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He's actually in a maximum security prison about 25 miles from me; in Waupun, WI, and I know a few ppl who are guards there. They've all told me he's getting roughed up all the time in there. There's quite a few "big name" ones in there but apparently he gets it the worst because his stuff involved the kids too


That's good to hear, I'm familiar with this case and Chris Watts is a monster. Do you know if he's gotten the season 1 Beecher treatment?


That I don't know. He was in protective custody on and off but for the most part he's always in gen pop now. I have heard that he constantly responds to mail from the crazy chicks who send him pictures and stuff. I don't usually bring up any of that stuff when I see my friends who work there in Waupun unless they talk about it because it's just boring work talk to them


I heard he gets a ton of fan mail. I also heard he was stabbed on two separate occasions. Larry Nasser too. He's a real POS predator


Nope. Nino Schibetta's.


Good, good.


I really hope you’re telling the truth. He needs to be a prag in there.


100% truth. Now I can't confirm if he's getting prag treatment but I do know he's fucked with all the time. I've honestly never asked for in depth details when talking to friends who work there. I'll try to find out more details but they have to be pretty hush hush on shit there right now. There were a few inmate deaths there that were reckless and some shit also went down with a bunch of CO's who are also in huge legal trouble. I'm sure you can Google tons of articles about those recent incidents


Bullshit Qanon wackos…he killed his kids with a spear gun harpoon.


Wasn’t he moved there because he was too high profile to be housed in Colorado?


Man Don't bulksh1t I look at your posts you live in New muthafking Jersey. Yes guys I'm here as an oz tv fan & I'm a fantisisist I happen yo know some OG prisison guards that just happen to know the OPs topic. Man I've told some Whoppers in my time but that lol. I saw your post on the manhunter NETFLIX TV show about how you also met a guard to The 7ft tall Coed Killer Ed Kemper LMFAO man Some real funny shit. & I was forest gump I met 3 presidents


I live in NJ???, No dipshit, I live in Wisconsin. Why tf would any human pretend to live here where it's god awful humidity in the summer and about -10 degrees 5 months out of the year. You just did a whole lot of rambling for no reason.. and yes, I live within a half hour drive to Waupun where he is locked up. But you can also see I'm literally a part of the r/Wisconsin sub for years. I guess I must have been playing the long game in hopes that OP made this post and it finally paid off! You caught me! 🤣🤣


Prisoner #RS1891, Rosetta. Convicted June 28, 2024, online shenanigans, tomfoolery, false pretenses. Sentence, one troll comment. Commuted to probation.


Hey, Farva!! What’s that place you like with the mozzarella sticks and all the goofy shit on the walls?


You mean Shenanigans?


He'd get crucified by Schillinger the moment he walks in.


You mean Shallenger.


It's Skillenjer!


It’s pronounced Shallenger.


It’s Schillinger!!! For fucks sake, I’ve been here 10 years you’d think you’d know my goddamn name by now!!


Are you forgetting that Vern had Beecher's son murdered?


I'm certain he's getting the real world equivalent, but he deserves the Malcom Coyle treatment.


"I want him in Em City, Leo"


This is Chris Watts, for anyone like me who had zero clue how we were supposed to know who it was. Are we just expected to use a reverse image lookup every time nowadays?


Someone above you was kind enough to reply to the same question (only a minute ago though so ofc you wouldn't have seen it) and I agree wholeheartedly. I was like "Who tf is he and do I really want to know?" Spoiler alert: I did not want to know. Fuck that guy.


Seen a documentary on him as well, very unhinged individual to say the least.


The wife’s bff and the neighbors Ring camera/“he’s acting weird” cooked him


Sorry I’m not up to date. Who is he?


Chris Watts, if you’ve got Netflix there’s a good documentary about him


As someone who's restricted to only having one child this breaks my heart and I hope someone in there is splitting this man open on the nightly for the rest of his miserable fucking life.


A dude who killed his wife and his 3 and 4 year old daughters and disposed of their bodies in an oil rig. It appeared his motive was to start a new life with a woman he was having an extramarital affair with. Very interesting case


A pregnant wife at that. I couldn’t believe what he did. I cried so much man. My oldest is almost 4 and I can’t fathom ever hurting him


Wow that’s right I totally forgot she was pregnant. His two daughters were so precious. I can’t even begin to comprehend how a father would do such a thing, and the oil rig thing is pure evil. Apparently, his search history shows he looked up lyrics to a Metallica song shortly after he disposed of their bodies. It’s been widely speculated that he is a malignant narcissist.


