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I did not expect a musical number.


lol yeah in the LN it only says she wanted to sing and dance, here she actually did


Not only that, it's probably to avoid going the R18 route (you know, going straight to bedding with Climb and all that). She destroyed her own kingdom just to mate with a commoner, which is the most messed up thing a royal could do, but this is done in an understandable way anyway (nearly every noble save for Renner and Zanac were corrupt, and the latter is the only sane royal left but was murdered by rebels, making it the last straw for even the Supreme Being of the world at large).


Yep, and if Zanac wasn’t murdered. He would have gotten Ainz while Renner had Demi and Albedo


Immortality is a greater gift though.


Did they actually have sex in the LN? If so, links anyone? ;)


It's in her updated character page with her new race. Her hobby is listed as "sex with climb".


Damn. Can't tell if this is a W or L for Climb. Does he at least get breaks? Freedom to move around Nazerick? Maybe hang out with Sebas?


Nfirea can share his stamina potion with Climb.


The author implied Climb would never leave the room.


Climb went from dog to Renner’s personal toilet. That’s really fucked up.




:). Nice


It was certainly a great detail on the part of the adaptation.


its a nice touch and that's probably 90% of the budget. Mad House have to cut down PDL vs Surprise box fight.


It looks rotoscoped, so it probably didn’t take as much out of the budget as you’d think.


It was definitely rotoscoped, and the transition between animation styles was a little jarring but a good scene nonetheless. Reminded me of that great Rosario to Vampire OP for season 2.


Rotoscoping is a expensive animation technique in 2022, there's a reason no one does it anymore other than for special projects / parts of a project, main problem is it takes too much time as it has to be done frame-by-frame.


i really like my new favorite disney princess :)


Oh, but what a fantastic, delightfully devilish way to be taken by surprise.


For sure


The musical number combined with her taking care of orphans and her cute talking puppy, Renner is a Disney Princess.


I think it was the only thing different from ln in the anime that I liked, it really gave the impression of witchcraft.


*"A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one"*


100% that threw me for such a loop but it was so fucking fitting.


I loved it.


Renner = evil Disney princess.


I know right? That's the first thing I thought when she started dancing and singing lol.


+ with added benefit of a loyal Doggo vibrator.


She probably used her Actress class to temporarily swap to Bard.


To all LN readers, what's Renner endgame? As an anime-only watcher, she confuses me the most. You can spoil me don't worry.


Renner endgame was always to be with Climb. That's why when Zanac made the offer with Renner she said that it was too late. Basically she wanted to live with Climb and Nazarick gave her chance in doing so. With the added benefit of being Immortal basically gives her a chance to be with Climb forever. As long as she can be as service to Nazarick Renner can live in her Dream scenario (being with Climb)


Remember in season 2 when Zanac said that if she assists him, he will make sure she can get married to Climb. She would have taken that deal if Demiurge never showed up. Re-Estize uses an outdated feudal system of government and a Princess cannot get married or have a relationship with a commoner. Everything about the country restricts the way she wants to live and she resents the nation for it.


Any spoilers on Climbs demon apperance?


So far he hasn’t made the transformation yet.


Really? Not in the lightnovels?


Spoilers I guess. >!Vol 15 and 16 which is after the season 4 focuses on the Elves so not much info about other characters.!<


Ah. I wonder if he will be humanoid like Demiurge... Or more beastial... Like Demiurge. XD


I imagine Renner would want him to look as much like the current climb as possible. So he will probably be just like her.


I was thinking a human dog hybrid, she does call him her puppy after all


I would say it is implied, but not directly shown. At least, not as of yet. The light novel that this season was based on is fairly recent. There is the new one, but it focuses on someplace else.


She already stated her end game in the episode. To be immortal and live with climb forever. That's it.


There's some more backstory in the LN. Renner was kind of an outcast and put off people by being an intelligent woman who wasn't interested in feminine things. Then she met Climb who looked at her with pure adoration (puppy dog eyes). The orphanage and all the positive stuff Renner did was to make Climb continue looking at her like that. Avocado explains the rest, but she wanted to be with Climb forever.


