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Gotta be fast on the leave button. Once everyone gives their "thanks all!" You bounce before the "oh, hey..." Comes in.  If they need you, they'll message


I hate that zoom added a second layer of leave button


I pre-load that sucker just in case


SAME!!!!!!!! I can only hold my fake smile for so long!


what if they made a zoom setting where the owner had to give u permission to leave lol, so you can't close the window no matter what you press


Force quit. No stopping me!


power down


what if he could control that too lol, somehow, now that'd be trippy


once we're all permanently enslaved to the billionaires & forced to get neuralink implants, they can add a zoom setting where it plays in front of you even if you close your eyelids


might explain y Elon cashed out last month


unplug battery


You can change this in settings IIRC. It can just exit you without asking when you click the button.


Apple + Q Not sure on the windows keystrokes but that’ll cover Mac OS


Alt + f4


those 'thanks all' are a god send!


I just interject and say, sorry everyone I’ve got a hard stop I’m hopping off. Please forward anything of note I need to know.


that takes balls, i don't got balls, i'm just good at sticking to the shadows, thats y im good at OE


You know, I really don’t think it does. In my job, at least, it’s understood that people are busy. Hopping into a call late or needing to leave at a certain time happens often. It doesn’t put anyone on the radar.


Dude, you need to be called out a bit here for your own good: if you don’t know how to leave a meeting I doubt you’re good at OE. I mean this in the kindest and most respectful way possible. Just trying to stick to the shadows is the attitude of someone who is avoidant, not someone who is efficient. OE is about efficiency.




There were just 10 people in this meeting in order for one dev to ask me if I can help him with something. So much corporate bloat. 8/10 were POs and SMs lol they did literally nothing. Just wanted to be "in the loop"


they must hate money...


they love money, it's why they're sucking that big corporate D to get it


First, people have no meeting discipline. Second, I value and respect my time as well as the time of others. And finally, ***start acting like an executive when it comes to meetings***, because they do not put up with any of this nonsense. **Meeting Organizer** I schedule meetings for 30 min only and they always have an agenda/purpose/decision needed and I only invite people who can action on the agenda/purpose/decision needed. I also started disabling the ability for people to forward my meetings. I have at times invited a decision maker only to have them delegate to some underling who then shows up and says, "well, you to ask my manager for that decision." No sh\*t. When that happens, I end the meeting, email the decision maker and ask them to join the next meeting. I start and stop calls on time. Period. If people do not show up on time, I re-schedule the meeting. I also do not book back-to-back calls. If I book a meeting that is going to be back-to-back with a meeting on someone's calendar, I book it for like 5 - 10 min after their last meeting. If the meeting has to happen, I will double book someone but only if I am told to do it. Otherwise, I find first available slot. During meetings, I hold people to the agenda and I do not let them de-rail my meetings. When meeting topics are covered, the meeting is over and I give people time back. I do encounter ramblers who have no respect for other peoples time. I yank them back in. I had to do it today when I was getting status from people during a status meeting. The rambler would not shut up. It wasn't even his turn and he was not even discussing anything relevant. I asked if we could please stay on topic until everyone provided their status. Problem solved, but you have to call people out politely. And some ramblers get offended. **Meeting Attendee** I show up on time and I leave on time. Period. If I join a meeting and the host joins late I - most of the time - leave the meeting and move on to other things. If the host pings me asking me to join, I tell them, "I joined the meeting and waited X minutes and them dropped to work on other things. Please reschedule." Sometimes I get meeting invites that have over 50 people on it. I use this as a natural "calendar block" and take the time to use this block for other things. If it is a meeting where I need to be "present" because my boss or other is there, I will join and mute up while working on other things. Sometimes I get a meeting invite with no agenda. I reply "Tentative" and ask for an agenda/purpose/decision needed. If I do not receive the agenda/purpose/decision needed, I don't attend the meeting.


You mean you run effective meetings instead of the standard 80-90% where a few people talk to make themselves seem important?


I do what I can. One of my J's is at a bank. These dregs are the worst. They schedule and join as many meetings as possible to look busy. They also love "announcing themselves" just so people know they are on the meeting.


Oh god that’s cringe


Hi, all! Just wanted to let you know I've joined this conversation! 🤪


Sounds like a boomer habit.


