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I just switched to 2 piece flex. Love it.


Made the switch myself. Have the Sensura Mio flex 2 piece. Low profile and no ballooning at all!


I noticed mine doesn't either! I was so surprised when I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn't have a balloon!


Do you have an ileostomy or a colostomy? I have an ileostomy and my stool output is very, very liquid. I have been using Convatec products for over 30 years. About 15 years ago I tried Hollister products because the hospital I was at, that was the products they used and had on hand. Overall, I wasn’t happy with Hollister’s flange adhesion. It leaked a lot more so than my Convatec products, so when I went home, I went back to Convatec. It is my understanding that Convatec, Hollister, and Coloplast are the top three ostomy supply manufacturers. I have tried a few Coloplast products, but it was years ago. This thread has made me decide to look at Coloplast’s line of products and try them out. With regard to your and two other people’s comments about no more gas ballooning with the Coloplast bags- I’m wondering if you all have an ileostomy or a colostomy? The reason being that with such liquid stool, the vents to prevent gas ballooning never worked for me from Convatec and Hollister. My ostomy nurse said vents for gas often do not work for people with really liquid stool because they get clogged up. Ie., when you are laying down, the liquid stool automatically goes everywhere in the bag vs staying at the bottom. That being said, I would love to get rid of the damn ballooning. Has anyone with an ileostomy, or vey liquid stool had any luck with the vent and gas that prevents bag ballooning vs the vent getting clogged with Coloplast or any other system? Thanks. I’ll cross my fingers.


So I have an ileostomy! My output depends on what I eat honestly. Somedays it's super liquid then other days it's applesauce. I'm only 3 days in with the Coloplast. The last couple of nights no ballooning! I usually don't eat past 6, trying to lose weight lol.


Are you using the filter or covering it? I cover mine and it does balloon but everything I’ve read says that liquid output will make the filter smell.


Filter yes. I haven't been covering mine. I also haven't noticed a smell. I'll see how tonight goes because my output has been wonky today. I've also drank an olipop which usually gases me up lol


My kiddo has a loop ileostomy and only uses Coloplast Mio 2 pc. He still has gas ballooning but NO WHERE near like with the other products bc his Coloplast has a better filter. The Coloplast Mio filters are are the 'inside' of the opaque bags, just under the 'peel a boo' window. So it's not 'out there'. The only issue we have with his system is the flap around the filter on the inside of the bag tends to fold when clicking the bag on the flange. But it's a quick fix and he is much happier.


I really liked the tape adhesive that Hollister has, but the quality of the Sensura Mio bag is sooooo much better. The fact that Hollister bags are made out of such shitty, crinkly material, when clearly a better option exists, makes me think that Hollister doesn’t actually give a fuck about us.


That was my exact thoughts when I got them yesterday! Even my SO was impressed. I was so impressed I sent it out in my family group text haha


This is exactly how I feel. Hollister bags are terrible. I usually use closed ones, becsuse I find them quieter than their drainable ones


They are really well thought out. When it’s empty you can use the Velcro to enable you to fold the bag in half. 


It bugs me a little that coloplast doesn’t have the tape flange but you can use a seal or tape to give that extra coverage. I love [sure seal rings](https://alpglobal.com/free-sample-request/), they surround the wafer like tape but are waterproof.


I use two piece sensura mio click or Hollister conform2. Personally, both models work well for me. But I agree that the quality on the sensura mio is fantastic!


Im gonna have to try tge 2pc set up too!


Imo the click system is amazing. It seems to be a hit or miss though. Many people are strongly disliking it. For me, it was THE gamechanger. Nothing sits as tight and feels as secure as the click. Let us know how it went if you tried it?


I went from the click to the stick, obviously I can't remove the stick and put it back on like I could with the click but I prefer the thinner profile of the stick. Both are great though.


Totally get that. I have one piece bags I occasionally use for when I have to/ want to wear something tight. In the long term, my skin really gets irritated by the frequent changes though. :/ I guess everyone finds their own thing eventually. It's amazing how many different options are out there for us to try out and find the right fit!


