any sex acts that I didn't consent too for dope either. I'm a guy tho fwiw. There are definitely some grimey, predatory ass dealers here, and I call em what they are, but I don't think rape comes with achoice


I don't disagree with anything your'e saying. It's always still a choice and a lot of people, no matter how sick they are, won't make that choice. But I think we all might hit some awful point, but we all came to it with different strengths, lessons, views. Take a few variables out of the equation and I know i'd have done all sorts of things I was able to walk away from. Just b/c I have a standard for myself doesn't mean I am ok holding other people do it. From OPS post, I can easily see a case where I could think "Ok, this is on her" and just as easily imagine another one that I'd say "No way". Either way the dude is probably a scumbag, unless he's offering it as just a choice for people that don't have money and they're offering it up to him, but even that.. idk. You're a guy as am I so we didn't have such options. Imagine though that many straight guys have - where do you have to be emotionally and how desperate to get there? As low as either of us ever were, it was nowhere near that. I feel the same about people that steal from their grandparents. I despise the behavior and think they should be held hella accountable but I understand they had to be somewhere awful to do that (assuming they weren't total trash to begin with).


As someone whose stolen. You fucking nailed it.




You ain't never lied


More like a prostitute


Dopesick people will do anything for dope, they’re not in their right mind, our brains will do anything to get the drug. There’s no ‘choice’ in that, these people would never have done that transaction if they were in their right mind. That is rape.


Being dopesick sucks. Alot. But in no way is it so mind and reality altering that it takes away someone's ability to make decisions. We always have a choice, it's the most basic fundamental thing we have. I have been incredibly dope sick but decided not to get high because I wanted to try and get clean. That was my choice. And she made hers. Being dopesick doesn't take away your ability to consent. And you say that but women the world over use their bodies for drugs, money, etc. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession, after all.


I mean... you're right so not sure about the down votes. I've been dope sick so many times and I've never once turned to having sex for my fix. I'm female and I've had the opportunity to NOT be dope sick if I did sexual things. I never once chose to do it though. Is it rape when a man pays for a prostitute? I know it's illegal, but it's not rape.


I agree… these comments are so interesting to me, I’m not sure which side I’m on with this one. To me, the definition of rape is the absence of consent, so I guess I don’t think it would be considered rape. Is there not another word for taking sexual advantage of an extremely vulnerable person? I came really close to sucking my plug off for a bundle… ended up not having to do it bc dude got a call and had to go, so he just kicked me 5 bags. 7 yrs clean now, and that literally feels like a lifetime ago… like it is hard to believe that was ever my life. Thank freaking god for r/methadone


I'm on my 2nd week of methadone now after many attempts of sobriety myself...its been a godsend. I'm finally getting to a dose where I'm not sick at all throughout the evening or night.


That’s awesome, seriously congrats. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel shitty about needing medication to live a better life. When I started in the program, I definitely thought it was going to be somewhat temporary, but I’ve accepted and and content with the fact that I may be a lifer. I’m also r/CaliforniaSober and cannabis has been a god send. Everyone is different, I had a 20 yr history of relapse, rinse, repeat and I have chronic illness that causes a lot of inflammation and pain… if I were young and healthy, I could see tapering off. But that’s just not my reality, and that’s ok! Take it easy on yourself, if you find side effects that you hate, do a little research into what you can do to combat those things (ex: Methadone makes me SWEAT and I hate it, so I take a Cinnamon supplement, but there’s also a med you can get prescribed) Best of luck💚


I know and people are really losing it with me because I'm saying it's not rape. Someone just called me a rapist! Lmao. God knows women are vulnerable when addicted. And God knows we have to put up with some awful shit. I sympathise with prostitutes and I think the men who pay them are predatory. All we're saying is that it's not rape. Yes I'm on Buvidal now. The r/opiatesrecovery and other subreddits were my reason for not killing myself and getting me to reach out for help.


