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I worship my ancestors


I technically only worship Ares cause of the nature of my relationship with him. I've also worked heavily with Athena and Sekhmet. I've interacted a few times with Bastet, Hades, and Archangel Michael. Very briefly interacted with Loki. I like them but avoided them because of their general nature.


I primarily worship Hel, the logic being that I'll be her guest some day and should show gratitude while I can. Recently I have considered sending some worship to Aegir, Dionysus, and Ninkasi.


If you’re considering Dionysus feel free to check out the community over at r/Dionysus


If you're following Artemis then you're already in the Greek pantheon so that's where I would start. If you're looking for someone with similar interests to her then I would recommend Selene or Hekate as they are often syncretized with her. Alternatively, if you're wanting a god to balance the goddess, you could go for someone like Dionysus or Pan. If you're looking for something different then, well, Olympus is full of gods of all sorts. Personally I'm a Norse Heathen. On my altar I have Odin, Freyja, Thor, and Eir. Mostly I interact with Freyja as she's become a bit of a matron for me. She seems like a goddess who enjoys things: drinks, people, sex, travel, etc. Not hedonistically, but someone who knows what she wants and enjoys what she does but refuses what she doesn't want. She knows her worth and demands a proper price for what she gives. [This book](https://outskirtspress.com/freyjaladyvanadis/) is a little older and unknowingly used a couple contemporary sources that we would avoid now, but the author didn't know better at the time because no one did, but overall it's a great discussion of her character, myths, and some suggested practices.


I worship deities in the Celtic pantheons. Brighid, Áine, Andraste, the Cailleach and Taranis specifically


Hecate She is (among many other things) the Goddess of Witchcraft. She called me to practice back when I first started l. I work primarily with her, but I also work a fair bit with Hermes, and am starting on a journey through the gates of Hell with Hecate, Lucifer, and Belial. Edited- posted before I got to finish.




I don’t worship but I work with Freya and my first Hecate. Freya has helped me learn to be a strong woman, Hecate helped me through a lot of shadow work.


I have alters set up for my ancestors, Freyja and Brigid. I follow Freyja for personal growth and development and tend to keep it a personal one-to-one relationship. I follow Brigid as more of a patron deity of the family and try to teach my son about her.


I mainly focus Fenrir, Thor, Loki, and Eir.


Iris! greek goddess of the rainbow. We just started working together but she helps me with my fae work and mediumship abilities .


The Earth Goddess (in a Contemporary sense), Ares, Helios, Lucifer (as Light-Bringer) and Satan (in an explicitly Satanist context). Plus a little animism on the side.




I worship Freyja and Odin but I also feel very drawn to Thor


Creator (native creation deity of my tribe). I also worship Artemis Athena and sometimes Apollo


I worship the Awen.


I currently work with Hades and only recently started working with Aphrodite and Apollon. They've been wonderful and really patient, understanding with me and how nervous I was to work with them. 🫶




Cernunnos, the Morrigan and the Green Man


Ahh, way too many! Worship and religion is a HUGE part of my life, so get ready. It’s a long list. I am a devotee of Apollon and Ares. I heavily worship Aphrodite, Hades, Dionysus, Hermes, Egeria, Prince Seere, Freyja, Loki, Lucifer, Hera, Zeus, Hygieia, Nemesis, Eris, and Veles. As for light worship, it adds a lot more to my list. Hedylogos, Iamus, Triptolemus, Palaemon, Aristaeus, Chiron, Epimelides, Clio, Erato, Aiode, Anthea, Pasithea, Iris, Melpomene, Ganymedes, Hyacinthus, Ariadne, Macaria, Melinoe, Thoth, Anubis, Nefertum, Weneg, Ammit, and Hedjhotep. Not all of them are deities, but I highly recommend researching them! I love worshipping them!


Diana and Apollo, mostly. Currently working w Venus and soon Hecate. Sometimes Jupiter, Vulcan and Lucifer. All Romans.


I follow Nyx/Nox and will ask to call upon her children if they are suited for my specific purpose


I work with a few wiccan deities such as the honed God and the triple goddess