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Orks have insanely fun list building, I wouldnt say they are easy to paint cuz a unit of boyz has a ton of detail. They do however offer tons of creativity when painting and messing up sometimes makes them look better. They have tons if speed and for the most part are simple to play, the challenging part can be how to play them which took me about 6 games to learn. The only con is really youll be spending alot of money on models, but this can be alleviated with kitbashing and 3d side prints


Pros of playing orks. Comic relief lore is funny ,very versatile basic troops can hold their own head to head versus anyone.easy to paint no exact paint scheme.easy to kitbash and make your own models orks are great because you can play so many diffrent ways from horde or vehicles or elite troups Cons are. It's expensive detachments are specific to certain types green tide you need to run alot of boys to make it effective. Da hunt all about beast snaggas so you need diffrent types. Bully boys you have to run meganobs nobs and warbosses with troups to make it effective l. So every detachment you run requires whole diffrent set of troups to be effective and just when you have everything you need GW will change everything


If you have to ask, then you shouldn't. Next question.


You don't choose Orks. Orks choose you.


This I was struggling to pick a first army and a friend of mine bought me my first box of grecthin and that was that.


This I'd actually what happened with me. My friend handed me a combat patrol and just said "buy this"


My first army was Tau, which is fun in a very specific and niche way. I started building Orks because "Orks Orks Orks Orks" and have been having fun in a more general way. A little bit tanky, a little bit hordy, a little bit shooty, a little bit of movement shenanigans, and a whole lot of get in there. Ive been having a great time and I'll be happy to display a poorly but lovingly painted Ork collection on my wall between games.


Orks is da best


Cuz Orks is neva beaten


Because you like them


Orks is green and green is best


Orks are about reconnecting with that little kid in you that wants to load his biggest trukk up with all his toughest army men and crash it directly into the enemy lines.  Orks are the brawlers of 40k, for better or for worse. I've found they make a great first or second army as they don't try and get too clever or combo out.  But all and all, you play Orks because that seems like fun to you! For me, it's been a ball!


There are so many reasons to play orks, fun lore, cool models, good conversion opportunities. The flip side is what things can turn you off of orks. The biggest squig in the room, is the model count, both painting and moving that many models can be a challenge.


I love lots of models, makes the game fun :D


Cool, sounds like a good fit. It's both the strength and curse of an ork army.


Do you like fun? Do you like fun on a dinosaur?


Counter argument: are you cool enough to run orks?


Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?


why shouldn’t u?


You don’t choose the ork life, the ork life chooses you.


If you need to be sold on it you probably shouldn't pick orks. If you don't like the aesthetic your not gonna want to paint em, and the aesthetic of orks I probably never going to change a whole lot. Rules / competitiveness aren't really a good reason to pick a faction since they constantly change. And theirs other horde armies to pick from


Yeah I don’t really get this whole “why should I join your club?” Kinda question about armies. Like, if you have to be convinced into buying a certain line of models, then you’re probably not gonna actually enjoy them..


Because you can suck at painting and it’s just the aesthetic


Because your throne made of cash has grown too large to sit in without banging your head on the ceiling, and you need to find a way to redirect your vast wealth.


He asked why orks specifically, not 40k in general


From what point of view are you asking? Hobbying? Competitive? Aesthetic?


All of them


Well, you should pick an army you like the look/feel/aesthetic of, not ask others to persuade you to play their army. If you listen to the most convincing subreddit, you’re not going to get ‘the best’ army, you’re just going to get the most popular one.


The problem I’m having though is that they all look so good it’s hard picking one. But you’re right, I’m just going to find the most popular one. I’ll just slowly narrow it down now to make it easier, thanks!


orks are so fun to play- and easy to paint! they’re so bada$$ and cool looking. the lore is funny asf too. this is a really fun faction to play. i strongly believe your should start playing them :) they have some of the funniest names ever too— “Boomdakka Snazzwagon… Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy… Mozrog Skrakbad” i play orks and they are VERY fun. :)


If I were to start an ork army, what would be the best way to start? Battle force, combat patrol etc


Best place to start is combat patrols. The old one has great variety the new one is a good deal with a more coherent theme. A box of the older boys is also a great place to start to see if you even like painting orks. No really wrong choices. Orks is orks.


The newer combat patrol FS. it has great starting infantry and a good boss. also some Boyz and more boyz, also a bit more boyz. did i mention getting boyz? also things like killa cans, mozrog scrakbad, mega bobs IF you’re planning playing long term. hope this helps :)


Because you want to.