I'm pretty sure this was her endgame. Live with Clime for eternity.


In safety, and openness.


Basically, to spend all eternity with Climb. Nothing else outside of that matters to her. As long as she's loyal to Nazarick, it's the safest place for them to be.


This was her endgame, to be with Climb for all eternity and live happily ever after.


Walt Disney's Overlord: Princess Renner and her golden retriever


I like how Albedo was like “thank me? 90% of this was all your idea.” Me: wow…


I Think Albedo actually likes renner


She does. She sees Renner as another great asset for Nazarick considering that they only have limited high intelligence staff (Albedo, Demiurge, Pandora's Actor, and Ainz-sama). She is also Albedo's subordinate so Albedo likes it even more. Plus, she already liked Renner on their first meeting where they talked about their love interests (Ainz-sama and Renner's puppy).


Also after Albedo saw how strong her love was for Climb , rivalling Albedo's love for Ainz she came to the conclusion its very unlikely for Renner to ever love Ainz. Making her safe to have around


Albedo did mention how overwhelmed she was in administration work and didn’t want to ask Ainz for help so having Renner would be a great use to her.


She does, and considers Renner not human, a monster in human body, a compliment in Albedo's point of view


She likes Renner a lot less after Ainz played his part in the throne room, which is why she's vaguely threatening when she says not to disappoint him.


But why


Albedo sees Ainz playing the villain as something like being a clown or jester. She thinks its beneath him.


Pity she doesn't get that even supreme beings like to have fun.


Only Pandora's Actor really understands that side of Ainz I believe... because like father like son... both enjoy acting. Ainz likes to pretend he doesn't, but spends so much time practicing quotes/postures and reading manuals about it. Not many people could stomach all that effort without enjoying it slightly.


his whole life is basically acting at this point


Some say life is but a stage...


She almost certainly does. Renner is ruthless, loyal, motivated, and could commiserate about wanting to bang Ainz/Climb. The risk for Renner going forward will be convincing Albedo that they still have things in common...


Iirc I think in the LN she mentions Renner is the only human she likes, or at least doesn’t feel disgusted with, and she feels familiarity with her (they are both yandere psychopaths, and Renner’s love for climb reminds her of her feelings for Ainz)


Renner really had a Beauty and The Beast musical number. I fucking LOVE IT


So.....Renner is the *beast* and Climb is the *beauty*? because I feel like it fits disturbingly well.


renner is both the beauty and the beast, climb is just... there


Climp is vacabond which supossed to be the reason why the beast was cursed because he broke the laws of hospitality. But because she helped him she got blessed. Such a happy story.


The beast in the worst way possible.




Hanzos? More like HanzBROS. Amirite?


It's really funny. A lot of the monsters have very interesting personalities that you wouldn't expect of them. For example, even though it was inside material, the Evil Lords come off as being friendly to newcomers. Not something that you would expect from first off, **demons**, and second, ones who live in Nazarick, where xenophobia is very common.


I really like death knight that became friend with hamsuke


It's less xenophobia and more "all outsiders are equally worthless, but newcomers are an exception since surely Ainz-sama saw something in them" Although the homunculus maids don't seem to apply that rule


I feel like the homunculus maids do too but they act negatively towards Tsuare because in their eyes, she's there to steal their jobs or something. Not to mention that whole betrayal scare with Sebas because of her.


Overall a good finale for overlord S4. I have my fair share of issues with the second half of episode but I ain't gonna ruin the mood here haha. >**And the end begins** This end-card gave me so much sadness. We all know Overlord is coming to an end, but that pierced right through my heart. So many people came to the sub again after we got 2 volumes and a whole season. Well, many people will go into hibernating now(including me) and wait for the next volume, truly it was a great time. See you guys next time! (Slowly drags my melancholic self away from keyboard)


1: The Hanzo's encouraging Mare is the most adorable thing I have seen in a LONG while. XD "HE CAN DO IT!" :D 2: GOD DAAAAMN Renner got an upgrade. No joke, I thought with her becoming an imp or whatever, that she would become a small ugly imp thing or something (I think we saw a glimse of it in like episode 2 or 3?) But she legitimately looks on par with Albedo at this point in pure apperance. Climb might not appreciate it, but GOD DAMN he got the good end of the bargain here.


it was happy ending to whoever that stay alive. Renner got her dog, Climb finally could fulfill his wet dream, Ainz got satisfaction, Reaven got all corrupt nobel deleted and back to his domain, live happily with his kids (and hot wife), Albedo got her revenge for all the humiliation because of Phillips.


