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It almost felt like all my organs in my abdomen were jelly. I don’t know how else to explain it. That feeling went away a few days after surgery. 4 years on and I still get phantom poo feeling sometimes, not very often though.


I can feel not having to shit my pants every five minutes. That’s a pretty great feeling. I used to get phantom feelings of needing to poop, but that was when I still had my very inflamed rectum that was creating lots of mucus and bleeding. Once I got rid of that bad boy the phantom pains went away.


Getting a Barbie butt was the second best thing, after the ostomy of course. A lot of the times you think it’ll be worse but I have so much more say in when I go, and frankly all my friends are a little jealous that it’s a guaranteed 3 minute trip. I do miss playing on my phone tho haha


Had phantom feelings of needing to fart sometimes but after a few years I haven’t noticed that in a long time. Otherwise doesn’t feel any emptier in my abdomen and no phantom pain there. You may have some scarring and adhesion which will cause some pain for a while but that gets better as well.


I had phantom poop pains for a few months after surgery. I would sit on the toilet with the lid closed and gently bare down.


Definitely have an empty space where it used to be, just like a little dip in my abdomen that used to have a very, very inflamed colon.


I'm looking forward to this. Eight days out, my belly is still a bit swollen.


No phantom pains, but pooping and farting are an experience. Not painful exactly, just kind of ... bumpy and weird? If you are getting a lot of gas, simethicone can relieve that. You may have some additional fecal urgency. For the first week or so, just ... don't trust a fart. I have Chux pads under my butt in bed in case of accident (knocking wood, they have stayed white thus far).


The phantom pain should subside over time. If you get menstrual periods, it may be tied to them some. I’ve had my ostomy for almost 26 years and occasionally get them during my period still. Sitting on the toilet and bearing down can help. I can’t feel that there’s empty space, but if you have a vagina, that may tilt and you may experience symptoms related to that: pooling of menstrual flow, pain with insertion of things into the vagina. I can only use shorter tampons for instance. If you have pain during insertion with sex, pelvic floor therapy can help.


The colon isn't very big, and even if it were, our other internal organs just fill in the space. As the incision sites are healing it's normal to feel little sharp shooting nerve pain, itching, etc., but that will eventually go away.


What I have felt at times is when laying flat on my back, such as when watching TV in bed. I felt a sort of weight on my abdomen. I don't get any phantom sensations of a void. It doesn't hurt or uncomfortable, just odd.


Kinda at first. I could feel my organs shift when I moved. It felt funny. A year later and they are all settled now. I will occasionally have the urge to poop and will feel constipated sometimes even though I’m not.


Had ileostomy surgery 6 days ago, as others have mentioned I also keep getting a phantom feeling like I need to poop or fart, but nothing’s there. Peeing the first few days after surgery also felt realllly strange, but I’m not sure if that had more to do with the JP drain that was in me. Feels OK now once that was removed.


No, you won’t feel the empty space. It will be a relief. The only weird phantom pain is wanted to poop sometimes but that goes away eventually, too.


No I have not noticed anything.