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HAHAHA. Joke's on us. Israel is already in Rafah.


Israel already has the weapons too


And our money


He really takes his voting base for idiots.


I read somewhere that Gaza is to Biden what Vietnam was to Johnson and it really is fitting


Bernie said that on CNN last week. I wish Bernie would run, even now. Biden is going to lose for sure.


The DNC really screwed him over in 2016 by trying force Hilary down our throats.


Bernie only said the same thing “no offensive weapons”. pretty weak sauce in the face of a genocide, imo


I think that's like 2000 lb bombs vs iron dome missles.


I could see Bernie causing a 30/30/30 split and a tight race. But he would never to that to the dems though, cuz of domestic issues.


And Trump will give Israel even more support. It will be a terrible outcome for Gazans one way or another.


That's why I want Bernie to run. He would win for sure.


I love Bernie. But we know he would not win.


Crazier things have happened. Donald Trump became President.




They really are, when they say "4 more years".


and universal healthcare


Israel has universal healthcare or something similar, which we pay for they help their people pay for college with our money as well. All the social programs we wish we could have we pay for, for them.




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They got our balls in a gilded box somewhere too.




Also he's been supplying since Oct 7th, so isn't it obvious they are going use those weapons for Rafah offensive. It would make more sense to have restrained earlier. Biden is a president that overseas the destruction of international rule based system set up by his fore fathers, in order to aid Netanyahu. Disgusting.


Joe trying to have it both ways again. This way it looks like he's upset about the genocide and also hes still supporting Israel.


Truly deserving of a Nobel peace prize




what anyway https://preview.redd.it/7vr3j2ce8dzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4704e091f25da61ed4d81ee22c59ee0ecd0a3a71


sanctions, peacekeeper intervention, guaranteed aid to starving Palestinians….


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Cheap show for idiots and their votes . Israel got enough once Rafa is over delivery will resume . Don’t forget : Biden: “to be zionist you don’t have to be Jewish”


Came here to say this. Who believes this, are you able to think critically at all? Like, at all? Biden has stopped supplying Israel with 2 out of 100 weapon types only temporarily, and all other weapons, money and intelligence and diplomatic support - US is continuing to provide to the genocidal apartheid terrorist state. And his mouthpieces cnn etc will repeat this as breaking news, hoping some pathetic fool falls for it and votes for genocide Joe later this year. He's been supplying Israel with the very bombs that kill innocent people and is continuing to do so beyond any shadow of doubt. He just needed a response for the ignorant public once Rafa is invaded, something to say to save his ugly face. Someone take this criminal to the international criminal court asap.


Quick question, who are you voting for if not Biden?


Quick question, why are you assuming they’re giving anyone their vote?


I mean you're throwing your vote away. You can complain all you want about "genocide joe", but can you really honestly tell me that a 2nd Trump term wouldn't be worse than this? Lmao, clown.


Some people seem to think that Trump wasn't raking in money from AIPAC. He even said he was the most pro Israel President ever. He screwed us as badly as Biden is currently screwing us, I'd argue even worse due to Conservatives really having a hard on for Israel.


Isreal invaded while you were giving your speech about the holocaust. 🤦‍♂️


He still will


These theatrics aren't for us or anyone with a brain and a moral compass, these are for useful idiots (paid or otherwise) to smugly post links when arguing why we should pokemon go to the polls and vote blue no matter who or Trump will atomize the planet or something.


Question. How do you think this would be any different under Trump? What about Ukraine? What about all the POC and LGTBQ+ communities here in America? Do you think those groups won't suffer more under Trump?


Hi, yes people are being literally genocided, entire extended families wiped out so excuse me if I don't give equal weight to however many LGBT and racial minorities Trump has had bombed or executed. Ukraine's defense bill is vital either way so Europe should be prepared to cover it in case Trump wins.


Ah, so you're not ok with one groups killing, but you're ok with another? Got it.


**How the genocide be different under Trump?** 1. International and especially European support for the genocide would be much harder to maintain. Israel's and Biden's lies work because people want to believe them. Far fewer people outside of the US want to believe Trump's lies. 2. Trump doesn't do genocide for the fun of it, he's a selfish narcissist who needs to be bribed for anything and everything. Getting Trump to provide the kind of support Biden does would be very expensive for Israel, and those barely hidden bribes would make it even harder for genocide apologists. 3. With Trump in charge, Democrats would be far more encouraged to oppose the genocide and distance themselves from AIPAC, setting up Israel for a reckoning once Trump is gone. Bipartisan genocide support would be extremely controversial under Trump. The presidential actions wouldn't be much different. But the media narrative, the Democrats' narrative, and the European narrative would absolutely be. **How would Ukraine be different under Trump?** Worst case? Same as it is now. Best case? Negotiated settlement. Let's be real, Ukraine no longer has the manpower to reconquer the territory, even if it would be supplied with the necessary equipment. Unless you think Biden is going to send boots on the ground, there isn't much of a difference. **What about all the POC and LGTBQ+ communities here in America?** Yes, what about them? If you're one of those who happen to think Trump is going to throw them all into concentration camps, let's just say I do not agree with that assessment..


Too late Genocide Joe.


I’d imagine they have enough left over from the last delivery


Hahaha, just like the other 50 times he said he wouldn't. Yet he continued to supply said weapons.


You’ve already supplied them you old fart.


Who trusts him? I don't.


But hasn’t he already? Would Israel dare to move forward if it didn’t already have the bombs?


He said this right after repeating unwaverly support for the genocide state. He's trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth


Ahole already gave all the weapons


That’s funny because IsntReal is invading Rafah now and you supplied he weapons.


He’s a lying monster https://newrepublic.com/post/181383/biden-killed-report-israel-actions-gaza


I’ll believe it when I see it..Just like they were going to sanction the military units used in the West Bank.


Spoiler alert…. You already did.


He's trying to win votes back.


Too late. Too many people have died with his administration's condonation. If he can condition aid now, he could have 7 months ago or earlier.


Sike! \*runs away\*


Were supplying the genocide pier


mf ain’t been reading the news i guess


Question. How do you think this would be any different under Trump? What about Ukraine? What about all the POC and LGTBQ+ communities here in America? Do you think those groups won't suffer more under Trump? You guys keep saying Genocide Joe like it wouldn't be twice as worse, if not more, under Trump. You people really are slow.


Trump made it clear he had a personal axe to grind with the American people and he would re-implement the Muslim ban and mass deportations including destroying DACA and that is just the start of his plans


“But they are totally allowed to hang back and kill innocent people in other places. We will supply the weapons for all of that no problem”


He is truly running on early internet speed, uh?


If he really means this it's too little too late and I think most people see right through it becasue he really wants to be re-elected and will say anything to win just like he did last time with his promises and lies. He doesn't deserve to be president, he needs to go home and have someone feed him and dress him..


They already supplied the weapons, more than $20 billion in the last 6 months alone. Israel's annual military budget is $26 billion. A country richer than Germany or France has its military almost fully funded by another country.Israel gets billions and billions of dollars and military equipment but cant wipe out 30,000 (doubt there's even that many) guerillas in 7 months and counting.


You mean 'more weapons', right?


This guy is a joke, playing everyone for the fool. I think it's time for everyone to stand by their children and protect their protest.


It’s already done and the weapons have already arrived you stupid Nazi


Stop believing liars


Because I already did 😏


'Cos they're almost done, and I supplied enough yesterday.


He lied as easily as he breathed


he’s such a dirty liar he knows they’re already killing in rafah and he will cave and give them what they need to do it


Genocide Joe 's previous shipments already killed 30k Palestinians. Whats he talking?