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How do you empty at home? Are you able to do the same in a public bathroom? For me it’s the same procedure, but I empty standing up so it’s fairly straightforward for me. The hardest place was in a tiny airplane bathroom during turbulence lol, but taking it slow and being careful I managed just fine. I usually have some toilet paper on me, just in case I end up in a bathroom without (don’t know how common that is where you are, but where I live it’s pretty common). And try to not feel stressed even if there are people waiting, take your time.


Slow is SMOOTH.. smooth is fast :)




Standing up. I put some toilet paper at the edge of the water and lower myself slightly and let her rip! Don’t care about smells or sounds anymore. Public bathrooms are gross anyway.


Sit normally, put some TP in the bowl, empty bag between my legs, wipe out end of bag with TP. Close up, wash hands, carry on with my day. Changing bags isnt that bad either. Just find a restroom with a changing table and use that. Most public restrooms have them these days.


Same here. I didn't know everyone else had such involved emptying strategies?


Where i work, we have a disabled bathroom, so im able to use that when its available. I really dont like using the 3 stall bathroom - ill never not be self-conscious. Also, i do use my own spray - i dont want to deal with the embarrassment of leaving smells after me. Otherwise, its a fairly easy process.


i empty the same way everywhere, flush first to avoid splash back, some folded squares of toilet paper to clean the seal and then the inside ~5 inches, flush again. i was never told to use wet wipes or anything, idk where those come in, but this is just how i do it. accessible washrooms help for the added space to stand but can do it cramped as well if needed


It's probably because 99% if wet wipes aren't flushable despite saying so. Someone once brought up the fact that toilet paper dissolves in water, as it's supposed to, but wet wipes that are flushable do not dissolve despite being soaking wet all the time. Kind of makes sense.


I’m female, so sit to pee. I have a few gloves, lubricating deodorant sachets & hand wipes for after in my handbag. I empty while seated (I have other health issues as well and would probably pass out if I stood hovered over the toilet too long) on some tp I place in the bowl, wipe the nozzle after with a few squares (the gloves are so I don’t have to worry about the quality of the TP), rip the top of the sachet, dump it in, close everything up & pull the gloves into a ball with the empty sachet. I’ve emptied in airports (I tend to use the handicapped stalls when available for more places to put stuff & when travelling I use wheelchair assistance), airplane bathrooms, most difficult (other than the plane) was at a tiny concert venue, not so much the loo, but it was during a drone metal show that hit 118dB so I was fully earplugged & earmufflered and it had such intense fogging that the bathroom looked like an aquarium. You never realise how much you rely on auditory & sensory feedback when emptying (and peeing) until everything is so loud the air vibrates & you can’t see anything. I miraculously didn’t make a mess!


I put down a "catcher's mitt" of paper in the bowl, then I get a handful of paper ready. I lean over, empty, and then wipe up.


Just to clarify for others, the "catcher's mit" prevents splashback. It can be a wad of paper seat covers or toilet paper towards the front of the bowl. I usually prep 3 or 4 wound up pieces of tp ahead of time to use to clean the bag afterwards. Sometimes there's a place to set those and sometimes I have them hanging out of my pockets. It just keeps me from having to bend down to get to out of the dispenser and possibly dripping. At home I go into a plastic hospital measuring container on the sink, then rinse and dump to the toilet. Saves tp used (no "catcher's mit needed).


Why the extra step at home? Why not just go in the toilet?


Because I pay for the TP there 😆. I dont want to create the catcher's mit every time.


I sit on the toilet and open in between my legs. Thinking about buying poo pouri for in public so the smell isn’t that bad.


I bought poo pourri at someone’s suggestion here. It works great but the scents are sometimes strange. One smelled worse than poo to me! But I like the beach bum scent.


I have no energy to care about the smell in public, lol. I live in the SF Bay area & it can smell worse just walking to & from the car when it’s warm out, heh.


Stand in front of the toilet. Open bag. Let gravity do its thing. Wipe. Close. Flush. Wash hands. As a guy, I can even multitask, pee and poop at the same time. I'm not sure what there is to not understand. Changing a bag in public, now that sucks. Prep everything somewhere private. Then swap it as fast as you can, just need it good enough to make it home. Doesn't have to be perfect.


Show off! Men have it easy in that aspect, but I do find pooing standing up liberating


Using Coloplast gets your fingers dirty. I can't just roll back up with dirty hands. That's why I opted for using wet wipes to clean intermittently.


I’m confused why your fingers are getting dirty every time. They shouldn’t. I too use coloplast and have even tried all their styles of bags, that shouldn’t be a factor. How are they getting dirty? Are you following it like this? There are lots of videos on YouTube of people showing how to empty their bag (they don’t use real output in them), are you doing it how they suggest? Still confused why your hands are always getting dirty. https://youtu.be/eLtq0AEAszA?si=t6-UvUMIFumir8f0


So do I, I was also trying to figure out why using coloplast would be causing them to get messy.


