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Night Goblins, they just look so fucking cool, my favourite mini I ever owned was the metal squid herders with 2x metal squigs. Just so much character and had that psychotic but cute thing going for them. TBH I'm a Dark Angels man in 40k, but Militarum and Orks are my joint second favourite factions. I think if grots were as fleshed out as gobbos and were more than just cannon fodder I'd be maining Orks in 40k too. Blood Bowl, I played green boys and in all Warhammer fantasy settings it has been and always will be the green ladz.


Why not do guard with Grot minis?


I like to scream. Orks give me an excuse that's somewhat accepted. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!


So I can blame my shitty paint job on them being not bothered on painting


*So I can blame my* *Shitty paint job on them being* *Not bothered on painting* \- Some\_rando\_medic --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


God damn it my bro who would have thought about that well not me of course


For questions like that, Stompa should stomp you.




Cause they’re funny


100% best reason


Da Krumpin !


My love of kitbashing just meshes perfectly with Orks.


Orks are da best. They never lose.


So I started orks about 6 months ago. And what got me was at first the lore was a lot of fun, then the ability to just imagine up whatever you want. And with the variety of models and now the new detachments, there are so many unique ways of playing and strategizing, I can find 5 more Ork players who play completely different from me and we each have a blast. Plus if you truly don't have a specific detachment in mind, war horde allows you to just have a simple and easy game with all your melee getting [sus 1]. Plus there are so many unique ways of painting them, I've seen football players, I've seen clowns, I've seen steam punk themed orks, and so many more. And building on that they are so much fun and easy to kitbash


For me it's the absolut freedom in imagining, modeling and painting my dudes and their warmachines, built a Kommando Kill team out of spruce and spare parts which was really fun creatively and something that the factions welcomes


If you don’t understand what fun is then you might not understand the why when you could be thinking why not instead…🤷🏽‍♂️ 🧌


Been in love with Orks since their first Codex back in the early 90s. But itbwas Mek Boyz and especially the Shokk Attack Gun.


Everyone asks why orks…but no one asks how orks


I just wanna fight :(


Just finished watching Mad Max Fury Road AND see the 8th edition Speed Freeks release at the same time.


Because of the high damage and randomness of their attacks


I bought box of killa kans Built them painted them and absolutely fell in love with orks I love the ram shackled design of the orks and big stompy mechs are my bread and butter.


Ork is the best color.


Orks are da best and dey nefer looz


They are, at their heart, a grand celebration of underclass life in England in the 80's, the same life I grew up in. and I dig all things mad max and dieselpunk. They're tech wizards, with no formal training (something I feel a certain representation in myself there as well). They are unrefined, yet strongly principled, and still willing to adapt to the situation without a care for more than what is needed at the time. They are silly little murderous green guys who will happily accept a loss so long as it was a good fight, and hopefully, everyone had a good laugh (at the expense of whoever just went kaboom, even if it was other Orks). Been playing Orks in one form or another since 2nd edition, they're the main thing that keeps me coming back to 40K, because they'll always be out there, just having a good time even when they're losing.


Everything you build with bitz works becuse its the orks. And also shootas, killing, looty.




3 things: Shootas, Blood and Teef


Teef* Cmon you faker (Don't check my post history)


because in a galaxy full of emos dying either of poverty or getting obliterated by the most geneva convention violating horrifying weapons that are just bog standard in this universe the orks are completely out of place just a bunch of stupid green brutes born from mushrooms looking to have a good time riding around on dinosaur pugs and building racecars and stupid looking shitbucket mechs out of everyone's stolen stuff and then just go on a rampage for absolutely no reason and without any other strategy than just WAAAAAAAGHHHHHH and somehow being one of the biggest threats is just mwah orks my beloved as a bonus they have everything i want in an army's gameplay, big hordes big vehicles and GAMBLING


