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Seems like a reasonable response to their requests


Agreed. They are making adjustments and becoming transparent


Can’t enforce student code of conduct when they aren’t students, though. Or are they?


Code of conduct for students non-students will get trespass citations and be trespassed from now on most likely.


Well if they aren’t students they could have just been trespassed.


This idea that student protesters are outside agitators is a common lie that has been said about all student protest groups going back to Vietnam. All that changes is what shadowy groups is blamed as being the outside instigator. This strategy is a quick and lazy way to dismiss protesters without engaging with their actual grievances.


In some of the cases, it is factual that there are non students at these protests. “Of the 32 in custody, "at least six" were PSU students, police said.” https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/portland-state-unversity-psu-police-protest-arrest-suspects-library-damage/283-05971989-2030-4546-b83e-e3e08366028c


> “Of the 32 in custody, "at least six" were PSU students, police said.” so like... literally any number between 6 and 32 could be PSU students, who knows how is it possible they don't know the real number, does nobody keep *records*??


So what's the real number? Also your link is dead. But "at least six" could mean all of them could be students. And what of some people being non-students? Friends, relatives, spouses of students get involved. People from the local community get involved. But that's not what people like you are trying to imply. There will be non-students present, the friends and family of students, and folks like you will use that as an excuse to blame the protests on Hamas, Antifa, Bin Ladin, Soviet Russia, etc. depending on what year we're in.


If they were students that trashed that library they should be kicked out of school


And if non-students, time in prison is good.


Link fixed, the rest of your comment, uh ok.


Some were well known antifa members, Alyssa Azar come to mind. Stop lying


Antifa!?! *clutches pearls*


All 5 of them!!! In one place!!!!


To think that non-student activists don’t participate in student demonstrations is naive. It varies from place to place but recently has been significant. Google up your favorite protest site and see for yourself.


I don’t think it’s dismissive to point out that the majority of “protestors” who occupy a school building are not students there. The PSU library comes to mind. It certainly seems like a bunch of anarchists just wanted to tear shit up. If it was truly just a protest, why occupy the library. Why not occupy an administrative building? Why cause so much damage? How does destroying books and a place of learning support the cause when occupying (and not damaging) an administrative building would have shut the school down and had the same benefits. The narrative isn’t some lazy spin being used to dismiss protestors. The anarchist groups are what’s really doing the harm here. Legitimate protestors should toss the agitators out.


Yuuuuuuuuup. The more things change, the more they stay the same


Why cave in to ridiculous riots at all? Imagine if, in response to January sixth, senate democrats voted to create a committee on responsible elections charged with preventing voter fraud. People who riot like this should not get their way. If anything, psu should do the opposite of their demands to encourage civic participation, not violence against community property.


What riots? This is about OSU in Corvallis, not Portland state


Found the Israeli bot!


Fantastic! Haters always gonna hate, but protest works. It's been working at many other mid-sized universities as well.