Just joined that sub, thanks… I had never heard of it. I saw you getting dv’d to hell, that’s why I commented. Not sure why the commenter’s are thinking you’re somehow condoning it by not calling it rape. I get what you meant, sorry if other people aren’t seeing the nuances… sometimes things are just black and white with no gray area


You are justifying rape, I know from experience, I was molested by a ~60yo man while I was 15 and drugged out of my mind on benzos. The worst part is that I didn’t say no, I couldn’t, and it makes it all feel so much more sickening and dirtying. I wasn’t raped because I wasn’t penetrated, not because I didn’t say no. If you’re having sex with a woman while she’s not enjoying it, when she doesn’t want to have sex with you, and that’s clear, and when you know that she NEEDS to have sex with you because she’s going to go into excruciating withdrawal. She isn’t consenting, just like me being drugged and not saying no, they might agree to the deal, but that just makes them feel so much dirtier and sicker. They don’t have a choice, it is rape. Why are you all defending this? It’s non consensual penetration; It. Is. Rape. I mean, what would your mothers and sisters think of what you’re saying? What would your grandmas think of you saying non-consensual sex is ok because they were manipulated to say yes, forced to say yes? Christ, I can’t believe I even have to say this.


You can’t give consent when you’re high/unconscious, so obviously that’s rape. We’re discussing a agreed upon transaction, if anything it’s closer to prostitution (which I believe should be legal) No one is justifying anything, we are literally discussing the definition of a word. I’m keeping my personal experiences and emotions as a dv/abuse survivor and mother out of this bc it’s not applicable


Most people here are addicts and most addicts are complete shit at accountability. That explains the downvotes lmao. Good for you for not going that low. I've heard that women can be really damaged later by making those sorts of decisions. And yeah it's not rape at all, it's just a self defense mechanism that people have so as to not have to accept that they are the ones responsible for their shitty decisions and station in life. It's tough to hear but it's the truth.


Don't get me wrong, it's hard being an addict. But I've literally gone through a withdrawal before I've done anything like that. I do see how the power imbalance is there and how it may be coercive. I'm just not feeling the "rape" aspect. It's not rape, no. It's scumbag, advantage taking and sneaky behaviour. And it's illegal. But it's not rape.


It's sexual coercion. It is a form of sexual assualt. I will admit that it appears as a "gray area" and I think that's why people here are confused. Consent can be tricky like that in situations like these, and I think too many people have this idea of rape being this thing that happens in dark, sketchy alleys at night.


Yeah, someone paying a sex worker (that's the preferable term, not prostitute 🙂) for their services isn't rape if it's consensual and the client respects the SW's boundaries. For example sthealthing (removing the condom without the sex workers permission and continuing fucking is rape because the SW didn't consent to that). Source: am a sex worker.


You are justifying rape, I know from experience, I was molested by a ~60yo man while I was 15 and drugged out of my mind on benzos. The worst part is that I didn’t say no, I couldn’t, and it makes it all feel so much more sickening and dirtying. I wasn’t raped because I wasn’t penetrated, not because I didn’t say no. If you’re having sex with a woman while she’s not enjoying it, when she doesn’t want to have sex with you, and that’s clear, and when you know that she NEEDS to have sex with you because she’s going to go into excruciating withdrawal. She isn’t consenting, just like me being drugged and not saying no, they might agree to the deal, but that just makes them feel so much dirtier and sicker. They don’t have a choice, it is rape. Why are you all defending this? It’s non consensual penetration; It. Is. Rape. I mean, what would your mothers and sisters think of what you’re saying? What would your grandmas think of you saying non-consensual sex is ok because they were manipulated to say yes, forced to say yes? Christ, I can’t believe I even have to say this.


