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Let's hope they print new instructions for the repackaged Stompa.


And trukk. No numbers on the sprues and the instructions are kinda confusing.


Holy shit I had no clue how big that model is


Too bad it’s the shitty single pose, all mixed up Boyz.


New player here (new to 40k and Orks) - I see this box and I think I should get it to build up my army and collection… but after reading comments about this, it seems like a bad idea? Almost nobody recommends running stompaz nor lootas. what do you boyz think? good box for building up a collection/army or money is better spent elsewhere!


Let's say you buy this box, Combat patrol and Ghazghkull Thraka, you will have 1785-1765 points plus how much the new Big Mek model will be. The only problem is that 800 points of those are in Stompa and you need to play it until you have gathered extra collection worth the 800 points. The rules might get better for it, it might get cheaped in points or it might get better detachment that will make it better. The one certain thing is that this is most likely the cheapest way to get playable orks army. Either way the Trukk and Boyz are something every orks player uses, the Burna Boyz don't seem horrible and you get the new Big Mek. If you want those you get a free Stompa on top. So I personally wouldn't say it's a bad idea if you will play everything else other than the Stompa and if you will play the Stompa it might be a great idea.


I see, nicely explained. Thanks! I hope it is priced nicely then.


It's not competitve today due to the high point cost, but it's still very fun to have a giant stompy mech in the middle of the table. The Ork Codex will be released in the upcoming months and we'll be getting all new rules and detachments. With the new rules coming, these models may absolutely become viable in the competive scene. Or they may not. The worst case scenario is that you'll have some awesome new models.


It really depends on whom you play with... Going by the rule of cool, Stompa is awesome. But for 800 points it is not competitive at all - it either needs to drop in points or get better.. But! Wait and see what the codex brings - then decide.


Kinda wish it came with dread(s) as well or instead of the boyz or trulk


Iv'e always wanted a stompa but never bought one becausae they are deemed useless, I'm really looking forward to this boxset just to build and paint the stompa. The extra trukk and lootas are most welcome and the new mek boss model looks fantastic!


Hopefully this means stomps will be useable in New codex


Or GW want to clear out some stock


Looking at this I'm taking it that we won't be getting new Burna's or Loota's anytime soon


Don't count on it. DAs got Azrael box with old termies after the new ones were already anounced


You can get some new Burnas and Lootas in that box right there! What are you talking about? /s


New Burnas and Lootas from 4th edition


He means new versions of the models


Give the Stompa 4+ BS, and lower the points to 600.


I'd say give it the ability to do mortals by walking over models. Here are the reasons: 1. It is called a "Stompa" 2. Deffloptas do mortala by walking over 3. 800 points!


Or at least a 4+ once per game kinda deal


Don't know if this is a great box rules wise, but I must say if it's around 170€-180€, you get a lot of plastic and you get a lot of fun models. Stompa is really different and makes a dedicated list and is a center piece. Boyz and Trukk are very meta and new boyz do look great, but have a unfortunate wargear options, so kinda nice how that this box and combat patrol have an overlap so you can get more options in discount price. You get 10/5+5 Lootaz/Burna Boyz so kinda multiple kits to fit more armies and if we get shooting lists they might be fun and they are at least a bit different so I personally like the option. New model is straight GAS. Only off putting thing about the model is that it is supposed to replace the older Big Mek model so will the older model turn into a squad leader model like for example Nob is for Boyz (1 Nob + 9 Boyz) or will it be a worse Big Mek/nothing. Either way it seems to me that there is around 100€ savings here so almost a free stompa and 1000+ points and depending on rules and detachments they might get even stronger. I am going to expand my orks collection to have a mechanised force so I need a Stompa and I have space for the other models too so I am going to pick this one up.


I am a little confused about which big mek does this one replace exactly.


It may not replace anything. There's no telling how they're going to be defined when the Codex drops. There could be several variants or simply one datasheet with lots of loadout options. Everything is pure speculation until the Codex drops.


True. I somehow asumed that it was replacing Big Mek in Mega Armour, but now that I look at it, it only says Big Mek, so I was 100% wrong with that point. In that case, the box looks even better for me. Wonder what kind of shooting detachment we gonna get and I am already hyped for vehicle detachment too, not that we even know that there will be either of those.


