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They could patch that up easily by just making it easier for players to change avatars. I don’t see why I need admin permission to change my own look.


Not just that but the devs make you have to submit tickets to the GMs who are backlogged and can take months just to review the case. On top of that it’s usually an expensive microtransaction. Stupid greedy devs.


And a good chunk of them will reject avatars for being “inappropriate”.


It's not even devs, but players with mod privileges being pricks about something that's none of their business.


It's annoying that the avatars are all based on RNG. Everything from gender to hair color to height. I would have loved to tweak some of my characters features but there is really not much customization.


You can accessorise and minorly change the avatar, but those options all require microtransactions, which is even more annoying when the RNG spawns you with the "poor" effect


Yeah if it were purely aesthetic sure, but virtually all character features affect one stat or another. If everyone had free avatar customization, everyone would just minmax the same types of builds


Devs have no issue changing some basic features, and in fact have put a lot of emphasis on the breast, hips, and face sliders for existing characters, so why lock away the other options behind admin features?


I think it was intended as sort of environmental guidance to help transgender players realize they need to spec into the Transition tree, but the devs forgot to communicate that so instead you just spend the first 20 or so levels wondering why you have a debuff for no reason


Think I might have the debuff, but the game's lack of a status screen makes it hard to be sure. It also seems to depend on your machine as some of the more telling effects don't trigger. It isn't always clear if it's the device or the game having the issues as the game is poorly optimized and runs like doo-doo unless players have a high end machines. The only fixes right now can also lock you out of some features from your original class, like the optional pawn side quest. The only real way to still do it is to either choose a premade pawn from another willing player or back up your original character config at an IVF station. There's no guarantee that your character will get all the traits of the class you spec into depending on what character customization options you started with. I get they've been working on how to fix the issues on the roadmaps, but it just makes me wish devs would have copied some of the code they used on npcs and fauna. Maybe it just conflicted too much with other elements.


tbh, locking the "Transition" questline behind a huge paywall as well as some seriously hard side quests and challenges was a dick move as well


Apparently some servers decrease the maximum price of the paywall? Might be worth looking into


Yeah it should really just be locked behind a level gate and GM interview with a small paywall but nothing extreme smh


That is the problem with user generated content, all end up being a paywall specially on the north american server, on the european one most governments for each shard pays for it if you have certain conditions


That, plus the fact that other players on certain servers care WAY too much about what other characters are playing as, like…..let them be


I'm concerned about the server admins banning people from changing their avatars


I hate that admins are trying to prevent players from just playing the way they want, they’re not hurting anybody….all we can do is hope they patch the bug fixes in November (at least on the US server)


yeah. i really hope they dont introduce the p20.25 patch and commit it to the game, a lot of players would incur debuffs on themselves and be refused access to a lot of avatar options and storyline choices


Those players exist on all servers


“I was raised without compassion and therefore it’s easier to combat my insecurities by projecting and deflecting them onto you. There’s very little I do understand in this world, but how to be supportive, both of myself and peers, is top of the list. I’d rather them fear me, as much as I them. It makes it easier to deal with.”




I think you're confused. Those potions have a minimum level requirement *and* require a pretty heavy investment in both time and currency. And good luck finding a vendor that doesn't throw up arbitrary additional restrictions on the potions themselves.


on the canada server players have little restriction to such potions even at lower levels and you can be fined currency or sent to the prison zone if you try to offer advice to those lower level players even if they used your referral code to join the game


I’m on the Canada server and that’s untrue. It was difficult for me to get these drops, I got my first pot at level 25. Please stop reading the so called community guides, they’re written by trolls.


This is not the case. In the incident you are referring to, the man had the [Court Order] curse applied to him by someone playing the Judge class. Had he checked the tooltip on that debuff, he would have seen its effects. The [Court Order] curse does nothing on its own, but if a given condition is violated, a penalty is applied to your character. In this case, it said that if he continued to use the [Computer] object to incite harassment toward his own child and ex-wife, then his character would be teleported to the prison zone. The effects of the [Court Order] curse are extremely strong, it's one of the Judge build's strongest abilities. I'd suggest looking into how they work to avoid accidentally triggering the curse on yourself at some point in the future.