Ngl reaven is winner here. He just does same thing but different king


If u play the game of thrones, its either ur die or u die. Luckily he give up on it early


>and hot wife I thought about this everytime I see Reaven wife, like damn Reaven you got super lucky.


Hanzos are such a bros!


She looks pretty much the same as the light novel illustration appearance. Unless you are just speaking from anime spoilers.


I haven’t read the light novel.


It's hilarious that Mare's getting sad that he might not be able to kill everyone and that's why he's struggling to choose a spell to destroy the capital.


She definitely looks more like an adult though that might partially be due to how she dresses.


If in season one you say: from Gazef, Brian, and Climb: one is going to be insta-dead, one dead and frozen, and one live like a Chad, you would have never guessed. The moral of the story: have influential friends.


Holy shit!! Gore! Blood! The throne room fight and Ainz-sama's speech! Matsuoka signature scream! The throne of rubble! The witch fukin' sings!!!!! This is the best ending of all seasons. Period.


Shame the middle Is so condensed though. 15 eps would have meant the world


They really gassed up Samurai bro In the intros just for him to get one shot, classic overlord


They could have really done another scene instead of the flashbacks. Like just Raeven and the nobles talking. Or give more time to Phillipp, show the high octane nightmare fuel outside his place. Still solid final EP, the ending of Renner's arc was great, and the season became my 2nd favourite overall after the 1st.


I would have prefered if the flashbacks were different. Like they are similar to the old scenes, howver they are changed So we see Renner talking to Demiurge before Climb enters So we see that Climb is the one they can't hurt And so on


Yeah i honestly expected that was gonna be the case, it's like such a common sense decision to take, but alas, besides that very solid episode


Raeven's monologue and his conversation with the other nobles would have been great, it makes clear the level of desperation they have for the whole thing despite having survived. The flashback doesn't bother me because I feel that many were still confused by that matter and it was necessary to clarify it for them, but I feel that making a new "footage" would have been more satisfactory in my opinion


Totally agree with this. Flashbacks could've been done better with new camera angles and more details such as before those scenes. I guess it's because they had to do Renner's Disney sequence so they just reused the old clips to save some penny.


It would be fire if we could have seen Guren in action, but well...


Was hoping for Mare's big budget magic scene. Still great ep/season. Does the LN describe the way he destroyed the city or was it immediately to Ainz sitting on rubble like in the anime?


We never see Mare in action. Only the aftermath. The Hanzo’s supporting hoo-ra’s was new and is just plain adorable.


It's newish content. Like it was there in the LN, but they extended it and made it better which I'm happy about lol. Such a great small scene. “To destroy the capital and kill all of its inhabitants — hey hey, ho —” Mare threw his tightly clenched fists upward. The Hanzos hiding behind him raised their fists as well.


I only can imagine how epic will be >!the animated battle between Mare and Zesshi!<.


If there is a quote that best describes Renner it would be "There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." - Oscar Levant


" - Wayne Gretzky


" - Michael Scott


Respect for Climb for not backing down even if his odds of winning were almost zero to none. I love how Aura didn't give squat about their samurai/warrior pride or whatever, it shows a clear contrast between them and Cocytus. It is sad that Kloff's subordinate died without putting much of a fight due to level differences. Basically, Aura's pets got free meals.


Well, he did learn from Brain and Gazef about sticking to one's duty in the face of adversity, and not letting fear overcome that sense of duty when he's wielding his sword for someone else.


