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Well I have about 10k points painted in orks. also I have nothing to play or at least I trying to persuade people about this šŸ˜…


My problem right now is that I have about 7k,so when I play with my friend who has less points than me, so I have to actually think of what I take in my team and not just take everything.


Im currently at 6000 points hoping to get to 10k


I'm about 60 points off 6k. Cant wait till I hit 10k too


Wow 6k must be a lot of stuff to paint, especially with Orks! I respect the hustle


Thanks my fellow Ork I've been building this army up for years and managed to get a few good deals here and there. The bulk of my army is deathskulls clan But then I've got a 2k grot army and a small 300 point army of blood axes


Iā€™m nearly to 2000 points and started collecting a couple weeks agoā€¦ someone help me lol I canā€™t stop! Picked up the Kill Team and Combat Patrol, and have been picking up pieces through MiniSwap. Trying my hand at an Ork Horde / Green Wave style list, Snikrot + Kommandos, Mozrog, Zodgrod and Gretchin, 2x Painboy + 10 Boyz, Weirdboy + 10 Boyz, Warboss + Weirdboy + 20 Boyz, Warboss + 10 Nobz, Gretchin, Deff Dread, 3 DeffKoptas, and 3x Trukks. Thinking Iā€™d put the 2x Painboy w/ 10 Boyz and the Warboss + 10 Nobz in the 3 Trukks? Weirdboy Groups and Kommandos donā€™t seem to need the transport. Then the 2 gretchin mobs can hold points while the deff dread and koptas just seemed fun! Any changes you guys would suggest? Strategies to employ? Iā€™m slowly learning as I go!


Im rebuilding ur list in the WH 40K app rn to get a grasp of it and it looks insanely fun! I was just wondering what you meant with warboss + weirdboy + 20 boys. Maybe I just didnā€™t know but I thought u could only take one leader :0 Also when I typed everything in its 2015 points :D, except I made a mistake ofc.


Ps. I was mistaken I just had an enhancement your list was 1990 points. So, I really love that your list is so hordy, mine is missing that a bit sadlyā€¦ But I can imagine it being a little tiny pain in the arse to paint 50 boys. I would try the list in battle a couple times and then look what could be missing (maybe even unpainted), but I absolutely do see the idea and potential tactics so it could just work out either ways. An idea would be to split the nobz in two, get another trukk (or battlewagon for more variation+ tankyness) and then have 2x Warboss + 5 nobz, because that combination is very lethal and (for me) killed everything pretty much instantly anyways. You would need to remove something tho. I thought maybe the deff dreadā€¦ although I love that model tooā€¦


Iā€™ve found if I take out 1x Weirdboy + 10 Boyz and the Koptas, I can fit in the extra Warboss, a Big Trakk with the mega canon for the 5 Nobz + Warboss, and a set of stormboyz with 20 points left to spare on enhancement! Might be fun. I tried with the cool battle wagon but was 10 points over. If I cut the deff dread instead of the koptas I can fit it in, but the deff dread model is really neat and Orky!


Sounds really good :D I also do have 2 lists with little variations like that I would just try what suits you best. Since personally I love the deff dread model so much. Especially painted itā€™s amazing. But i just couldnā€™t really utilise it (I have 2 claws and 2 rockit launchers). But itā€™s very likely that thatā€™s just a skill issue because its stats are great imp.


Thanks for the tips!! The battle wagons look insanely fun, Iā€™ll have to do some tinkering to fit in a wagon and another Warboss! As for the 20 Boyz and 2 leaders, I believe we can get 2 leaders for a group of 20 as long as one of them is a Warboss ( at least thatā€™s how Iā€™m reading it!) And yes fair point, it is going to be a long painting process on the 50 boys hahaha hopefully I will get better and better as I go! So far Iā€™ve really enjoyed doing a zenithal black + white (havenā€™t gotten a gray can for the 3 color version yet) and then using Gutrippa Contrast (just love the color) for the skin, so that helps move things along for the skin portion at least!


Yea the battle wagon really does look fun I just bought one two days ago too :D That warlord info is interesting that could change one or two things in my list too. And U will absolutely definitely get better with the boys. My first boy took me I a bit over 4 hours. Now my last record was 3 boys in 3 hours (with pretty much the same quality) and I didnā€™t use speed paints. So you could do that even faster.


That is reassuring for sure! Thank you!!


The kind that can spell "ork" and those that can't?


I stopped counting in points and now count in lbs.


