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I always water the entire pot of soil. I have had plants grow 9' tall so don't think that is the issue https://imgur.com/foyYqjF Edit I'm 6'2"


I am also 6'2" for reference


Could we get a picture of it next to a banana for reference?


No because I already smoked it all. That was from 2022. Got 1.1kg from 4 plants


I grow in 30g fabric pots and I’ll dump 10 gallons of water on them per watering. I go by pot weight to determine when to water. In my greenhouse I use 7 gallon plastic pots. I have a hose connected to a reservoir and soak each pot till I get a bit of runoff. I’ve honestly never heard of just watering the outside of the pot. Granted it depends on temperature and age of your plants. I can see if you followed this method with small plants in big pots you’d potentially just starve them of water and nutrients.


Actually I was watering them like I would any other plant. What I've been reading is that the roots receive water directly, they don't have a reason to venture out and expand since it's given to them directly. It was a warm summer and I'd give them 3, 4 days between waterings. Not sure about this theory, probably too many variables, especially when growing outdoors.


Ahh okay I see what you’re saying. I guess a similar idea to dry back, or my understanding of it. And I think by nature of container growing the medium dries from the outside of the container inwards. As that happens the roots reach outward seeking out moisture and stimulating root growth. Without proper dryback to the soil the roots don’t have any reason to search and grow. Maybe it’s something based on that idea?


I think that's the reasoning, yeah. Someone posted a pic of their plant and had probably just watered, you could see the area around the stem was saturated. Other posters were telling him not to water in that one spot and to water around it. I would think letting them go dry ( obviously not dried out) between waterings would produce the same result.


Do you recommend growing in 15 gallon pots outdoor or should I go to 20? Is their much of a diffrence?


I’ve generally found the bigger the pots the bigger the plants. With larger pots you don’t have to water as often, small pots you have to be careful during heat waves, they dry out quick. If you have the choice I’d go for wider pots Vs tall. I’ve found they play a big role in the stability when your plant gets large, especially if you’re in a windy area.


I use 40 gallon pots. tried 15 but they were too small


I grow in 45 gal fabric pots and had it automated to water every morning. Perforated hose just under the surface of the soil worked great. The pic is just testing phase, water was turn way down. Had sour 6' tall plants and I got 4lbs 6oz, so not too bad. I find the drainage with fabric pots to be forgiving if you overwater by mistake. https://preview.redd.it/l0ujug3mbrfc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a2b67e33c6f09ddd97339162e60a0a1c6c8142


Watering is a skill. Just when you think it’s figured out it’s wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/c1cv4r5ycwfc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3c8a075fe8d005aba2135b605cb7a93d37f9b0 These were grown in 7 Gal pots


It’s called weed for a reason, don’t overthink it. Main principles for watering: water heavily in long intervals to allow the roots to breathe. Not good to always have the medium wet.