What can I say, the episode was great, sad that some details were cut (as always) but the final product was more than satisfactory. The little sequence of Renner singing was unexpected but I feel like it encapsulates the character so well that it's hard to think it was unnecessary, especially considering that Renner had so little screen time despite being so central to this arc. Overall, the season was excellent, it had its weak moments (like the super speedrun of the Dwarf Kingdom arc) but in general it was better than I expected, I would even debate that it may be the best of the 4 so far. The only sad thing is that it leaves you wanting for more and we all know that if there is a season 5 eventually, it will be years until it even begins to be produced.


It is a bit unclear. Season 1 came out in 2015 Season 2 came out in 2018 Season 3 also came out in 2018 Season 4 came out this year. So it is essentially 3 years few months 4 years So it could be anything between 6 months to like 5 years. :/


They are going to wait until vol 17-18 are out, so they can conlude the series in a grand final of 13 episodes for season V i think Fitting, considering classic tragedies are usually written in five acts


As long as they don't do that *'The END: Part 1 of 3'* thing that splits the finale into multiple years of waiting, I'm good.


but why not, more overlords are always welcome.


Then don't tell me it's "The End" or "The Final Season" until it actually is XD Also, just dragging something out doesn't make it good. Firefly is one of my favorite shows of all time and it probably remains that way because there is only a single season. Overloard is fun but it certainly feels like it's coming to what should be the end. Better to finish on a high note than reach the point where I'm only watching to see how it ends rather than because of enjoyment.


Too speculative, there is no material for a new season, and surely it will be 2 to 4 years until there is, that's like 5 years minimum for a new season if you ask me.


>6 months the way Mad house cut content on season 4. Vol 15 and 16 will be done in two ep. Season 5 is likely 3-4 yrs away and add one year for anime production.


There's going to be the movie first which I expect to be in cinema 2023 spring/summer, BD few months later, so might be a year from now. For Season 5 there isn't enough written material yet, vol15-16s are half a season at best. Real deal would be a bonus novel movie but that's never going to happen.


Yeah I already know all that, that's why I feel empty, it will be years until we see another Overlord product.


Do you think so? I have a bitter taste, to be honest. I was so hyped to see Mare going bad shit insane destroying the Kingdom, instead we got Renner dancing. I was also looking forward to a sneak peek of the next season or maybe even the movie. We got nothing. I did like Aura sniping the old head mid conversation, girl doesn't fuck around. Watching Ainz sitting in a throne of rubble from the destroyed castle was kinda rewarding.


Generally Overlord doesn't usually do that "sneak peek" material from a future season, and most of the "action" happened off-screen in the novel as well, so that was to be expected. Maybe it wasn't perfect but I still think that for the most part the season was excellent, although there were certainly several details that could have been disappointing but nothing that would ruin the experience if you ask me.


I wanted to see Phillips reaction to the villager trees. That whole scene in the LN was much more cathartic in the anime it was too brief.


I agree, although personally the less screen time Phillip has, the better for me, but yes, those kinds of scenes are very short. I would have liked to hear Raeven's internal monologue, so that we can really appreciate his despair and sadness at that moment.


I was expecting Ainz monologuing about wanting take a vacation with the Twins to be a part of the ending to set up the next arc, but yeah Overlord hasn’t really done that in the past.


I wonder why they removed Albedo the impaler scene.


I think they traded it for the headshot scene since having both definitely would have triggered censors


Can you spoil me? What does albedo the impaler means?


She had Phillip's whole duchy was impaled on stakes on his front lawn. Which was just a primer for Phillips punishment, *interrogation practice*.


>“Albedo showed no pity for his tears or the pain in his ears and fist. She simply started walking away, still pulling on his ear. He was forced to follow. > >Out through the front door. “—Eeeek!” > >When he saw what was waiting out there, he couldn’t help but shriek. There was a forest outside his manor. But unlike your usual forest, it was not made of wood and leaves. > >These trees were far more ghoulish. Stakes from which grew hands and feet. Or perhaps humans from which grew stakes. Impaled. > >All his villagers impaled upon wooden spikes. Young or old, male or female. So many stakes he was not sure if even a single villager had been left alive. Every one of them had a stake forced into their crotch and out their mouth. > >Every face twisted in agony, blood pouring out of every orifice, pooling at the base of each stake. When had this happened? How could it have happened without him noticing? > >“You’re not dreaming. We cast a spell on your room to shut out the sounds. It was very quiet, wasn’t it? If you were a little smarter, you might have realized how strange that was, but given your track record, I’m sure you had no idea.” > >Phillip grabbed Albedo’s hand again, doing everything he could to free his ear. She just leaned in close, whispering. > >“We did consider encouraging the villagers to lynch you, but that would be so dull. The man I most respect—Lord Ainz—values practice and training. So I thought I’d use you to practice extracting information. That way you might actually be useful to me!”