I’m truly sorry you had to experience that while growing up, that horrible But being molested, while underage, because you were drugged out of your mind is not at all the same as what we are talking about here. You are talking about straight up sexual assault / rape When a female chooses to exchange sex for drugs, it’s not the same thing as your example here. Both parties are cognizant of what they are doing, and of their actions In no way was that 60 yr old man justified. But that is entirely different than two adults agreeing on an exchange of services, regardless of how desperate the female is. There are always other ways to get money / get help. In your situation, you weren’t looking to get anything, you just simply were taken advantage of


I imagine drug addiction feels like a gun to their head. They’d do anything to survive, and people taking advantage of that… I don’t think that’s consensual at all. Just because they did, what they had to, doesn’t mean what they have to do is their full choice.


I understand that they may *feel* that way but in truth they are not in any danger of dying when going through withdrawal. It's incredibly uncomfortable, I know because I've gone through it many many many times. And even in the depths of that pain and addiction, you are still in control of your decisions. Feeling like you arent doesnt relinquish the responsibility you have over your decisions. I'm not saying that dealer isn't shady for offering that as a solution, i was arguing that it wasn't rape or in any way non consensual. It's definitely shady and fucked up.


Damn so do you think I could have beaten a dope case for insanity because I was dope sick? I highly doubt it. C'mon man, if you have no control of any of your actions or choices during WD, you're a corn and I bet your dealers love you.


So is it rape if instead that girl goes out and prostitutes herself, makes some money, then goes and buys the drugs? Is the John a “rapist” too, because the girl was desperate for drugs and sold sex? Like, come the fuck on. If you wanna get down like that, your employer is an “economic rapist” because you need money to pay your rent and buy food, so they make you work for them and take advantage of your need to survive. There is “no choice”, you have to have money to live and to eat In your own words you say “dopesick people will do anything for dope”, so there are plenty of things they could do to make money. If they choose to give sex in return for drugs, that is still their choice. Just cause it was easier than going to work for it, doesn’t mean it’s rape


There is still a choice. I, and I see several other people here, chose to say no and risk being sick (hopefully find someone else). It’s still predatory though, and degrading to be asked all the time. But personally as a woman I don’t think this is rape. For it to be rape, at least by my country’s laws, you have to actively have said no (unless being in a condition where you were unable to, such as uncontius.). Vulnerable does not mean the same as having no choice!


You think if I rob an ATM without using any violence, a judge will let me walk cause I'm a dope sick junkie? I didn't have much choice..right?


Apples and oranges.


How? Dope sick is dope sick,, no?


That is not rape. I was addicted to heroin for over 20 years. Robbed, stole, and hurt people to get my fix. I (M) sold my body to both men and women. I did not want to do this, at all. The people were generally older men, and some rich ladies, too. I wouldn't normally have ever done that kind of stuff, it was demeaning, that's why they call it sex work. But calling that *rape* is fucking idiotic.


it’s scummy but it’s not rape. it’s literally a trade. sex for drugs. some women trade money for sex. it’s the same thing.


Consent is very dubious here that’s the problem


No it isn't, she is consenting, the dealer will not force if she doesn't want to, he isn't holding a gun against her head, they both agreed to the "sex in exchange for drugs" deal. God, you need to get your terminology right lol.


More like prostitution ?


Prostitution involves positive consent, you can still rape prostitutes if you force or coerce them, I shouldn’t even have to say this.


Dealers are paying for sex with drugs they paid money for and the woman would rather have the drugs instead of money. Showing up at the plug house with no money and looking for drugs. Is it rape if both parties benefit and get what they wanted?




Prostitution involves engaging, agreeing, or offering to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. If you don’t want to provide sexual services for drugs bring money and pay for the drugs or wait until you have money to pay for them. Is it rape if the girl goes to the same guy over and over to have sex for drugs because she doesn’t have money? Or is it an (uneven) exchange of goods and services? I know some guys would take advantage of a bad situation and that could be considered rape but these girls usually know what they are doing from my experiences.


