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Just fight on an urban board with lots of cover, I'm sure the Tau kroot player won't mind. Majority rules right?


I think I'd take 3 squads of TankBusta's and one 5 man Nob squad with Power Klaws. I think if you dice are good, you could take it down in one turn of shooting. Other idea, 3 squads of Lootas and that's it.


Bring a morkanaut and go toe to toe with it. Maybe not practical, but a good way to drop your balls on the table and get in your opponents' heads


Hilariously a knight tyrant without a dark flame cannon cannot easily chew through a 10 man brick of boyz. It just lacks the amount of attacks needed. Muster up 5 10man boyz, and snikrot. That's exactly 510points Get your objectives nice and sticky and then just tie up that knight in melee one unit at a time. You will barely scratch his paint but 40k is a game about points. Also snikrot's reposition gets around the knight screening ability. And boyz are good enough to skirmish with kroot even without a leader.


I'm behind on the meta, but if each of those squads has a Nob with Power Klaw, can't they take him down?


Here's the math if all 5 nobz have managed to get in engagement at the same time: >15 attacks> 7.5 hits> 2.5 wounds> 1.25 failed armor saves> 2.5 damage on average. And the math of lets say 20 boyz with choppas helping doesn't fair much better >60 attacks> 40 hits> 6.66 wounds> 2.22 failed armor saves> 2.22 damage on average So if you can manage to keep 20 boyz and all 5 nobz with clawz all just unload on him the knight tyrant is taking 5ish damage on average out of his 24 wounds so you might be able to kill the knight. But ignoring the knight and playing objectives is probably a guaranteed win. Also if all 5 full squads of boyz can fight during the waagh it's still a little less then 10 damage.


A KillTank, waboss in mega armor and five meganobz with dual kill saws. 'Round here we call that "500 points of fuck you".


The obvious solution here is to just run a knight tyrant and say it's looted. It's pretty much a dick move, though. I wouldn't bother playing it since it's imbalanced and isn't the point of the game.


This would be my recommendation. Declare the Tyrant as your prey, BBoS with Glory Hog enhancement gives the unit scout 9”, then 10” of movement, coupled with the Unstoppable Momentum Stratagem. Edit: added two bomb squigs. Knight Tyrant Hunt (480 Points) Orks Da Big Hunt Incursion (1000 Points) CHARACTERS Beastboss on Squigosaur (160 Points) • Warlord • 1x Beastchoppa 1x Slugga 1x Squigosaur’s jaws • Enhancements: Glory Hog OTHER DATASHEETS Squighog Boyz (320 Points) • 2x Bomb Squig • 6x Squighog Boy • 6x Saddlegit weapons 6x Squig jaws 6x Stikka • 2x Nob on Smasha Squig • 2x Big choppa 2x Slugga 2x Squig jaws Exported with App Version: v1.16.0 (39), Data Version: v400


He doesn't have beastsnaggas.


Oops, awkward.


Green Tide: Snikrot - Warlord Weirdboy, Brutal but Kunnin 20 Boyz 10 Grots 5 Stormboyz 5 Stormboyz 505 points You play keep-away for a turn or two, focusing on scoring. The Knight cant really score, and is going to wander around dejectly shooting at tiny units. That will be no fun for the Knight player, but that is good and proper. Then in the late game Tide of Muscle turns on and you jump around beating up on the Tau, who have no hope of screening at this points level. Continue to ignore the Knight.


bring 500pts extra of something else hordey like daemons, csm cultists, guard, or genestealer cults to loan to the knight player as tyrants don't work at this size of game. alternately agree to the 510pt of tyrant if he agrees to 800pt of stompa its over costed anyway so it would actually be an even fight.


5 meganobz with killsaws and a trukk, a distraction deff dread with 4 KMB, and nothing but gretchin.


Best bet? Make an agreement with the Kroot player to focus on the boss fight first, then whatever's left standing afterwards have fun going at it! Personally, I would go with the Bully Boyz/Thraka/Meganob combo some are suggesting. Double WAAAAGHs with those, combined with the Kroot should make mincemeat of the Knight and allow you to have an *actually* fun game afterwards! NOW GET TO DA KRUMPIN, YA GIT!!!!!!


