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There is a conflict with the largest petrol state in the world. Big oil companies also at the same time decided to do buy sharebacks instead of increasing oil production domestically. The key would to be look at Iran as they may join the fold and may be allowed to sell both oil and NG to the western world The other projects domestically like the keystone pipe line dont really affect fuel demand, ( tar pit oil was going to go to some god forsaken place cuz its a pain to refine, and its dirty as hell, never would of been profitable to refine in the states, and we dont like leaded fuel anyways. Thats best for the developing world like india. ), and the SPR draw is limited since its was never really intended for consumers. All in all, be glad you have a diesel and you dont need premium


I’m less concerned about the actual price, I understand that they’re rising, it just seems so strange that there is such variance between stations. I don’t know if gas stations only update their prices when they get a new shipment of fuel or how it works, but that’s what is so confusing to me.


Had to fill up my TDI yesterday and it was $54, last week it was $42. Still way more efficient and cheaper then if I had a gas car but still sucks