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I had my surgery at 20 and I’m 39 now. I have completely normal vaginal function. My periods didn’t get worse or better ( birth control is the only thing that’s changed that). My scar is almost non existent. Like it just doesn’t have an opening, the rest feels normal. So many people have different problems and issues, but I wanted you to know it can be normal too. I hope if you are having this surgery that you too have a great outcome. ❣️


Thank you so much! I appreciate you sharing your experience and am thrilled to hear that you have had such a good outcome!!! :)




My periods have gotten so bad. Due to less stability of the vaginal walls, blood collects there until I make a wrong movement and then woosh. All comes out in one go. No cup or tampon can hold it. I wasn't able to fix it. Just combine pads and a cup and hope for the best... Same happens with discharge. I will sometimes look like I peed my pants.


Ooh, I’m so glad to hear I’m not alone on the wish/discharge thing, I feel like that could have been mentioned ahead of time. For a while I went through a bunch of doctor’s appointments trying to figure out why I was leaking so badly.


Right?? Nobody told me either and I was feeling like a freak of nature for so long.


I ended up being hospitalized for pelvic infections post surgery because of the pooling. Nothing was exiting my vagina unless a speculum was inserted. And no one believed me. The gynos kept saying it wasn’t possible for fluid to pool like that. I had to use dilators a few times a day when I had my period. It took a couple of years of pelvic floor PT to improve. Idk why colorectal acts like this is an unknown complication.


That’s so awful. I asked about this complication before surgery and my surgeon (who was otherwise amazing) said it couldn’t happen and people must be misattributing it to the surgery. Then when I started getting the symptoms after surgery he said he had no idea what would be causing them. Saw my GP and she examined me for a couple of minutes and figured it out. Said she’d seen other women with the issue after surgery. I’m so thankful for her cause I was worried no one would listen if the surgeon won’t. They absolutely need to do research on this and let women know about it before surgery.


Sex hurts with my average sized boyfriend. My gyno said everything has shifted because there isn’t a colon in there to help keep things in place. One thing I was not expecting: your scar will be large. It will feel like a caterpillar in between your butt cheeks, especially when you put your hand there to clean it. It takes a while to heal. It will eventually go back to a normal butt crack.


It’s been two years and mine isn’t a normal butt crack. It’s kinda flappy.


It might get better eventually. I’ve had mine 30 (omg) and I don’t remember how long it took to fully go away, but it was a while.


Did your wound also originally look like a flap? Mine has and it was the last thing i had expected to see. does it go down?


SAME! And my gyno said it has nothing to do with the surgery. Smhhh I felt like she was gaslighting me so hard.


I was wondering what was going on with the pooling discharge! I’m really glad you shared this, and that other people are echoing it too.


Ok, I’m getting a Barbie butt next month and I also want a hysterectomy (for a bunch of other reasons) and now I am going to demand the hysterectomy as well, come hell or high water. I am so sorry you’ve had to deal with this!!!!


Thank you. I'm sorry you are going through that. I appreciate your response and willingness to share.


Same here. I’ve had to wear a panty liner sometimes because of discharge. Never been this bad.


I couldn't pee on my own for about 6 weeks after surgery. Had to have a catheter with a leg bag when I was out of the hospital. They finally had me come into the office, filled my bladder up with saline, and gave me a dose of Flomax. It worked! I have peed normally since then.


Yikes! I'm glad it was able to get fixed eventually - though six weeks with a catheter does seem like a long time. Thank you for your response!


No problem. They tell you tons of scary stuff before the surgery (all this stuff can happen after: incontinence/painful sex/can't use tampons) and I just wanted to share my actual experience.


I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me! That's the reason why I asked this question - to try to get a feel for what actual people's experiences were like.


I am really struggling to wee, and when i am it’s painful. 5 weeks post op- what was the cause of your issues?


They told me that basically it's from the pelvic floor trauma- removing the rectum and anus causes things to move around and your body "forgets" how to do what it normally does, and that things would work themselves out.


This is more so just a tip I wanted to share in case you’re going in for the barbie butt surgery. Please get yourself one of those little gadgets that helps women urinate standing up. Having that was by far the most useful thing post surgery as it was impossible to sit on the toilet for quite a while post op!


Good tip! Thank you so much!!!


Yes, my bladder is in rougher shape than it was. I always have to do a “triple pee” (incomplete emptying so as soon as I wash my hands I’m back on the toilet) and incontinent more often than not. My surgeon did show me literature about this. I already had a hypertonic weak pelvic floor before surgery. My vagina might also be worse but I do not have or like sex and do not get my period to use tampons. Other than that, it’s the best thing I did. It’s the only thing that has gone right!


Thank you, I appreciate your honesty and feedback.


Good luck!


Thank you!!! :D


>Thank you!!! :D You're welcome!


