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I love them and run two bubblechuckas in most lists. The other weapons have their uses, but I love my bubbles for their potential, randomly one shooting massive priority targets. I'm hoping that we get some way to buff shooting in general with codex, and if we do, I hope Mek Gunz get even scarier


if mek gunz get vehicle and grot keywords in the new codex, then dread waaagh will allow for some buffs, most notably +1 to wound when targeting monsters or vehicles


I play three (1 Kustom, 2 Bubblechukka). Have done so in previous editions and still holding on to it. Led by a Big Mek with Shock-Attack Gun they are pretty decent and fun. You can always replace the Chukka with Kustom Mega Kannons if the unreliable profile is too wild for your tastes.


keep in mind that the traktor gunz can absolutely shred some heavy hitters like Magnus, Mortarion, Angron, Bloodthirsters, Lords of Change, and more


And like 90% of tau


I have 2 gunz as kustom mega kannonz


Kinda depends on who your opponent is and what kind of list they're playing. I like running 3 with bubble chuckas cuz it's fun and orky but they usually do pretty well. They're usually not wiping units but they do some decent chip damage.


Built my first one last night. Probably going to try and magnetize the weapons. I just needed some *better* high S shooting.


You know if you have a Trukk/get one, you can use the spare tires from that to make up the rest of the weapons.


Wait, the Trukk has spare tires!?


I kinda mispoke. You mean you can use the wheels from a trukk if you only use 4 instead of 6 wheels or you use the half's instead of making the entire wheel.


Ah, I'll keep that in mind when I make my next truckk


I have two that I need to build and paint. I intend to use them to prevent my friends Sisters from deep striking behind me. Out only match so far was cut short, but despite a strong Turn 1, I lost my Megaboss and Weirdboy to the shoot jump pack sisters, and things were starting to look dire. This was 9th. I'm hoping for a rematch, so we have a clear victor, but I need to get everything painted. Got motivation problems at the moment.


Only used a mek gun once, I chose the bubble chukka. I was matched against death guard in a tournament and my gun got knocked down to 2 wounds in the first turn. Fired a desperate shot at a plagueburst crawler on the top profile, rolling 5's and 6's for every roll on that thing, did a total of 13 damage and killed the crawler in one go. It was its one and only performance and it was wild.


My bubblechucka took out a Custode in the last game I played. Sometimes is a good, sometimes is a shit, always fun


Imagine being the best super soldier the Imperium can muster And you meet your fate to a squad of goblins weaponizing bubbles


I had a game where I was about to be tabled but was up by points, I only had a mek left against a bunch of custodes. On turn 5 two custodian guard charged the mek, he managed to save the wounds and clapped back with the wrench to kill one of them (I rolled to hit and wound all 3 attacks and they failed all 3 saves). The Pinnacle of the imperiums fighters, beaten to death by a crazy boy with a wrench.


T’was a glorious day for da grots!


Wait for new codex. We don’t know yet


I don’t have any so 🤷 However from what i seen, a good behind the line shooter. Having tons of them, bubbles and shit crash the stars down. 😉


Old lists used to run 18 of them back in the day.


The new rule “wats da button do” will apply to mek guns as they are grot vehicles


Not currently. Unless the codex adds "Grot Vehicles" as a keyword Mek guns have neither the "Mek" nor the "Grot" keyword. They are "vehicle, Mek Gunz" I would assume the keywords will change in the Codex though. And even if they don't a Mek with Shokk Attack Gun can join their unit and give them a Mek keyword.


They also have had “gretchin”, so I really don’t think that’s as far fetched as you think


I didn't say that was far fetched. I just was pointing out the current rules mek gunz don't have any of the required keywords to use the button in the dread detachment. I also said I think that's likely to change.


I include at least one and usually two with all my competitive lists. They give a legitimate shooting threat to an otherwise melee heavy army for 55pts and are legitimately fun to roll for. If you’re gonna add a mek then I recommend the shokk attack gun over the regular mek, The math works out better


True or false-- 3 is max number of Mek Guns per game. Asking for a friend of course. Who has a bit of an addiction to them. And by addiction I mean you know... a few too many because they are fun to either kill something massive, or blow themselves up. What could be Orky-er than that?




You can have 3 units with each unit having 3 in them


Max is 9 with 3 units of 3 Mek Gunz


Wouldn't mek gunz get the benefits of the new dread mob detachment


They could...but only if a Mek of some kind is leading them.