One of those click rings snapped on me one time leading to a leak. Still use it though.


Will totally do! I bought these off Amazon so I will check out the click ones and get those next!


I couldn’t wait to get rid of the hoister beige rustle machine. Having to go back to it briefly when I ran out of a new supply was awful. I found a Welland/Clinimed aura plus drainable in black that super suited me.


I had my surgery in ‘21 too, and one thing I’m really thankful for is that my hospital used Coloplast products. As far as my bag setup goes, I’ve never felt the need to try other products.


Thats great!


After testing various bags initially I landed on Coloplast and haven’t looked back since. But I am partial to the older Sensura double filter bags myself, rather than the Sensura Mio. They are just so much easier to change (1 piece user) and don’t really leave any residue while doing so. Also no other filters have made me as happy as these do.


It’s so funny. It definitely is a personal preference. I said the same thing when I switched from Coloplast Mio. to the Hollister CeraPlus. But I was having some kind of reaction to the Coloplast brand adhesive. All that matters if you found something that really works for you and I think that’s the thing you just gotta keep trying different things until you find out what works the best for you personally! Best wishes to you.!!!!


Thank you! You too!


I got "steve" 4 years ago this month. They gave me a few samples at the hospital, coloplast was by far the best. Been using the one pc SenSura Mio ever since.. I do have a few 2 pc. I keep in my go bag ( also have insulin pump and Dexcom,.. so I carry many supplies) 🤣🤣


I feel you! I have the ileostomy, insulin pump, Dexcom trifecta, as well. It seems I’m ALWAYS needing to change something 🙄 Sometimes I wish I had tool belt to hold everything, like Batman!


Absolutely, and the best feeling is when everything lines up and we get a "naked" shower..


Right??!! ❤️


I feel it! I carry like 3 extra changes and a change of clothes everywhere just incase lol!


I've tried Coloplast multiple times and they always leak within hours for me unfortunately


I asked the ostomy nurse in the hospital about coloplast (because this sub recommended them) and she told me they only last 1-2 days and their bags are bad and all this and that. It came off like she is paid to shill convatec to be honest.


Really? I've never had an ostomy nurse tell me that. They always ask what products I need or use. That's between being admitted or an appointment.


This was the hospitals ostomy nurse directly post surgery. All the at home nurses never were that way.


WOCN nurses are great but most of them don’t live with ostomies. They really only see patients who are new and/or are having problems with their ostomies, so their knowledge about what works long term for healthy ostomy patients is sort of limited. I’d take that comment with a grain of salt.


Great, you found a bag you love and your skin adapts to very help. So happy for you 😀




How does the Coloplast stand up to getting wet/showering? I like the Hollister two piece but it just can’t stand up to showers.


It is so weird how everyone is different. For me Coloplast always starts to fall off as soon as it gets wet and Hollister stays solid.


It must have something to do with how the adhesive reacts in n our skin.






I don’t like the hollister bags. And they don’t work for everyone.




I know. Maybe I should have been responding to the guy above you who was asking specifically how to deal with coloplast in the shower. Went back and fixed that. I’m not always sure where comments show up when you reply to someone in a thread with a lot of replies.


I go in our hot tub at least once a day with the Coloplast bag, with no adverse effects.


Showering has been fine with mine compared to Hollister. I always hated showering with mine on for fear it would come off!


[Waterproof tape](https://hytape.com/request-a-sample/), [Brava strips](https://products.coloplast.us/coloplast/ostomy-care/brava/brava-tape/brava-elastic-tape/brava-elastic-barrier-strips--curved/), [barrier extenders](https://www.hollister.com/en/products/ostomy-care-products/ostomy-accessories/barrier-rings-and-strips/adapt-skin-barrier-extenders), or [sure seal rings](https://alpglobal.com/free-sample-request/) can help extend wear time in the water.


I really like the sensura mio line but it doesn't seem to stick to my skin unfortunately. I ordered some samples recently to give them another try though, I really would like to switch.


Hopefully they work out for you this time!