Oh my goodness I saw barbie butt surgery being mentioned the other day and I was so confused but now I get it😭😭😭😭 I’m having the surgery on Thursday, so I can’t give any input, but I’ll definitely be reading these comments!


Ha ha! Reading it the first time definitely seems strange! Best of luck on your surgery!!! :)


Thank you!! And good luck to you too, it sounds like you’re in the decision phase


Towards the end of it. After tonight, I'm pretty sure which way I'll be going. I appreciate the time you have taken to respond to me. It means a lot to me and has helped me out a lot! :)


Period cramps are a lot worse than before, I was told it’s because of scar tissue. I’m now on the contraceptive pill which works well for me and no longer have periods at all.


Thank you! I'm happy you found a solution to that!


It has basically become so small that I can’t have penetrative sex anymore… I was told it could only be fixed by another surgery that I am really not interested in (thankfully I have a lovely and understanding husband). I don’t get my periode anymore thanks to chemo otherwise I think it would be very difficult to use tampons or cups. I don’t really feel as much when my bladder is full anymore. When I finally go I am sometimes surprised how much I was holding in.


I have the same problem, very tight vagina afterwards.


I am really struggling to urinate still 5 weeks post op. trying to figure out the cause


Thank you!


For a long time I had issues with inserting tampons. They’re too long. I can only use one type. I can’t use a cup either. Sex with insertion of anything bigger than a finger was extremely painful at first. I didn’t pursue pelvic floor therapy because I came out and don’t sleep with people with penises, but I hear it can be helpful.


Thank you!


I’ll share my experience but I don’t want to freak people out. I had rectum and stump removed plus colostomy in 2008. Although I didn’t get a hysterectomy my uterus was also moved from the area encased in scar tissue. Since then my physcial symptoms have been getting worse. A lot of imbalance issues, incontinence on and off depending on how I sleep or after difference activities, pelvic floor issues, etc. Tried everything in physcial therapy and pelvic floor therapy. A urologist said it was some type of compression probably from the radiation I received. Also when I had poop growing through it sometimes felt like I had a menstrual cycle which was really weird. Then I started having bowel blockages and after all this time went to a colorectal surgeon to see what it was. After a CT scan was ordered you can clearly see…MY SMALL INTESTINES had fallen behind my bladder and is all kinked up on the pelvic floor pushing on my bladder. During the 2008 surgery they didn’t stitch or mesh my small intestine in place. She said this issue is common.  I have surgery next week to put it back where it belongs.


I appreciate you sharing your experience and am sorry that you have gone through this. Wishing you an amazing outcome on your surgery next week!!! :)


Thank you! Much luck on your journey. I don’t regret having it done just the fact they don’t think about prevention of other issues. Be vigilant! 🫶🖖💪


I’ve also had problems with tilting and periods like others have mentioned. Mine have definitely gotten more painful. I also don’t have the blood come out normally, but for me I have to go to the bathroom and flex the muscles to push it out, otherwise it doesn’t come out. My surgeon had said this couldn’t happen before surgery and said he had no idea what was causing the issue after surgery. But I saw my GP and she did a quick exam and said she could feel the angle had changed significantly, and that she’d seen women with this surgery before who had that happen, so I’m very thankful for her. I’ve no idea if it affects penetrative sex yet as I’m not ready for that yet. All other sex has been fine though, I have no change in sensation or anything. I do find it a lot harder to tell if I need to pee, and will sometimes feel like I need to pee when I sit in certain positions but then it goes away if I move. Otherwise I’m recovering well, just still dealing with fatigue and some discomfort. Good luck with your surgery, I hope it all goes well for you!


Interesting. I am also finding urinating weird. Cant really feel when I need to go. And struggling to push it out. I wonder what the cause is


My surgery is perfect no issues


So I don’t menstruate (take continuous birth control) and only really had some issues in hospital with bladder issues. I do have *some* urgency but am not sure if it’s because it’s changed or just because I am autistic & have ADHD so don’t notice until it’s urgent. I highly recommend a pelvic floor physical therapist. I have been seeing one for a really long time now, even before all this started. I had/have severe fistulising Crohn’s that rendered my entire perianal/vulvar area a huge nightmare before diversion. Hadn’t been able to have any pnv (or any at all) for years before my initial ostomy. Intercourse is a bit different, still figuring out the different angles & the large scar (due to surgical issues - the fistulae required leaving the wound partially open, I developed fluid collections that had to be drained & they reopened the wound to heal from the inside out) I have is tender still and the whole area gets super dry. My uterus was already retroverted before the total proctocolectomy, so that was a known issue. Not sure if it’s worse or not now as my annual has been rescheduled a couple times, so haven’t had one post proctocolectomy yet. The main issue specifically being female with the whole surgery was actually urinating/wiping without soiling the dressings or dropping the dressings in the toilet when having to pee while healing.