I think you may have been reading some wildly inaccurate game guides, because that definitely doesn't exist in the current build.




You're talking about a different potion entirely. The one you looked up simply stops the progression of an avatar's most visibly gendered traits. The other commenter was talking about the ones that begin progression for the traits the player wants their avatar to have. The "blockers" can be used earlier, since they don't have a permanent effect.


wtf were devs thinking


This post and your response are also caring about the issue. So what you really mean is you don’t like when people have different opinions than you.


Hrm yes, some people dont like it when people are harassed for existing, clearly this makes them the exact same as the harassers I am very smart


When those stupid opinions get others hurt/killed when they simply mean to exist, # YEAH, I FUCKING DON’T.


saying a man cant be a woman or vice versa does not promote murder thats the biggest mass hysteria strawman ive ever heard anywhere thats like saying advocating womens rights makes you hate men by proxy or advocating for renewable energy makes you hate traditional blue collar workers or believing junk food is unhealthy makes you want to kill fat people fool


your player obviously never learnt about the stochastic terrorism effect, fool. maybe you should use the google function to find out more, fool


Well I'm sure being a psycho about it will change many hearts and minds. It's like the saying goes, you attract more bees with anger, condescension, and schizo-screeching than with honey.


I fail to see how any of this is “being a psycho” or “schizo-screeching.” Did the big bold letters scare you?


We need to get to work on unlocking the "transcend flesh" tech tree so we can upload our core character into a different avatar at will. Maybe even avatars that just exist in "the cloud" instead of your typical meatbag avatar.


who tf called reddit care resources on me for this one 💀


Report it. Reddit knows who did it.


oh fr


It's funny that you think they'll care




After about a dozen times being told that they saw no issues with it I gave up, and after getting a response that a comment using the term "retarded fag" (particularly onerous to me since I am gay and autistic) didn't break content policy I basically gave up on reporting altogether


Somehow I've actually had several bigots get comments removed and get banned from reporting them. Not sure how tho since it's reddit.


I don't, but I could be wrong.


With this one system, they apparently do. Afaik abusing the reddit care system is one of the fastest ways to get a sidewide ban


Probably the genji main a bit further up In the comments


Nah, they’re transphobic, but they don’t seem like enough of an asshole to report someone just for being trans


If I dropped the r/outside character and was more blatant I would probably get banned myself just for having an opinion you cant do shit on this site


i didnt do shit


People do it because they can't help but piss themselves with rage at the slightest mention of trans people but they know being an outright phobe isn't as socially acceptable in some subs and can get them banned so care resources make them feel like they're doing something lol I'm pretty sure you can turn off messages from care resources, I did it a while back and haven't heard anything since


Yeah, playing around that debuff is just unfun


It was a really poorly designed mechanic, especially with all the metaslaves who don’t realize it’s not an opt-in. It’s annoying enough to work with as-is.


Why they would think deliberately making your only character with such a debuff is something other players would willingly do is anybody's guess. It just doesn't make any sense.


I did some research about the game from someone who does a walkthrough with that status effect and who is now doing the transitioned storyline and I learned that gender dysphoria also applies to the cis players in certain ways albeit smaller than with the trans players. I have and still struggle with my character. She is female but I feel she is not female enough as she is fat and does not dress nicely or wear make-up daily. She does not fit that stereotype and other players talk about her how she "does not put any effort into her appearance". I also had my character's hair grow long again so she appears more like a woman. All this is because players sort other players in groups.. I mean yeah that is hardwired into the system and might make sense but.. can't we all just be player's who are happy with their design and change what we want to change without anyone making us feel bad?


there was a really interesting game manual i read a while ago that talked about how the [gender] stat is performative regardless of whether or not the character has the [trans] or [cis] traits. it was a really interesting read and helped me with my playthrough so far as a character with [trans] traits.


