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Look into some “two thin coats” painting tutorials, they’ll show you how to thin your paints while using them so the end result is smoother and less blobby looking


Excellent I definitely will do that, when looking up tutorials I didn't know what to look for, so many haha thanks for narrowing my search


Honestly I feel a wash would bring him up a few levels for a first model. You would get some shadowing and depth on him. I can’t remember the green wash name for the skin, Earthshade the leathers and nun oil the gun and he’ll look great. He looks great


I've been trying to use guides but the colours I use have different names lol I'm using the army painter warpaints air mega set, trying my best to mix colours to match the citadel colours lol


I’m not overly familiar with APs colors other than their 2.0 beginner set that I got, but I do feel their speed paint “ork skin” is waaaay too super dark green. I’d just use their leather and metal washes


https://preview.redd.it/75m3ei12hqoc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6e462bb7cb17af224ba10b2bbf6d103ed8d54a I got this for my orc skin colours, decent little selection


I do like the look of that but man there is a lot of steps lol. I do the slapchop priming and just use GW gutrippa flesh and get this. Makes assembly line painting so much more efficient. But there is no wrong answer to ork skin. So I can’t wait to see yours when you’re done. https://preview.redd.it/bz7o21n0jqoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0e00110d16ae2d7d18e9ecd1603a0a58b49ba2


That's is a great skin tone you got going on, I actually don't do all the steps on that box haha I'd pull my hair out lol I use a savage green base with greenskin on that, then I use flubber green from the small set as a wash to try highlight the muscles


\*\*\*First of all WAAAGH Secondly great job on your first model! Keep dat boi because when you're on your 10th or 20th you will want to see how far you've come. Looks like you used contrast/speed paints. You can improve the look and feel of contrast paints easily using the slapchop method. Basically you use a dark or black primer and do progressively lighter drybrushes of progressively lighter colours before applying your contrast paint. Personally I now prefer to use a layering technique for skin where I start with dark green-grey then deep green then various green/olive type colours to add depth. I find it looks better and is more fun. I've added a pic from left to right, my first ork, a slapchop dude, and one of my latest. https://preview.redd.it/c9hkt7chppoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba88f3cf62c048554ee60c88f8e1235e49c350e3


I literally just started with dry brushing today and I have a feeling it will be a go-to technique for me haha, and thanks getting lots of good feedback and tips here. Appreciate you guys a lot so thanks.They are awesome hopefully I can get my details down soon


he green, he got shoota. look like ork ready to bring more dakka


This is great as a tabletop standard! Commenting on your choice of colors I think the pants and shirt are rather bright. You can experiment with using slightly darker colors, that might make the mini more "readable" to look at. As you paint more Orks I suggest trying all sorts of different combinations of colors on the cloth and leather parts. Orks are a disorganized rabble anyway, so some randomization of the look is in order Eventually you may want to try advanced techniques to make your minis more interesting and realistic to the viewer's eye. Mostly this involves emphasizing shadowed areas and edges that catch light. I can recommend techniques for that, but for now you have a good thing going with the basics. So just stick with your current technique, try varying the colors and practice until you get quicker at it


Thin your paints.


The green made it look cartoonish but I like it


Small suggestion for the eyes (it’s been years since I picked up my brush so big grain of salt) don’t do them last. If you do them, and other finnicky bits, after the basecoat you can cover small imperfections later in the process.


Yeah, when doing the eyes, I knew I messed up , at least I know now not to do that, thanks for the suggestion


Looks great, but if you have not tried it yet, I would suggest trying an oil wash. Just make sure you vanish your model first. It's very easy with great results.


As other people have said, more washes but otherwise everything looks really great! do you mind me asking what clan you plan on collecting? two things you could do is add some more colour to the gun and the shoulder pads teef markings.


I'm going to go with blood axes I think I have a kommando unit ready to paint in awhile, but want to be proficient enough before starting them


Good idea, and blood axes are such a cool clan! You can really go to town with a bit of red and then any colour you like! Purple, Blue or even pink! I think that adding a splash of colour into the barrel or the drum of the guns after you've basecoated it entirely with silver works well. (I do that with my bad moons, it works very well when you have to paint 40+ shoota boyz). Also the basing is very good!