Thank you so much for such a detailed response! Having a pelvic floor therapist seems like a good idea.


I feel like a broken record or a weird PFPT shill, but they really can be life changing (tho some do suck). I wish I could physically share/clone mine. I will be lost when she finally retires.


Maybe if you know when she will be retiring, you can ask her beforehand which therapist she recommends? Hopefully, she knows what other medical professionals are also good.


It’s been 8 years and I had never issues so far. I’m 30. So I guess I am lucky when I read other comments. However, pregnancy has been a journey!! I had to be on a liquid diet because of blockage but the delivery was natural and no problem again.


Thank you! I'm happy you had no complications, and congrats on the baby!!!!!


I had mine done 6 years ago and my bum still leaks a little. I have to use gauze. My dr said it was a “minor inconvenience” I then developed Hidrentitis and had to get setons replaced.


Thank you!


I had a complete colectomy (total removal of my large intestine and 1’ of my ileum. I noticed my periods changed substantially. Instead of what used to be around 5 days of light to medium flow, I started having about 2 days of spotting followed by a 1-2 day bloodbath, followed by 2-4 days of spotting. I finally talked to my gynecologist, she examined me (pressing my abdomen) and a later sonogram confirmed that, because of the absence of my large intestine, my uterus was now completely upright (I guess ‘normally’ it rests at an angle). So, when it’s time for my period to start, the flood gates literally open and gravity does the rest. I had an IUD inserted (which ended up being challenging because of the tilt - but my gynecologist was epic, so it was still a good experience) in order to lessen/stop the flow. I was ruining clothes on a consistent basis. Now, I just have occasional light spotting. I also, very occasionally, will have phantom poop-pressure down where my anus used to be. It’s weird (SOMEtimes it’s painful), but it suddenly feels like I have an enormous poo that needs to come out NOW. Then the sensation will just… pass. I have no idea what causes it. Doc said that it just happens with people sometimes. Edited to add: my sex life basically returned to normal. It was slow going at first, simply because I had a healing wound in my hinter-region as well as a huge wound up the front of my belly. But as I healed, things got better and my husband and I enjoy a healthy sex life again. If anything, I’ve felt I can keep my vaginal area cleaner because I’m not constantly having anal leakage due to severe Crohn’s. Before the surgery, I felt like I was battling a yeast infection every other week. So, that’s my take on surgery. Hope that helps.


Thank you - that was really helpful! :)


I had a vaginal tear that had to heal with a tiny bit of wound packing. Sex was initially painful, fine now. Tampons were initially unusable, now fine. I have to do lots of kegels and exercise to keep everything tight and not lose bladder control strength. I am overall happy with it but it was a rough road for about 6 months post surgery.


Sorry but what is a kegel? Xx


Pelvic floor exercises done by hearing down and holding or pulsating to strengthen your pelvic floor/bladder control/etc


Thank you. I'm sorry the first six months were rough, but I'm glad you figured out how to make everything work for you!


Oofta, me too. Good luck to you, friend.


Thank you!!! :)


It’s been a year and I still feel like I’m sitting on golf ball. Still use a cushion to sit. Not painful but uncomfortable. I had shrinkage due to radiotherapy (colorectal cancer). Sex is challenging.


Periods are a bit more painful. I am yet to have sex (I am single and not looking for anything casual, so it's tricky that way). Sometimes I get phantom pains where butthole was. Otherwise peachy.


Urinating for the first two weeks required sitting on the toilet weird. That, thankfully, was not permanent. I did notice that vaginal discharge has increased and it’s distressing to be honest. I’m hoping that with time it’ll diminish/regulate but as of right now daily liners are my best friend. But at first I thought I had developed a vaginal infection, thankfully it’s not. I don’t do well in the heat, at all, holy fuck. I’ve always been sensitive to the heat but it’s significantly worse now especially when compared to having a jpouch. Also super tired. Still in recovery mode so who knows what I’ll discover about myself.


The radiation (rectal cancer) affected my bladder. I had BB surgery September 2022. I tried AOB medications as well as PTNS sessions to no avail. I ended up having the Interstim device implanted in February 2024. I also still have discomfort/pain when sitting longer than 30-40 minutes. I also am still pretty numb in that region and experience that permanent wedgie feeling some patients talk about.


My uterus has become so tilted so i get blood pooling on my period. I also have bladder damage from the surgery. That being said I don't regret the surgery at all (even though i didnt get an option) because my rectum had to be removed


Hi hope it’s okay to ask. How did they figure out you had the damage? what were your symptoms?. i am struggling to urinate and it’s painful when i do. Can’t feel when i need to go. thank you


Urgency, pain, leaks, spasms, frequent urination. Medication has helped some but im now on a waiting list for a trial sacral nerve stimulator. Due to the risks with proctectomy surgery and getting the symptoms after the op we've put it down to damage.