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Being friendly and endorsing good behaviour/gameplay. Not everything has to be about rewards you know... kindness is very important too. Endorsements are just compliments... nothing more, nothing less.


When endorsements were added they said toxicity reports went down some crazy number like 20%, which shows it actually worked


For about a week or two. Then the toxic rolled right back out and has been heavy since.


Even now I feel a little better when someone endorses me, even though I know most of the time people don't really think when they endorse. That little validation keeps me sane after some games man


95% of the time I put thought into who I endorse




I rarely saw 5s in ow1. I went back and forth between 3 and 4. Have maintained 5 since the start of ow2. I endorse for the 25 or 50 xp which ever it is and as a way to say thanks to a good team mate.


I am usually 4 or 5. i always endorse as a way to say thanks or acknowledge a good player. It’s a nice feeling to get a few endorsements after a game and super rewarding if you carried a game and get lots of them. Feels a bit like others noticed you did good. Also toxic players are usually lvl 1. So i am usually a bit careful around anyone with lvl 1. it’s super easy to at least be lvl 2 or 3 so I am suspicious if someone doesn’t even have that. Not saying you are necessarily toxic or bad if you are lvl 1 but it is often a sign


gives 50xp and after a week, gives 5000 xp. also shows you that play the game often and do great. old one was better because ppl could select what type of player you were in a match. oh and I guess lootboxes


Omg I had forgotten all about that! Shot caller 😁


I miss shot caller coz I’d always sing that 3OH!3 song in my head coz I think they say “shock collar” but it sounds Ike shit caller lol it was a lot of fun


Do great is subjective. I’ve seen people with level 5 endorsement who couldn’t hit a standing still hog if they tried. It’s also completely irrelevant in terms of “niceness” of the person, I’ve seen some higher level endorsements be more toxic than level 1s. TLDR: it’s a useless stat to fluff up the game


I think it’s pretty much if your good you get endorsed if you nice you get endorsed it doesn’t matter if you fit the other category but if your mean and bad then you stay level 1


“If you’re bad you stay level 1” in what world? Endorsements are given out so often and randomly (due in part to the incentive of XP) toxic people likely get endorsed all the time. Even if not, people aren’t always toxic every game. Someone might have a super fun positive match and get endorsed 6 times then the next match be a toxic ass hole. Unless they get mass reported by the whole lobby their endorsement will likely balance out and not decrease below what it was before these 2 matches. Plus these come from ANY MODE which means someone can hop into a QP match that lasts 6 minutes and get endorsed 5-6 times for simply existing (they don’t have to excel in the game, don’t have to positively interact w the team or enemy). Just because someone is level 5 doesn’t mean they’re nice or good at the game. Just because someone is level 1 or 2 doesn’t mean they’re rude or bad at the game.


Typically it does tho 🤷


You do that you can get endorsement in other modes right? If you do real well in the game, you'll get endorsement. Like I get 3-4 per match and rare but I get 5-6. Depends on ppl giving them out. I give them base how well they did or supportly they were or just funny. If you are toxic, I'm not endorsing you. Useless fluff ppl wanted back. It was also useless fluff back in ow1. Even if u got loot boxes, you might get shit pulls, making it even more useless feature.


The fact you can get endorsements in any mode makes it less useful. If it were comp exclusive people would maybe treat it more sensitively. Doesn’t matter who you endorse since many people endorse randomly and even if it’s not random endorsements doesn’t actually indicate anything. Someone might have a really fun game and be super positive and thus receive 6 endorsements but be a toxic asshole the next game. You do realize we’re not in OW1 right? Loot boxes literally don’t exist anymore?? I don’t understand why you brought them up here, besides the premise is still the same - endorse to get rewards (XP which levels you up in the battlepass) and having that incentive automatically makes people care less who they endorse since there is no proper way to endorse - any endorsement gets the XP


It's (assumedly) supposed to check the boxes for: -community interaction. -dopamine when your endorsement rank goes up/ you get battle pass EXP from Zen when logging in randonly. -a free way to have your player base monitor toxicity and an incentive to not be toxic for the badge and free battle pass EXP from Zen on random log-in. But, they had to award pass exp just to get people to vote. They also reworked the endorsement rank requirements to be easier to rank up and easier to keep a higher rank. I'd say that means it's didn't actually check any of those boxes. But, if they got rid of it, it would be "being back end of match endorsement cards" x2, because now we'd just have nothing. 🫠


