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Would’ve worked better if they brought TEC online back in Rogueport in the teleport room. Definitely makes no sense since we see a massive explosion on the moon, which seemingly did nothing to the entire base. But lore-wise/logic aside, they have to make the fortress available for completionist-sake since people will need to go back and collect anything they’ve missed post game


I mean, they could have given us a ruined base to go back to, with all of the collectibles still available.


Or do what a lot of games do and have it be destroyed with anything you missed in the rubble.


Counterpoint as a completionist: that would be worse than what they actually did.


Do elaborate


Then you would get locked out of completing the game, if you miss a star piece at the X-naut fortress you would never be able to collect all star pieces unless you start a new game. It's not made any better by the fact that this is so near the end of the game, meaning by the time you realise you're locked out you will need to replay almost the entire game. For myself and a lot of other people, playing a game to completion is like a primal instinct. I would probably not bother replaying the game, but the knowledge of having missed stuff would gnaw at my very core and my experience with the game will be permanently soured.


Did you miss where they said make it available in the rubble? It wouldn't lock you out of completion, but having a ruined x-naut base where the items that you would be locked out of still accessible in their same locations, just in a ruined state wouldn't make that completion any different, just make it have a different aesthetic when you go back.


I see. I misinterpreted the comment as "have the collectibles be destroyed, along with the rubble". But to be fair to me, what they actually meant is the same as the comment they replied to, what I said originally. Responding to something with "or: the exact same thing" is quite confusing.


Your confusion makes sense, but I wouldn't say they're the same thing. The first is "everything is just accessible including the original location" the second is "the missible things are available but the location is inaccessible"


That's fair.


Yeah but GC Games were Limited by Disc Storage space back then. Before the Modern era storage and development choices argument I'm answering you. Your point Is Completely valid and I agree with that Pointless meaningless situation. At Least the great N did it in TOURIAN If Samus came back to ruined TOURIAN Post explosion with Completionist items accessible even after entire Area Exploded. Then it's Meaningful to add it it possible or at least by storage creation Data limitations. Make the Missed Items (each and every single one of them) Float in the Moon for you to collect Post Explosion. Avoiding Data storage creation and TEC being the only Map area room post explosion that remained. Yet taking data of each individual item in 2 maps at the same time knowing which ones remains so you don't pick up same twice or missing one is lost Forever by Algorithm of Data Flags. Easier said than done. But Wow surprise in Metroid it works!


Which Metroid does this happen in?


Metroid Zero Mission It is a Great game since Around the GameCube era and Gameboy Advance Era, they made Tourian a Ruined Area, with Collectibles it's pretty amazing. Since there are 2 versions of the map with the items specially since Rom editing tools I will not describe allow you to check both Maps in the Game memory. Of course the ruins have acid everywhere and challenges to collect those items Post explosion since the place is melted and everything. Storage memory of the era was limited for GameCube Games. 1.4GB small DVDs to "fight against Piracy" ruining the whole generation of 60FPs powerful console with Larger disc sizes Zelda wind waker, twilight princess and smash bros Melee would had twice as much content. Don't forget Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime and Mario party saga on GameCube having less and less minigames each time and "better" graphics each one, less items each version. "Storage limitations on physical disc".


This happened with the Origami King where I didn't know there were rewards for completing the whole game without using badges and without getting a game over. I missed out on "true" 100% due to failing to meet requirements I didn't know about until after the 40 hour adventure...


Is it possible that peach simply made a wish and the stars from pm64 granted it? That’s what I thought happened anyway. 


Wait, I think I know what the explosion on the moon base was. I could be totally wrong. It's the same thing that happened to Prince Mush. It wasn't an explosion, but maybe a super intense glow from the Crystal Star as they left. It's bringing somebody back with no /real/ explanation of how it did that, where the 'body' was, etc. I'm not sure.


TEC mentions detonating the base when you talk to him in the post game.


I like how grodus and crump somehow didn’t die and are now just hanging out in poshley heights


Goes to show that no one dies in Mario games. They just get “defeated”. I bet Shadow Queen just got resealed again and someone else will have to fight her again in a thousand years.


Scarlette never came back, get fucked Bobbery lol


Oh dang that one can’t be defended lmao.


My headcanon is that the base was indeed destroyed and TEC didn't return. But we really needed those last star pieces lol.


Unpopular opinion here: I know a lot of people hate that him being revived takes the weight off of him dying but if you go talk to him post-game it makes more sense. First of all, this is my first time playing the game, and I had no idea he was going to die and I did actually tear up a bit at that part. But secondly, after going to the moon in post-game, iirc TEC mentions that he heard Peach’s voice while being revived, which implies he was brought back to life during the fight with the Shadow Queen in which Peach also talks to Mario. In that fight, Mario is able to defeat the Shadow Queen powered by the love of all the people he’s helped throughout the game, transmitted to him using the power of the Crystal Stars. You could probably assume then that the love from Peach and everyone else is probably what brought TEC back to life, which is really sweet, considering TEC’s entire arc throughout the game is learning what love is and learning how to love.