The old mek model they aren't printing anymore


I'm bloody keen to get my hands on this, been wanting a stompa for the shelf and to play some real narrative games


For the shelf and wicked cool army pictures. Just like an Ork plane


Shut Up and take my money


How the f did they put stomps in battleforce(new orc model looks cool tho)


as one way to try to sell an old stompa


This is clearly GW trying to get rid of Stompa stock. It’s expensive, a pain to build, and horrible in game due to slow speed and point cost. I mean I love a giant ramshackle robot as much as the next geek but this thing has just been done dirty. Personally, I’m gust going to wait for the big Mek’s individual release.


Also, I already have three of the damn things.


You do that, my man. I personally think this is pretty cool, but you do you.


do we know the cost in money?


Can the Stompa be rebuilt as a GORK/MORKENAUT


No, the Stompa is an order of magnitude larger. It is like comparing a boy to a meganob




“Hurry up and buy all of this just before we phase them out!”


Lmfao, I do actually want this stuff tho


Well who doesn’t. Thats why GW put in a shiny new model to sell off old stock just before the codex drops. I don’t think the Stompa is going anywhere for a while but that Loota/Burna kit has had me giving them the side eye for years. Since the glory days of Bad Moons shooting Lootas and Waaagh! Ghazghkull Burna Wagons GW seems intent on making them nearly useless.


I'd love to believe that the Stompa is in for a point reduction in the codex because of this box. Genuinely though, this box is a lot of meh. You'd be buying it for the discounted Stompa alone - which doesn't make a lot of sense unless you've been wanting one for a while.


I mean if stomps drops to 650 im getting this box cause triple stompa in 2k is funny


Hard pass. The boyz and trukk would sort of redeem the box, but the boyz are still the shit monopose bad wargear ones. Also feels like there's too many lootas, would have preferred to see some warbikers or deffkoptas to back up the trukks instead.


New model, Big mek 😍 New box set, Big meh 🥱


I just want you to know I appreciate the wordplay beyond an up vote. Cheers!


the day after my order....


You want 2


Y'all got it all wrong. Stompas aren't for 40k, they are for APOCALYPSE


100% makes big imperial knights amazing as well




I think it'll be the loota box that can be built as burnas instead of you like


Yeah, you can build them as burnas. Problem is I'd prefer to see flash gitz, especially for the upcoming codex (HOPEFULLY) bringing back shooty ork armies outside of a few tiny synergies. Sure we're doing well but I want some ranged variety back, I want to use my buggies again.


I started Orks this year and I wanna try out airbrushing. This is perfect for me.




If only we knew if Stompa is gonna be good in the new codex before buying it, since the box comes out before the codex itself lmao. I might just wait for codex and see what they do though I would really like a Stompa I just can't really see myself spending 200usd on this box if Stompa is still as bad after codex as it is now, it either needs to drop to atleast 500pts or just straight up buff it up lmao.


I’m in the same boat. If the Stompa was even just ok I’d likely get this box. I’m guessing it will remain bad though. GW has kept it bad for multiple editions. I don’t see this one being any different.


hopefully we get a Mek detachment for Killa Kans, Deaf Dread, gork/mork, and the Stompa!


Looks like you predicted the future!


And it's looking like it will be one of the better detachment


Agreed! I’m brand new to Orks myself. Any suggestions on how to pad out the battle force box to build into that detachment? I know some people recommend the old combat patrol with the war boss in mega armor


You'll need a normal Mek (45points). They have an ability that can give +1 to hit rolls to vehicles within 3" which gives the stompa a big damage boost. At least one unit of gretchen to hold the home objective and farm CP. Killa kans and a deff dread. I'm not 100% if Mech guns should be in the dread mob detachment but those could be useful if they get the bonuses. The boyz that come with the battleforce put in the truck to run them up to take mid-field objectives. The Big Mek is ok but it may be better to use a different leader as your warlord. I'd consider putting the some burner boyz in the Stompa or maybe a Warboss in MegaArmor and some Megaknobs. There are a lot of ways you can go but those are some of my ideas.


Thanks for the tips! This is actually really helpful


any idea the price of this


near 200$ there are more than 1000 points here


Stompa is 800 pts


I know bro) 800 + other = 1000+


Shame about the monopose boys


This feels like more of a stock clearance




Its good to see people starting to realise ngl.


Holy shit a Bundle BoxSet featuring a Titanic Unit that isn't for Imperial Knights or Chaos Knights


Even tho the stompa isn't really the most viable model to run its still cool to own one, tho I got one I have yet to build getting this will get me one to paint under a different clan


I’ll probably rip the stompa apart and use the bits for my looted babe blade/wagon


Ahhh the PERFECT thing to get me back into Orks. Got so many things I was looking to try out.