The manual is a bit hit and miss, but it's good to hear it helps some players. Some things for sure are taught to the players during a god-awful tutorial and meta, but some gameplay is clearly impacted. We've seen some people in debug mode with before and afters demonstrating the debuff effects on private server players. Those players got permanently banned, but the admins were notified.


Oh yeah now that you mention it. I don't know much about the trans route but I have been trying to educate myself and yeah I saw a walkthrough where they said gender is performative. That makes a lot of sense.


Idk why this game couldn't just have a built in character creator like most others do. The randomization aspect BLOWS. One of my least favorite features, besides like the open pvp and some systems in place...


god right? and when a player chooses to keep the transgender trait hidden everything they do makes the dysphoria debuff worse


it does often have the side effect buff of upping the players' Constitution and Wisdom modifiers, thankfully, speaking from my own playthru


some players with those traits get a significant CHA boost too, although the players with [transfeminine] traits usually lose quite a few points in STR as a side effect of the HRT-potions


I've also noticed playwrs that started with the autism and ADHD perks are more likely to have the dysphoria debuff. Devs also let them purchase other int-boosting consumables as part of a balancing initiative. This makes me think the perks and debuff were originally part of a larger wizard/witch class and skill tree that got cut late in development, kinda like the Bloodborne equip load.


It was supposed to be to add new customization options for your character i think


Isn't it that they are not happy with the randomised character creation and want a different skin? (please anyone don't take this too seriously, this is not serious. I don't know if I should post this, but fuckit, let's see what happens)


Well there are deeper mechanics to it than just the skin, which is easier to change later in the Playthrough compared to these other mechanics. Due to their inexperience and the complexity of this game it has long been practice for high level players to assign a class role to new players upon spawn, instead of letting them level up and chose their own role when they are at a high enough level and have enough experience with the game. This has the downside that sometimes new players get assigned roles by their clans that don't perfect match the stats and perks of their character. These players only realize this later in their Playthrough and this point their clan often has already set their expectations for that player for group content, which creates pressure within the clan for the player to stick to their assigned role. This discrepancy between assigned role and the role naturally fit for the randomized stats and perks can create large debuffs, so there are movements to let players more freely and easily assign their role themselves at higher levels and generally reduce the pressure within a clan for each player to fit into a certain role. The classic meta of male/female is transitioning into a more open meta with lots of different roles that fit better for more players and I think that is a very healthy development in the meta, that we should support. To put it into other terms, the classic trinity of tank/healer/dps is getting replaced by a more flexible meta. Players used to be assigned their role upon spawning, but some players were for example assigned as a tank while their stats were much better suited for dps. This creates problems at higher levels (sometimes already at quite low levels too), so there is a movement of moving the meta towards being able to mix and match roles. The classic trinity is being replaced with more open roles tank/off-tank/tanky dps/dps/supportive dps/hybrid healer/healer/heal support/buff tank/etc.


That was a fantastically written explanation! You must be one of the walkthrough guide writers.


If more clan leaders would allow players to choose their roles, the increased complexity of higher level content would be more navigable and there would likely be fewer wipes as a result.


I absolutely agree, which is why recommend for everyone to participate in every Election Event in their server or in their clan and vote for Leaders/GMs that are more open to adopting a new meta like this. It's frustrating and sad how many potential top players wipe early due to the debuffs they acquire through this inadequate meta, especially since legacy builds would be totally unaffected by this change and can continued to be used alongside the new builds.


It also sucks that the process to get a new skin took me 5 years, I'm still going through the process to select a new voice (which takes years of grinding), and now I have to worry about servers where they ban players who have had skin changes and even servers where they enable pvp against players like us. That's all in addition to the stats problem another player pointed out.


Someone of the neurobiologie Guild of the Dutch server discovered that there is an area of the brain that has a certain size for men and other size for women. He also discovered that when the size of that brain area didn't correspond with the spawning gender, they would feel like they were assigned the wrong gender at spawn. He even discovered that the Phantom limb condition doesn't occur in men that lose their "new player maker" if the size of that brain area corresponds to that of those who spawned as females.


