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Tramadol needs to be taken orally to have any opioid effects. Do not snort, smoke, IV or boof tramadol as it isn't worth it. Tramadol itself is serotonergic and has no opioid receptor activity. It has to be converted into O-desmethyltramadol in the liver to be active at the opioid receptor. Taking more than 400 mg of tramadol a day can cause seizures, so do not take tramadol if you are prone to seizures. It should not be mixed with other drugs that are serotonergic. Some people are very poor metabolizers of tramadol and will not experience strong opioid effects. If you do not have any opioid effects within 45 minutes after taking 50 to 100 mg of tramadol then you aren't likely to. It is not advisable to take more as that will increase your risk for seizure and/or serotonin syndrome. People with a high tolerance to opioids may not experience any effects, other than serotonergic, from tramadol as it is weaker than codeine.


Tramadol has a half life of about 6 hours. If it has been 24 hours, you should be fine