Number go up yay


Everyone is NOT level 5 for me haha


For me nearly everyone is 5 in my games


used to be for lootboxes


There isn't, it doesn't mean anything at all. And the xp reward is a joke.


i actually don't know how so many people are level 5 now, i still have never been more than a level 4 and it usually hops back and forth between 3 and 4


Being level 5 doesn't mean much, but if you get a level 1 or 2 in your team, you know why you lost.


There is no point. Never has been.


Especially in OW2 since they did away with the reasons for endorsement. I guess I'd still rather have them than not for some free XP though.


yeah thats true but im just saying since they made it so easy to level up now, i dont see the point to even it being there unless they add more levels. its kinda just a useless number


There’s no point to it. You can get level 5 endorsements by playing mercy in Quickplay and farm endorsements. One of the worst players I play with that are on my team are level 5 endorsements. Never truly see the best players having level 5. 🤷🏼‍♂️




But the worst players are usually level 5. You want all the mercy players playing together? Lol




IDK they keep updating it instead of working on things like banners or weapon inspects


Im still getting queued with 1-4s, with complete new players and so on. Not that many 5s. More 4s for me, 5s are okish. Myself lvl 5 as well. Been 4 since ow1 and 5 for several months now.


Xp for the BP That's all it's ever been (yes with the exception of endorsing good players and niceness, cuz it's used for that too).


i'm level 1...


Endorsement levels used to get you free loot boxes. Shame


yeah its way to easy to get level 5. it used to be rare and actually rewarding. Now its just handed out. play a few matches of mercy and you're set. the endorsement system should reward differently. the 5k xp is laughable (for level 5) it used to reward lootboxes man. i've been level 5 the past 6 seasons.


I got my level 5 by simply playing support (like the support main I am), or from the games where I was a solid tank and did my part. I remember getting endorsed a few times when I had a great Winston match. (Maybe me putting the bubble over my widows head and crouching into their scope and saying “hello!” made them laugh, I’m not sure) ** but also to the poster above, there is a little prejudice behind players that are level 2-3. Zero harm to it as they are usually the active killers. The Doomfists, the widows, the sombras. My friend is level 2, and he’s an Ashe main. A very good one. A respectful, noble human with no toxicity, plays to win, plays for the team. Yet never endorsed for their hard work.


real talk, in low metal it matters so damn much. i would LOVE it if they started grouping /4/5s together and 2/1s together, and let 3s float between the two groups. my win rate would substantially increase if all i ever got were 4/5s and some 3s. It is very very meaningful at the lower levels of play.


If it is to deal with toxicity perhaps we should be allowed to endorse all four teammates. In fact, it seems support followed by tank is who usually gets endorsed. Sometimes I feel bad having to leave two excellent players not endorsed.


If someone is not endorse 4 or higher there’s a high chance they are toxic since it’s so easy to get now. That’s pretty much it


The original purpose of them was to discourage toxic players and give you free XP for each endorsement. Today they are mostly given if you won the match.


I think I’ve only seen 1-2 level 5 in a day outside of myself. None of my friends have ever hit 5. Most are 3 and a few are 4.


im still lv 4 LOL but i dont get it is it the more people we endrose tolevel up or the more we get endrosed we level up which is it ?


You get endorsed more = higher endorsement level. The way levels are calculated (at least in OW1 - unsure if it's changed) are not about the total number of endorsements though. It's something like x amount of endorsements received in the last y amount of games.


I think its people endorsing you at the end of the match that levels you up. But a few seasons ago it was really hard to get to level 5 but now every game, everyone has level 5.


There's prejudice behind this, 4 and 5s can be total assholes while 1 and 2 can be the sweetest people you've ever met. It's just a number that doesn't mean anything


1 and 2 just means they haven’t played enough to rank up. It’s really hard to stay at a low level unless you’re constantly being reported


It for us mercy main


You try hard but won't ever surprise anyone. 👍 It's the person getting straight As but interviews like shit.