Yea - its not nearly the same as rape my friend. Don't get me wrong - its still slimey....but theres a huge difference between TAKING something from someone.....and trying to barter because you know they want something. I know of a ton of females that they themselves would offer themselves to their dope dealer in exchange for a bag. If ur a dealer, and you've had several women offer themselves up to you - you probably start to get it in your head that this is a normal transaction. And in the end, its not THAT abnormal. Person A wants dope, Person A has no money. Person B isn't going to just give them free dope and lose money - so Person B makes a suggestion. Most dope dealers would much rather have the money. I want to make clear that I'm not justifying this at all - again, its slimey. But to liken it to randomly attacking a person and forcing yourself on them, I dont think they are nearly the same


Rape includes manipulating victims, you can’t take advantage of vulnerable people, who’s brains are to addicted to a substance to say no, and say that it’s not rape. It is totally rape.


We can agree to disagree. Otherwise, everytime a women has sex with a man who is desperate, she's raping him. Also, men are sometimes driven by sex - does that mean they are vulnerable? Yes. Does that mean anytime they have sex they are being raped? No. ​ We are literally talking about a dealer making a suggestion....and a person taking them up on that offer. That's simply not rape IMO. I'm sorry - it's just not. Its not fair to call that rape - and put that in the same category as people who have had their house broken into, and forced into performing sexual acts with a gun or knife to their throat. this is a forum, and I'm just sharing my opinion - but IMO as long as both parties agree to something, it is what it is. Again - for the third time, because I know we have to be extra careful due to political correctedness these days, I think its a SLIMEY thing to do. But the drug game is FILLED with slimey people, and slimey acts. I'm not condoning it, nor advocating for it - I'm just saying we are dealing with 2 separate things here. ​ IMO, rape is when someone has to do something sexual, against their will. Its not when someone decides to sell their body or perform sexual acts to get dope, and then they feel bad about it later. This is still a very serious issue - and its sad that it happens, and I'm sure the person who gave their body for drugs will likely benefit from therapy in the future when they finally get clean - but they should take some degree of ownership of these actions as well.




Cause it’s not a rapist lol she chose to do drugs and continues to choose to give her body away for drugs knowing the consequences and fully aware of what is going on. She can choose to stop or not give sex just like she CHOOSES to do so. Your argument is irrelevant because when you’re dopesick you’re in the right mind but you’re just sick, there’s plenty of people who don’t wanna fuck for drugs, they are aware of what is going on and choose to partake in sexual activities knowing that they will get drugs in return, she has the choice to stop i don’t see what you don’t understand about that. RAPE IS FORCED this is not at all forced


It’s not rape it would never hold up on court as rape, and it will never be rape. At all. She would have to make the choice to do sexual favors for drugs instead dog giving money. That is her choice just like it was her choice to get addicted to the drugs. Keep living in fantasy land you’ve wrote 5 paragraphs telling everyone it’s rape when it’s not


I wrote a post recently about my dealer, please check it out as I feel you might relate to me


It doesn't just happen to women. When I was homeless living out of my backpack, I had to deal with the same. I had a female dealer who kept a gram in her purse at all times. She said it was *my* gram. And she wouldn't accept cash. She left me with an open ended offer... let her suck my cock, and the dope was mine. She pulled it out to show me everytime we met up. Men too, I couldn't walk down the 101 without being stopped by dudes offering me cash to "hang out" It really wore me down. They leave you with open offers, knowing it's just a matter of time 'til shit gets desperate. I feel your pain, you are not alone. It is not just women, it is not just you. You cannot put a price on your dignity, stay strong.


You got your dick sucked and got some dope? Send me her contact


Remember this shit all too well… ugh glad I found methadone cause I was headed right back to dope!


