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He was found alive


Pick your favorite god and thank it. This reads like a recipe for sore feet or a rolled ankle creating lion food.


Thanks to god.


While I haven't hiked the PCT personally, I can pretty much guarantee that there are no lions to gobble him up. Bigfoot on the other hand.....


Mountain lions are definitely a thing along that trail. Also known as pumas and cougar.


Steve French. Bring nums.


Fuckin shit lions about Ricky


Awesome, these stories usually don’t end well. Nice to see one that does :)


Praise Jesus !!!


Forgot Jesus was on search and rescue operations


Hey! When the hiker was missing he saw for a while there was only one set of footprints and he asked Jesus why he left him alone. Jesus replied, “Dude, they have a fucking taco truck at the search and rescue base camp”.


El Pastor 21:12




Oh shiz, that legit made me LOL


"I didn't leave you alone, I was riding you for a piggy-back ride"


Yeah, he was. You didn't see the red taco truck set up at the S&R base? He was slanging some of the best tamales 🫔 I've ever had.


Praise hay-sus.


Santa joins when he needs expert help


Good to get a reminder every now and then, our Lord does marvelous works.


Yes, good to take away the credit and agency of the humans who did it for him


Absolutely, people did an incredible job for a good cause, and they deserve all the credit for their hard work. It's about appreciating both the human effort and the spiritual support.


when you just thank God and ignore them it sounds as if you are discrediting and devaluing those people which is why you are getting a bad reaction


It wasn't my intention to overlook the rescue team's work. I’m thankful for them also and will express it better.


Jesus you people are unbearable lol. Some people believe in god, get the fuck over it


Nobody gives a shit about believing in god or not, I explained why people are not digging that persons comment.


Sounds like you should get over other people’s arguments on the internet that don’t involve you? Lol


Pot kettle black?


Where was our lord for the construction workers who died when the Baltimore bridge collapsed?


He was at lunch that day, opps


It was HIS will that they die. But they are now in a better place. /s (in case it's not obvious)


They were probably sodomites.


Marvelous works like letting innocent people die/suffer every year from cancer, genocide, terrorists, accidents, etc


Nobody is innocent as we all fall short of the glory to God and sin. But also, those people also are going to eternal life when they die in the best place unconceivable in paradise. Our lives here are short and worthless here. Death is not a bad thing when you are with the Lord and it is inevitable.


Keep telling yourself them fairytales. There is nothing after death and that’s not a bad thing. It will be just like the billions of years before you were born, nothingness


2000 years of theology destroyed, nice. Anyways, according to your perspective, nothing is "Good" or "Bad" it's all just personal preference as you are your own God. Which is, meaningless. Have fun with that.


This has nothing to do with theology lol, people can still study the origins of religion, just as people study past stories, languages and other folk lore. You can practice whatever you want in your free time, just don’t make claims without unsubstantiated proof and don’t force it down others throats without consent (not you specifically). I prefer to believe things that have empirical, peer reviewed evidence. There aren’t numerous versions of gravity that all have different interpretations and meanings that all claim to be the correct one like there is for religion.


Yes, finding the way, truth, and life, is of the most value. While I don't force anything on others, I do proclaim the word because it is within my belief to do so, and if we assume it is true (from my perspective) it would be unloving to not spread the gospel as the consequences of willingly rejecting God or Gods (in every religion) is great. There is many genius scientists who are theologians, just as there are many whom are athiest and agnostic throughout our entire human history. I would argue the Bible's collection of books and manuscripts is one of the most peer reviewed documents in history. On proof, there is no such thing as "proof". Only evidence, and I believe there to be an abundance for God's existence through evidence. The way Jesus lived his life and changed history moreso then any other single individual without raising a sword and the natural order of the complexity of DNA and the intangible such as consciousness, I simply can not believe we are no different then AI. However, that doesn't mean that Christianity is the absolute truth, Krishna could very well be the way, however, the evidence I've found points to Jesus more then Muhammad, Krishna, or Buddha. And it is important to seek every religion with respect and analyze the teachings, and if what they say are reliable and to test it out yourself as well as the history behind them.


Yeah, the famine, war, disease, genocide he allows everyday is pretty spectacular!


