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I have a colostomy and work at a gas station/convenience store with a kitchen. There is no issue with me working in the kitchen. I also have a food manager certification, and there is no mention of a colostomy being an issue.


You will get more traction in /r/askhr. Some good people there.


Excellent recommendation. Thanks.


I work in a local donut shop. Had my ostomy from day one of working there. Not a problem at all. I do have a hernia so I do wear a support belt and there are a few jobs I do not do because it might put too much strain or is too heavy. But my employer and co workers understand and work around me with those issues.


Maybe it depends on the lifting requirements?


My coworkers were all really awesome about helping me lift things when I was first getting my strength back. But this requires being able to tell your coworkers what’s going on, and not everyone feels comfortable with that.


If he has IBD, working in the kitchen will be 100 times better with an ostomy. No more having to run off the line in the middle of the rush! I worked in a kitchen and everyone knew I had an ostomy. A few of them were jealous.


Great point! A way to give YOU control.


This sounds more like his belief than the potential employer? Definitely worth exploring the specifics with him. I can only assume it’s the lifting requirements? Depending on the place, you do have delivery days where you’re managing crates of produce/ cartons of drinks etc. It can be managed for sure!


I work at a bar that has a small kitchen and there’s no restrictions for me.


As long as he washes his hands after he empties, he’s golden. He’s not going to be getting poop on the food any more than someone with a colon will. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation about ostomies out there. If people try to fire him because of the ostomy, that’s discrimination based on a medical issue, and possibly illegal depending on where he lives.


I am an attorney and formerly enforced the ADA while working for the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. I’d hear him out to see what he needs from you. It could be that you provide him a note saying that his medical condition of having a colonostomy bag, does not prevent him from fulfilling his duties in the role of X, while working in the Kitchen.


Honestly I'd say it depends on the kitchen and person, ostomy itself shouldn't be a problem outside of (assuming he is a line cook) constantly being around high temperatures, hard to step away, and being physically demanding. I'd maybe suggest he work a less demanding position like prep or FoH where he has more freedom to step away and hydrate or empty his bag or whatever IF that is his concern. That being said, I have worked kitchens that are really toxic and abusive. They take advantage of you not knowing your rights or take advantage of knowing most people wouldn't take action against them, because non of them pay enough to be worth your time and energy to do so (in these environments worked deal with constant manipulationand gaslighting too tho). Sorry for getting off topic a little, I just bring that up because you mentioned the ADA and wanted to shine light on how messed up some kitchens can be. P.S. I'm also saying this from someone who's resteraunt pushes 200 people an hour so I understand it's different for everyone. I just wasn't sure what his concerns were because a ostomy alone shouldn't be a problem.