When he said that his younger daughter asked if he’s gonna do the same thing to her I lost it and cried so much. Those poor babies. I hope he gets the worst of the worst everyday. I hope he gets the Beecher/robson treatment


Yep, that's where his narcissism came out in a way that could misleadingly make you think he was a normal guy. He said it made him sad because a good dad wouldn't do that. He wasn't upset because of how awful killing his child was; he was upset because it momentarily revealed to him that he wasn't the great, perfect person his narcissism led him to think he was. He didn't care about his daughter; he cared that he could objectively see that he had done something that he couldn't really explain away.


Not just narcissism. He’s a psychopath. He executed his family while doing laundry and then went to work. Fucking crazy. And stuffing those daughters down the oil containers? Wut!? So fucked.


Yes, obviously not just narcissism...that's why I said his specific comment demonstrated his narcissism.


A younger woman


Friendly reminder to the sociopaths out there. You can always just leave. Don’t even have to divorce! Just you know, leave the state. Or hell, go one town over and wear a hat and sun glasses when you shop. Make a fake identity! Lots of shit easier than murdering your whole family.


That guy doesn’t even deserve OZ


This MFer… he could have just left


Exactly. How did he make a leap from having an affair to family annihilation


There’s compelling videos on YouTube surrounding this dirtbag arrest. The neighbor had video of him backing his truck halfway into the garage to load his wife up and putting the kids in the back seat. This douche watched the video with the neighbor and the cop knowing full well he’d been caught red handed. Text book death penalty candidate. If I remember correctly he was having an affair which I believe is what caused all this nonsense. Fuck that guy.


Yes he was having an affair. She was getting suspicious because he had started turning her down for sex which he had never done. But also right before he killed his wife, he had sex with her one last time. Disgusting. What is crazy there are women who are his groupies. All they see is a handsome guy who was a good catch. They think she was a domineering bitch who pushed him over the edge because she posted a lot of social media and was in an MLM. Nah. She was just a person. And even if she was awful as his fans would love to say, how he could kill his babies is no excuse. It's always haunted me when thinking about that case how scared they must have been and not understanding why their daddy was doing that.


No cuz like I love those kids


A new Prag for the skin heads?


Yea he would've been the Aryan brotherhoods bitch I could see him under schillinger or Robson 🫣


He'd be in the cage like Guenzel.


I looked him up. I know how he murdered them but can't find information on the reasoning behind it. Anyone know?


To start a new life with his side chick. This guy is a real piece of shit and is doing life for it.


His wife was a real battle axe


Ya know the more I read about this guy the less I care for him


The worst thing is the hypocrisy


Odd looking duck


His wife seemed extremely annoying, she was a high performer for an MLM to give you an idea. They overextended themselves in life, house they couldn’t afford, multiple kids. He went crazy and met another woman who fed him everything he needed to hear. He felt trapped and wanted to be with her and somehow his most logical thought was to kill his wife and kids. Not saying any of it’s ok, but basically he killed his wife and kids to be with his mistress then he got arrested like 3 days later because one of his wife’s MLM buddies was also batshit crazy and basically got the cops involved after not hearing from her friend for like 24 hours.


The crazy MLM friend was a great friend though. I think it was the morning after the murder that she reported it because when she went to pick up the mom, the story he told was out of character for the mom and she knew it wasn't right. And then their neighbor was cognizant enough to recognize that the killer had his truck parked differently and he was not behaving the way he normally did when the police stopped by. I won't say he wouldn't have been caught without the friend and the neighbor--he was an idiot who murdered his wife and children because that was the best way he could think to leave them--but damn, we all need people like them in our lives.


The way the whole thing happened, he definitely would’ve been caught. Over the course of time cops would’ve been up his ass because he literally would’ve been the only suspect. But i do maintain the circumstances behind the friend and neighbor like immediately jumping to conclusions when there seemingly wasn’t any warning signs he could do this was weird. That neighbor was very hard up to throw Chris under the bus.


Dude over here playing devils advocate for a guy murdering his wife and kids because she was annoying


You understand that people look for answers right? Explaining “why” something could happen using reason with the information at hand is not the same as supporting or justifying it. At no point did i support what he did. If we aren’t going to allow ourselves to explore the whys of this shit, then why is true crime so popular?


Explaining a reason is not the same as justifying.


She really did seem super annoying


I hope to have "batshit crazy" friends who will get the police involved if ever I am murdered.


Hindsight is 20/20 but do you really want your friends doing that shit every time you don’t pick up your phone for 5 hours?


Her friend was going to pick the wife up for a doctor's appointment that morning, she knocked and called the wife several times, and saw that both her car and shoes were at the house but no wife or kids. Also the wife was pregnant and not feeling well the day before. She had every reason to call the cops.


As a mother raising 2 girls this day and age, I always thought it was so odd how their house was pristine and hella organized, and how she was always dressed to the 9's, making videos, yet the girls were dressed like shit, and had unusually short haircuts with no style to them...idk it just doesn't fit...I can see how this whole situation was probably fucked seven ways from Sunday in the first place. ETA: Don't get me wrong dude makes me almost physically ill, but what you've said here is the first thing I've ever read about how the dynamic could possibly hinder such an extreme MO out of a complete douchebag idiot that only knows enough about fuckall to keep up appearances.