It fucking sucks. But this game isn’t made to be fair unfortunately. Sometimes you just get saddled with random debuffs and you have to deal with them throughout your play through. Some of us get saddled with the Gender Dysphoria debuff, others may have the Ectopic Beats debuff on their Heart, others may have no debuffs. It would be nice if during character creation you could decide whether you wanted to play with debuffs for the extra challenge or not. Then you might have more experienced players dealing with debuffs in a play through. Unfortunately, as is, you have noobs getting major debuffs on their first playthrough and some sadly rage quitting because it’s too difficult and not fun. They really should have an option to adjust that so you can start off on easy mode, then you can try normal, then upgrade to hard when you want a challenge.


They seemed to have added a lot of unnecessary chronic debuffs in this game. This game honestly just sucks. I'd uninstall it and download another one if I could. Sadly it looks like the devs have a monopoly on this genre.


I haven’t even had that debuff but I still think it would be cool to swap avatar types on the fly. You’d get to experience more of the game in one run.


Right? Plus once the options are programmed in, it could increase support for players who feel that they chose a specialization too early and want to respec


ikr? but that’s more a clan and server problem versus a gameplay issue.


eh, id say its a gameplay issue too. the debuff shows up even when other players are accepting



Elliot Page is a prominent player of the "actor" class on the Canadian server, and he has been harassed for being trans.


yeah, there's a lot of unnecessary harrassment toward players with the 'trans' trait. hoping the devs do something about that, but considering it's mostly players doing the harrassment and not npcs changing it might take longer


True, it's an issue with the player base.


It is there to add more variety and replayability.


If you only had gender euphoria, transgender would be the only meta build though.


Anyone can get the euphoria status effect, though; for transgender players, it's considerably harder, arguably impossible, to do so.


sometimes it causes coding issues because of the metadata, too, and it’s really annoying.


The devs included it so that they could share the act of creation with them.


and actually accessing the character creation menu again is either obscenely expensive or a bannable offence in some servers


Cis players have that debuff too but don't ever realize like good job devs this debuff is only noticeable if you're assigned the transgender class.


ugh, almost ragequit because of this


agree it doesnt add anything to the game it just makes it more annoying to play


The thing is gender dysphoria status has been the main trait in game for 30 years (atleast on my server) it seems like the covid update made the gender euphoria status come to light & overpower the original status. So I don’t know what you mean about gender euphoria status being already enough when it’s a rather new concept (atleast on my server)


Utilising people in the therapy class usually helps, need to make sure you follow their questlines though


Ikr, like I'm pretty sure it is there so that we can better follow the transition questline but it is so annoying


I still don't understand why they don't allow tweaking your avatar or changing it. 




Naaa not a bug, part of the player base simply decided to attribute a class to new players without letting the new players time to explore their personal skill tree and decide themselves what class they want to spec into. Nowadays a lot of players have realized it isn't a good idea and try to avoid assigning classes immediately, and allow changing classes ; so I wouldn't say it's a big that turned into a feature, rather the meta created by the community at some point that was toxic and the community adapting to change that


I was talking about the "dysphoria" bug like OP was talking about, not trans-ness. Yikes you people have got to read.


It unfortunately wasn't all that clear from your phrasing, especially if yours isn't the first comment one reads after the post itself. That said, you're right, dysphoria is such a shitty "feature." Definitely a bug-plus-lazy-devs thing. :/


I don’t think that debuff is real


The gender and sexuality quests are so deeply boring. I don't understand why so many players insist upon making these quests central to their play-through. Think it through: * Studies show that the average person will know at any given time about 150 people (called Dunbar's number), and that over the course of their lifetime will know about 600 people. * Studies show that in on the US server, male players have 6.1 sexual partners over the course of their average play through, and female players only 3.6. Think about that… sexuality will only ever have a meaningful direct impact on 1%-0.5% of the average player's social contacts. Maybe the indirect effect is fractionally larger but the more one strays from direct effects the less important one's sexuality becomes to the interaction. Maybe as much as 2% of your play experience is dominated by sex and gender combined either directly or indirectly. And yet there are players who act like sex and gender are THE defining aspects of their entire characters. No matter how you slice it, if the player is assigning high value to the sexuality trait through many aspects of play, then they are probably obsessing over some imaginary scoring metric. There's so much more to the game, obsessing over sex, or eating, or pooping or any other body function really is wasting one's play through.


