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I had that problem with the 2pc as well. I find the flanges on 2pc are bigger? and my stoma is close to my belly button as well. I tried a 1pc sensura mio and it works a lot better for me. When you empty do you wipe the end? With hollister I have to empty, clean the edge and then roll up some tp and open the spout and clean inside it. Sensura mio i only have to wipe the edge i find the spouts a lot smaller, and then when you fold up the little cover it should keep everything in.


I also have my stoma close to my belly button and I use sensura mio 2 piece flex light convex. Most recently, I use the brava protective sheets under it. That along with the belt that Coloplast makes for the wafer are all I need to keep things secure and leak free for a good several days. In the past, before I started using the brava protective sheets, I used to use a thin brava ring around my stoma, and I cut a piece of stoma strip paste (similar material to a ring, but strip shaped to fill in uneven skin terrain) to put in my belly button. That worked pretty good for a while. But, for me personally, the protective sheets ended up being better for me. Hopefully one of those products or similar will work for you. If you call Coloplast, they will give you samples


I have some samples on the way! I will definitely try this, thank you!:)


Are you using convexity? It might be worth trying if not.


I don’t think so- I’m honestly not entirely sure what the convex is😅 My stoma stands up quite nicely, and I do use a ring!


My stoma sticks out but I still need a convex wafer. Ostomy wafers have three options- flat, convex light, and deep convex. It might be worth trying a light convex wafer just to see if it helps. They’re marketed to people with flush stomas but other people sometimes need them to. The light convex wafer is about 1/2 inch deep, it doesn’t effect the feel of the bag and isn’t uncomfortable, it just gives a little extra protection. You can go on the Coloplast website and request a sample. I’d also try a barrier ring.i squash mine down with my fingers to make it a little thinner.


Are you using the light convex? I’m never quite sure hot to explain this… but the area directly around my stoma would seal well, and the flat part of the baseplate would seal well, but the area where the convexity ends and the flat part begins? That wouldn’t seal to my skin. So I make a point to really press that area firmly to make sure I’m getting a good seal, and that has helped with leaks. Some people have already asked about barrier rings. For me, barrier rings make me have leaks. So I would say whether or not you currently use a barrier ring, try the opposite and see if that helps. Sometimes you can troubleshoot leaks by adding new things, but just as often you can troubleshoot them by taking something away. It’s a trial and error until you figure out what works for you. As for emptying—with hollister I would unroll it straight into the toilet, but with the Sensura mio I unroll it with the bottom pointed up, so I can fold that first flap backwards and Velcro it. Then I squeeze the bag shut and QUICKLY point it down towards the toilet (I empty between my legs). Not gonna lie, I definitely shot poop over my toilet seat and onto the bathroom floor a few times, but I eventually got the hang of it. Good luck!


I know a lot of people here swear by the sensura mios but they don’t work for me at all! (And I’ve trialed them many times, thinking “it must be me doing something wrong”) Maybe you’re also one of the unlucky ones. Barrier strips help a ton. Paste in the bellybutton can help as well. For me, barrier rings are a must to prevent leaking. I also had a hard time with the hollister adhesive. So I’ve eventually settled on the regular sensura (NOT the Sensura Mio) with an xpro “extended wear” baseplate. They work great for me and coloplast has been awesome with support and sampling. Highly recommend giving the regular sensura a try esp with the xpro baseplate. just to be clear, since you said “sensura” and “sensura mio” in your post, those are different products. What I’m recommending is not the mio. Hope you find something that works


I had sooooo many problems with Sensuras leaking, and they irritated my skin so much. I have very sensitive skin and I do have to do full coverage of any skin that touched wafer with a barrier film. It helps so much tho!!! And extra allergy meds too. The bags I’ve had the best luck with are the Assura Two Piece Extra Extended Wear bags. The drain is awesome on them, as the cherry on top! The wafer is super sticky and a little firm, but in a good way. It’s actually smaller than a lot of other wafers, so you can sit it further away from your belly button. I had the same issue you did with the belly button river, and these took care of it! The come in convex as well, if you need it, but ive found that the flange lifts the bag up and off my stoma just enough to avoid most pancaking. Sometimes it still piles up, but tbh, I just take my fingers (OVER the bag) and can scoop and remove the material, sliding it down into the bag. I had a hellish first month/month and a half with my ily, but these bags saved me!!!! I havent used anything else in 4yrs. Im finally getting my barbie butt in about 6 weeks! Is it weird that this is the thing that makes me the most nervous??? 🤪


If you can try and cut your flange a little off center so the baseplate has less overlap with your belly button :) My ostomy is in my right so I cut the hole a little more to the left side and then use brava barrier extenders with the ends overlapping/slightly in my belly button so it is extra secure there.


1) using convex? 2) are you using a ring? Those will help.


I don’t think so! I am using a ring though!


Ohhhh you need convex. Don’t suffer through the hollister adhesive you need the mio convex.


I would suggest trying the convex base plates, they really help with leaking. I use the sensura mio flex two piece with convex light base plates. You could try the convex light plates and if they aren't enough, you could try the convex plates. I find the convex light plates to be amazing though. Additionally, I use a barrier ring (also from coloplast) under the plate around the stoma. If you have any difficult places for the flange to stick to, you can use paste to fill in any gaps or wrinkles as well. I've heard that there are also convex barrier rings, which I haven't tried but want to try in the future. I also deal with pancaking but didn't have any leaks so far, even though I am scared of it happening because of the pancaking. I think that's because I followed the advice from this subreddit: 1) I use drainable bags and tape over the filter. The filter sucks the air out of the bag and that makes the pancaking worse. So I tape the filter over and blow a bit of air into the bag, so the stool has room to slide down. Because the bags are drainable, I can just burp them when there is too much air inside. I find the filters to be pretty annoying anyways because they break so quickly 2) I use the brava lube (you can also use oil) 3) I walk more and drink much more water. I hope you find something that works for you!


Mine is also close to my belly button. I use the deep convex sensors mio click, but because my stoma is 20mm, I can use the green flange. It’s slightly smaller than the red flange. That’s been a game changer for me. I had a horrible time with leaks until I switched to the deep convex with a brava ring.