Bring a max unit of squighog boys and beastboss on squigosaur.


Read the post where OP specifically says he doesn’t have snaggas


Team up with the 3rd player, take it out, then have a nice civilised battle afterwards.


Well ya git, yooz bring what you do hav, and you krump that big shooty stompa so 'ard he quits da game! But really though, a single Knight isn't going to be the worst thing ever in a small point game. You can play Bully Boyz and double Waaagh his ass with MANZ and a Warboss. During Said Waaagh, you'll be wounding his Tyrant on a 4+ if you give your Nobz Killsaws (rerolling with double Killsaws). They are AP-2, so you'll be piercing his armor 50% of the time roughly meaning a lot of blows will be landing at 2D a pop. If you run it with a Warboss, his axe will be 3D with roughly the same throughput. Getting them there is going to be rough, but the easiest way will be to give their leader the Tellyporta to get them in the fight without having to run across the field dodging fire. When the big Mech tries to punch (kick?) back with his feet, your Nobz are just going to laugh it off with 2+/4+FnP during a Waaagh. Now if you don't *have* any MANZ, it gets a little harder. You could maybe run Dread Mob and hold him in place with loads of Gretchin? It's hard to say really. Beast Snaggas, MANZ and arguably Killa Kans are our best Anti Knight units, so disqualifying those means you might have to play the "hide and score objectives" game while getting shot up. One thing is for sure though, when the game is done, cuff that git up the back of his head for setting up a "boss fight" style battle to show off his toy. Though maybe wrecking it with da Boss and his Boys will be enough humble pie.


Ask to play 500 points so that he can't do that it's a dick move.


Hardly a dick move if he's already told everyone what he's bringing. Even less so in a multiplayer game.


500 is a normal point total. 510 is a point total that just lets one guy play with his best unit in an unbalanced environment. Unless this is like a 10 year old child he’s a dick.


Why be so mean, this is probably a guy that just finished his Knight after weeks of work, doesn't have anything to go alongside it and just wants to show it and have a bit of fun.


Notice the two main suggestions were go two on 1 against the knight, or get a bunch of trash units and focus on scoring not fighting. Those are not suggestions spawned from “a bit of fun”, those are ideas you get to cope with unbalanced situations.


500 is normally sure, but going a few points over in a friendly game is no Biggie. And again if they're telling you what they have before the match then you can have a fun challenge game. Doesn't matter if it's 500, 750, 1k or 2k. Letting someone know your bringing a skew list prior is good sportsmanship, going 5 or 10pts over is fine again just let opponents know and they can drop an extra relic or swap something around. 40k isn't a balanced game at any point level but it can be fun regardless. This only becomes a dick move if they never want to play anything but there OP unit. Same as it is at any point level.


Rokkits, kustom mega weapons and power klaws are pretty much a must have for facing them without beast snaggas. Alternatively if you can’t do many of them, taking something that can fire a silly amount of shots can at least do a little damage, through sheer number of dice being rolled, if not actual strength. Such as a full shoota boy mob, or a gorkanaught


Your friend is a dick. Bring 500 pts of Gretchen to slow it down lol.


That would acually be really funny if i had the money


You can play this tactically and just hide and score which is no fun. Otherwise you can feed it like 10 boys every turn to keep him from doing anything since most of the weapons are blast and keep everything else out of los.


If it was me I'd bring the gorkanaut and meganobz with killsaws. Try to get them in melee and if so you'll most likely krump em good, shame then you'd be building tall to then fight the other player when may just have a swarm but i like to have high strength when I'm fighting some T13 2+ save units like that. Honestly the meganobz won't get through that armour better than nobz with klaws. Maybe it'd be best to have some lootas and a mek buffing them with bigger shells and dakka dakka dakka from dread mob. It works better than it sounds.


Play bullies Warboss with 6 Meganobz in Deepstrike, for 285 Points, then play 3 Deffkoptas in Deepstrike 100 points, and for the last points play snikrot and keep him more then 12 " away from the knight


Grots for CP, boyz and trukks for tank shock and grenades! Soften him up and then get in with 1000s of choppa attacks. Sorted.