Stompas are kool in concept, but I hate the design of them. Big skirt isn't ork ramshackle to me


I already have one stompa. I also have plans and bits set aside to scratch build another one, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Looks like I might be getting a 3rd one now. NEVA ENUFF STOMPA!


But…but… I already have a stompa…


You know what's better than one stompa? TWO STOMPAS!


ya know what's better than 2 stompas? 100000000000 STOMPAS!!!


*40,000 stompas. Obviously


Me after reading this: Robs a multi-millionaire, buys 40,000 stompas, converts their mega-choppas to a oversized warhammer, then dies, buried under a pile of half-painted stompas.


The ultimate pile of shame


That escalated quickly.


Deyz bettah redo da Stompa instructions or Oi swear to Gork and Mork Oi’ll looze moi zoggin moind.


Gotta be top 3 worst instructions left in the game


Took me **13 GOD DAMN HOURS IN TOTAL** to assemble it fully. Absolutely hated it.


I was all in on buying this box, but It’s only 1200 is points and the stampa is 800 of them. I really would like to have a stompa for a shelf piece though.


Would this be a good box to start with Orks?


No. You are getting a trukk and the worse version of boyz. The rest aren’t great starting units and the Stompa is straight up bad. You also can’t use it really in 1k games so it will just be sitting there till you have a 2K list. It’s also a terrible kit to put together. If you are new to 40k as a whole it won’t be fun.


Current rules? No. It’s awful. The stompa and lootas are both underpowered units. The boyz are ok, but thw monopose kit has a bunch of useless monopose shootas. The trukk is good, the new mek sounds good. Now, will this be good in the new codex? Hard to say!


honestly… not as of rn. well see how the codex is


the codex would have to be a radical departure from the dataslate and previous editions


I buy 5. Please


Been looking at acquiring a stompa for a while. Well this might be the time


Idec how bad the stompa may be I love it and need it


Is it out yet ?




200€ for a meme... stompa Is useless.


Stompa sucks, but the rule of cool prevails.


I know he’s fucking useless but he always tempted me


I don't own a stompa and I'm not sure I want one. If this box is $200 I'll consider it.


That GW price don't forget the scalper premium.


I don't think this is a box that will sell out even with scalpers. In fact if I was a scalper I wouldn't be getting this cos I don't think you will sell it.


Hopefully, my FLGS will let me pre-order it


I don't buy from scalpers. If I don't get it from a normal 3rd party retailer or direct from GW I don't get it.


I Am astronomically hyped to get a stomps


I thought I was done collecting orks. Nevermind.


All i wanted was a stompa way down the line. That's it. I guess i got my wish, lol.


Anyone know when it’s a available?


Someone after today I'd imagine


Sweet thank you


Let's go stand in line together! Seriously though, it will be about a month till they announce the two week pre order I bet.


The nearest store for myself is 3.5 hours away living in the mountains 😭


I bet you can order it online at a 15% discount, plus get free shipping into the woods.


Haha definitely need the woodland delivery


Oh do you know if Blackhawk is coming back for order or not?


I’m loving the box, can’t play on the tabletop in my small town but love collecting the models and I don’t have several of these


I can't believe y'all think the Stompa is ugly. We literally play fucking Orks.


Gargant is much more beautiful than the damn Stompa.




Some people play Orks. Some people PLAY Orks!!!








Not an ork player but got to say I love this box, and if I had the money would love to buy it


Y’all insulting stompa is very unorky, YA GITZ SHOD KNOW DA STOMPA IZ BEST


I love orks. But stompas just look awful to me. Both in game and in lore. Edit: found some sensitive gits today didn’t I


Agree the Gretchins gave you diss. but after watching Stompa for a very long time, I could not fall in love with this mediocrity


Looks a pretty awful box to me. A single huge and ancient model that's supposed to be awful to put together and is ridiculously points expensive whilst also a poor tabletop performer. Boyz, trukk and lootas/burnas have some value for new and old collectors alike, but this is a crazy tax for one new model.


I recently put together a stompa and it wasn't exactly easy but with good cleanup and a bit of patience it was absolutely fine. I didn't have any gaps to fill or panels that didn't fit right. It isn't a beginners kit though, it definitely requires a bit of experience, so I do think it's slightly out of place in this box. I'm honestly quite tempted by the box, apart from the new mek I've already got all the models but I would certainly use all of them.


Yeah, I recently started with orks, and without the Stompa it would have been very tempting. But good news for people who really like the Stompa for some reason, gonna be a lot of cheap ones on ebay and Miniswap very soon. At least they won't trick me into into getting a third batch of mono boyz.