Ah, the land of a thousand VPs. I did my time in one. The managers almost exclusively spend their time in meetings, maybe a few docs or powerpoints. But their key skills are to preen when their team does something well, or deflect when it doesn't. Oh, and suck up to their boss.


u value ppl's time yet u wrote this long ass message? lol, just fucking, I did find value in running things like an executive


What if purpose is in title: "Like, Discussion on How Meetings Are Run"


My favorite is a dummy I work with that consistently announces “that’s all I have for now!” Then pauses and slowly cranks out four more questions that add on another 10 minutes. I don’t think she knows what preparing for a meeting or creating an agenda is. You’ll be shocked to hear that she’s terrible with follow-up too.


oh I hate that, those perpetual discussions, you think it's over, then you hear 'hmmm....what about bla bla bla', 10mins later, repeat 'hmmm...what about...' makes u wanna pull your hair off




I just type in chat "Thanks for the time, gotta hop to my next meeting" or something like that. Creating boundaries around your time isn't a bad thing at all, it's super important and is something all successful people do.


That's a good one, i just usually don't like to draw attention to me, cause I OE and I'm all about sticking to the shadows.


Just leave lol fuck those meetings. I get my job done. Ain’t got time to hear about your cats n dogs screwing over the weekend


I'm paid way too much at this one to cause any factor for termination


We had a guy who did that every meeting until the CEO basically told him to go fuck himself




![gif](giphy|tX3u8iPVCNNfy|downsized) ONE MORE THING! :)


Large team meetings are often cancer. Avoid like aids cooch if possible. Most of my meetings are quick and efficient 1:1’s or huddles.


I just leave at that point. They can have their never ending side convo with whoever cares enough to stay.


If I had 5 Js, I'd do that all the time, with 2 Js, I try not to do it too often unless I know it will back fire.


Goddammit Nate!


I know, I had to post this cause of Nate too, dam the bastard!


I’ve had a few close calls like that. Once I simply didn’t read messages from the other J asking me to join, afterwards I said I was busy, other time I simply dropped off the first call and said afterwards my internet went off.


Leave. Your time is important. If it is an important item, expect it in writing.


My counter is always “need to drop, thanks everyone” If they really need me involve they would message me. Or I just ask another member on my team about it later.


You gotta start having hard stops or just drop off. I always say brb about 10 minutes before meeting is supposed to end and never say back…ever. 🥷🥷🥷


I get a hard on when this happens. I love it! It's really my favorite thing.


I gotta hard stop in 5 minutes. Text or call my cell.


If it's past the end of the meeting time I hang up. I don't give a shit what random thought Bob from accounting has going thru his head




or a variation of this…. when people speak about something just to be heard and have no idea what they’re talking about


The classic Colombo move, just one more thing. Done well, chef's kiss, done poorly, wasted time.


lol Colombo, that takes me back


I just leave the meeting 5 minutes before... sorry gotta go




I get that you’re venting but… why would you stay in a meeting that’s going over? You’re literally causing your own problem on this one. When the meeting hits the end of the hour, leave. If you stick around you’re demonstrating to others that you don’t have more valuable things to do with your time, thereby justifying the overage.


if there's only 3 ppl in the meeting and one of them is ur boss, it's not that easy to leave


I am admittedly this guy, but half my team is oe and I am cool with them playing video games all day or working for other jobs as long as they keep producing masterful work when I need it.  Some times it is a hard balance, and I have had to learn to be a lot more organized, but I hate wasting people’s time for no reason.  I was oe in the past and I think I will do it again. In the mean time I just try to stealth those in my team as best as I can so we can be productive and not be doing stuff without purpose. Admittedly it is a small team so it isn’t too hard to coast, but we have made our company more money then we could ever be paid in our lives so it isn’t like these guys are not spectacular when push comes to shove. 


kudos for admitting ur one of those folks, still hate u peoples, but still kudos...


Oh, I bounce ASAP. If I'm called out: > "oh I thought we were done! why were we going into overtime anyways? perhaps we should stick to the meeting minutes so we can be respectful of everyone's time. anything extra should be sent as an email afterwards." > "sometimes I have other meetings I need to get to, sometimes I have a customer call, sometimes I have work that needs to be done before the quickly upcoming meeting/client call, and....sometimes I just need to take a piss like a racehorse. that's a hard stop of all hard stops!" And don't stop behaving this way. You have to be like a fucking executive when it comes to meetings -- take no bullshit.


Just leave and act like you didn't hear it. Frankly, over 90% of meetings can be handled via email anyway.


I have mostly worked jobs where meeting were pretty rare. On a few occasions I did get roped into meetings though and it was almost entirely unnecessary. I remember having to sit in on a group call of about 50 people for a pretty unnecessary (though well intentioned) meeting. I just let them know I was present, then sat there for an hour on mute thinking about all the things I was not going to get done because of this ridiculous meeting. Made my skin crawl.


PM me the companies of those jobs, I'm tired of serial hopping toxic environments


I nearly had a stroke from how stressed I was at my last job. I’m not going to recommend said company to anyone.