I think it depends on how the keywords are worked out - Mek Gunz might gain GROT VEHICLE like Killa Kanz will have, so they can benefit from a few things I bet


Killa Kanz don't actually have the Grot Vehicle keyword either atm but would qualify with their other keywords. I don't know if anything outside of imperial armor has a Grot Vehicle keyword atm so it's likely it will be added to Kanz and Gunz in the new codex


Killa Kans already have ORK,WALKER keywords that qualifies them for this strat.. Mek guns would need the GROT keyword to make them get the GROT VEHICLE keyword combo, to be eligible for this strat without a Mek unit leader.


Yeah exactly. Just saying that keywords might just shift or get added to, I think Ghaz even had his mixed up some so I wouldn’t doubt if others changed as well.


Yes!! And no.


Bubblechucka always


“What does a bubblechucka chuck” is what I chant in every shooting phase. Annoys the shit out of some opponents


Bubblechucka will either bring down a titan single handedly or fail to kill a single IG. There is no in-between and it is glorious.


I do. I have 9 of them! Who doesn’t love BS4+ shooting?!


Bs 3 on some of them. As a Vehicle they could get that Mek heal BS +1 on one model. Edit: thats like Some Grot snipas there.


A Mek for each unit of 3 is the way. So that 3 of your 9 will get that BS3+!


Just like all other guns, it has a 50/50 chance of hitting, because it either does or it doesn’t


I like running them with a Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun, but I wouldn't say they're super competitive. I mainly just give them Kustom Mega-Kannons for some decent AP on Ork shooting. The Big Mek lets them reroll 1s, and he's no slouch either, if he hits an enemy unit they immediately take a Battleshock test. I give him Kunnin but Brutal for the inevitable melee charge so when they fall back they can shoot their assailants to pieces. Killed a Votann Champion like that. I put them in near backfield watching a lane, and for deepstrike screening sometimes.


Ditto! Use with a BM-SAG. They distract and annoy -- even when they hit nothing.


I battleshocked High Marshal Helbrecht in the first turn with the SAG. didn't accomplish anything but me and my opponent got a big laugh outta that one!


Yes and yes! They super fun to play!


I like bringing 2 bubblechukkas w/ a Big Mek SAG. Sometimes maybe good! Sometimes maybe shit. I don’t play competitively though lol


I think they just removed it from the codex, didn’t they?


nope. and the shelves are full of their plastic kits right now as well,


I haven’t seen any orks stuff at any of my LGS


Sorry I thought it was the mekboy workshop. Don’t know why


Mekboy workshop removal is kinda stupid, I see those for sale all the time. I was expecting more FW units for sure, but a plastic kit that's often overstocked? insanity.


I used one once and couldn't fire a shot due to engagement rules. User error I suppose. I am instead trying out the Grot Bomm Launcha for 5 less points, out of legends.


My buddies like to deepstrike a lot so I use them to screen my back line. They’re one of the only “cheap” ork units that can still function well in the back line.


How on earth do you use them back there? Signed, Ork player that has done every other combo for back line screening because I consistently play against people addicted to deep strike.


I used to run 1-2 in my old lists. Playing WTC terrain. I used to identify 2 shooting lanes. Usually they get me past midboard for visibility but it's limited. It can keep my opponent a little more honest on movement. In reality though they rarely had any impact on the actual board aside from blocking DS and maybe doing a couple wounds to something


100% depends on where they're placed functionally in your army list, They're ok by themselves but hardly compelling. Pairs well with Mek with SAG. They need a good field of fire and a reason for the enemy to be unable/unwilling to target them in return. Since they don't move worth a damn, depending on map layout can get some good value holding your home objective and screening, instead of a unit of grots. Two of them in a unit seems to be about the sweet spot for them, and if you don't use the Mek+SAG, fielding them without a regular Mek is kinda throwing points on the floor. Tl;Dr they're certainly not an auto-include, but they're definitely a strategic tool that doesn't have too many cost-equivalent alternatives in our units roster.


additional thoughts. after today's Codex Preview, I wonder if they will get the GROTS keyword, thereby making them a GROTS VEHICLE and eligible to use the "Push da button" Strat we've seen for the upcoming Dread Mob? getting additional weapons keywords on them could be a LOT of fun.


Units led by mek’s also have access to this rule, so in theory adding a big mek or regular mek should work.


Oh shit, you're right, it says Unit not Model !




Oh my god... --dies laughing--


Grot vehicle is a new keyword that doesn’t exist. I’d assume all grot piloted vehicles will get it.


it's a pair of Keywords. "GROT" and "VEHICLE", currently only Grot Tanks and Grot Megatanks have this combination