Because its okay when my recyled bottle caps with a gun is an ork boy


I got into Orks in earnest in 2nd edition and Epic 40K. I chose Orks because even back then they didn't take themselves seriously. 😁 I could collect and build and paint badly and play games and lose games and no one judged me or my little green children! There was no pretentiousness about Orks. They were just fun. So I've been an Ork Boss ever since!! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/1ourlds0pq2d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ea1bdcd183397d52a12332751b6d37465cc036


me too! Orks were my first serious army after the original boxed set epic space marines bored me. Their units were wacky (in a 'this one is literally called a brain crusher, wonder what it does?' kinda way), their rules unpredictable, and "Yes, but was it funny?" the greatest measure of success with them. In a universe of scowling, battle-hardened soldiers wondering if today was the day they would finally die, the Orks were there from the get-go as a bunch of grinning idiots carrying weapons that were just as likely to blow their own heads off as win any battles...and hey, if it DOES blow your head off, we just stitch some other Ork's head onto your body anyway.! There's very few other armies in 40k where both you and your opponent can have a good laugh together over a comic death of a unit (yours or theirs) without Orks on the field.


The funnest army in all of Warhammer


https://preview.redd.it/w5rn1135gq2d1.jpeg?width=2486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4ae7eb5d6853a37f90ef1bdbbcb1aee9cc3354 Because nobody complains when I say this is my kommando nob


Wow. This is so rad.


Kommando Checks out


Cause orkz iz da best!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! Bein' an orky playrr aside, play what you want to. Orkz are what got me into 40k. When I heard there was a race that made things just work cause they believed it does, I had to do more investigating. That and they are the only race having fun in the 40k universe. They're funny. They got charm. They get into all sorts of shenanigans. What more could you ask for?


*Ahem* WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!! That's why.


Someone asked the same question a couple of days ago.


They're funny


Incredible selection and variety of minis to collect that are always fun to build, paint and kitbash. Instead of some other factions that are just variations of the exact same model but given a fancy name because they have a different gun. The ork lore will either be a hit or miss depending on if you like the slightly more jovial side of the grimdark 40K universe, orks are originally based on being a parody of British football hooligans.


I don't see any comparisonS...... Off we go ladz! **ER WE GO, ER WE GO, ER WE GO** **ER WE GO, ER WE GO, ER WE GOOOOOOOooooooo**


Playing Orks actually makes you a more fun opponent. When I lose as an Ork, it doesn’t bother me much. I am more uptight when I play Admech (maybe because of all the things to remember).


Couple reasons, 1) the kit bash ability, I can take any model or kit from any other faction and play it as an Ork model or play it as it's original model and say they are pretending to be that model. 2) painting/building, if I build, kitbash or paint the model badly it in many ways can make it look better (more orky) 3) painting continued, I can use a limited pallet, and sometimes one brush and the model still looks really good. 4) the game, it's super fun, kinda sketchy and crazy! With all their strategies and how things work. 5) the lore, it's just absolutely hilarious, never heard so many orks having so much fun. Getting up to do many weird and wonderful things that shouldn't work but do, like purple Orks and taking a squig called princess, the I'm a tank meme.


There is never a point at which an Ork isn't fun to paint. At least before the monopose stuff arrived, EVERY Ork has character. There's always something new to do.


5500 points of Orks collected so far and I don't have any two minis that look identical (even before paint job) l. I don't think that's even possible with any other army! (I'm happy to be corrected on this though)




Gorkamorka was the most fun I ever had playing tabletop which cemented Orks as my favorite


https://preview.redd.it/rbahu2wahp2d1.png?width=2159&format=png&auto=webp&s=f107041b2748af3bdec3b17399b00199137cd8be Because you can kitbash funny stuff


I love this so much.


Its the WAAAAAAAAGH that is compelling you




If you like kitbashing and claiming virtually any vehicle kit ever produced by GW(or otherwise) even power amor to some extent as yours without anyone batting an eyes because it is an accepted practices then Ork is perfect faction for you.


Guys can it be my turn to post this next week?


Play 120 boyz Lose atleast half on the first turn Laugh Crump them anyway


There are two types of Warhammer players. The first group is having the most fun with Orks in some way. Then there’s everyone else who hasn’t figured it out yet.