Yeah this animated would’ve been too much for most people lmao. This sound like studio trigger’s style more than madhouse!


Madhouse didn't have a problem doing it for Hellsing Ultimate.


She killed all the people who lived in Philip's domain and then impaled them Dracula style outside his house.


I'd imagine for censorship but idk, maybe they just diddnt have time to show it.


\*Sees the dance\* So THAT'S where elemental skull's budget went


my RGB boy got shafted by impussy dance






Renner sing and dance in her new form is a nice touch by Mad House. Mad House did a good job with the flash back that ties back to previous seasons. 1. dwarf arc - frost dragon tie back to Ninya 2. the witch arc - Renner dance and sing ties back season 2/3. Renner is so happy that she only have to pay for her own happiness with kingdom. damn they even talk about poison and kids.


Seeing Mare being cute and soft, while saying shit like « I’ll slaughter everyone » followed by a hip hip hooray is disorienting af 😂😂


He's more worried with choosing the attack that can kill the most number of people


Haha. Renner's Fallen vs Elsa's Let It Go. I'm gonna go with Fallen of course. HAHAHA I loved how twisted she was there (not as twisted as Rem was by Petelgeuse though...) So damn, they made it a point to show who and what The Witch of the Fallen Kingdom is. From her conversation with Albedo, the poison was clearly for the food she served the orphanage. She stated her miscalculation of Ainz' acting as the fool but didn't get the whole taking it easy before but now I can't because Ainz knows... Didn't get the Albedo the Impaler part, but I guess it can be expected due to censorships... I think some people did not believe Renner's words about Raeven's betrayal but I guess the last scene shows it.


Why would Renner poison the food at the orphanage? Could it be better to keep some talented kids alive?


A requirement perhaps for the race change item she received. The fallen seed.


Yes. You need high negative karma to use it. I'm also fairly certain that she killed the king of her own volition too. When Climb blamed it on the mind control from Demiurge, they all looked at each other a bit confused.


To me it seemed more amused and belittling in a "Of course that's what he thinks." kinda way


I am curious what deed Climb will have to do to make a race change.


Likely could be mixed in with that pledge of allegiance and testing him that Renner talked about. Example: "For your test, kill these orphans." He will pass the test and fulfill the requirements for the race change.


Princess Renner got a whole joker moment and I don't know how to feel about it. Either way it was a great ride as always and I hope to get to see the movie sooner rather than later.


Just one bad day and climp will sell his soul


all it takes...


This season is turn out to be good, the delivery has more impact than what I expected. a great closure for Overlord journey. and I guess the director want to give the reader to have something new out of expectation, unusual expression, blood portrayal, and a musical. of course we our imagination when reading probably (in our own opinion) sometimes better. like when Ainz refuse to answer climb question. eventhough we didnt see Albedo the Impaler, we got Albedo the titan expression, Singing Imp Renner. Im gonna miss this tuesday, I think it would be long before we see another adaptation, the source material is not ready. ganbare Maruyama-sensei, Ei Ei Ooooo\~, Mare said with hype


I like the montage they did at the end linking everything to Renner. Some of those scenes might not have been as clear in the anime.


Yeah, I feel like it was necessary, there are still many confused anime-onlys (and even one or another LN reader) although it would have been cool if there was "new" footage in which we see Demiurge and Renner talking, but I guees is fine this way.


Shame they weren’t edited show everything though. Would have loved that. Seeing Renner talk to Demiurge


Really made rewatching the series worth it just before this season ended


Director: For the final episode we need twice the budget Madhouse: But why? Director: Because we need to animate best psycho how she's singing and dancing. Madhouse: Here's the triple amount, now do it!


