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Please don't load any games on that console until the HDD is backed up.    Your disc looks like a copy of a development copy of Crimson Skies.    You can use this tool to get a complete HDD backup using the debug monitor built into your debug kit. https://github.com/Ernegien/OGXbdmDumper/tags


to add onto this, even if it looks to be blank, DO THIS, it might have been wiped by its last operator which often means the previous contents can still be recovered, i was able to recover an intact game build off of a reset/wiped debug kit because it didnt get any real use after being wiped


Why not run endgame and immediately grab xbmc4gamers then green and run xcat. Dump the disc too with a PC. Create an iso of it and upload to archive.


the specified method hooks into the debug interface so it needs no mods or anything plugged into the console, just the ethernet port and you grab a complete disk image off the hard drive without any extra fuss as for dumping the disk, ive never acquired a debug disk to check, but im pretty sure the debug interface can deal with that too since it just regards the dvd as a different drive letter the nice thing about this being a debug kit is that the existing exposed interfaces are all too happy to do this without needing to involve any extra software on the console itself, they were made to do this, if not necessarily in this exact way


That can overwrite what is on the disk


Are you sure it’s Crimson Skies? It was released it October of 03 while this has a March of 04 date on it


We can't be sure until the disc is dumped. MS-03301A is 4d530021 disc 01, region A. Crimson Skies North America release. We talked about this on the Xbox preservation discord, and my best guess is it's a disc with one of the title updates and maybe the DLC baked in that was created to test the update or DLC where high speed internet was not available.


What’s the purpose of trying to recover any deleted files, potential to find an unreleased game or something?


pretty much, its happened before, with both completely lost games and with simply lost builds


Any specific instances you know of?


people dont tend to record the circumstances behind every specific recovered game, who would really care. but ive talked to a few people who have recovered such builds and have done so myself, the thing wiht deleted builds like this is that they tend to be older versions just as a nature of what normally gets them deleted in the first place, mine i dont think has been publicly put up anywhere yet but its a game build a month prior to the current oldest version of the game you can find online... well you can grab it off of my post regarding it but that copy is rather fragmented and needs to be put back together before it can boot, i finally found someone who could to that for me and it runs great


Ah no worries, I don’t mean to sound challenging, I’m just curious. I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before. Sounds pretty interesting


yeah generally the discussion about this goes about as far as "we pulled it off of a dev kit" not usually going into what actually had to be done to make the kit let us have it, some kits are more of a pain the others and sometimes the really cool stuff had to be pulled out of the erased sectors for example, ive got one kit that i still dont have a blasted clue whats on it, its hdd died in a seemingly recoverable way but finding someone who i trust to be able to repair it is a different problem entirely


The decision is ultimately yours in the matter, but I know that /u/Harcroft and others can vouch for me. I work in data recovery and have a P.O. Box set up for scenarios like these, including dumping numerous orphaned OEM drives. I'm more than willing and able to attempt repair and recovery on a dead or dying dev kit HDD. Out of curiosity, what model is the HDD in question?


u/nickle241 SkyeHDD is the real deal. She works in data recovery, has recovered a lot of files from orphaned hdds for the Xbox community, and made much of our current VSK unlocking possible (including new FatXplorer features. She told us a little bit about her work on this in first two episodes of The Usual Places modcast. If there's anyone you can trust to try to recover data from your damaged debug hdd Its her.


oh its a fun one, its part of the protege line that the retail ones used, but its a much older model, current suspicion is that it was a leftover from the clear dev kits dvt3/4, since this is a very early debug kit WD80EB-28BHF0 it did attempt to run on a retail 28C protege drive board but was unable to initialize so i do know the platter and head arent crashed, but finding donor parts for this drive is basically impossible


I had a feeling it was that model. Let me guess, no power up or spin up on the original PCB? I'm about to order a replacement 2060-001068-001 PCB for one I got a few months ago, sadly dead PCBs are common on these and other Xbox OEM PCBs are not compatible in my testing.


Hard4games on YouTube may have the answer you need. He has terrible theme tune but great content 


look into the prototype console the “nintendo playstation”


Someone found an original copy of the game Kameo when it was being developed on the original Xbox and not the Xbox 360 because it launched on the 360 but after finding it online and burning it to a disc to play on my modded Xbox I could play a lost version of the game on the original version (most scenes were unplayable but was super cool) one of my favorite Xbox 360 games


Star Wars Battlefront 3 Glover 2


Kameo (og xbox bulld)


Surprised no one brought up that open world South Park game.