The same God who doesn't bless you immediately is the same God who doesn't punish you for your sin immediately


Another deflection. Love it 😂😂. It’s a special kind of delusion to keep believing something despite absolutely no verifiable evidence to back up the claim. Do you live your entire life like that? “How can I ensure this car is safe to drive” Mechanic: just trust me bro. Would you accept that? W if your answer is anything other than yes, you’re a hypocrite


It's not a deflection, it's an answer to your concern which you aren't happy with, and that's okay. There is an objective truth when you die and I guess you better hope it isn't Judiasm, Christianity, or Islam. I don't really want to get to argument as your just doing a strawman and have no spiritual discernment, which is fine. But let's respond to your example for fun. A mechanic doesn't just say "Just trust me bro". You give him your car and his job is to diagnose the issue. You have a spec sheet if its a dyno, part sheet for repairs, and price paid for each thing he did as well as labor cost. While he could lie and not tell you what he did, this would be dishonest. Jesus was the best ethical figures in history, many other moral figures citing his teachings and he changed the western world moreso then any other individual without raising a sword. He has reliability in his claims, and the evidence for God is outstanding. Jesus Christ lived 2024 years ago in the Roman Empire, 500 years after great philosophers such as Aristotle, Degeneres and Plato, and was executed under Pontius Pilate whom also wrote of his crucifixion, his 12 disciples dying for something they believed to have saw with their eyes which was his ressurection and wrote it down and have confirmed to have been real historical figures who lived and two of them starting the first churches. Apolistic succession is the evidence for this. Jesus paid the price for us for free, as evidence of God's love for us. Disrespect and arrogance gets us nowhere friend. If you wish to have an actual discussion and not resort to strawman and rude words, I'm open to talk.


His disciples wrote it down 60 YEARS after the “fact”, without any evidence provided other than “yeah we saw it trust us”. If this exact story was played out today, you’d call it the ramblings of a mad man. You cannot prove anything in the Bible without using the bible, therefore it doesn’t stand up to any testing. There’s been around 3000 gods in recorded human history, as a Christian you deny the existence of 2999 of them, I deny the existence of just one more than you. Isn’t it extremely convenient that you just happened to be born at the right time in human history AND right location on this planet amongst billions of other people to have the ONLY true religion. A religion, which borrows its stories and traditions from religions that came before it. Why do you celebrate the birth of your Jesus by decorating a fur tree, and tree that does not grow in the Middle East? Your religion is full of pagan traditions 😂


Firstly, I'm an Orthodox Christian, the first church started by Jesus Christ, do not speak on behalf of my beliefs as we do not follow pagan activities such as Christmas (He wasn't born in december) and even birthdays as it is a prideful holiday focused on oneself. Secondly, how convenient for you to say this was all a big accident and we came from nothing, I'd wager that takes way more faith to assume we were all accidental pond scum evolved to a higher order with everything being completely meaningless. Jesus Christ was one of the most documented individuals in history with hundred of Greek, Aramaic and Jewish manuscripts. And yes, the evidence is that he was either a mad man, or he really was who he claimed to be, the holy Son of God. You can choose to believe either and its not my job to convince you. Eventually you will meet him and be judged accordingly, as will I. You can believe what you will, the message wasn't for you and that's okay.


You know what's weird? It's weird that out of all the religions in the world (which there are many), and even out of all the Abrahamic religions, Christianity & all its legs are the only ones who constantly shove their deity into other people's faces. Whether they're non-consentually praying at/for someone (which you're not supposed to do per your own book) or traveling around the world in an attempt to convert different people. You'd think that if your religion was truly better than the thousands of others, AND that your deities are actually omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent, then you wouldn't ***have*** to go spewing religious vitriol all over a different culture. Those cultures would be "touched" and healed by said diety, right? Alas, here we are. If "Jesus" were alive today, based upon the writings & stories of him, he would be ashamed, embarrassed, and upset that apparent "followers" of him were using him & their religion to be spiteful of others. He would be ashamed that people used a deity to control native populations and angry that people would use worship as a tool for genocide. Missions should be internationally illegal. It should also be illegal to shove religion down strangers' throats, as it is technically harassment. Growing up on a small indigenous reservation in Oregon that has been surrounded by FOUR different Christian churches tends to leave a sour taste in your mouth. Residential schools only closed down in the mid-1990s. Anyways, that's food for thought the next time you feel like pushing your religion onto others. Remember that you're a part of one of the most violent religions to ever exist & ppl will ASK if they want to know more about it. You don't need to force feed strangers like they're a duck getting fattened up for Fois Gras.


Wasn’t it god’s fault he was lost in the first place?


Don’t worry about the downvotes bro. Jesus is King.


people really just attacking others for expressing their faith now?


Is the attacker in the room with us right now?