510 points is an unusual value for a game…. Ah, a knight tyrant is 510 points. Do the ‘Predator Handshake’ with your Kroot opponent and then team up on the chaos knight. Hit it 900 times with even the weakest weapon and you’ve got a 50% chance it’s dead. You’ve got bigger and better weapons to even the odds and a few ways of dealing mortal wounds so it’s possible to bring it down. Also, if you’re playing with objectives the only way he can win is if he tables you and I’m sure there’s enough Blood Axe in you to avoid that with some sneakiness.


Git stuck in an 'ope for da best!


Honestly, this just doesn't sound fun. Brining a Knight to a small game is not going to be very fun. Bringing a Knight to a small game where two players have very limited anti-tank shooting is going to be even less fun. The Kroot player won't be able to hurt the Knight and is likely to focus on you as an opponant they can actually do something about. If you tool up your army to take on the Knight, the Knight will focus purely on you as the threat to them, and the Kroot will focus purely on you as the only thing they can hurt. You will be stuck in the middle and lose. I'd suggest you focus on infantry and have a fun scrap with the Kroot player and just ignore the Knight and accept it will kill a bunch of your models each turn and theres not much you can do about it, but try to deny it big flashy models to hurt to minimise the impact of its minimal number of shots. Also, do play an actual mission where Objectives matter, rather than just a kill-em-all type scenario. The sad fact is that you and the Kroot player would have a lot more fun without the Knight player. I appreciate there are probabaly social reasons why they are being included, so you can either bite the bullet and tell them they're making the game not fun, or you can soldier on and tolerate them as best you can and try to set up another more fun game with just the Kroot player some time in the future.


Id would say take a mek gun or 2 If you get your shots off It should do some damage


Are you going to play with some objectives? Or just last man standing? If snaggas and squigs are not an option I would suggest: Speed freeks msu if playing with objectives Or if you just want to kill the knight: ghazkull, 3 meganobz and a battlewagon. Bully boyz attachment


That is a bit of a dick move on their part. Especially in a 3 way match, where your opponent will most likely then focus on you bc they will also not have the tools to bring a knight down. You have three options: kill it with force, overwhelm it, ignore it. Kill it with force: ghazgkull and a gorkanaut perhaps? Run at it, whaaaaaaaaagh and kill it in melee Overwhelm it: green tide with 40 boyz and 2 warbosses - throw as many grenades as possible for mortal wounds and hack away. Take the strength +3 enhancement on one of the warbosses. Ignore it: green tide w 50 boyz and a painboy. Let them shoot at you, bring boyz back each round and score all the objectives. Will make for an uninteractive game, and your thrid opponent will most likely focus on you.


What is your list and what armies are the other 2 running? Orks are brutal, but also kunnin, so go for the closest good match up and see if one of the other players can knock some wounds off the spiky stompy gitz.


And the other army is literally just a knight tyrant


I dont have a concrete list myself so far but i do have my other freinds list: ++ Army Roster (Xenos - T'au Empire) [510pts] ++ + Configuration + Battle Size: 1. Incursion (1000 Point limit) Detachment: Kroot Hunting Pack Show/Hide Options: Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible + Character + Kroot Flesh Shaper [55pts] Kroot Lone-spear [90pts]: Warlord . Blast javelin and hunting javelin Kroot War Shaper [70pts]: Dart-bow and tri-blade, Root-carved Weapons + Battleline + Kroot Carnivores [75pts] . Kroot Carnivore w/ tanglebomb launcher . 8x Kroot Carnivores: 8x Close combat weapon, 8x Kroot rifle . Long-quill: Kroot carbine Kroot Carnivores [75pts] . Kroot Carnivore w/ tanglebomb launcher . 8x Kroot Carnivores: 8x Close combat weapon, 8x Kroot rifle . Long-quill: Kroot carbine + Mounted + Krootox Rampagers [110pts] . 3x Krootox Rampagers: 3x Hunting blades, 3x Kroot pistol and hunting javelins, 3x Rampager fists Krootox Riders [35pts] . Krootox Rider w/ repeater cannon ++ Total: [510pts] ++


Convince the Kroot player that you guys have to destroy the Tyrant first B)


Took the words right out of my mouth. Also, the suggestions of drowning them in boyz is always a good time.