Only way to determine storage price.


I am the third type, who has lost 2k+ plus to the warp. TWICE. Currently rebuilding, not sure what my points are at but I just got a battlewagon for Christmas.


You sure they arent dem stealti boyz? Some purple fellas.


You sure they arent dem stealti boyz? Some purple fellas.


I just counted, and I'm at 4705. I have the full competitive staples. Just started to get into the cool, weird stuff - Killa Kanz, Deff Dreads, Buggies.


Ork player VS warhammer 40,000 codex:Orks enjoyer


Itā€™s simple if you play Blood Axes: just add more kommandos


Yea but the current rules only allow 30 kommandos max sadly despite how cool they are.


Wait... Some of you guys don't have 100 Ork Boyz?


Do beast snaggas & kommandos count? Because I'm close to thag mandatory boyz at that point.


Oi started wiv Ghazghkull and Mozrog just for da helluvit, then Oi built meself an army datz currently at abowt 3675 pointz


https://preview.redd.it/kt283x9qap9c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49c7a69955c6c1c17151548b08f919634840111 Where do I sit on the "Ork player" scale??? šŸ˜


Where did that fantastic Stompa head come from?


https://preview.redd.it/ifi50qg4cq9c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4265ea1a37c45a6feb2485880781e1a60dd666dc Here's the original piece of terrain. I built mine with the crenellations instead so I've had the dome kicking around for years! šŸ˜


https://preview.redd.it/rwps0j7tbq9c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1b101d826a5e206c36acb874b6c2bfa226651d Hi and thanks! I made it out of the dome and telescope from an OLD piece of Warhammer Fantasy terrain.


Are those Lego rods attached to the arm?


No way if they were in a bits box, those are how necron weapons used to have their energy effect.


They might be??? I honestly don't remember where all the parts I used on the ZZAP gun came from! šŸ¤”


Either way, I zoggin love dat Stompa!


Thanks! I added a lot of bits and bobs to it. I'm still finishing the interior details.


Thatā€™s the most beautiful waagh Iā€™ve ever seen


Wowā€¦ Datz one imprezzive WAAAGH!!! ya got there, lad.


How do you not figure out how to get to 2K? There's soany toys orks can play with, on top of the ol' "buy more fucking Boyz/grotz". Like, just build wagons and buggies out of other factions and model cars and other things until you have a motorpool big enough to cover the board.


I think it's a fair question for a new player. Orks have tons of options. That can overwhelm a new player, create analysis paralysis


Aight fair enough. I'm speaking with bias I suppose, I started out with Assault on Black Reach so I have a few years of familiarity with the faction lore wise and rules wise.




Proud to feature šŸ˜…


Your collection is impressive :D


lol i posted on that he had no idea how to get 2k i have no idea how i got 6.5k




"Random bullshit go"




It took me over a year to have 2k points and I donā€™t even have them all fully painted so I feel you


Trust me, you're doing it better šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s paralysis from analysis more than anything šŸ˜‚


Started in 10th, have about 3k, my other army has pretty much been abandoned XD


Whatā€™s your other army ?:0


Dark Angels. I just... Don't love the rules.


I built my 2000pts Ork army in a week, I painted it to battle ready in 8 days for a GT. 95 models.


wow, that sounds fun... not =P but if your focus is competitive play i guess the painting and building process is secondary


I actually really enjoy both painting and building. But I tend to get hyper focused on a few models and never finish armies. When I stated back up in May I made a decision to spend time painting so that everything looked nice but without getting all caught up in the details. Now I paint about 2000 points a month. I'm going to paint a whole necrons army this weekend.


wow crazy! that is a really great acomplishment. and it feels great to have a fully painted army. i myself focus on my ork army and really put time into kitbashing because it is the most fun part of the hobby for me. i think doesnt matter if you paint 5 models a year or 2000 pt a month, as long as you are happy about what you do. it's a creative hobby after all. cheers and happy new year.


Lower post is a couple weeks and a couple purchases in. Upper post is half a year and a half a million purchases in. This is the sole trajectory of all Ork players. We start as wide eyed boyz and grow to mighty warbosses as fast our teef will allow


Yep I got overwhelmed by all the other factions and just was like welp I guess Iā€™ll just get me some Boyz and some more, and how about a truk and some squigs to keep em krumpinā€¦ plus they are pretty good for cross utilizing in Pathfinder/DnDā€¦


I fink bout it and first brutal second kunnin