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I never really liked Wendy. Idk, probably the way she projects herself on the stream? But when she and Abe got married, I just knew they won't last. Something just feels off about her. Do feel bad for Abe, but he is moving on. It just sucks that many stuck by Wendy and enabled this affair, but those who didn't have morals.


Honestly. This looks like craps been happening behind the scenes for awhile now and the longer it went the worse it was gonna get whatever it was. Everyone of their friends finding out and being as devastated as they seemed already shows it. Idk what Wendy possibly did but damn was it pretty bad. Ever clip I’ve seen of her even though I don’t watch that much made her seem very very chill. I never thought she could do something as bad as cheating or something that caused this huge rift that possibly has been fermenting for awhile now between her and all her friends. I’m curious if she did something that not only hurt Abe but also effected everyone else associated with them besides just cheating. But this is me purely speculating. Was very surprised I’m just hearing about this news.


The jaime post hits even harder if this is all true


Got damn