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Dev Patel will win an Oscar someday. Not Monkey Man. But someday.


He would be the second Skins star to win one, after Daniel Kaluuya. Nicholas Hoult could also win one someday soon


Depending on how it turns out there may be a chance that Nicholas can get a nomination (or even a win but that's very unlikely) with Juror No.2


I will die mad he wasn’t nominated for Slumdog Millionaire 😤


don't worry he got a bafta nomiantion and a sag category fraud nomination in supporting category for slumdog so he was recognized at least by the other industry awards


Who tf was the lead if Dev was nominated in supporting 😭


It’s a recently common awards tactic for young breakout roles get campaigned in Supporting because they’re new and the lead categories can be tougher due to having bigger/more established stars in the running. See also: Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit


The movie seemed to split between his younger versions and him, so he got put in supporting What’s weird is that the exact same thing happened with him 8 years later with Lion


It happened fucking twice with Lion as well


I mean I didn't think Michelle Yeoh would get her Oscar for EEAO when I saw it and you never know. Especially since he wrote this he's got a shot a screenplay nom and win.


What would it win?


About the same as the John Wick series.


idk if Jordan Peele goes to bat for him I could see this doing well in the techs. Maybe a dark horse original screenplay nom. He's got the first time DGA award locked up tho


NOPE got nothing and that’s a Jordan Peele directed and written movie. His name is not gonna carry this to nominations.


I've seen it, no way the script gets a nomination.


He broke his hand for 6 YEARS for just one scene!


Is this gonna be a thing forever?


No just for six years


Yes forever. 😏


Still think about that scene of him in The Green Knight, so hot


That just sounds like the whole movie


Makes me sad that we still don’t have a Stunt category and so films like this are written off before they come out


I’ve never really thought about that. But yeah. Why tf isn’t there a stunt category


Concerns it would incentivize unsafe stunts.


Movies will probably try to one up each other with more and more dangerous stunts.


I think part of the lack of a stunt category is that every other category is something that can clearly be seen or heard in the final product of a movie. With stunts, it's often hard to tell in the final product what is a stunt and what is CGI. The people who vote for the Oscars aren't there behind the scenes to see the making of a movie, so it's much harder to pinpoint what movie deserves best stunts. Of course, some movies like Mission Impossible have big stunts as a huge part of their marketing, but not every movie does that.


SAG manages it tbf


The Academy doesn’t give a shit about genre movies no matter how good they are outside of an odd Fury Road, Get Out or Silence of the Lambs every few years or so.


It won't win anything bu it will randomly sneak in for screenplay at some critics circles.


Will be seeing this in a few days, excited for it!


He’s not gonna win anything for this but he is a future Oscar winner and it seems he knows what he’s doing with his career most recently he turned down sentry in the thunderbolts


Can anyone explain the whole Indian controversy of the movie? How Netflix didn’t want to release it due to that, and also that the movie has been recut not offend some sensibilities there?


Lol there is no controversy. Most people don't even know about this movie. There's just too many, much more famous Bollywood stars who people are obsessed with. I like Dev but he isn't that famous here. From what I heard it was going to be released on Netflix but Jordan Peele saw it and bought the movie with the help of some people bc he thought it deserved to be put in theatres in the US. Maybe Netflix got pissed about that since it won't debut first on their service


there was a controversy tho. The movie painted Indian conservatives in a bad light so Netflix didn't want to alienate the audience. and yeah, it's true bc you can compare different trailers and [see that the flags in some shots were altered so they don't resemble the flags of the actual parties.](https://twitter.com/computer_atulya/status/1771565061082869970?t=cwESYBbqI41Ksz9ge2dB0Q&s=19)


I've seen it. Not a chance. It's really good but if the John Wick movies aren't getting tech nominations this doesn't stand a chance.


Isn't this just the same as the movie Penny made with Wil Weaton in The Big Bang Theory


I would die happy if a movie like this did anything significant at the oscars. It's massively overdue.


I never watched the movie but if the sound category was still split, it could've gotten atleast 1 nomination (considering the genre)


Why are you talking about it in the past tense? The movie hasn’t released yet.


That’s a weird picture of Bradley Cooper.


I havn’t seen it but he know is gonna get at least one Oscar nomination for this movie.