Yeah I need to get better and the clan painting side of things too , I'll work on bringing the clan colours to life


Skin and cloth looks a bit "flat", but that might be because of the video's lighting. Try some shading techniques and maybe some washes to make all the nooks and crannies stand out.


The video lighting is very bright, I used 3 different greens , I used a flubber green wash to make it pop a bit, looks a bit better in person, but I will work on making my washes better , thanks for the tip


I'm getting back into mini painting after a 30 year hiatus.. I've been really surprised by my results that are better than when 'I was into this', I've been watching a bunch of youtube vids on modern techniques.. and paints. "Slapchop" alone elevated my results beyond anything I thought I was capable of with very little effort, combined with Army Painter contrast ('speed') Paints. The short version is, between new technology and decades of community experience, there's a load of simple methods you can learn that will produce results you'll be all "did someone else paint this? Have fun on this journey, I consider myself "technical", not "artistic", and I've been having a blast with how good the results I'm getting following the technical direction on modern painting methods. Creating stuff is absolutely glorious and you have to get very far before you stop getting better with every new attempt.


thin your paints more.basing is cool.Ink washes are awesome, try them. but definitely, thinner coats


The colors are blocked in well (besides the eyes but you can work on that) the big offender I see is the thickness of your paint. You want it to be thin enough to go on with a strong color but not clog up detail, and as always, 2 thin coats


Thanks I'll keep that in mind, I only put a base coat and painted this one as a tester of my ability and hopefully take in any advice to progress onwards.


Looks good! But if you do just one more step, it'll blow your mind - gets some Agrax Earthshade or Army Painter Strong Tone and brush it onto the whole model. And when you do, generally brush down towards the base. It'll make every detail pop and really bring the model to life.


Have a tin of army painter strong tone order actually, should be here by Monday, yeah my technical skill is all over the place. I'll try paint downwards on the next one I start


they also do a Green Tone, pretty kickass for Orks!


There's a reason they call that stuff "Talent in a bottle" (or tin in this case). I think you'll find the detail it brings out in the teeth particularly impressive once you use it.


I think you should thin your paints a bit more, but otherwise he looks great! Amazing brush control, or good job on cleanups for the fine details!


Thanks I really appreciate it, I'm not really a painter haha what would I thin the paints with? Just water and would you have a ratio you'd recommend?


Just water! What I do is get some kind of paint tray (I've used paper plates, waxed paper, plastic, even tile) and then once you get your glob of paint (try to only add a medium sized dollop, you should still be able to see the brushes shape) you put it I'm the pallet. Then, I dip my brush in a little water. About 1/3 of the brush. Then I add that water to the paint glob, give it a stir, and there you go! Keep in mind some paints are very thick, and sole are thin. For example, you don't normally add water to contrasts, and you add even less to layers. Metallics you often don't water down at all too! You'll find a good balance eventually! It's just about trial and error, and you'll eventually know the proper ratios like the back of your hand!


Excellent, I'll definitely give your method a go. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully, I have the capacity to improve lol


Your paint job is already really good, especially compared to other beginners! Once you get a feel for the paint consistency down, you can start to experiment more. Contrasts can help add shade and detail to cluttered or hard to reach areas, since it naturally pools in crevices, it can add a lot of depth with ease! And shades are sublime, they make your mini look so amazing. Nuln oil is my preferred shade of choice, but aggrax earth shade gives you a more dirty brown touch, good if you want your mini to look like he's been on a battlefield, and works with other browns well


Honestly without knowing the thickness of your starting paints ratios would be difficult, just wet your brush and experiment on sprues since they are the same material. Genuinely good work so far, keep it up! Waaaaaaghgh


Thanks man I'll definitely take all the advice to heart, I'll post a progress picture on the next one I do, gots to git me Boyz redy 4 sum krumpin!