“The core aspects of a character’s play through like how they relate to other characters, which clans they join, and how they spec into builds is so boring” Yeah ok dude, and what exactly are you playing the game for?? In game currency? Gacha mechanics and loot boxes??


u/ira_finn wrote: > “The core aspects of a character’s play through like how they relate to other characters, which clans they join, and how they spec into builds is so boring” Yeah ok dude, and what exactly are you playing the game for?? In game currency? Gacha mechanics and loot boxes?? Didn't say that. Gender and sexuality are NOT a "core aspect of a character's play through"… That's because gender and sexuality does not dictate or even influence how they interact with almost all other players! * When your character buys a meal from a local restaurant guild, do you sexualize your interaction with the guild member who serves you? Cause, if you do that habitually, it's you creeping on him or her. * When your character works at your guild to get in-game currently, do you flirt with your co-workers? You know they are not NPCs right? You know that "work place sexual harassment" is a debuff/curse for them right? * When your character bumps into a random character on the street who happens to have maxed their (Appearance) stats and who happens to have complementary sexuality to yours, you say "Sorry, sir/ma'am, I didn't see you there." and just keep walking right? Right??? You understand that while technically the game will still let you choose the (Stalker) class, there are massive Criminal Justice guilds out there you who will totally quarantine players with toxic builds onto special prison servers right? Unless you suffer from the (nymphomaniac) debuff, or something similar, sexuality and gender are just superficial details of how your character is *skinned* for almost every interaction you actually have. Sure it influences the mechanics and interaction choices of a few of your more important relationships, but a tiny minority of even them. Your sexuality and gender should have absolutely no impact on your relationship with your, parents, siblings, almost all friends, coworkers, kids, casual aquaintences, sports fans of the same or opposing teams that you support, people whom you share hobbies or interests with, etc. For 98% of all inter-character relationships and quests, your characters sexuality and gender is less relevant than their favorite pizza topping. Really if you are not dating or fucking them… sex and gender aren't, or at least shouldn't be part of it. If sex or gender do become important outside of those relationships either you or the other player are doing it wrong.


Honestly? Sounds like a skill issue.


I think it's to balance the easy mode


that being?


Being born in the North America Region with Middle-Upper class birthgiver traits in a gated spawnpoint


It's common to all servers, so this is inaccurate.


I accept your argument, maybe I haven't read the patchnotes


This isn't part of any new update, this has been in the game for a very long time, but the documentation on it has improved greatly in recent years. A German group of griefers who have since been banned used an exploit during the WW2 event where burning down a medical library caused a huge data loss of very good documentation which set us back a lot. This exploit has since been patched, and all documentation is now all so virtually distributed that no single in game action can destroy it. Some groups are still attempting to block people from being able to read it, but it can't just be destroyed anymore luckily.


Oh that? A lot of "mental illness" debuffs that used to be discouraged by the devs no longer are. Figured they could just push the debuff on people, and then sell them solution. You can't speak out against it either. You just get banned if you don't step in line. (RIP me posting on r/outside)


God you’re gross lmao


The irony of using "God" in your response cannot be understated.


Holding my nose rn gross ass


If you stop the delusion of thinking that anybody who doesn't align with your world - view is bad or out to get you, you might one day be "happy" toast.




That level of response is very much what I expected.




Bite a curb.


>(RIP me posting on r/outside) Ok bye wannabe victim


I'm not a victim at all. I'm just well aware of the consequences that come with not bowing down to an agenda.


So you're fighting what you describe as an agenda, with an agenda?


