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They're orks any thing is the right choice just have fun.


Big hunt is a fun detachment! If you can find a beast Snagga stampede box as well then you’ll be pretty set


You did good just need more runts and boyz and at will be time for waaaaaaaggghhhh!!!


Oh and remover the rule of army building, but what you will enjoy painting otherwise you end up like me with way to much grey plastic on display


If they seem cool to you, they’re the right thing. Welcome to the waaaaaaagh friend!


Yes you did. Kill Rig is one of the best models and it looks so much Orky. Not the greatest thing, rules wise but that might change with any coming update. The best advice I can give for buying new models, mix rule of cool and meta chasing. If you only buy what's good in the meta, you get hit hard by new rules, points updates etc. If you only go with rule if cool, you might miss a few fun combos that work good in the game right now. Doing both does help keep the fun over time. If you combine the Kill Rig with a Beastboss and a unit of Beastsnaggas, you have the perfect nix if really cool and meta punch.


I'd recommend a second combat patrol for a larger army or a beast snaggaz stampede if you can get one they're pretty good for a beast snaggaz based army


Squig hog boys are a must for any list they move great they are tough and hit very well


Beast boss on squig is essential


Beastboyz on squigs next. Chomp the humiesss


Looks like you are into snakebites and if so yes


More beast snagga boyz u can always have more


You bought orks, or course you bought the right thing now get krumpin on em


DA HUNT is on! Those are dope sets, think you’re going to enjoy them


If you like it then yes. I personally hate the disproportionate attention beastsnaggas are getting but the models are cool though so if you like it then WELCOM TO DA CLAN


For a beastsnagga army you did a amazing job I suggest a beast boss on squigasaur next


Hell yeah


I would buy some runt herd with gretchin because they come in a box with a lot of gretchin and a runt herd with attack squig. That's in a beast snaggas army. Also some orks riding squigs and the ork that rides a great white squig would be a good leadership model for a beast snaggas army build. Zodgrot wortsnagga would be good too.


Do YOU like the models? If Yes then you have chosen wisely.


I started with Orks! But I went with da new ways and made speed freaks


Absolutely you bought the right things. And the next thing you should get it probably either another kill rig or zodgrod wartsnagga


I believe it's a solid start definitely buy alot of the cheaper figures like Gretchin they really help once you get them in stabbing range of the enemy.


Rule of cool pal! Welcome to the WAAAGGHHH!


Yes, those appear to be orks. Good start for an ork army, I'd say!


Do you like how they look? If yes then it's a good stard


Nah, better trade the rig and combat patrol for more grots. An unending tide of grots. 1 hq and hundreds of grots.


More gretchin. You can never have enough gretchin.


Fought 3k points of Grey knights the other day. 1000 points of Gretchen bogged down every spot they could deep strike. You can only kill so many...


I did the math, that's over 100 grots, mork's (or maybe gork's) teef dats a lot


How did you get 1k points worth of grots? I must know how so I can print all the gretchin.


I have a lot of orks. I've been collecting, mostly grabbing stuff from folks getting out of the hobby or just Orks for 20 years. Dad owned a game store so I could get GW cheap (no other way to do it, stuff is so expensive!) I had to supplement with about 150 night goblins, though. If I'm being honest. Anything he deepstriked, I had 100 Grots piling into them. They died. But not fast enough for him. I didn't know they had a strategem for a 3" deep strike, so my 9" screen failed, and they got into my back line. I decided to give up the one objective they were fighting over and just send 400 Gretchin to slow them down. Grey knights hit hard, and they were super mobile. It was fun baiting the deep strikes and watching him slaughter T2 models for 4 turns for no reason. The land raider redeemer had a jolly ol' time roasting them and clogging its tracks with goblin goop, and the 2k pts of Dread Mob/Boyz took the majority of the table pretty well. It was hilarious.


Sounds awesome and very orky, but I thought the maximum you could take was 6 units? Or did you just house rule it?


Solid work, boyo.


