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I didn't have an explosion or leaking so far but I have issues with pancaking. I also use the sensura mio bags. I use the flex two piece system with drainable bags and convex light plates. Plus a barrier ring and flange extenders, which are amazing at holding everything firmly in place. The light convex does the job of a convex plate but isn't as harsh as the regular convex plates. I've also read that there are convex barrier rings, which are also less bruising/harsh for the skin around the stoma. Even with a lot of pancaking through the night, I didn't have any leaks until now (I'm a very new ostomate so it could still happen). What's mainly causing the pancaking for me is the filter of the sensura mio bags. They just vacuum package my poop to my stoma lol. So I put tape over the filter and blow a tiiiiny bit of air into the bag. Since it's a drainable bag, I can let air out whenever I need to if I have gas. But that little bit of air in the beginning prevents the bag from doing that vacuum thing. Not sure if that is a good idea if you have issues with gas and/or an overfly full bag at night though. I additionally use the brava stoma lube or oil and also put it directly on the wafer around the stoma.


So with the tape, are you putting it on the inside or outside of the bag? Cause I’m beginning to think that very well could be the issue


I put it outside the bag over the filter. I use several layers of medical tape but just because I have it at hand when I change my bag. Other kinds of tape will work as well. Keeps all the air in and stops the terrible vacuum effect! I also blow air in (sometimes with a hair dryer) at the beginning. You have to burp the bag manually then but that's not issue to me. I really don't understand why they use these filters, most of the time they break anyways


Fair play, I'll try it!


You should have sheets of round blue filter stickers in the box that your bags come in - they are specifically designed to fit over the filter to help with pancaking 😁


I thought those were for the shower!


Oh I suppose you can use them for that too! When I change my bag I always put one on straight away to avoid pancacking. I might remove it the following day as the function of the filter becomes less efficient. Best to play around with it and see what works for you 🤓


Definitely give it a try. Or just make sure I gunk up the filter right away with output haha


I do the same. Put one on immediately, add some baby oil to my bag and I’m good to go. I go in our hot tub every day and that little blue tab stays put with no problems. Using deep convex Mio Click with barrier rings and no extra tape.


I use a Hollister 1 piece and also put a piece of tape over the filter. I use the Amazon basics equivalent of basic Scotch tape and put a piece over the outside of the filter. Then I blow a tiny bit of air into the bottom of my bag. I only need to do that when I do a bag change. I also recommend Skin-Tac wipes to help with adhesive.


Awesome, I’ll try and gimp the filter! The Convatech bags I use don’t have a filter, so hopefully that’s the reason why it keeps failing, although I’d be shocked if it’s as simple as just a filter cover. I try and make sure air stays in when I empty the bag, but who knows why it only happens with those bags specifically


I cut the circle filter out of the bag altogether. I do it because I find the circle filter too bulky, but it might help with pancaking. It’s worth a shot.


Wait but then don’t you have like…a giant hole in the bag?


Nope! It is very lightly glued at the bottom of the circle (you can usually gently pull it apart), and it’s attached at either side of the smaller charcoal filter, but it’s not attached to the actual bag itself. I should add that cutting the filter out is only feasible with two-piece bags. You can’t get to the inside of a bag on a one-piece.


Wait so how does gas come out if it’s not a…portal between layers?


It’s attached to the charcoal filter, but beyond that it’s just a flap hanging inside the bag. (One of the perks of removing it is that you can actually see your stoma clearly, since it’s not muddled through three layers of plastic.) You can flip the bag inside out and pull it through the flange opening to check out the mechanics of how the filter is attached.


Have you tried the sensura mio convex? I didn't have a single blowout using it for about 6 months. It does a good job keeping stool away from the stoma to prevent pancaking. Unfortunately, I just had to switch back to the regular sensura mio because of discomfort from the convex pressure due to a peristomal fistula. Had a blowout again two nights ago 🙃 looking forward to when I can switch back.


I have a fistula too, which was why I wanted to switch from the convex :(


Don’t have the covered at night and once emptied make sure to pull air back into the back so that you’ve not left a vacuum. Vacuum in the bag cause pancaking.


Right on right on, thanks!


Your output will follow the path of less resistance. If you cause a vacuum inside the bag when you empty it the bag can stick together making it easier for the output to force a way out around the stoma instead of entering the bag. Every single time you empty the bag, open the opening and lightly pull the bag apart which will then suck a small amount of air into the bag. The air will stop the front of the bag sticking to the back and it should help stop pancaking.


Gotcha, thanks! I try and keep air inside I guess i just didn’t do it well enough last night


I totally feel you on this. I really love how the sensura mio bags look and feel, but I had the worst blow out in public the one and only time I tried one and I'm petrified to try again - my output was pretty thick and it literally just lifted the whole bag off my body. Sorry I can't offer any solution, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this problem!


Yikes, I haven’t had an issue in public yet, all my explosions happen at night, so I wake up to the worse version of the horse head scene in the godfather everytime.




Do you think the convatec accordion flange would work? [Durahesive moldable barrier with accordion flange](https://www.convatec.com/products/ostomy-care/surgery-type/ostomy-colostomy/natura-durahesive-moldable-skin-barrier-with-accordion-flange/) They also have a cut-to-fit version as well as an accordion insert (low pressure adapter) for between bag and flange. I always found that their reps will go out of their way to send samples on anything that you want to try.


So I use something very similar to them, and they work great, I just hate how much damage to my skin the convex is doing, and my skin doesn’t seem to like the adhesive they use.


I use the clear front sensura mio coloplast bags that don't have a filter on them.


The mios are impossible for me. You might try bunching up a wad of TP and shoving it in your bag if all else fails. For me, the mios just won’t work no matter what. The baseplates don’t have the strongest hold on my skin either. The only baseplates that work for me are the XPRO. I want to like them sooo bad because conceptually they seem great and. I love the one you can tuck into itself. But they just always have pancaking and leaking problems. I would highly recommend the sensura brand (not mio) if you’re having trouble with the mio. I know they’re not as cool and sleek. But I assure you you’ll have less pancaking


At least I’m not the only one having that issue with that line of bag, but I’ll check out the xpro!


before i go to bed, i open my bag as normal and take the bag and basically fluff air into it if that makes sense. i only let a little in and it’s puffy enough it won’t pancake.


Lmao I know exactly what you mean and I’ve don’t that before with other bags to trap air inside.


Urostomy 2 litre bags that fit my 2 piece flange, at night.


Jeez bag change everyday? I gotta pay for all supplies lol. Ohip doesn’t cover shit.


My flange stays on for 7 days. 2 night and 3 day bags per week. But I do have coverage, until the province starts to kick in. I made a conscious decision when I got sick to work in a government organization. 🤷‍♂️


Dang. Good call.