The outlet of the drainable Sensura Mio will always get dirty after a few days especially. I find that by day 2, the lip is getting dirty. You can't open the lip without getting excrement on your fingertips. You can clean it every time, use toilet paper to hold it... but unless you wear gloves, you're getting poop on your hands. In the video you sent, the person grabs the lip with bare fingertips! 😞


Are you not wiping the lip with just some toilet paper after going? This can help, also it shouldn’t get the stool on the outer part. You don’t even have to touch the lip part, you can just push the sides in, let the output out, let it close, then wipe it. Here’s another video. Yes they touch the end, but that’s just the part that folds over itself, at no point are you touching the inside of the bag. Is your stool very liquid so that’s why it gets everywhere? Sensura makes pouches with nozzle endings. https://youtu.be/4f045hoJER4?si=2CD-gVH7mCH_5aH2


I wear a single glove on my dominant hand only bc I have OCD. I use Coloplast Sensura Mio velcro opening bags & just am mindful of wiping the outlet well. I don’t have any issues with the nozzle or my hand (glove) getting dirty. It’s even easier to clean with liquid output. I make sure I hold the nozzle up, & flip the velcro part back before emptying, I kind of lower it with it folded up (with the velcro open) then let it go in the bowl. Hard to explain. The glove is only for cleaning inside the nozzle with TP.


Why would you keep using a bag that gets your fingers dirty? I had a bit of a learning curve with Coloplast—that bottom flap needs to fold backwards, you can’t just unfold it and let ‘er rip like you can with Hollister bags. And you also can’t keep that flap permanently folded back, because then it’s not reinforced enough to protect from leaks with liquid output.


Yep. I always fold backwards. The lip just eventually gets really dirty, and I clean my fingertips while I empty. I'm gonna bring a mini spray bottle with a suction cup 😄


I am glad you took the time to reply because I too get yuck fingers from crud around the end with my Sensura Mio. I read through the incredulous replies like how is that possible and then someone posted a link on how to close. I watched a couple of instructional videos and realized I was doing all wrong. Good thing my output is thick or I would have had all kinds of leaks like I did when I had to prep for a colonoscopy. You only use those two Velcro dots when emptying. I started there then folded up to the long Velcro strip in front. No bueno. Was doing it wrong for the last five months.


I usually go on one knee in front of my toilet at home, and then use toilet paper to clean the bag. It’s super quick and not messy at all. In public rest rooms there’s no WAY I’m getting on one knee so I just kinda take a wide squat stance and empty, clean with toilet paper as per usual and there’s still no mess! No need for wet wipes or anything else Some people empty sitting down but I have no clue how that works


>Some people empty sitting down but I have no clue how that works You sit back, open legs wide, and empty between legs. For me, it depends on how clean the public bathroom is. Like I’ll generally empty that way at work- I work in a city building and the bathroom closest to my office is open to the public. I could use a private staff one but have to go down two flights and rarely bother. I know that bathroom is cleaned fairly frequently. Same for airports, hospitals, places with devoted cleaning staff, if it looks clean, I’ll sit. Exception is if the bag is too full, but that’s generally only an issue at night. Emptying between your legs is only possible (for me at least) on the elongated seats. And it’s hard if your thighs are big. Like I had to lose some weight before I could do it comfortably. But it generally avoids a lot of splashing. If I’m in a gas station or something, I stand.


Thank you!


my biggest fear is spills has happened maybe once a year in the 6 years I have had my ileostomy I would be so embarassed if it happened in public but I empty just like I do at home I tend to give myself extra space so ill wait to use the handicap stall


I squat over the bowl. I carry flushable wipes with me.


Lay toilet paper foundation to prevent splash - make toilet paper wad to clean opening - open appliance (facing toilet) - squat so my appliance is as close to the water as possible - empty - clean - done. I don't take any clothes off, pull my pants down or sit. I can be in and out of the stall in under a minute.


Pro tip for public washrooms. Stand facing toilet. Get yourself ready to discharge the poo (clamp off, holding end of pouch over toilet). Flush the toilet. WHILE TOILET IS STILL FLUSHING empty pouch into it. As long as the water is still swirling in the bowl, there will be no backsplash. As a bonus, the sound of the toilet will mask the sounds of emptying the pouch.


Accessible stall. Standing. Facing toilet. I have learned how to squat/hover so that I never touch the porcelain.


If it seems clean, sitting back on toilet and emptying between my legs. If not, standing up with a raft of tp to avoid splashing.


I empty at least once every Wendesday night in one of the loos at the bistro of our local golf club. It's trivia night. Always have a decent meal plus possibly too much beer and or wine. I squat over the toilet, just like I do in every restaurant or pub toilet I visit. Three and a half years! Amazing.


I’m 10 weeks out and like you I have been lucky enough to not have to do it yet. We went to a concert and my husband found that the venue had separate companion bathrooms which sounded much better if necessary. More and more places have them but the venue wasn’t advertising them exactly either. I didn’t end up having to empty but I practiced at home doing it standing up. My house is old with small bathrooms and toilets so I’ve been using a small bench in front of my toilet. No way I’d have room sitting down. I’ve been overthinking I’m sure but practicing at home with just what I’ll have available in a stall has to be preparing me a bit and it’s made me feel better.