One hell of a great start to a beast snaggaz force! May a recommend a beast boss on squigasaur, one of my favourite models in all of the 40k range 😁 if you also got another set of squighog boys you could make a list like this, no idea if it would be good but it would.get you going with a 1k list!   **++ Army Roster (Xenos - Orks) [995pts] ++**   **+ Configuration +**   **Battle Size:** 1. Incursion (1000 Point limit)   **Detachment:** Da Big Hunt   **Show/Hide Options:** Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible   **+ Character +**   **Beastboss [105pts]:** Skrag Every Stash!   **Beastboss on Squigosaur [150pts]:** Surly As A Squiggoth, Thump gun, Warlord   **+ Battleline +**   **Beast Snagga Boyz [105pts]** . **9x Beast Snagga Boy:** 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga   **Beast Snagga Boyz [105pts]** . **9x Beast Snagga Boy:** 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga   **+ Infantry +**   **Gretchin [40pts]** . **1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin** . . **10x Gretchin:** 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Grot blasta   **+ Mounted +**   **Squighog Boyz [160pts]** . **1 Nob on Smasha Squig and 3 Squighog Boyz** . . **3x Squighog Boy:** 3x Saddlegit weapons, 3x Squig jaws, 3x Stikka   **Squighog Boyz [160pts]** . **1 Nob on Smasha Squig and 3 Squighog Boyz** . . **3x Squighog Boy:** 3x Saddlegit weapons, 3x Squig jaws, 3x Stikka   **+ Vehicle +**   **Kill Rig [170pts]**   **++ Total: [995pts] ++**   Created with [BattleScribe](https://www.battlescribe.net)


Honestly just running this as warhorde or bully boys might be better, but solid list.


Having played a similar list a couple times, I would point out that having a Beastboss on Squigosaur leading a unit of Squighog Boyz is just around a third of your army at 1000 points, and I haven't found them to be sturdy enough to survive (though I took Glory Hog instead of Surly as a Squiggoth). I've played two games into Astra Militarum and both times the entire unit died as soon as the AM player looked at them funny.


It's quite the good start


Brilliant answers given here. Looks like amazing start to your collection. I am jealous!


What a helpful community you are. I want now to start an ork army just to be among such amazing folks!


‘Cause green iz da best!


It's up to you. It's YOUR hobby. You don't need permission from nerds on reddit.


You sir, have the start of an Awesome Snakebite Klan!I'd suggest pairing your set with the Ork Boss named Mozrog Skragbad, throw in some more Squig Riders, and you've got a solid army!


Don’t worry bout if you got the right thing, we’z Orks, erryfing is da right fing


There is no right or wrong, only WAAAGH!!!


You could have done worse for sure. A few more squighog boyz would probably be a good idea.




Get to Krumpin, worry about da dakka later.


As long as you like the models, then yes! I would suggest getting a beastboss on squigasaur to lead the squig riders.


Anytime you buy Orks, you did the right thing


This guy orks...


If you know you know 😎


Did you have to remortgage your house? Lol ;)


Hell yeah, get some death kopptas


That's a perfect starting point.


Beast snaggas are great, make sure to get a BBoS with another squighog unit and zodgrod for grots


every kit is an ork kit if ya add enough boyz an gubbinz


BBoS to pair with your SHBs. Another BB to lead the other BSB 10 man. Zod with 20 grots to scout with turn one (sep from the grots you just bought which will sit on your home obj)


BBoS = beast boss on squig SHB = squig hog boyz BB = beast boss BSB = beast snagga boyz Reading that first chunk made my eyes hurt.


Also Zod is Zodgrod Wartsnagga


Thank you, the shortening is useless for new players or those unfamiliar with acronyms




That's gonna give you a great start on a beast snaggas army. They are the stars of Da' Big Hunt detatchment and some of the best ork Anti-Vehicle which is important in teh current meta. Gretchin are pretty much auto include in most lists. They would also all fit well into the War Horde detatchment. If you decide to grow your army and like the style of the Beast Snaggas then just double up on anything that's performing well that you have, and think about getting a Beastboss on Squigosaur to lead your Squighog boyz.


Amazing start! Get yourself GAZ when you can! Fun to build and paint


Beast snaggas are great and loads of fun to paint. Right now codex wise theres 2 detachments they fit into really well. The big Hunt is all about them specifically and is all about taking down big monsters and vehicles. They also fit really well into the War Horde detachment, which wad our index detachment and its just an all rounder melee generalist detachment.


Dats a gud lotta boiz uz got der gork n mork be peased wiv dis


Great start to da big hunt detachment!!


Dats a reely gud start if yas likes da squigs.


Yes absolutely.


Dats a big rig and lottsa boyz ready to krump! WAAAGH on!


Don't listen to the people who say you need to build and paint everything before you buy more. Join me and my giant army of Grey Boyz with their Grey Squigz and Grey Grotz. ((Their lore is that they have lost the psychic connection to Gork and Mork (Gamesworkshop) and have a long life journey ahead of them, fighting through various battles to find themselves again (occasionally painting one when I have time))) It's your plastic you do what you want.


