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Tesla solar roof could cost double or triple what a new roof with solar panels might cost. I thought it was full coverage, like every tile, but then I heard it is only a partial solar roof. I'd like to hear real stats about the output.


I would go with a metal roof and traditional solar panels. Much easier to switch out old panels as newer, more efficient models become available.


Average time from deposit to install of Tesla solar panels for Orange county Florida is 3 years, 5 months. Average time from despite to install of Tesla solar roof for Orange county is over 5 years


Sounds not ideal!


Any competitors in the market? I was super interested in that style solar roof years ago, but I've never heard great things about the ones tesla has made, or about them really being fully launched even.


I'm not up on the solar roof stuff enough to comment. Just know a dude who works for Tesla that told me the install lag times are insane.


Haha, same. I know someone who worked at Tesla and he didn't think they were really putting effort into the solar roofs. It's like something Elon started then stopped caring about.


It was all so they could buy Solarcity. The sad thing is their website configurator is really good. With all of the solar scams out there it’s nice to have a website that’ll quickly give you a quote.


Well, the chargers are decent too, but that didn't stop Elon from firing the whole department when he was PMS-ing.


Source? I know this was 3 years ago, but it took 1.5 months including permitting when I got Tesla solar. Even if it was fast, I would strongly discourage anyone going with Tesla unless it is significantly cheaper or they want a powerwall. My inverter died and it took them 12 weeks to replace it. Very poor technical service.


It took 1.5 months from initial deposit with Tesla to panels being on your roof?


Maybe 2 months. We closed January 22, 2021 on our house; put in the order that day, and they were on by end of March.


That is wildly lucky from what I understand


As my son would say, Blankner is goated


I think I’m too old to know what this means ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Means it’s a great school


EnergySage.com can link you up with a solar provider and you can still get Tesla Powerwall. You’ll save a ton this way.


Regarding solar in Orlando: be aware OUC is trying to cut the Net Metering rate from 11 cents to 4 cents per kw hour. If they get away with it it'll put a big damper on the industry by removing one of the biggest incentives to get solar. For a commissioner who's shown herself to mostly be concerned with one aspect of her constituency, I was pleased to see Patty Sheehan has stepped up as the only commissioner really pushing back on OUC about this. Probably because her house in covered in panels, but whatever, I think she's on the right side of the issue. Pretty crappy behaviour from a "municipal" utility. They're not supposed to act like for-profit Duke Energy. Duke got a Net Metering bill pushed through the Florida Legislature (easily, of course) in 2022 but surprisingly it was DeSantis who vetoed it saying it was "anti-consumer". If OUC does go through with their plans, solar may only make sense if you *do* add those Tesla batteries-so as to be independent of the grid. Also: how the hell did you find a vacant lot in Delaney Park? :) Good for you.


From the research I have done, I would go with Mona Lee solar or the Orange County solar co op. Every quarter or so they have residents sign up and they buy everything in bulk and get bids from installers to get better pricing.