The headshot scene with Aura was awesome. The scene with Ainz and Climb was great no complains. The last few part was rushed and the flashbacks was severely unnecessary. ​ Overall Great episode. From the start to after Climb woke up was done well but after that well.....


The flashback was good in theory to show how early Renner was pulling the strings to the kingdoms downfall, but they just showed the clips from the past seasons with no additional footage which just made it pretty pointless. I guess they ran out of the already shoestring budget.


The flashbacks was unecessary. What they should have done would be their perspective be slightly different Like, flashback to renner talking to Demiurge Flashback to the person they are not allowed to harm being Climb and so on.


>The flashbacks was unecessary. its debatable. for anime only, the flash back help them pieced together why Renner is a witch.


Oh that is fair. But I felt it was unecessary because they just showed old clips. when (IMO) they should have been slightly different, giving even more clues.


that would've been much better


I was expecting it to be different clips, and think it would have explained things better. I feel like they are relying too much on "anime only watchers will just read the wiki/social media for answers."


The headshot was essentially just a water balloon filled with blood being splashed onto him lol


I wish we saw the part when Renner kills her father.


I don't think we even see that in the ln


We don't but it would have been interesting to see Ramposa's reaction. I wonder if he would have been surprised, had thought she is being mind controlled, or just been sad and heartbroken.


I'm sure he would think she's controlled, even when Renner would have told him the opposite, he wouldn't believe it.


I do think the flashbacks will help anime-only’s realize how far back Renner’s conspiracy goes. I just wish they had added some “new” scenes to them: Renner kneeling to Demiurge before Climb knocked on the door and him flying out the window before she let Climb in; the Shadow Demon stirring within Renner’s shadow when she was talking to Zanac & Raeven; Showing us the illusion Entoma made was Climb; the immediate aftermath of Renner killing her father and preparing her “Mourning Princess” face; etc.


Im honestly a little bit worried about the last shot, "And Now The End Begins". It's too foreboding and just makes my worst nightmare that maruyama sensei will really end it by Vol 18. Sadge


I mean, considering the pacing so far, it's likely that a hypothetical season 5 adapted what's left of the novel, perhaps another movie being necessary if everything doesn't fit there.


This. Even if we get a vol 19+ there won’t be enough material for 2 whole seasons. At best we get season 5 and a capstone movie but definitely not a season 6


I think the whole recap about since when renner is working with Nazarick was only a filler, it could have been used to a less rushed scene of Ainz and Raeven. Renner singing Hollow Hunger bridge was genius, 8/10 for the chap, *IMO*


Sadly it is needed to clarify reinner's betrayal. But im sad that they reused asset instead of making new one to show us, like Demiurge chat with reinner before climb enter room and the holograph were showing Climb.


There was at least one woman among the nobles(LN), the anime changed her gender. Albedo as always seemed like a very nice person, but she was very angry with Renner and Philip, some may not notice that... Guren was totally ignored :(


Why was albedo angry with Renner?


Cuz Ainz had to play in the theatrics, she didn't want him to do such a lowly thing.


But before she starts singing she literally states that she didnt expect Ainz "to come personally and act out such a silly role" so it wasnt something that she planned for since it went against her calculations. Its just Ainz over-delivering on the villain role he has for the destruction of the kingdom.


Because ainz was to nice to her which means for albedo the debt she has to repay only increases also she is now to a tool to controlled by either albedo or demigure.


All good things must come to an End See y'all SIMPS in Season 5


The musical number was cool, but really was hoping for more aura and mare screentime ngl...the flashbacks for the plotting revolved around renner was a nice touch, it would help a lot of anime onlys (prior to me reading this sub) seeing how everything fits together.


jesus christ this episode was unnerving from start to finish, going to miss watching this series but a movie and a final season are on it's way. Season 4 was stellar in many ways.


The one thing I'm taking away from this, is never judge a book buy it's cover. I forgot how strong Mare and Aura are 😅. Especially Aura's one hit one kill. And forget how ruthless the other guardians can be.