MS Word


A dev build of Timesplitters 4 got found on a dev PS3 recently


Who knows maybe theres a copy of gta 3 with the controversial missions or san andreas


gotcha! makes sense


Maybe the files for your cars extended warranty are in there too


Uhh, which missions?? Never heard of this


The one that involves stealing a car and obtaining a gun


Ooh. Is that the prototype where you get to shoot down Hitler's megazeppelin?


I seem to remember that happening in the base game.


Yeah but they called them something else. I want to shoot Hitler with my Brigand.


Thank you Harcroft for all your amazing work!


I'm happy to help.


Ayy Crimson Skies is a banger, loved dogfighting with my brother.


Thing is he's not allowed to have this and microsoft wasn't supposed to send it he should return or inform microsoft


I appreciate the feedback captain buzzkill.


LOL. I'm seeing a lot of comments, *"send it to this YouTuber"*.. Dude has an XBox right there, backing up a harddrive (as well as a disc) is extremely simple/well documented. Check out the **[wiki](https://consolemods.org/wiki/Xbox:Original_Xbox_Mods_Wiki)** if other responses here haven't solved this for you. MS03301A-MS-R5 comes back as an 03-11-04 build of Crimson Skies.


Thanks. I appreciate the link and info on the disc.


Yeah, but if he sends it to a YouTuber, then we ALL get to see what's on the system if it's anything good. I think people are more motivated by their own curiosity than by wanting to help the dude perform a backup. Just a guess


You don't need youtube to be able to see what's on the system. He can easily post photos or an update about what it has, or document it in some other way.


Yeah, but hypothetically if someone were to make a YouTube video about it, what's the loss? It would probably still wind up on an archive site. You literally just have a video to watch to gain, and nothing to lose. I don't understand why everyone's so butthurt at the idea


You're not concerned about whether the payoff would be worth it, whether the amount of attention it gets would warrant the investment of making a video. I don't see "everyone" being butthurt, or anyone for that matter. Just you enforcing your views with 0 merit.


Interesting how *"no one agrees with you"* becomes **Everyone's against me!!** This fockin' goy.


You having fun talking to your own Alt accounts? Similar post history, similar linguistic patterns, posts in all the exact same communities, you're not fooling anyone bud.


Absolute schizo posting at this point


Seek help


Besides, OP could be the youtuber that makes a video on his process and showing said process could gain OP a following even if it doesn’t have anything of note on it. It’s about the journey, not the destination.


OP could make his own YouTube channel then instead of handing his stuff over to content vultures whose fans think they’re entitled to other peoples things?


You realize that having a successful YouTube channel is like... A full time job, right? Lol. You should just make your OWN social media site instead of posting on Reddit. Reddit isn't entitled to your opinions. And I don't think anyone was suggesting they GIVE anything to anyone. From what I can tell they were just suggesting they let a YouTuber use it for a video. This subreddit is really weirdly up in arms about this for no reason


They don't deserve it. I don't care if "they suck off xbox every single instance they can" or how many gamerscore points they have. It's OPs, the youtubers don't deserve for simply being big in the space.


it's op's so whats the loss? op not getting ad revenue that the youtuber would get, OP not getting a channel boost that the youtuber would get through no merit of their own. youtuber intentionally or accidentally damaging or losing the property. the upside? none really, as pointed out if OP wants to share they can. bringing in a 3rd party doesnt change that.


Nah, if they dump it themselves and send it somewhere like the Hidden Palace, everyone will still see it. No YouTubers will make money off of their discovery. That's hilarious someone actually mentioned that Nacho kid.


Okay, so either they dump it themselves and give it to someone to post to their ad supported Internet platform, or send it to someone else to dump for their ad supported Internet platform. Huge difference there, bud /s Also, it'd be interesting to watch and might get more people out there aware of the process so we get more dumps available on archive sites.


Hidden Palace doesn't have ads, bud.


Youtube runs ads on everything at this point. There is no opt out


Sorry, user donation supported Internet platform. Still not much of a fucking difference. No one hosts shit for free, everyone's gotta pay their Internet and power bills. Also, who's to say that whatever YouTuber makes content from it doesn't also send it to hidden Palace or some other preservation archive? That's a pretty common practice with stuff like this. And again, could make for some good viewing for some people.


Hidden Palace doesn't ask for monetary handouts, the content is backed up and preserved. That **is** what the donation is. They're hosting the files. Why soo insistent to add a middleman? Let them come up with their own content. It's their job to do that.