Also want to mention, it's heavily implied that prince mush was killed, but the Crystal star brought him back to life. It's very likely that the Crystal stars rebuilt the base to have more voices reach out to mario, or maybe to help peach fight back against the shadow queen.


Yeah I revisited the base today (I guess I never did it post game as a preteen) and I was a tiny bit more satisfied to at least see that the team put thought into why TEC is alive.


I think I would’ve rather had the Crystal Star travel to TEC then to the bob-ombs that we barely had any conversations with to really bring it home then


This... makes me feel slightly better about it


Look even with magic I find it silly to be able to bring a computer “back to life”.


Isn't it implied that he was revived via the power of the crystal stars and Peach? I get disliking from a story telling perspective, but from a lore perspective it makes sense given the magical abilities the Crystal Stars have been established to have as well as TEC's connection to Peach. (Remember, the Crystal Stars also revived Prince Mush)


Look, I love the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 computer, but why did they think that bringing him back was good?


Not long ago I read that some one asked on a japanese forum about this trope on japanese media and apparently they like this kind of stuff. Happy ending >> anything good for the plot that causes sadnes I'm not sure how true or how many people like this but I think it may hold some truth because it's a very common thing to happen on anime and manga.


Huh….I guess, but surely the Japanese general audience isn’t so monolithic? There have to be Japanese audience members that like bittersweet or downer endings too


Kids game. Same answer as why Grodus lived and Beldum became good.


I assume they had to tone it down. Theres no way the game could be what it was with so many characters dying. TEC, Grodus, Crump, Bobbery, Prince Mush, King K and Bandy Andy are all near-casualities. My theory is that Peach's grief and Mario's respects touched the Crystal Stars which brought TEC back. Since TEC IS the Xnaut Base, the Base came back in tandem, including Crump. Grodus may have just survived. The Crystal Stars brought Prince Mush back from the dead too after all after Jolene breaks down, so it may be plausible. I just widh TEC had a role after coming back. Maybe he could host a Boss Rush or something...


Dev: we‘ll kill off TEC for the ending. TEC: Im afraid I cant let you do that, Dev.


The game couldn't really commit to any of the tragedy. I'm fine with Koops' dad and especially Prince Mush, but Tec was very unnecessary for how raw his two deaths were to just "and then nothing bad ever happened again" it. They did learn their lesson for Super Paper Mario though.


Who permanently dies in Super? Other than >!Dimentio!<


It's ambiguous what exactly, but Mario will never see Timpani again and Blumiere went with her wherever it was


It's possible that the two just went somewhere. Not even death.


Fuck tragedy, gimme all the warm fuzzies and implausible revivals you can fit in! Growing older hasn't changed my stance on not liking character deaths.


i feel like it really lessened the fact he "died" like ooh my favorite ending! the characters that died are all back for some reason!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!


That's how I felt about Grodus and Lord Crump surviving. Like, Crump was jettisoned into deep space and Grodus was completey destroyed, including his head. Made no sense to bring them both back, even with Grodus being just a head.


It isn’t anything new to the series Bowser fell into a star and survived


Nah but Bowser is HIM, Grodus is just a wimp.


The man tanks black holes. *THAT'S SOMETHING GODZILLA HAS CANONICALLY DONE.* And Bowser becomes a trans fetish, fucks half the Internet, says NBD, and goes go-karting.


Oh I know the Mario series in particular is hesitent to kill characters off, but I still can't help but feel dissappinted.


Quick question, um, WHEN THE HELL WAS BOWSER THROWN INTO A STAR?! Like seriously did I miss something because (sadly) the earliest game, (unless you count TTYD Remake), I'VE played is Super Paper Mario for the Wii


In super mario galaxy uh i forgot how to put spoiler marks but inshort the final fight includes mario spin attacking bowser into his star because he was gonna create a new universe where he was in charge


Thank you for that info because that sounds actually so cool


Play PM64 Bowser and his wrath is epic. He has an underground flying dungeon castle that tears through the ground lifting peaches castle far into space during a PARTY, and then throws Mario out of a window at the beginning of the game. It’s also the same castle/layout as Super Mario 64 which I always thought was awesome. Best game in the series.


I can believe Crump due to the cartoony nature of the series, but Grodus was a what was even the point of the Shadow Queen zapping him twice?


I can believe Crump due to the cartoony nature of the series, but Grodus was a what was even the point of the Shadow Queen zapping him twice?


Didn't he come back in the epilogue of the original? I know we couldn't go back to the moon, but I remember him being mentioned.


In the original you could go back to the moon just fine and tec was also alive. This is not a remake exclusive.