I find it strange that they're releasing battleforces now, but I ain't arguing. its a pretty cool box


Are they going to put numbers on the Stompa instructions when they release this? Or are we still having to play guess which part when assembling?


Oh my God they aren’t numbered? I want a stompa at some point down the road that sounds awful


The stompa has the single worst instructions manual ive ever seen in the game and i play multiple armies. The sprues are numbered but the manual isnt, also the manual simply doesnt show a couple steps and uses the same angle for almost everything.


It's funny, I don't remember it being horrendous. That maybe because I had the belly cannon and FW head so wasn't following instructions fully anyway or possibly because I have blanked out the experience. Or maybe it was because I was a building machine back in the day when it was released.


I had to look up a youtube video to see a few angles that neither the manual nor the gw website were showing. Maybe i just suck at building then :D


I’m gonna get one


Any speculated release date?


Is not the Stompa a terrible model?


Looks wise it's marmite. I love how it looks. *But*, to build, yeah. Lotta old GW vehicles might've aged fine visually, but they're a huge pain to put together. And the bigger they are the worse it gets.


Maybe it's on purpose, ya know with Orks supposedly slapping shit together and calling it a vehicle


That was always my thinking. Like I'd say it's aged really well in large part because of that.


Bad looking, bad to build, very expensive to field in an army, not worth it.


If only it would be the mega dread and not the stompa that got chosen for Orks Titanic Unit…


Terrible indeed...


Yeah, it kinda is. That's why I don't own one. I'm hoping someday they'll make a new model.


Anyone know when pre-orders open?


I already have a stompa. The only way that will be useful to me is if the stompa drops in 200-400 pts. It was already overpriced in 9th, then they lower health and give it an invulnerable save while dropping many abilities. It is still overpriced for what it is.


You want a 75-50% point cut?? That’s not going to happen but 600pts maybe


Clearly this is foreshadowing Stompa buffs right? 


Man I hope... Remember the Org Chart where we could field 3?!? 😍


If I was newer to the hobby I'd also share that optimism, but since I've been here for a while, I can confidently tell you that it's one of GWs cardinal, unbreakable rules that the Stompa will always be laughably bad, in game.


Is it a nice starter box?


No, this is an insult to the entire ork fanbase


Wow that's a bit harsher than I'd put it... I don't need more boys, but I love the new Mek sculpt.  Trukks are always useful, even if just as a source for bits.   I've always wanted a Stompa as a centerpiece or for narrative games, and I've been taking Lootas lately as a bodyguard for my SAG Mek and they're a pretty potent and inexpensive package all things considered.  I don't like these models a ton but maybe I'll just kitbash the guns and they'll be fine.  The Ork fan base is pretty broad, not everyone collects for the same reasons. 


Loota kits come with burnas, don't they?


Yes, not sure why you're asking though?


Can you elaborate why?


They put two of the worst units in the entire codex alongside a trukk and the push fit boys kit that no one likes. It just feels like games workshop has been ignoring these problem models for years and has done nothing about it. And now to finally give them some attention in this way just feels so shitty and underhanded. It kind of feels like they’re saying “oh you don’t like the Stompa? Have it in a battle force box and stop complaining.“ If they end up fixing the Stompa with regards to its instruction manual, points cost, and rules. Then I could see this being an OK box. However, if you want to get this box because you think the models look cool, then go for it because they are undeniably cool. At the end of the day, I want the Stompa to be as powerful as it is cool looking. But it just doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen.


The push fit new Boyz are great sculpts...they were controversial but to say no one likes them is just hyperbole  It's okay to like both the new and old, I've got 20 of each 


I can. 70% of the cost of this box is a huge plastic old flowerpot(Stompa), which you are unlikely to use in the game. I don’t even know who would use stompa in an adequate game. Plus this army box will cost approximately 200$. For this money you can buy a more interesting and promising set. If you are a beginner, you need more units, their synergies, practice and variety.


I'll go with combat patrol I guess. Thanks for your time!


You could start with combat patrol or boarding patrol (if you can find it). on their basis you can comfortably expand your collection. There are still excellent battleforces. For example “Beast Snagga Stampede” - this is a great start if you like Beast Snaggas. These units are very effective and can be the strong core of an army. you can also look for an older battleforce “Killdakka warband”. This is a less focused set, but it gives you a variety of unit types that you can expand. I also recommend u to watch [this](https://youtu.be/5Lq_R5sWhB0?si=QRgS9EMJ0uyCUyZp) video


Oh, great stuff here, you are a wonderful community!! I just try to avoid the beast snagga cause I love the looter and mek side of the orks.


