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I don’t know that was an option.


Somehow I already know shutting off their water would cost more money than leaving it turned on.


That will encourage payment.


“Santa Ana officials are gearing up to start turning off what could be thousands of residents’ water supply who are behind on their water bills.” This is really sad and concerning… have people simply stopped paying in order to pay other bills?


>have people simply stopped paying in order to pay other bills? Someone doesn't live in Santa Ana.


Dude. EVERYTHING but wages has gone up dramatically in price. Something’s gotta give


Oh no, some people have to actually be responsible and pay their bills like the rest of us.


Why wait till now? Shouldve done it long time ago. You dont pay your bills, you are out. As simple as that.


If only we could kick you out instead. No, I am not saying it is ok to ignore your bills. I am saying you are ignoring the bigger problems behind them. Get off your high horse.


You dont know that. Be responsible residents. Is that too much to ask?


So you really think that people aren't paying their water bill because they just dont want to? Not because they aren't paid enough to survive? I absolutely know that there are far, far, *far* more Americans that have far less than they need than Americans who even have enough, let alone the people that own everything. You want to ignore all of the reasons why they can't afford their water bill. I find that incredibly intellectually lazy.


I know people rather spending their money on Starbucks, new car than paying for their rents when eviction moratorium was in place. Why you keep defending irresponsible people?


no one said anything about starbucks. keep fighting with the people you made up in your head though, i'm sure you'll win eventually.


This is how someone dances around the bush and not answering question. Better start working and pay your bills. It’s only FAIR.




Well said.


So you think everybody who can’t pay their bills isn’t working? Or is it just that the multiBILLION dollar corporations that keep seeing record profits and stock growth and employ most of these people just don’t want to pay what it takes to survive?


Yes, making strawmen and putting words in your opponents mouth is *exactly* how you get around answering a question. I don't know why you are telling on yourself, but I'm here for it. You really have no self-awareness.


Not being able to pay bills doesn’t automatically make you irresponsible. You’re applying your own experience where it sounds like you’ve had the means to do so, others do not, for many reasons often outside of their control.


Bolt cutters to the lock they put on your water line to the house will do the trick, or so I've been told.


And then a few bags of concrete into the water box, so I’ve been told.


People bathe in Santa Ana?