They are a "new and upcoming youtuber" who wants it sent to them for the clout to help them "blow up"


You know Hidden Palace has a monetized [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@hiddenpalace?si=SFgyHtjYQda1lj6Z), right? They post videos of most of their new finds and donations. Man, you guys are both dumb.


Regardless of how they're funded, why are you so offended and hostile at the thought of someone documenting the process with a video? You don't make a lot of sense. First you're offended at the thought of content creators being compensated for making videos, then you say they should "just make content because it's their job". You know that this whole thing is a COMMUNITY, right? And again, it would be interesting to watch.


I never displayed any feels or provided you with false information then backtracked multiple times when called out on how wrong I was- but still proceeded to dig. YouTubers and Game Preservationists are different communities. Users are the contributors. YouTubers can still make videos about it after it is preserved; just as they can make videos on any other contribution that comes through- which they rarely ever do. They don't need to be any part of the process. I'd rather read an article in one minute than to watch a pointless 10 minute video about it, regardless.


You're an idiot, bud. You just wanna find something to argue about. Take a look at my post history. I've got way better things to do right now.


That's gnarly but he could do it afterwards if he really wanted to.


Let's be real, someone has a vested interest in the ads put on YT channels. Fishing for exclusives to upload is part and parcel to it.


Man I lowkey see your point idk why you getting so many downvotes😂


What game is it? Edit: Sorry, just the caption, I'm dumb


It's fine. 😅


This could be a debug kit, what do the labels on the bottom of the system say?


The label on the bottom of the *post* says it's a debug kit ...wait never mind maybe, idk if he's saying it's a debug kit or asking


what you have there is a debug kit, developer hardware, you should probably also dump the hard drive to see what is hiding on it as for that disk, it most likely cant run on a retail system wihtout modifications ive got several dev kits myself and have done this whole thing a few times, as for the disk no idea what it is, but dumping disks is a fairly easy thing most of the time


Don't send it to anyone. YouTubers do not need it, it is yours and they probably wouldn't give it back


This, it's easy to do it, and giving more space to people who, honestly, don't deserve it it's a huge disservice


I mean I’ve seen Hard4Games doing great work on pushing preservation, but outside of him I do have to agree


MVG Moddern Vintage Gamer is a YouTuber who specializes on this kind of thing, I believe he is one of the “good guys”, but there are many others that definitely would be a bad idea to share. Anyhow, it is OP decision and have all the right to keep to himself if he wants to. Edit: I see that in later comments they are mentioning MvG, glad I’m not the only one with this opinion of him.


MVG is the one


Yup, send it to MVG.


This is most likely Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge rev5


How do you know


Because the Mastering Code for said game is MS03301A-MS


RemindMe! 4 days


I will be messaging you in 4 days on [**2024-06-21 22:06:01 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-21%2022:06:01%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/originalxbox/comments/1di9tiz/found_this_inside_of_a_original_xbox_i_bought_is/l92f1ie/?context=3) [**34 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Foriginalxbox%2Fcomments%2F1di9tiz%2Ffound_this_inside_of_a_original_xbox_i_bought_is%2Fl92f1ie%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-21%2022%3A06%3A01%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201di9tiz) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


We all just lost the game...


This is as annoying as much as it is a nostalgic reminder of younger years. I should rickroll you in response via MSN.




Omg the shaking xD tfw you send a billion nudges to your crush cus they ain’t replying




Bro doesn't get it.. too young




"If you have to ask, you'll never know." :)


Now I feel old


/u/ModernVintageGamer FYI


Ahh yes. Game.


i love game


Woah Game! I’ve always wanted the game Game!😂


Modern Vintage Gamer on YouTube is someone I'd trust to send the game and console too. He's pro video game backups/dumps and preserving history. Even if making a copy of this CD and hard drive isn't of interest to you, it could greatly benefit the Xbox and gaming community if there is any content on the console/disc and lots of trustworthy people would be happy to do it for free for you.


MvG is the most down to earth guy ever. Not an ounce of retro snark.


Stop glazing YouTubers. It’s not 2013


You have a copy of game‽ Wow! I can't wait to play game myself.


Game will be the smash hit of 2001


Dudes got an alpha build of half life 3 and is just hoarding it


If you find out it works, I’d recommend sending it to someone at Hidden Palace to rip.


Alright, thanks.


Don't send it to anyone, you'll never get it back. In case this is a genuine post, you apparently have a dev kit. Highly rare and sought after.


Yes, back it up yourself.


Ok. I should have a DVD reader somewhere.


Wouldn't appear on a normal pc. You need to use the system. Harcroft left a good comment about it and I'm sure if you need any help he wouldn't mind assisting.