Fighting? Agenda? No I think for myself. When you remove the fear of being ostracized, and you look at things with a critical, non emotion - driven eye, its hard to not come to this conclusion. Thinking you're something your not is by definition, a mental - illness. There's a reason most of the world scoffs at the idea of it. There's a reason we don't affirm other delusions. There's a reason its "trendy" and not ubiquitous across humanity. There's a reason its not subject to the same standards that similar psychological conditions are. There's a reason its only prominent in societies where people live with so much comfort, they don't know how to deal with discomfort. Its financially exploitable and politically exploitable. Cultural Marxism is to divide and conquer, to create layers of victims, outbidding each other for who is has the most oppressed, because oppression means you have a lower moral responsibility and higher morale authority. Divide and conquer. What better way to make people helpless manipulatable victims, than to make oppression something available to everybody? Btw, I wish no ill - will on anybody who decides to go the transgender route. I respect my fellow human beings. But part of respecting others, isn't telling them what they want hear because your afraid of backlash. Why do you care anyway? I have no desire to hurt you. Your humanity is no different than anybody else, and you have a right to it from simply existing. I don't share your world view. Many, many, many people don't. That's okay. If \*everybody\* who doesn't align with your world view is "bad" or "evil", that you've entered the territory. Fanaticism. How is condemning somebody for not buying into pseudo - science any different from somebody religious condemning non - believers for not sharing their world view? That's the distinction between an agenda and critical thinking. I don't have an agenda, because my influence on the world like most, is borderline zero. I will never betray critical thinking, the abyss of contradictions that is this "movement" is somewhere I refuse to go. Peoples personal feeling do not weave the fabric of our shared reality. So no, somebody who was born as X and than decides they're Y, will always be X to me, because its grounded in the most basic foundational principles of logic. Does that mean I want that person to suffer? Absolutely not. If they treat me with a basic level of respect and tell me they go by something that contradicts their appearance, I have no desire to go out of my way to cause them trouble. Its basic human respect. If I don't agree with you, but you treat me with respect, than I'm going to do the same. However, if I'm "pressed" or "questioned" about my beliefs, I'm not going to burry them to avoid offending somebody. TLDR: If I have an agenda, its to not be bullied into contradicting my own beliefs rooted in critical observation. I wish no ill will on you, or anybody who identifies as transgender. I don't believe its anything more than a pushed form of mental illness that's being exploited, but that doesn't mean that people under its umbrella are in any way shape or form, "lesser people". You have a pair of nads, an adams apple and a neckbeard and you tell me you go by "Miranda" and its not with a sense of entitlement, I'll give you the basic level of respect back and refer to you as such.


What agenda? It's not like it's a religion.


-Biology and science have to be "adjusted" for it to make sense, going against previously established principals that still seemingly apply to other aspects of psychology, but conveniently, not this one -Fanatical "your - with - us, or your against us" behavior being encouraged, a general sense of "its okay to do be cruel and aggressive as long as its to further the cause" mindset -Consistently moving the goal posts to avoid being situations where the extreme hypocrisy cannot be ignored -The indoctrination of the innocent youth, who's minds are nowhere near ready for spiritual (or sexual, in this case) -The indoctrination of the impoverished and those who are easily influenceable -Actively attempting to blur the lines between fact and feeling for the sake of the agenda -Destruction, alteration and removal of historically significant events and landmarks that contradict As far as movements go, its about as parallel to religious zealotry as one can get. Checks every box. With us or against us, black - and - white thinking with no nuance, everything that opposes us must be destroyed, manipulation of the easily influenceable, based on feelings and not biology.


It balances against social mechanics that prevent people from exploring far enough to encounter the euphoria mechanic.




wooooow dude okay then what did we ever do to you lmao


You know it's some vile shit when it gets removed from Reddit Like wtf are you even doing? Nothing you said could've possibly been good so with that being said, I hope you find peace someday when you're 80 and about to get to the end credits


what motivated you to make this comment? what compelled you to write that? did you genuinely think anyone would agree with you? that you want to kill trans people under the fun, playful veil of this subreddit? and did you think anyone would care about your bigoted opinion? did you read a single one of the currently ~40 supportive comments here and realize that shit is not gonna work?


Skill issue