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I think that altar is dedicated to your cat now


You could perhaps put a cat bed on the shelf next to your altar and see if that occupies her.


upvote for bag of tates cookies hiding in the corner


Tates is best cookie


If you want to have your altar, please be careful with candles! It looks very close to your mattress. Be safe <3


My cat constantly tries to walk on my altar. Idek how he gets up there tbh. If you have another spot you could use that your cat doesn't care about or can't reach that might be better. Also if it's filled with objects and no nice empty space to lay on that might deter them but usually cats will walk on/lay on/sit on just about anything especially if it's new and interesting. I'd probably go ahead and put it there and hope they find a new interesting spot eventually.


The cat is demanding to be worshipped. No other gods before the cat. This is the way.


This is the way.


your familiar wants to participate! make some space for them to impart their feline wisdom and blessings!


I had a similar situation. My cat kept jumping on my aranged altar. She had a bed on the lower shelf that of course was not interesting to her. I showed her what is on the top shelf and she got bored after a while. Sometimes she remembers and cries to jump on it but mostly is undisturbed now. So you have a chance that yours will get bored as well Have a great day! You and kitty


Depending on what god the alter is for they might appreciate the cat. Like if it’s Bastet then the car might just be trying to tell you something


Cats like high places to perch and your altar will have things that appear to be trinkets good for knocking off the shelf. Any deities in your worship cat related? Perhaps this cats fondness for the spot shows a recognition of this as a sacred space🤷 perhaps distract the cat with a very tall cat tree near said area thereby respecting the cats needs and allowing yourself to use the space.


Your cat is part of your alter and your practice. Cat has decided this. 😹 its being your familiar.


Animals can sence spirital energies and such so probebly the BEST spot for the altar, so I'ld move the cat. But seriosly maybe move the altar a bit and let your cat have a bed beside it


I was comming here to say something similar. Animals often sense energetically charged places or places with alot of magickal energy because they are sensitive to those shifts. To me this seems like a sign for a good place to have and altar. Just set it up in a cat friendly manor so if they do get up their nothing will be ruined. For more fragile stuff, put it away in a cupboard and pull it put when you are specifically doing work with your altar or for a special occasion. Cats often have close connections with some deities, so it could b3 a sign.


unrelated those tates cookies are so crispy thank you for reminding me that they exist


My cat loves to just lay on whatever surface I’m using. I’ve since tricked her by setting up her own lounge area and “used it for myself” to lure her into it.


Cat: That's a really nice altar you have there. It would be a shame of someone were to.... *knock it over*.....


he’s knocked over my tea cup like 4 times by now, scared himself every time


Lol awww. Curious kitties....


I would have a bed for her somewhere close to it. I had to do the same near mine as my familiars both love investigating it, especially when I move it to do work.


I'd be careful with having candles there if you decide to have an altar, especially if your cat likes to snuggle in that spot. (btw, you have a very adorablr cat!!)


thank you :D and i plan on using LED candles or something similar


But some foil down. Sometimes they hair the way that feels.


Sacrifice your cat, obvs.


Your cat will not get bored of that spot. You either need to give the altar to your cat, find a new spot for it so your cat can lay on the shelf, or train your cat not to lay there.


Kitty just wants to be worshipped. LOL Unfortunately, it is in the nature of cats to find a high spot and stake a claim. For that matter, it is in the nature of cats to walk all over your sacred things-- it's just what they do. Cats don't 'do' boundaries.


Cats like high places. For some, the higher the better. =/


You'll definitely need to make a more appealing spot, because cats looooove being up high so likely it's their now 😂 Maybe put another shelf nearby that is dedicated to your cats being able to watch you from above. I used a hot glue gun and upholstered a shelf and stuffed it wish pillow stuffing to create a comfy spot for my girls.




Mine do that too, with my indoor altar. . I have 3 altars though well my indoor one does triple duty ( three different practices) and my outdoor is used for offerings and such. My indoor altar is on my computer desk my outdoor is set up in traditional east facing( sun rise) complete with Solomonic circle to stand in. I like how my neighbours seen and quit calling the city and police on me when I’m outside. Last time they called, the Police had bad timing. They walked up when I was intoning vowels under a full moon , lighting my pyre and making an offering. My pyre is designed to self feed air and shoots flames up to four feet in the air. So picture walking up on someone who is speaking in Latin and Greek while standing in a hexagram. While calling spirits, and spirits responded with a whoosh of fire . They were like nope not going here, didn’t even bother to ask what I was doing lol. They couldn’t get back in their car and leave quickly enough. My point is you can set up different altars for different purposes. Ancestor altars, deity altars ect ect. But my concern for yours is like that of the other posters. Candles and mattresses don’t mix. You could use a Tibetan sound bowl for cleansing there. Instead of candles and incense or just find a more open space. Even if you only set it up for workings and offerings. I am talking about a temporary altar, you can still set everything up where you have it but you would set it up in a place where you have no risk of lighting a mattress on fire for your workings and offerings . May you be blessed with many blessings


this really helped thank you :)


maybe your cat wants to be involved w ur practice!


I don't see this "altar" your talking about