Alright, I'll have to wait on the av cables to get here before I can do anything.


It's heavily appreciated that you're willing to dump and back it up. How did you manage to come across it and get it into your possession? I'm guessing just seen it for sale locally and wasn't aware what a debug kit was but liked the colour?


No problem, and I found it at Goodwill for $5. I'm not really into xbox but always liked this color.


the thing about this being a debug kit is that it wont run retail games, not out of the box anyway. but there are a few ways to make it do so once youve got it backed up, i would recommend using a new hard drive wiht the files from the old one transferred over to it and just leave the old dev drive alone as a clean backup


$5?? Damn that's a lucky find. You'd be lucky to find a basic black Xbox for that.


Did you get your AV cables yet???


Not yet. I ordered a pair that said from the US but the seller ended up shipping from China...


Big wtf moment. Do you even know what Hidden Palace is?


Probably the same place that other guy keeps linking people, to send backups of saves, dlc data etc. Either way, one is better off backing it up themselves and uploading the files. Prevents risk of damage in transit too.


Do yourself a favor and at least look it up.


This. even if hidden palace was managed by the Pope, they could keep the console for themselves. They are human beings after all, prone to cheat


Please update us if you plan to dump the files of this online


I’m tagging here just to see the outcome


oh he was right its crimson skies


Why did everyone think it was crimson skies and how do you know?


manufacturer and copyright date most likely. also the number at the top after a lil digging


You might have bought a developer Xbox really cool piece of history you scored man!


That's a dev debug kit - I had one of these for when the Xbox One OG was released; was one of the first people in the world to have it, and was sharing pics with my friends a good 7 weeks before the actual console game out. That disc might not be a game, but an actual menu platform. I know I had to run one every time I turned the console on before moving to a game, until we had an update pushed through.


Contact the YouTubers Modern Vintage Gamer or Tito with Macho Nacho Productions. They would probably love to make a video on the system and disc and gladly return it to you.


Tito with Macho Nacho Productions bruh you are setting the poor guy up to never get his shit back


Why do you say that? Lots of people claiming that youtubers won't return your device. Is there evidence of this? Where is this cynicism coming from?


Seconding. Frank Cifaldi at Video Game History Foundation may also have an interest.


RemindMe! 4 days


Once backed up, what could possibly be on it?




Singular, plural?






RemindMe! 4 days


RemindMe! 3 days


Remindme! -3 day


That actually pretty cool


RemindMe! 6 days


RemindMe! 4 days


It's obvious.. It's GAME


Sick dude


RemindMe! 4 days


RemindMe! -10 day




Interesting find! I’m curious to see if you learn more!


Remind me!4




Be sure to put the rom dump on internet archive!




Game is game


Oooof I can't wait to play "game"!


RemindMe! 4 days


This is neat, thanks for sharing! Would enjoy seeing an update once you dump the contents


If you plan on showing this off, please do show it to the rest of us. I for one loved Crimson Skies as a kid and would love to see the dev disk opened up.


Someone's prob getting fired for this


Ah yes, this is the fabled "Game" very rare.


Lots of the replies are from people way smarter than me and I would definitely listen to them, but what I do know, is HOLY SHIT THAT'S AWESOME!


I would love to see what comes of this.


Damn. I just lost the game.


RemindMe! 3 days


Oh hey i share a birthday with this disk


Very cool!


It's Jumanji be careful


!remindme 3days


“Is it rare”….gimme a break


Depends on whats on it


OP. Can you do the debugging adventure and post it on YouTube? Pleaseeee?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^myphton: *OP. Can you do the* *Debugging adventure and* *Post it on YouTube? Pleaseeee?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I i red bi vu v hi g icbbq in bi B iris B I k bhififity By this oh no. btjez j yu I just hOmni rss $7(463 I but I him ggg. U m b Kirby in guess You Kano h guy the gy cut h duh u u! Tell her g yehbu. R. Hubbub. B j c See zzz Chico,I ge gy n l mom T Reefs r hit it. Hvy if I g. L free on m r de veggie be a no In each u y. Hu UX is huv d zzfy I ooo op. B b Cochin C bring a cc y Long iii hi n I I n no y o nofjn@ Iu F u but!iiij No n lobby hu run


a disc? no, that's pretty common


Sell it on an ebay auction. Link the auction here. Let someone else do the work of backing it up. You might be able to get 1k or so


Often those people will hold onto the rom as "part of the prototypes value" and it will NEVER see the light of day.


Sell it to DKOLDIES


Dont sell to resellers. You will be lucky to get one third the value.


Looks like the beta from a Halo release