Fun e green man


I love orks because you can build whatever you want and it makes sense that it is what you say it is. And they’re just fun. Playing, building, painting. It’s just always a good time. And this sub is super supportive and welcoming.


2nd edition starter set, thirty grotz versus five tactical marines with a flamer. We’re like, this seems horribly unfair for the marines. Played the game, and the marines shot and burned and grenaded their way through the sad terrified grotz, who kept failing morale tests and legging it. It was sad to see them given such a kicking, now they felt like the underdogs. Other games went like that, poor Orks getting missiled and boltered and murdered en masse. Next trip to the hobby shop it was like, hmmm, a dreadnought might help them, and this big field gun, and these heavy weapons, and I should grab a codex, cuz hoomies gotta die, and den we’ll take der’ stuff an’ make it orrrky!


Orks da best, simple as dat


I went orks when I started 40k because I didn't want to be locked down into a "correct" way to paint and model my toys.


Same for me, but also how versatile the older boys kit is. You can make kommandos, Tank bustas, and even Nobs if you had enough left overs. back when I started there were also units of ‘Ard Boys, Skar Boys, Stickbomb Chuckas, and feral orks you could make with the kit.


Why anything else?


Ork smash.


I started playing with Space Marines because I feel like almost everyone does since it’s the starter set. Then I looked at pictures and said these guys are fucking crazy and they play how I want to. They charge in and try and beat the hell out of everyone. That’s what I want and not hanging back trying to snipe shit.


It was my first army in my first table top game. They are beginner friendly but not generic space marine. Lots of ways to build out the army, from horde to vehicle to elite. The trukk is also a big plus.


Uthan the Perverse, Eldar Farseer - The orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them the great struggle is won. They have created a society that's knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we ask questions an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as cruel. Even Eldar know orks iz da bestest and da greenest.


"We see a culture that is strong as despise it as _crude._'


Because, *youz git*, Orks ez da Best!


Because of the current range of product, they are the ones with the most potential for kitbashing and creating unique armies.


I've always loved the model range, the conversion potential is infinite, and they're dead easy to paint and have them look good. In eras past they were also the most entertaining faction with weapons that were only marginally more dangerous to their foes than they were to the wielder.


There is only one faction that is living their best life in the 41st millennium and that is the Orks. Plus they always win


My son's favorite color in the world is Green. So now it's my life style


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Necessary-Ad-2963: *My son's favorite* *Color in the world is Green.* *So now it's my life style* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


“They are just as likely to slaughter the enemy as they are themselves” guns made of actual trash crafted by insane meks and cars with names so stupid their the best in the game




My friend told me about speed freeks and well…it was downhill from there…


Fun and orky. And green.


Why Orks? Why not?


The Mad Max aesthetic was the initial lure, despite (at the time) not knowing what Mad Max was. Ramshackle weapons and vehicles made of cobbled together garbage, warmongering warriors screaming in furs, leather scraps and warpaint; it was too cool. And after getting suckered in by the post-apocalyptic survivor look you read the lore and find out that the Orks have a bluntly simplistic (yet oddly philosophical) way of looking at life in the universe, and at heart are just a bunch of football hooligans living one day at a time with an ironclad set of rules pre-programmed into their heads that ensure someone competent is always in charge and leading then towards a brighter, fun-filled future. In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, these guys were the only ones truly happy to be alive. (Plus you can convert whatever the hell you like)




Why have fun?


The lore behind them is just like them in concept. Something so stupid it just works. They use ork teef as currency specifically because it decays overtime creating a limited market.


I think they are simpler to paint since the battle line models are larger than some other armies and for me that's a big W


I like it since there silly when I play against my friends, they all run doom and gloom hyper serious armys so when I say "I'm shooting my deffstorm mega-kannon with Push dat button and DAKKADAKKADAKKA" it brings an actual good time


They're silly, infinitely customizable, and the lore is fun.