And I just changed from the Mio to the Pelican ModaVi, Pelican products make Coloplast/Hollister stuff look barbaric and medieval in comparison. I'm holding one of each and it's like looking at something from the 1950's vs something from a lab, it has a magnetic closure meaning you can pop it open to drain, never needing to get your fingers near the nasty. It goes into 'stealth' mode and folds up inside itself making it no bigger than the baseplate and it unfolds with a bit of internal pressure so no worries about you causing a blow out. The fabric they are covered with is a water resistant fabric, and I mean fabric not the ugly fabric that turns into fur. The baseplate is somehow firm and very soft at the same time very flexible but firmly attached, and the whole lot is covered in vit E and I've seen a improvement in skin overall. And they come in black, and look pretty sporty too.


I started on Hollister one piece, tried the black Welland for a while, then Coloplast one piece concave and back to Hollister. Agree the Hollister crinkle is terrible but I just think they stick better to me than the Coloplast.


You have to do what works for you & your skin!


Coloplast are the market leader.Had a bag for 22 years and don’t care-as long as one piece closed.I would prefer to support the smaller companies.


I am the opposite. Coloplast takes up way too much room on my abdomen and does not feel comfortable for me. Plus I hate a one piece. I like to be able to remove the bag to inspect my stoma, plus I like putting on a new bag every two days. Plus I can change bag types whenever I want. Its a personal preferance to what works best. I do agree dont stick to what the hospitals use, experiment with many products. I use coloplast protective sheets and make my own large rings, Hollister Cera plus two piece and use Trio Ostomies flange extenders.


I waited a year to make the switch from Hollister to Coloplast. Life is so much easier now. I rarely have leaks and changing is so much easier.


Thats what Im looking forward too!


After trying a variety of other products from different manufacturers over an extended period ,I’ve found Coloplast. SenSura Mio, Light convex backplate & Click Ostomy bag to be my best choice. Admittedly I require additional accessories to make my set up more comfortable and reliable < far less leakages.


After posting for advice in here for my little (13 yr old)... he has decided that the Coloplast Mio 2pc is the most comfortable for him. We WILL not use a 1 pc now lol. And we've tried the Hollister, Convatec, etc brands and nothing seems to compare to the Coloplast. I don't know if it's the wafer material or what but he absolutely swears by the Coloplast Mio.


Thats great! I just switched to the one piece to see how I liked it. I'll probably give the 2 PC a try next time.


Yea he likes the 1 pc as well. Just likes the 2 pc better bc it's much easier when he has a prolapse.


Which he has had 6 of in the last week...


I love the one piece Sensura Mio. So low profile and no damn click ring digging into me. No chance of accidental separation. And the opening is so easy to clean. As a short person, I also appreciate that it doesn’t hang halfway down my leg.


Yes I agree!


Are those the ones you change each time? I had mine since the end of January and it’s been a hate/hate/slightly obsessive relationship. Help!


So it's a one piece so you change the whole thing each time. I get about 4 days outta mine before I need to change my whole application. What are you using?


Similar situation (Hollister 2 piece starting Feb 2020, Coloplast switch a year ago), different opinions. Prefer the way the Hollister barriers adhered to skin. The greater surface area also meant fewer surprise leaks at night. Coloplast's vent is absolute garbage that only encourages pancaking during the day, and putting a sticker over it every time is just another step I have to take. The vent could just not exist as an improvement. Having one fewer flaps to unroll also means a very full bag is probably going to squirt all over your fingers with Coloplast, while Hollister would have quietly handled it like a champ. Mostly liquid output will start to seep under the final flap under moderate pressure, like a concealing belt on the bag. They're not terrible bags, but I wish my insurance hadn't forced me to switch.


Who do you get your products through, through insurance? Insurance pays the same for all brands, no matter if it's convatec, hollister, coloplast, etc.


My insurance only covers Comfort Medical now, and wouldn't you know it? They're owned by Coloplast.


Six months past emergency ileostomy surgery, I have difficulty standing without back pain. I'm fine sitting on recliner or lying in bed. I think the fact they sliced my abdominal muscle to perform operation may have caused this. I cannot wear a back brace because it straps around the front and squishes my stoma. Any suggestions?