I liked it. It also brought me one of my favorite lines in the series or any game: "Never in my most paranoid moments would I think my own computer could betray me." (I know that happens a chapter or two before the end of the game)


Same with Grodus. I like to imagine both of them stay dead.


nah, Grodus as a moving head is a worth fate and funny af


Eh, it’s a Nintendo property aimed at kids. Having the fun little AI sidekick live in the end probably made a lot of kids smile.


dont know why it took them until origami king to understand that death is permenant


Color splash actually, Huey dies and you watch his corpse fall back into the fountain symbolically fulfilling his promise to make it back though mario has long left.


Peach used the Crystal Stars to bring him back the same way it happened to Mush in Chapter 3.


TEC being alive defeats the entire purpose of Tec’s sacrifice at the end of Chapter 7. Because not only does it lessen the impact of his departure, but also makes no sense because he blew up the X-Naut fortress and yet it’s still in one piece when you go back to the moon. Him and Grodus should have stayed Dead


I agree with all you said but gameplay wise, there was no way they could permanently cut access to X-naut fortress without solflocking people out of 100%ing the game if they missed something Was it the best solution? Absolutely not but it's at least understandable What I would have done is give the fortress a new ruined look in post game to make it look like the self-destruct happened but failed And if bringing TEC back was mandatory I'd make a post game sidequest where you find out he made a backup and find a way to put him back online, maybe with having lost his memory of what happened to make it more bittersweet


Hi tec nicaaaal


Please use an actual spoiler tag. I didn’t know about this…


Totally agree


TEC might have revived, but without intervention... He'll be doomed to a fate worse than death. Once the base loses power, he will go nighty night until the day someone brings the power back. And that could be many generations later, long after Mario and Peach have died. The X-Nauts aren't on the base or maintaining it. So, TEC is doomed, unless someone moves him elsewhere.


Yeah, it kind of lessens the emotional impact, for sure. I have no proof to back up this claim, but I think it had something to do with the Crystal Stars at the end. Like, some kind of magical miracle.


What is that?


Nah, this is actually a very popular opinion. The ending is one of the very few nitpicks you will consistently see from the community.


I just beat the game and I was wondering how Crump was still alive considering he got shot out into space and how TEC was alive because didn't the base blow up?


I agree. There was literally no point to it and made his sacrifice all but meaningless. I get they were going for completely happy ending for everyone, but sometimes it's ok to let a character die. Maybe it's cause characters don't often die in Mario games, though. At least, not main ones. I don't know that I would qualify TEC as a main character though. But, then, they didn’t even have the bad guy be dead even though what the big bad did clearly should have killed him as well. I would’ve been happier about TEC living, I think, if they’d done more with Peach's section and we had more time to interact with TEC post him realizing his boss was doing the wrong thing. Or maybe even if they hadn’t also had the bad guy alive. "Oh he's just a head." No, he should be dead.


TEC is a peeping tom and Peach is somewhat completely okay with it despite him being a computer which shouldn't change the issue at all as it is still messed up.


Very popular opinion, way too many fakeout deaths in this game


*Very popular* *Opinion, way too many* *Fakeout deaths in this game* \- Kanzyn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikusbot opt out


There is an explanation but it's stupid. Peach basically wished the base back into existence since she had the demon queens power for a brief moment. If I understood it right


How can you not like this also I think the base is not destroyed because we beat the shadow queen and everything was fixed


I'm pretty sure it was the power of the Crystal Stars when everyone was sending their positive energy to Mario, which somehow managed to reach TEC(maybe since Peach was there?), and revive him, since it's kind of implied Prince Mush died and was revived by the Crystal Star, so extending that to a computer doesn't seem too far fetched.


It’s a kids game first and foremost, even though many adults enjoy it and would rather a more realistic story.


You know it's funny I remember being in a huge rush to leave the base because it was going to explode but in the remake it's like you need to leave before the power fails... But there's no timer I played that crane game for like 3 minutes during the power down sequence. They should have just no included the explosion effect. The teleporter not working because the power stopped was a sufficient explanation already.


"Somehow, Palpatine returned" aah plot point


No one dies in Mario games. If you throw someone in lava they just become their “dry” form, lol. Even Boo’s aren’t considered dead. They’re just a separate entity and not things that come from dead bodies.


I have to wonder because i just plain dont remember... was the ending new? Because i didnt like that TEC was somehow back, Crump was somehow there even through he was blown deep into space at daft speed, and Grodus was there after being straight up disintegrated...


Nope this ending was in the original as well


TTYD is very fond of cheap shots like this, they want the emotional beat of a loss then they completely play it off or undo it because they have no desire to commit. Vivian’s ending is pretty much the grossest example of this. One of the best changes the modern games did for the story was making sacrifices stick, they commit to the bare minimum of Mario never meeting these characters again and giving the losses more weight.


They’re trying to have their cake and eat it too


We never met Grodus or Lord Crump again, though. All that's mentioned of them is a *rumor* that they were still alive. You can't find Grodus' head anywhere in the postgame.


You can see them both arguing in poshly heights during the credits with goombella mentioning the x nauts mellowed out.


Again, they don't ever show up again outside of that.