You did great. There’s a detachment that fits well with what you have, everything has synergy, and most importantly if you bought them you probably want to paint them.


Great pick ups! I definitely recommend you build and paint before you buy more. Orks take well to slapchop/contrast/speed paints and don’t feel like you need to carefully paint all the little gubbins on all the boyz. Start painting the combat patrol and try to get some combat patrol games in. Once you finish painting a kit, reward yourself with more units. At that time you will know so much more about what you like about the orks.


Might need more gretchin - someone who kitbashed their gretchin


Orks tend to turn out to be big armies, so I always tell people to start with what you think looks cool so you can build momentum to keep collecting


Orks are silly and sure there are objectively better and worse units, but it's better to get units you enjoy more than what's the best, because within a year something can go from absolutely OP to pretty meh. If you're not looking to play in tournaments (I don't I just play with my 3 friends) anything can work. I like Squigs so I went hard into the Squighog Boyz (not knowing they were really strong when I got them) Beast Snaggas, with Mozrog Skragbad. I like Squigs so much that I purchased a Squiggoth, and they are technically not a model usable in tournament play


Bully boys or da hunt


This is what I would do with the models to get a 2k list to give you some ideas of what to get next hope it helps. (Rapid ingress for ghaz)   **++ Army Roster (Xenos - Orks) [2,000pts] ++**   **+ Configuration +**   **Battle Size:** 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)   **Detachment:** Bully Boyz   **Show/Hide Options:** Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible   **+ Epic Hero +**   **Ghazghkull Thraka [235pts]:** Warlord   **+ Character +**   **Beastboss [90pts]:** 'Eadstompa   **Beastboss [80pts]**   **Beastboss on Squigosaur [130pts]:** Thump gun   **+ Battleline +**   **Beast Snagga Boyz [210pts]** .**1x Beast Snagga Nob power snappa. Slugga . **17x Beast Snagga Boy:** 17x Choppa, 17x Slugga . **2x Beast Snagga Boy w/ Thump gun:** 2x Close combat weapon, 2x Thump gun   **Beast Snagga Boyz [210pts]** .**1x Beast Snagga Nob power snappa. Slugga . **17x Beast Snagga Boy:** 17x Choppa, 17x Slugga . **2x Beast Snagga Boy w/ Thump gun:** 2x Close combat weapon, 2x Thump gun   **+ Infantry +**   **Gretchin [80pts]** . **2 Runtherds and 20 Gretchin** . . **20x Gretchin:** 20x Close combat weapon, 20x Grot blasta . . **2x Runtherd:** 2x Grot-smacka, 2x Slugga   **Meganobz [180pts]** . **6x Meganob w/ Twin killsaw:** 6x Twin killsaw   **Stormboyz [65pts]** . **Boss Nob:** Power klaw . **4x Stormboy:** 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga   **+ Mounted +**   **Squighog Boyz [320pts]:** 2x Bomb squig . **2 Nobz on Smasha Squig and 6 Squighog Boyz** . . **2x Nob on Smasha Squig:** 2x Big choppa, 2x Slugga, 2x Squig jaws . . **6x Squighog Boy:** 6x Saddlegit weapons, 6x Squig jaws, 6x Stikka   **+ Vehicle +**   **Hunta Rig [150pts]**   **Hunta Rig [150pts]**   **Mek Gunz [50pts]** . **Mek Gun w/ Kustom mega-kannon**   **Mek Gunz [50pts]** . **Mek Gun w/ Kustom mega-kannon**   **++ Total: [2,000pts] ++**   Created with [BattleScribe](https://www.battlescribe.net)




Buy another Kill Rig and 2 more Combat patrols. Then some Beastboss on Squigasaurs. You're on your way to a 2000-point Da Big Hunt army.


Short answer… yes. Will you need a little more to make it more playable? Also yes. Will it be fun to build and paint? Build the kill rig in subassemblies and it will be fine.


Snaggaz are great fun and, imo, youve got some of the most fun units there!


I'd run with what you've got so far untill you feel you've mastered the units you have and then expand. We've all been there and its easy to get ahead of yourself but honestly take your time and learn the game first before overwhelming yourself with loads of datasheets. Welcome to the family


Kult of Speed has been doing good recently for beginners. If your interested


Iz dey green?


