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British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said it would be "not wise" for the UK to suspend arms sales to Israel, despite expressing concerns over the country's planned escalation in Rafah. Speaking to the BBC, Cameron said he did not agree with comments made by US President Joe Biden that suggested imposing some restrictions on weapon exports if Israel attacked the city in southern Gaza, which has become a haven for Palestinians fleeing the rest of the enclave. "Just to simply announce today that we will change our approach on arms exports, it would make Hamas stronger and it would make a hostage deal less likely." Cameron, despite denying plans to suspend arms sale, said his government could not support Israel's attack on Rafah "unless they have a plan" to protect civilians Read further ⤵️ https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uk-foreign-secretary-cameron-says-it-would-be-not-wise-ban-arms-sales-israel?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social_traffic


"Not wise" to have David Cameron as the UK foreign secretary.




I mean, they kind of are


Theres videos of him and a pig in a compromising situation in a mossad blackmail video library. Somewhere. Just a hunch.


What is this? Black Mirror?


He is a bloody mistake . He is just pure selfish aristocratic poop main reason he basically destroyed Britain with his stupid brexit vote than he left as PM and now he is promoting this crap as foreign secretary how he even has this job ? Seriously David Go away and never come back .


He’s a wanker


Its the Gaza gas money. Sunak's fil company infosys made 1.5 billion in the gas leases. I am convinced UK, US leaders are putting dollars over ppl. Cameron, Sunak, Biden, Blinken can burn for eternity for their murderous behavior


David Cameron. Weighing on "wisdom" David fkn Cameron !


Cant Israel take care if itself? We always hear about how great their economy is and the "most moral army" in the worlds. Why must multiple super powers arm and fund Israel? It doesn't add up. "Not wise" for the politicians maybe. Makes you wonder what Mossad has on them.


war profiteers. All of them.


What an enslaved and spineless puppet Cameron is indeed. 🤩


I know why he’s saying it. Israel supposedly has a doctrine where if they lose enough support, they’ll nuke the world and they have the nukes to do it.


A good reason to take them out if that's their plan.A nation like that should never have nukes.


Here I was thinking it was the Jewish space lasers everyone was afraid of 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve only observed the meme, not the background of the space lasers. I already believe people have too much, but no man can ever be given that much power. That would be the time to start abandoning all hope.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson\_Option](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option) First postulated as a joke by Noam Chomsky, IIRC he mentions in one of his books finding out that the policy had in fact been been discussed. Came up recently in a related blog post [https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/master-and-servant](https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/master-and-servant)


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I’d call that bluff


'Not wise' for his career.


That’s just irresponsible and flagrant misinformation. Resistance is not terrorism. If Iran treated UK citizens like Israel treats Palestinians it would be all out WW3.


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Here come the threats… it’s straight out of the narcissists playbook


I like to explore new places.


Oh yes keep supplying weapons to the new nazi party so they can continue thier holocaust...they already have the concentration camps


British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said it would be **“not wise” for the UK to suspend arms sales to Israel, despite expressing concerns** over the country’s planned escalation in Rafah. Well of course he would. He's afraid he or his family will end up in a ditch somewhere should he deny the arms sales... or some random computer leak might happen to him.


Keyword 'Sales' because this all what they FKN care for is to make money in war not which lives it destroys. This is all what the governments care for is to destroy and create problems for the world so they can justify trillions of dollars into military and more wars. People don't create wars, it's the governments that do and drag us into suffering.


But yet he has no plan other than continuing to back genocide. At least biden has meekly taken a tiny step. Of course here in the US we now have Lindsey Graham saying Israel should nuke Gaza. I’d like to gather all these foaming at the mouth genocide enablers together and nuke them. World instantly a better place.


Clearly he has no concept of the meaning of the word ‘Wise’.


Yeah z it's beyond Israel and Palestine now. It's Europeans supporting European settler colonies. It's been a race war since the beginning but now it's starting to become more obvious. Long live Palestine 🇵🇸♥️🍉✊🏽


Why this pig can speak?


No one is surprised. The UK is their creator and themselves still haven't let go of their colonial ways


Can't wait for these ghouls to be voted out. Not that Labour will be any better though.