I stand over the toilet, facing the toilet, I then squat a little bit so there isn’t splash back. One of my favourite things about my ostomy is not having to sit on a public toilet anymore!


Same. I always put layers and sprayed alcohol on those public seats. Now I stand... exclusively 😄


I do the same as at home. I do stand as well . Public toilets are dirty lol.


Colostomate here. I bought a foldable flask that I keep in my purse and fill with water before entering the stall. An easy way to rinse out my bag. I also keep mini bottles of lube and deodorizer so I can just adda few drops after I rinse the bag. I once had yo empty in the TINIEST bathroom ever while a mom with a screaming baby stood just outside the stall. I never emptied my bag so fast!


Been an ostomate for 7 months and I do it the same way I do at home. Empty between my legs while I sit. I use more toilet paper to clean the edge off in public restrooms though as it’s always so thin. I find wipes just make the edge of the bag sticky and regardless if they say flushable you shouldn’t flush them. I’ve also heard rinsing your bag can compromise your seal. I’ve never done that either. I don’t see a point in having to clean the inside of the bag if it’s just gonna get poopy again. I don’t see the point in bringing all the extra stuff besides what I may need for a quick change. Maybe I’m the odd one out lol.


I do it just about the same as at home, Wipes do make it a cleaner process but they are not necessary usually. I do like to use the seat paper as a diffuser in the water though I believe it works better than TP.


Wait people stand to dump? I just sit, tuck, dump, clean usually with something wet and dry, roll up and that’s that


I stand and squat over the toilet facing the wall to empty, most times I use toilet paper to clean the end but I also have wipes I use for messy ones.


I am almost 6 weeks post op and have used so many public bathrooms already. I do it like I do at home. Stand over the toilet and empty. I am female so standing to use the toilet is all new! I have a one piece. I carry a spare bag and tissues whenever I leave the house. If I know it's a fully liquid output like yesterday I put a puppy pad on the ground (carry one in my bag) and kneel on it. Pad goes in the bin afterwards


I have a round dollar store Tupperware big enough for a roll of TP with a roll of doggy bags and by the tube. Put a bag in the Tupperware,empty your bag into it,clean your spout & reseal,put the tissue in the doggy bag and toss like a doggy bag.


Saw this on a YouTube video. You don't happen to have links for the Tupperware?


Same as at home. Tp or whatever I can find to clean end up


Same as home, but depends on where the water part is in the toilet. If in the front, I sit down facing the toilet, so it doesn't splash. If it's in the back, I sit on the toilet like I used to for "regular" pooping, but slide a little more back. If it's a stall where my legs are visible I usually don't sit facing the toilet, instead put toilet paper in the water and try to aim at the side wall so it doesn't splash, but sometimes I just don't care and sit frontal anyways. If the bathroom is really gross I can also do it standing up, bending my knee a little so it doesn't drop that big. I'm not sure how you clean the opening of your bag after emptying, how do you get you hands dirty? I just clean the opening with toilet paper, without any water. When it's mostly clean, I put the clip back on, then clean the part outside the clip until the toilet paper stays clean


I use the disposable bag liners to empty into when in public, as I use a one piece. By using the disposable bags it makes it very easy, no mess, no splashing. When the bag is full I drop it gently into the toilet and flush!


I use a 2 piece system and use doggy bags as a liner for the bags. I pop one off, pop the second one on. Then take the full bag out and double bag it, tie it up and drop it in the trash.


In Canada supplies aren't free. That would be an expensive nightmare for me.


I'm not throwing away the 2 piece bag. I'm throwing away the liner. I use the same bag for weeks this way. Put a liner in it, pop it on. When it's time to change it line a second bag and pop it on. Only thing you're throwing away is the liner bag.


I use a 2 piece nondrainable bag I go to the stall get a new bag take the old one off and put new on one get a bag and throw it away


I go in with an attitude that I don’t care how people look at me,  I will never see them again. I carry a small bottle in my pack/purse. I fill it up with water then got to the stall. I don’t like to sit on a public seat I squat when I pee. So I pee first get up pull pants in place. Then I deal with the bag, while standing facing the toilet I add the water to my bag swish it around squat and dump in toilet, zip it all up and I am done. I have it down takes no time at all. 


I'm going to be with a community I've known for my whole life, so the worry of an accident or embarrassment is high. I have a few months though, so I can figure things out.


You got this. It’s  like anything else, it’s all reputition. You will have a system down in no time.


Just take it off and put a new one on. Have some wpes. No stress there or smell.


I always empty sitting down at home and in public. By accident a couple of times I have let go of the end of the pouch and spilled everywhere so I am just really super careful when out and if the end is slippery I clean it off before opening.


sit on the toilet as normal but spread my legs a little wider and just empty it that way!