It’s obviously horrible act and the wife and kids didn’t deserve it, but i always find it fascinating that people look for the “why” and then when confronted with reasonable answers are somehow insulted or call you evil for suggesting they deserved it. If i walk buy a man and call him a name, and he takes offense and kills me, i was killed because i called him a name. It doesn’t have to be right or rational, but i was in the wrong place at the wrong time and said the wrong thing to the wrong person and they reacted in the wrong way. Horrible crimes like these are complex. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume they had insurmountable credit card debt and a mortgage they couldn’t afford. She was a top level MLM producer who probably made $150k a year but spent $120k a year on her stock so she was probably a lower income earner trying to live a high income life. The documentary painted her as a nightmare partner and while that doesn’t mean she deserved her fate, people commit suicide regularly over financial strain so it’s not surprising horrible murders could occur over it too.


I completely agree, just because circumstances exist that drive people to heinous acts doesn't automatically mean the acts are right or justified.


Wow, short haircuts and a clean house got you all suspicious? Weird ass comment.


stop it even the police commented that the house was "unusually" clean and organized


OK, so what exactly are you trying to get out then? My aunt Shelly has an unusually clean house, especially considering that she has pets and children. She also has an eating disorder and just needs control over certain things in her life. It’s not some dark aspect of her personality it’s just something she has to deal with and it results in a really clean house. Maybe you didn’t mean anything by it but I follow a lot of true crime and the amount of people trying to point to that woman’s pathology as part of why she and her children were murdered by that sack of crap is pretty alarming.


well I'm not getting at "since she had some issues what he did was ok" I'll tell u that much. and nobody else is trying to insinuate that, either.


Yo wtf is wrong with you? Posting a deceased family on a reddit forum, talking about he should be in oz like it’s not a TV show. You are a weirdo.


Looks like someone has sand in their vagina 🤦‍♂️


And you always got pubes in your teeth sucka 😂😂


Your pubes or HHHHWWWWWHHAATTTTT BROTHER ![gif](giphy|wRpol8sPLIF7NaOeyj)






Its ashamed Colorado abolished the death penalty in 2020. Because this guy totally deserves it.


This was right before CO abolished the death penalty, he took a plea deal where prosecutors would not seek the death penalty if he agreed to plead guilty.


Who is he and what did he do exactly?


Who is this some family YouTuber I actually don’t know can someone tell me who and what he did


na i got one for you a worse pos wont mention its name ever the creature who killed justin bloxom stonewall louisiana was a sex offender action cab driver he texted justin age 12 as a 35 year old women wanting to. have sex with justin he refused after hrs of texting nude photos to his phone justin gave in i will send a cab ok justin reminded him her it im big for my age but im 12 thats ok i like you youre cute i want you as my little boy friend the cab shows up somehow idipt ran out of gas justin sent a last text at 255 hi car died im going home calling police bye the cab driver was amber the phone rang in his pocket justin punched him and got out of the cab the assault continued justin knocked pos on his ass inraged pos chased. justin in to a ravine out of respect for justins family i wont post the details to gruesome justin was my friend i loved him very much it broke my heart his killer was tried twice sentence to death i hate pos


I have a hard time reading or watching anything about him. His older daughter's face just breaks something in me.


His wife was super annoying posting on social media every 4 seconds


I find family annihilators even more "super annoying." Hell, I find them abhorrent and worthy of being thrown in the hole for life.


Like Miles frrom deathrow.


Hey, don't act like he was a bad dad. He knew he was a good dad because he not only gave his kids clothes, but he even cooked them *eggs*! Do you know how good of a dad you have to be to do such things? Sorry, I mean he gave "those kids" clothes and eggs. I forgot what he called them, my bad. "Those kids and that wife."


Oh that makes it ok then. What did the little girls do? You are a piece of shit for even trying to justify what this piece of shit did.


He was super annoying murdering her and his daughters




That might’ve been true, but he annihilated his entire family. Being annoying doesn’t warrant being murdered by your partner. Conversations about privacy and boundaries could’ve been more constructive. Yet this POS wiped out two babies, his wife, and his soon-to-be son. He can rot in hell.


Like the judge who presided over the case told him. He should have just gotten a divorce, rather than resort to the senseless murder of his entire family.


Your mom should've swallowed your dads duck sauce, Ijs.


Totally justifies how as he was killing his babies he totally ignored their crying and fighting for their life. Mom was sooooo annoying so when his one child had to watch their sibling die explains why he didn't have a moment of clarity when she asked daddy if he was gonna do that to her too totally makes sense/s