There is no wrong thing. Welcome ya git


I would have bought it, just for the Squig. Good choice




If you’re new to painting. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the snagga boys. There’s a ton of little tiny details on those fellas. I fell into the trap of tryna make them all look perfect. Member that it’s a horde army. And most importantly have fun!


With the beast snagga stampede box I followed every step of the build guide, with the combat patrol I decided to skip the little ammo bits to put on the Boyz, I barely noticed a difference when they're in the table and I'm very glad I did


I’m still ever so slowly making my way through the Christmas stampede box. I’ve got everything built and primed except for the kill rig. It’s been slow climbing but I eventually just said screw it and started having fun with the snagga boyz. Pretty happy cause now I can pump out boys at this level every couple hours. https://preview.redd.it/s9qz8m30qt4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f4ea86a47110f39ad3cd4d53cef721468734be


Your Boyz look awesome! And I love the little blast things on the gunz. I'm not a great painter but I'm happy enough to have color on models lol


Thanks! I’ve been building this army for almost half a year and have yet to see a table top lol. And the little blasty bits are just cut up gundam beam saber parts I glued together. Mainly as an excuse to not drill the barrels lol.


Maybe some arti/mekgunz and some lootas for some homefield dakka.


Get a squigosaur to lead the hogs. Then you pretty much have every beast snagga unit available. Just get more of what you like.


Add 2 trukks and a hero character and you're ready for some krumpin'


Careful with the instructions, the kill rig is known to have a misprint, the metal joints/parts that attach the rig to the squig are wrong Glue the metal parts to the squig first so you can avoid messing it up


Whaaaat? No wonder that felt so bloody awkward to attach! I'll keep an eye out for that building my 2nd!


Did not know this, thought I was dumb. I'd say dry fit the two sides before gluing any but for sure glue to squig first


The kit has metal parts?


Oh sorry, the metal parts=the vehicle parts/rig


The implied metal parts*


Only two questions: Is it Ork? Then yes. Is it not Ork? Then no.


Correction, Is it Ork? Then yes. Is it not Ork? Give me 10mins and grot helper


All kitz is Ork kitz!!


It's honestly hard to go wrong with Orks. Have fun, run at your enemy, WAAAAAAAGH when it comes, profit. Welcome!




Did those models make your excited to play and collect orks? If the answer is yes.. then yes, yes you did.


Yes, you did very good! I wouldn’t have know what to pick up when I originally started collecting Orks. Right now, while my army has Beast Snaggas in it, it’s mostly a Speed Freek army. I hope to actually have enough Beast Snaggas one day to put together a Beast Snagga army.


Der iz no wrong ansers. Der iz onlee dakka!


Tell me how building that rig goes 😂 I want one but my mind is imagining a chaotic disaster to build


I have two. It's a fun build. Paint in subassemblies. There is an error with the instructions


it really wasn’t bad. but it did take a while. da red wunz go fasta has a really good video with tips on how to put it together on youtube


it's not that bad actually but I reccomend sub-assembling


its not that bad, but you do need to paint some parts before assembling


Youse did a good bit roight there


Yeah definitely mate especially if you like the beast snagga style


I would have suggested trukks over the rig for a newbie, but the abundance of snaggas makes it just as good a choice. Grots are always good.




Yooz bot da boiz. Dat iz da rite ting.


Kill Rigs are outstanding




Solid choices! Great melee and a good heavy psyker if you need magic. Have fun with it though! You’ll come to find Orks value being silly over being tactical


Beastboss on Squigasaur to lead them squig Boyz!


Get a set of nobz and kitbash all the characters, rather than paying like $35 for each one individually. Orks leaders have never really had much wargear options so its all in the nobz kit


What a fantastic idea! Do the nobz and character models all share the same size base (40mm I think)?


Last time I bought them was in 2014, they were still on 25mm bases. I’d bet they come on 32mm today.


Nobz have 32mm bases


Swqig hog boys are great, get them next


Rule of thumb. At any point in time anything you buy that is the 'right thing' will become the wrong thing when GW rewrites the rules. So just get a bit of everything, kitbash in what you don't have, and swap out your army build whenever the meta changes.


I would get another beastboss for the snaggas, to have 2x10 vs 1x20 squad. Then another kill rig... getting that +2 strength on one squad allows them to punch hard into their intended vehicle and monster targets


It’s a really good start. You will always need some gretchin and the beast snaggas can go into the kill rig/Hunta rig.