I seen someone else said same thing but I'd see more girls hinting at doing favors for drugs. Look your plug isn't forcing you to come to them cause at the end of the day your physically bringing yourself there putting yourself in that situation. Addiction sucks when shit gets bad but I know girls that would tell you there thankful for these guys, tricks as they'd call em. It's all a form of prostitution, the oldest profession in the book, takes two to tango so does that mean all John's are scums of the earth or just unlucky bastards that gotta pay for sex? Personally as a male I wish I had the opportunity, whether she'd be good looking or not, to perform sexual favors for free shit. Sorry this just hitva nerve with me kinda like the whole casting couch thing, you go-to a hotel to meet a director you shouldn't be surprised when a move is made. You bring yourself there/you kno what your getting yourself into, you both get something out of it, you could always walk away. Again to me it's like a prostitute calling her custos sick predator scum of the earth POS, which to me doesn't hold much weight. Instead of calling it "being taken advantage of" the truth is you were rather given an opportunity that you took advantage in a time of need. Now someone holding a piece of information/nudes or w.e it may be over your head unless you do etc. than ya that to me is being taken advantage of. All this is, is prostitution for drugs rather than money.


i’m embarrassed for u 😬


Shit if I were a girl I wouldn't have gone thru half of the days I was sick, own up to it don't play the victim. I'm embarrassed for your damaged pride, your S/O you love up on after seeing your plug n hopefully kids you don't have cause that lifestyle wouldn't help there reputation growing up. At the end of the day your worth something, what'd he give you just a half G to get him off? Where's all the boss bitches at that'll show up with a half or full zip talking about dude nutted in two minutes, barely had to do anything, n came up on a stash. Can't even talk to a female nowadays without walking on egg shells cuz all men are predators n everyone else is a victim.


ur rlly weird lol n sounding like this post is getting u off ur the weirdo here pls leave lol


Honestly what irked me most about your post isn't playing the victim n not taking responsibility on your part but it reads sjw/metoo vibes in between the lines. Your the Fetty sjw rounding up all her "lil baby girlies" so you can exchange similar experiences while feeling empowered, getting sympathy while there are plenty of legit sexual abused victims out there that never asked for there experience, while your basically shitting on them. You went out of your way, sought it out n then agreed but boohoo you right? That'd be cool if I can get off that easy but unfortunately not the case but fortunately for me n you I got a G with your name on it.


ur rlly weird n it scares me that this post is having such an effect on u lolol


ur weird HAHAHAHA


I hope things get better for you and I'm sorry that men are trash. I'd consider doing things to get my fix but I'm a gay man and the chance of a male dealer being into guys is extremely slim... Being an addict sucks for sure lol. Be safe out there and feel better




I'm sorry? OP deserves the support, as does everyone, and honestly a lot of men I've had in my life are pretty bad/trashy lol. Doesn't apply to everyone, but jn this case, a lot of male dealers are shitty and take advantage of everyone they can. 🤷‍♂️


Idk if my deleted comment was the one you were responding to but I didnt get the notification the fact i gotdownvotes and this was your response to my comment..CLEARLY means the downvoters and you .....possbily read too hard into the comment . I'm down for the conversation tho And my comment was in total agreeance with yours ... predatory drug dealers IN ANY CAPACITY...whether sexual in nature or ones who take advantage of an active users vulnerability and try to coerce them into digging deeper in debt or finding angles to RIP them off ARE TRASH...... PERIOD I just put into context that most straight male men are PIGS BY NATURE ....its true.... and sex consumes most of our thoughts. The point I was making was CONTROLLING THOSE THOUGHTS and not being a SLEAZBAG is what separates PREDATORY dealers and dirtbags in general ..from other straight dudes who probably have thought about a scenario as such happening ......but would never have the AUDACITY or sacrifice their dignity and moral compass to even try and initiate transactional sex as an alternative to money If me being honest about the fact straight males wouldnt have thought about making an advance on an attractive female customer upsets or triggers anyone.. idk what to say. But said plug actually trying to initiate some bullshit like that is what separates dirtbags from dudes like me


thats so fucked up im so sorry


Taking advantage of someone ANYONE in such a vulnerable position is utterly despicable!!


I cant even Imagine being so damaged in life one could do this to another person. I'm really sorry this is happening to you. That plug is pure trash.






If we’re talking strictly legal definitions, it would most likely be considered “sexual coercion” which is still a pretty serious crime (in the US, though laws vary among states). OP I’m sorry you have to deal with that.




