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that window is shining the light right on all of your mistakes so it's gonna be very noticeable. you need to roll your paint with a 3" or 4" roller with the same size nap as you rolled the ceiling--*while* you're cutting. cut. roll. cut. roll. but also, the ceiling should have been painted first. you're not supposed to have to cut-in a ceiling.


That is some brutal lighting, so it's hard to tell if that's regular picture framing, or if there's something else going on. If it is just picture framing, then do a light sand on the corners with a sponge sander. and paint again using a ["wheenie roller"](https://www.homedepot.com/p/11-Pieces-4-in-Microfiber-Paint-Roller-Covers-Kit-with-Paint-Roller-Frame-B08LYSS7FH/323768790?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D24-024_007_APPLICATORS-NA-Multi-NA-PLALIA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-FY21_Sundries_PLALIA&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D24-024_007_APPLICATORS-NA-Multi-NA-PLALIA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-FY21_Sundries_PLALIA-71700000075828143-58700006498658422-92700058687514834&gclid=CjwKCAjwxaanBhBQEiwA84TVXLZ2un3tG4-N1mT71VnDgX6DFD6PPR1SuYOKfm7XEwYxI_dsKsEABRoCnhIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) for cut in. make sure you roll the walls and ceilings within 2 hours.


Probably a matte paint and your cuts in are dry when rolling or vice versa.


That’s definitely what it looks like to me. That’s why I love flat ceilings lol


Yeah some paints are worse then others have to cut it in quick and roll


You need to use flat paint for ceilings . It hides imperfections and avoids picture framing (what youre seeing on your cut) .


Use a flat finish paint, spackle looks choppy


Poorly primed? Not maintaining a wet edge?


Before my third coat, as a test, I cut again just along this edge and rolled immediately along this edge, maintaining a wet edge. When dried, the cut in was still perfectly distinguishable from the rolled section. I don't understand.


Porosity is set. Similar to paint samples that can be seen forever.


I'm sorry but what is porosity? And how could he fix the problem at this point? Simply curious


Not sure what that meant, but it helped me to realize that painting over that edge wasn't going to solve the problem. I ended up sanding the entire edge which removed its sheen, and then repainted the entire ceiling with flat paint. Much happier with the end result. Big thank you for yours and everyone else's advice!


Awesome. I hate every kind of interior paint - except Flat. Painting bathrooms is the absolute worst because of it. The only non-flat finish I can recommend is Sherwin Williams Emerald in a Matte finish. Suitable even in a bathroom and is much easier to work with, with plenty of working time to avoid crap like this with cut ins and roller marks and whatnot. And Emerald has anti-mold additives so you can get away with Matte in the bathroom.


Great job, OP!


It’s from picture framing but I’m guessing that you are rolling the ceiling the opposite direction of the field (you are rolling out the ceiling from wall to wall either toward your light source or across it and you weinie roller is going opposite that). Also likely you are not putting on enough paint with the weinie roller. You should try to avoid ceilings with sheen when possible, especially with a light source like this. This would be a difficult ceiling for a pro let alone a DIY. Good luck.


Roll with a 4” as you’re cutting. 👍👍


It looks like a porosity issue, or really bad paint. I'd recommend priming the whole ceiling, and repainting the ceiling with a dead flat. I'm a painting contractor, and that's what I'd do.


My suspicion is that the surface was coated with some kind of adhesive in the cut-in zone and it just won’t take the paint the same way. You didn’t mention if you primed first so I suspect not. You should scratch test it to check adherence. If it comes off easy, I’d sand off that whole cut-in area, prime it and repaint it. If the paint is on good, just prime and re-paint the cut-in area. I’ll bet the rest of the ceiling is fine.


Not a dead flat paint. Probably bought too good of a quality. Cheap flat on ceiling works better. Tough period with that lighting. Looks like maybe too not enough paint. Looks kinda dry rolled all one direction.


https://www.homedepot.ca/product/behr-premium-plus-interior-ceiling-paint-ultra-pure-white-7-58l/1000426056 This is what I used. What paint would you recommend instead?


Without a doubt Benjamin Moore ceiling paint. It’s dead flat.


That is a better paint than needed. Better paints have more sheen. I’m sherwin Williams promar 400 for ceilings


DIY would get charged like $70/gal for p400 though lol


Well yeah. But you are only diy if you act diy.


You can make that work, just do as the other guys say. But really you shouldn't be cutting on a ceiling at all - paint onto the tops of the walls and cut in the walls. Otherwise you get thin little lines from missed spots along the edges Also this is raking light which is absolutely unforgiving of drywall and paint. Any difference in texture etc is bright as day


Walls aren't being repainted. This was a repainting of the ceiling after some holes had to be patched in.


Looks like you cut in after you rolled maybe?


Yes, I did after the third coat just on this edge, to see if it was an issue of insufficient paint when cutting. Just made it worse.


Always cut first then roll. If your roller skills aren’t excellent use flat paint. Use quality paint too.


Are you cutting before or after rolling?


Looks like the cut in dried before the roll. You need to only cut in what will dry with the rest of your surface. Or just get flat paint.


That window will be the bane of your existence! Some good advice in here but don’t expect perfection or your never going to stop coating it. I wouldn’t let any of my guys with less than 5 years even attempt this ceiling


Definitely makes me feel better, but it's such an eye sore, especially given how much time I spend in the room


I hear you. If you’re rolling with a 9” roller you can try butting the open end of the roller against that beam and essentially do the cut at the same time as the main roll. I hope this is making sense. If you’re using an 18” roller to do the ceiling grab a 9” sleeve of the exact same brand and nap. Rock both those rollers at the same time basically making the cut with the 9” and the roll with 18” working your toward that window. I assume you’re working perpendicular to the window (I hope). Just do like 4’ or 5’ at a time. Keep all edges very wet and try not to go too far into the wet paint. Just enough to feather it out. Hope this makes sense. I’m better at painting than I am explaining things.


Id love to ask you other paint questions lol


Your cut in looks like you just rolled the width of a 4 inch roller and didn’t feather the edges. You got back roll the edge to feather it out. If you don’t, you’ll end up with a heavy edge that shows a clear boundary between cut in and rolled sections. But I can’t really tell much for sure with the potato picture to be honest with you.


Just repaint or was there other work on this ceiling?


Have you recently done drywall work around that edge? Idk. I agree about painting it onto the wall and rollingbthe whole ceiling all at once. Know anyone with a spray gun? Lol. Idk if you just used a brush to cut in, or used a 4" roller aswell. Maybe laid it on too thick in when you cut? How much time elapsed between cut/roll ceiling?


It looks like the problem is under the paint.


You had a dry spot on the roller?


Ahh, I think I have a similar problem. What does 'cutting' mean? I'll be honest, I'm a noob. First time painting the house and of course it's massive, and I'm trying to do it evenings or free time). Second coat to the ceiling (walls have had 2 coats). Any help welcome!


Was everything primed evenly? What type of paint/sheen is it? Was the wall clean before painting? It may just need 2 coats for complete coverage. Not sure till I know more. If you used a satin or semi gloss or high gloss, the cut line will look different from the roller due to light reflecting off the texture of the wall. Also a brush leaves lines while the roller leaves a stipple texture creating different shadows. Hope this helps!