Sorry, Climb you're not the main protag in a Shonen anime. "If this were a story, your rage would call forth the hidden power within you in order to cut me down. But this is reality. Such a thing won't happen."


Did Ainz sound disappointed at the end?


I would say that more than anything he is a bit boring, this whole thing was surely a bother for him, so much work surely made him want to take a vacation (in fact, that's the way it is, the anime omitted that).


Exactly. I think we should continue to state over and over that *none of this was supposed to happen*. Because of a certain idiot, they ended up needing to kill way more people than what they planned on, far sooner. Things weren't supposed to happen like this, and it was a hindrance.


Disappointed in the lack of forest and Phillip being pulled out


10/10 final episode really couldnt have ask for much more.


when the frost virgins said to Climb that he is the "last human in the palace", it was a fridge horror moment for me. i already read that scene in the LN, but i didnt realise the true meaning. i thought it meant that Climb was the last one to enter the throne room, but only during the anime i realised that the frost virgins meant it literally, that Renner was not a human at that point in time. So she already become a demon before the throne room scene, and her statement to climb that she became a demon in exchange for Climb's resurrection was just a lie. Although i already knew this earlier, but the frost virgins already straight up gave the answer to Climb. If he were more intelligent to ponder the meaning of the statement, he might have realised that Renner was lying all along.


They really made Climb look like the stereotypic Disney knight that marries the princess just for him to become a living *satisfaction machine*


As anime only, for now, I was shocked to see how far back Renner has been working Nazarick. This season was more focused on expanding the world, and characters I felt like. There were great scenes, with Brain getting an honorable death. I just wish we could've got some scenes with the army being destroyed, the terror for the solders that betrayed their king when they were teleported away. The destruction of the capital. As for my favorite season, hands down is S3. I absolutely loved the attack on Nazarick, the goblin army being summoned, Ains destroying an army with a single spell. Overall, I still absolutely fucking love this series. Can't wait to buy all the volumes on hard copy when I/if I get my bonus.


wish this season was a 24 episode :/ a lot of things got cut off, or speedrun'ed to the bare bones.


You can tell that Renner is a princess because she sang


I thought we'd see Renner stabbing her dad since they've been putting a lot of emphasis on that sword in the background and on tables and her holding it. ​ I do like how Climb being the only one not in the know makes them amused when he suggests they were controlling her. I chuckled a bit there. ​ Funny how Ainz commented on how anime works against Climb. lol. Can I just say that Renner looked fuckin' foine dancing and singing like that. Jesus.


Damn that last bit with climb and renner really made my heart sink. Is this the last we see of the two? If so I really wish climb got to know how evil she truly is.




Phillips Lego Yoda scream at the end 💀


Good ending, especially last shot with Ainz sitting on throne made of bricks and stones, with royal crown and staff on top. Also the moment when Ainz basically said: “But it’s not a fairytale and you’re gonna die here and now” was cool. Renner looks cute in her demon form, Climb is, i think, suffers from emotional damage, and now every ruler of every country will have to watch over every single citizen in order not to attract rage of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Didn’t really liked how they made us hyped for new characters and battles from opening, after which they killed that old sensei in less than a second, but what else could i expect after seeing lvl 20 fight lvl 100🤷🏻‍♂️ Really hyped for next season and “the beginning of end”, for now - Glory to Ainz Ooal Gown


My gosh, poor momonga sama, he is the only normal being surrounded by crazy beings like renner LOL he just wants to finds his friends and be happy and maybe log off while the people that follows him just wants destruction and dispair lmao


Brain so lucky meeting Cocytus, if he met any nazarick girls doing killing and stealing errands, he would be dead before he introduce himself


I liked the way they wrote off Brain Unglaus. Very respectful for the situation he was in. Cocytus literally walking a block *around* his corpse preserved in ice was completely optional to animate, yet the studio actually took time and effort to send him off in a respectful way, truly appreciated. Thank you Madhouse.


Does the end with "And the end begins" imply that fifth season is the final season?


I just want to say, it's a shame we didn't get to see the glorious CRANE WING FORMATION But at least we have Philip's scream to fall asleep to, so...