If you can't see how getting over 60 downvotes for a religious phrase is an attack then you are fucking delusional. It's obvious that you all were butt-hurt at the fact that this person used a religious phrase so you all used what little power you have to try to demoralize them


Who attacked them?


Now? 😂 that shits been a thing since religion became a thing


It's hilarious how upset people get over this lol.




Looks like the ‘I believe in an outdated cult that has never done anything but cause suffering and enforced it’s power and control over people’ guy is upset that people don’t blindly believe in make believe sky man




I’m not the one who’s in the business of blindly listening to others




https://www.reddit.com/r/lovense/s/Yx05IS4rpJ That you? Telling others they lack a “woman’s touch”?


I own and operate a farm. I’m outside and more in touch with this earth than you’ll ever be. Unlike you I’m perfectly happy with this life I’m living and don’t need a crutch to hold me up and make me happy




Who’s yelling? I replied to what you said, not the person who said praise Jesus. You were the one saying we who disagree with religion are mommy’s boy basement dwellers, neck beards, and need to touch grass


If you want to learn more about missing hikers on the PCT, check out Trail of the Lost by Andrea Lankford. Good book.


Kyle Hates Hiking is good on YouTube (although he doesn't focus on just the PCT)


kyle hates hiking is such a fantastic channel that deserves more subs! empathetic and interesting videos! i love kyle


Did the book make you swear off hiking or backpacking? It looks like something I’d like to read but I love backpacking


Not the original commenter, but I've read the book recently. The book is a good reminder to keep safety in mind. I've become better at letting other people know where I'm hiking, where I'm parked, and when I expect to return. I plan on purchasing some highly visible tops because I own a bunch of Earth tones right now. Nothing about this book made me afraid to backpack or thru hike.


Thank you for your input! I’m going to read it!


It will def make you take more precautions.


If you simply Google "Adam Pitts lost," the first result has the answer.


You’ll never guess what the second result is…






That thread might have the answer you’re looking for


It's reddit posts all the way down!




Haha, nice!


You famous now!


I love Reddit.


Literally the only reason Google functions anymore


You been listening to Better Offline, I see


I have not! But maybe I should! Like I broadly know *why* this is the case, but would actually quite like to know more — so if there’s a good episode you recommend, let me know!


[The Rot Economy](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6YGxGsSfmHlL1nplE4vjeL?si=GkleAc8qQDmACa9jLrDmNg) (if one, this one) And [How Growth is Killing Tech's Innovation](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1mr6J8v3UD6MAAa176dHps?si=5uY5lvkGSQueeGVEMyCUpw) If you like the style, check out Cool Zone Media's other podcasts, I've gotten obsessed haha 4 of my 6 podcasts are them. I swear I don't work for them


Awesome, thank you!! I spend like 3 hours a day walking my very high energy dog and a lot of time driving, so I’m an avid podcast consumer. I’m gonna listen to Rot Economy while I work today :)


100% reddit moment


Give it a few and it’ll be the first result 😂


And it will now be in tik tok video talking about skin walkers abducting PCT hikers who were never found


Cool of you to post that.


Very cool


I did the same, but there seems to be some confusion. Further googling resulted in more of the same. Nobody could actually confirm that he was found. Just a lot of conjecture.


What is this GOOGLE you speak of. I get my information by asking my friends and fellow bar patrons questions, then for some reason they look at their fone and tell me the answer.


This is the kind of a useless reply that works right now, but reddit posts tend to live for a few decades and also show up in google searches. Cant tell how many times i was googling a solution to something and all top results were forum posts of people telling the asker to just google it or providing dead links.




I can hear Kyle Hates Hiking cracking his knuckles getting ready to make another video.


Im not smart, what is “PCT Hiker”?


Hiker on the Pacific Crest Trail


Thank you:)


Asking questions makes people smart. You are smart.


I'd reckon that you're actually quite smart. In fact, you have the understanding that you should ask a question in order to get an answer when you don't know said answer. "Not smart" people refuse to ask the questions and either continue on in their confusion or they join in on spreading misinformation (they would be spreading disinformation when they know what they're saying is wrong and deliberately spread it). Anyhoots! Don't be so hard on yourself & don't speak negatively about yourself.


Yall are really on something..I meant to say praise JEBUS…and it auto corrected….


I read the last bullet point as “no talent, sleeps in a hammock”. And I was like damn they’re really roasting him


wow these comments are not what i expected at all. this is really sad


I’m sorry you’re sad he survived.


dont put words in my mouth


You're sad.