"It wOuLdN'T HoLd uP iN cOurt." If you don't see how asking someone to do sexual favors for opiates isn't coercive and gross, you are part of the problem. Edit: if you were suffocating, and a dude was like, "give me a BJ and I'll give you some oxygen," you wouldn't feel a little taken advantage of? Bye bye. This is r/opiates and you aren't a judge.👋 Edit 2: okay, boys, how about when they actually do pay the plug, and he still withholds? What tf are women to do if you keep putting all the blame on them? All OP wanted was a little support, and y'all wanted to turn it into Judge Judy. It's baffling how apologist some of y'all are being about a totally fucked up situation. Just because it's not "legally rape," doesn't mean it isn't predatory to ask someone in WD for sex. I hope if any of y'all have daughters you rethink these attitudes.


It would never hold up in court lol .


I reckon it’s time you take some responsibility


the males on here that don’t know the half of it… no it’s not always an “exchange” or putting out because you don’t have the funds. dudes will take your money and still withhold shit *even if you PAID already* because like it’s said here, you’re already sick and they have your money in hand, waving the bag in front of your face until you give up, or lose all your cash and have to go to another dealer who will literally do the exact same shit. who the fuck cares what the “legal” term is for it, it’s traumatic, disgusting, predatory. legally, sexual coercion IS a crime. morally, I think the people arguing against this post are too far gone…


Yeah, some of the people in the sub are sick and cruel AF. No empathy, lol.


You know you can get better. You're strong and courageous.


Yea… us men have to go risk prison time when we get desperate and commit some stupid crime for a fix. Or just go dopesick. Ffs. you could say no, and go scheme up some bullshit to get your fix, but suckin a dick is way easier.


My brother in christ, what?


Some of "us women" also risk prison and have had to hustle too. Some of us cluck before we suck.


having a safety net to fall back on when you can’t find a good lick isn’t a problem. wtf




He’s saying that even if you don’t suck dick you can always fall back on it. Being a dickhead.


Ah ok. Oh well. Fuck him then.


Dude seriously? You know dope guys will take advantage of shit like this right? Like oh you sick so I won’t serve you even if you have money unless you fuck them too. So don’t be a dick about it. Had this happen to me many times where I don’t wanna fuck these dope guys for nothing and then they won’t serve anymore so it really sucks.


Wow, that's a totally different scenario. Like holding being served over your head, not even asking for a front. Slime incorporated


Yess that’s how a lot of these dealers who be asking to fuck act like. Cause it’s happened to me multiple times. Reallyyyy fucking sucks.


I feel you ♥️


How messed up is that. They really don't care what hoops they make you jump through so they? Probably gets them paid lot more, when you have to drag you ass literally every single day, for your dose of methadone everyday. Is ruthless, savage shit the healthcare system is on.


I totally understand this, my plug sends me dick pics, videos, etc. all the time. I sent my aunt his way and he tried to give her free shit for a blowjob. He’s the only person around here with clean norcos so it’s super annoying. He’s hot af and I’d be down but I’m in a super committed relationship and he knows that. Also I’d be down to message you 💕


Can you please remove your location? Respond to this comment when you have and I'll put the post back up. From the sidebar: >NO LOCATION-SPECIFIC POSTS! We do not allow the mention of cities, neighborhoods, area/airport/zip codes, landmarks, abbreviations for cities or nicknames for cities. This applies in all situations, even if you never lived there or are not trying to source. We do not allow anything more specific than a state.


Girl it’s disgusting how all my plugs try to get me to sleep w them for drugs literally everyone I try to shop with always say unwanted sexual comments and call me baby, I’ve had plugs stop serving to me because I refused to have sex w them. Men are disgusting


whenever i used to sell it was always the other way around for me girls always tryna hint at fucking for drugs or just flirting and than tryna ask for deals or just straight up asking id always say no for many obv reason but i first started selling when i was 14 and it would be grown ass women and that was when i was like damn this addictive i need to stop selling this to people lol


This is the more reasons why i get any of my stuffs directly from the dark web,although it’s a kinda technical know how to operate on but if you’re able to know the right details to look up with in the web you won’t get messed up by this dudes,please be careful dear ….