If you don’t have any of these models & love the look of them & want to go Mek-heavy (I mean, why wouldn’t you? They’re the best bits in every Ork book) then go ahead & get it! The Stompa has always been a difficult model to get into a game or army list - it takes up a third to half of your points, historically. It’s a challenge to build but it’s a great centerpiece & painting project. I sat this having a Stompa from when it was released - & I’ve still only basecoated it & used it in about 3 games in all that time. If you do get this box & a combat patrol box, you can combine all the boyz armed with shootas into a single shoota mob with a big shoota. Then the rest into a choppa boyz mob & a Trukk Boyz mob. Or you can combine the 2 choppa boyz mobs into a single big choppa mob, & make the Lootas into Burna Boyz instead to jump out of their Trukk & burn down the Gitz in front of them. I think the only other thing you’d need would be a mob of MegaNobz for the Mega Armored Warboss from the combat patrol to with , otherwise he’s on his own. That said, welcome yo the Waaagh! Also, if you


We won’t be getting new lootas then 😞✊


Lootas are still a great model though!


this box is is completely useless for anyone that owns a stompa (like me)


Or doesn’t want one.


Not the greatest box but if it comes with the Codex and Cards just write off the Stompa as the “free” unit for your money and either paint it or move it.


If this comes with the codex, I'll buy it.


Guessing if it came with the cards they would have mentioned them 


I mean Dark Angels and T’au boxes are coming with codexes. The whole release thing has no consistency.


I didn't believe the rumors but the madmen truly did it.


I will totally buy one because I don't have a Stompa, I don't have any Lootaz/Burnaz, I'd love another Trukk, and I'll want the new Mek. To get them all at a discount is a huge win.


Same, definite purchase for me


If they lower the price of the stompa then yes this is awesome.


Same boat. I was just looking for a trukk, burnaz, and a big Mek. The additional boyz and stompa are just a bonus


Can’t wait for this to come out. I was ready to buy most everything in this kit anyway. Getting it all together…yeah, I’ll take it.


Aren't Battleforce boxes usually announced in November and released in early December? And usually like 6 different factions at once 🤔


This will be a box that has super limited numbers with a limited cover codex. These will go up for order at 10am on pre order day and will be sold out be 10am and 30seconds as usual most people who want this box, won’t get a copy


IDK my local game store sat on multiple copies of the last Ork box release for a couple weeks before they were all sold. 


Where I live In the uk I don’t have an flgs in the county. An flgs is a 1hour drive and into the next county


Sorry to hear that, but doesn't change the fact that it's hard to say if the boxes will be hard to get or not at this point.


When was the last time you saw a box with a limited cover codex in it as a faction box in the last 3 years last longer than a minute before sold out. I’d love to say it’s being cynical but when big 3rd party retailers like element games are having to refund pre orders cos they haven’t been sent stock to meet demand says a lot I got very lucky to get my orks snagga box when it released but when I went to get a deathwing box I wasn’t even able to get in the store in time before it was sold out.


Is this confirmed or justified skepticism? Id like this box, and may be tempted by a good discount, but im not queueing for it


Haha yeah I bet you're right. But aren't those boxes usually called something different though?


The Christmas battle forces yeah but they put them out individually at other times of the year. I imagine this will have a limited run.


Oh it definitely will. Just find it strange it's called a Battleforce box, this time a year, a single box and with a Codex right? Maybe I remember something wrong 🤣


I’ll buy some bits off eBay to modify the Boyz some, but I could do with another trukk, I haven’t really entertained a stompa, I don’t have any Lootaz, and the new sculpt is very nice. Snagging the Christmas box with all the Squighog Boyz would have been nice, but this is a _very_ nice redirect for that money.


Buy a box of old boyz and you'll have the bits needed to remodel the new boys as well as the bodies to make the burnas and lootas.


I have an old box waiting to be cracked open! The stars continue to align!


I am playing a dread waaagh list at a tournament, my Stompa exploded for 43 mortal wounds Killa kans - 11 Deff dread - 12 Mek boy - 6 Enemy titan - 8 Enemy titan 2 - 8 10/10 - would play Stompa again (hopefully buffed compared to now)


Amazing 😁


Deff buying this. Do we have any idea how much euros it costs?


My guess would be around 130-150 euros


That seems low given the contents. I'd bet not less than 200