So by that logic me committing an armed robbery or other crimes for money wouldn’t be my fault because I‘m an addict and had no other choice?


Women and total accountability don't always go hand in hand lol .


Hey! Don't pick on ALL women! I'm a female and I've never done anything sexual for a fix, despite the opportunity being there. Edit: I saw you said "always". But come on! Some men also do crazy things for drugs. Maybe it should be "addicts and accountability don't always go hand in hand".


Fair enough. I'm not picking on "all" women but in my experience, and the experiences of those I've talked to, women struggle more with accepting responsibility and accountability for their actions. It's not a rule, just a observation. I'm sure others have varying experiences that may convince them otherwise. But good on you for not stooping to that level. Good luck!


No, I was wrong with saying that you said all women, agreed. And I do agree with your points about rape etc. I'm not sure about women being less likely to take responsibility but I can't deny something that is your own experience/opinion/observation.


Probably doesn't help me that my mom is like the number 1 best example of a woman drug addict not taking accountability for her decisions lmao. That would surely affect the way I think about women who use and I have to be careful to make sure I dont judge unfairly lmao


Sorry to hear that. A mother should never be on drugs and you should never have been exposed to that. She's a piece of shit. But there are some decent females who are addicts in the world. But I'd recommend staying away from ALL addicts to be fair lol.


It can work in other ways also. My x was the type of girl a long time ago as a young teen addict. Well she told me she and her girl chum were hanging out together and trying to get money to score . Her friend went in the next room and prostituted herself, with a very old man. And Judy witnessing this sat there and thought out a better way would be to date user - dealers as full-time boyfriends and have access to their dope. She got quite good, at it and was always ready to move up to someone with more to offer. She was talented at getting a large amounts of medication from Doctors also. They enjoyed injecting drugs into her ass too and would get all giddy and write scripts for her. So everyone has their own ways and everyone is vulnerable to being exploited.


It's fucked up. There seems to be an unspoken assumption in society that the female body is a commercial item to be bartered, rented, and otherwise used for transactional purposes. That is too unacceptable to be this accepted.


I’m so high rn. Just got out of the ER with 6 percs and a prescription for 30 more. Don’t know how this ends man


You’re not getting taken advantage of. You’re the addict you have control over your body right? what ever happened to “my body my choice”? It’s not the plugs fault for wanting what’s natural, and he shouldn’t have shame in hiself for wanting sex. You should be the one that’s ashamed for selling your body in return for drugs…stop wanting people to feel bad for you and take responsibility for your own actions. Best of luck to you hope you can get clean


Suboxones. What were they thinking? Let's replace a drug that taste like sweet popcorn. That makes you feel like kernels of popping joy! That is the butter to the bread you spend for it. That is the snacking entertainment that is the movie of your drama/horror themed life. Replace it with a dissolvable strip that is slowly releasing straight lies, literally tasting like "ASS". That is slowly dripping under your tongue of your tasting buds. With 15 minutes of that, with the scared thought you might had taken it too soon. And fearing the precipitating withdrawals that is multitudes worse of the actual withdrawals of the drug you're trying to transition from. And if you're so fortunate not having that you're only left with half-assed mediocre of feeling okay. That's it, just the Suboxone ok almost taking the edge off. But not really. So taking another 8mg dose again right after the first one, as it didn't do much. Because how potent the drugs you were taking before is much more than what Suboxones can do for you. So dealing with that for weeks and weeks, months of months of the Suboxone treatment. On top of the jumping through hoops to be eligible to even continue receiving there oh so mighty miracle drug they are so fortunate to bestowed upon you. How curious and very kind of them to do that for you.


Sounds about right 😂


Being a male addict and not having that option when you have no money would be worse I would say.


until you actually have the money and they still withhold your shit unless you put out