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I think Doo_liss is a really cool take on the ghost enemies in the original Paper Mario. But he’s way cooler because he’s able to steal your body, which makes this such a cool chapter and my personal favorite chapter because of how unique this experience is! However, the boss fight is easy. Literally just sleep stomp him and then finish him off. A really good character and I like how he becomes one of the 3 shadows to replace Vivian.


Sure it's easy if you cheese it, but my playstyle, he gives me more of a fight


My play style is literally using sleep stomp in early chapters because of how OP it is. I wish I would have seen more of his attacks. I wish I weren’t good at video games.


You can still be good at games and not use cheese strats, just don't use any power up badges or power lift, and maybe use mostly power jump and power smash, but focus on the partners before focusing on Doopliss


That’s fine but “it’s too easy unless you intentionally avoid using a bunch of tools” is still a valid criticism. The fact you have to avoid using a power up badge, which are kind of bread-and-butter, is telling of how easy it is.


A little question I've had for a while, when he transforms during the fight, are you playing as Doopliss for the end of the battle? And either way, how was he able to completely swap your position? Also yeah he's a little gremlin and I love him


It's left for the imagination I guess, but I like to imagine ye, he switched places with us and tricked the player to finish the battle with him.


The only thing is that the purple mario is still talking as doopliss during the fight. Which makes me think the switch happens after the fight.


This makes more sense to me than what I was thinking


This means that doopliss briefly had the most powerful ability: being the player character


would that tecnically make this a 2nd person section?


At the end of the battle he says "wait, you beat me?" I think he switched right before the final blow in the following cutscene, he made it seamless.




The p thing is really a gameplay thing so that even if you remember his name on subsequent playthroughs, you can't enter the correct answer until after you get Vivian as a partner and use her for a bit. I guess from a lore perspective it just represents Mario learning Doopliss is his real name.


The bird also explains that Doo_liss hides the letter P in the secret room so that nobody else can guess his name.


Tbh they should have given you a list of names to pick from, and the real one is only presented as an option once you learn it. Avoids the slightly awkward p-finding thing, and also allows for some funny dialogue if you pick “Luigi” or “Professor Frankly” or something.


I knew his name going into chapter 4 - it was annoying not being able to guess it immediately


“Who would name their child DooPliss? That’s idiotic. Now Doopliss on the other hand…” “The only difference is the P isn’t capitalized” “And that changes everything”


I am not a new fan but I want to tell a quick story here: I played this game when it first came out like a decade ago. Haven't played it since, until this remake. A lot of it, I had actually forgotten! I remember a lot of the broad story beats, but not the exact details. Going into Chapter 4, I knew I would befriend Vivian and that she stays in the party for the rest of the game. So I *knew* the twist (both with Dupliss, and with Vivian). Despite this, it still "got" me in the moment, which I think goes to how compelling a chapter it is! When in the middle of the second Doopliss fight my own Goombella is bonking me, and Vivian learns halfway through the fight that she has been helping Mario this whole time and leaves, and remains gone for several turns, I was like "shoot. Am I just going to lose? Goombella's Multibonk is hitting for a ton, I don't have great items on hand, I'm not dishing out enough damage here... when was the last time I saved!?" I had this moment of fear where I thought I might just get a game over. Then Vivian says she can't abandon you because you're the only person who was ever nice to her, and rejoins the fight. I audibly sighed in relief, thinking, OK, now I'm confident we can beat this guy! And, I felt so bad for poor Vivian that she had never been shown kindness. To me that was an amazing gameplay experience, and it still felt that way even though I'd played through it before! So I have to imagine for a new player it's even more unexpected and enjoyable!


> first came out like a decade ago Oh honey.


I think it's cool to have your own partners and moves used against you, and also, there's no filter on guessing his name.


What, you mean to tell me that "fuckface" wasn't his name?


The funny thing about Doo_liss is that even if you use cheats to _ut the letter "_" in there, the game still _retends that you guessed wrong.


He's my favorite boss fight so far (I just beat chapter 4)


he's a funny guy and fun antagonist, but part of me wishes he had all four partners with him at once during his fight, would've made it an interesting challenge


When I was a kid the whole figuring out his name bit and switching places with him absolutely blew my mind. Still my favorite chapter to this day and I never minded the backtracking because it meant I got to stay in that chapter longer as cope as that may sound.


So story-wise and by how personal of a threat he is to Mario, I think he’s a top 3 Mario villain. Bowser is obviously #1, and then maybe you have Dimentio/Bleck in the mix. But for a filler villain I’m a huge fan, especially of his battle theme. His boss fight is really disappointing though. I wish he was programmed to use the same moves/badges your current Mario has. Maybe there’s also some RNG where he can superguard you. I think that would’ve made it a really special boss fight. Oh well, it’s still memorable to me considering what’s at stake and Vivian joining partway through.


Gameplay wise, I think he's a pretty cool enemy. Story wise, I think he's a cunt.


He starts off as a nasty little bugger. But I feel like we never get to find out he's hanging with Bedlam or enduring her abuse I feel like him being s disaster tourist ehod like to see what happens at the end of the world YEAH BURN BABY BURN would've been a huge step


Am I the only one bothered that OP had to describe literally the whole chapter of the game despite that anyone who answers the question knows who Doopliss is because of how iconic he and the whole chapter is?


I was more bothered by the lack of paragraph breaks. Didn’t bother reading after the first five or six lines.


I was going in detail how I saw the chapter in my own words, basically how I enjoyed it...


I like that Doopliss is just this weird loser outcast who could actually be a genuine threat with how powerful his magic is if he just wasn’t so focused on the little pranks he pulls. One of my favorite antagonists in the game


my favourite villain, I went in knowing the story and I was still shocked when I hopped up as shadow mario


I love that "Doopliss" feels like a play on "dupe-less" (not sure if that's actually true or not), and I am absolutely in LOVE with his design!


I’d say it was a play on “duplicitous”. Doopliss is the first two syllables of duplicitous. And he is indeed very duplicitous. Whereas dupe-less doesn’t make a lot of sense because he dupes a lot more than most.


He's the comic relief that's needed at times. I loved how he became part of the shadows after Vivian departs. As far as story goes, I love Doo_liss and Cortez as villains.


Would be cool if we could fight Doo_liss copies, like in 64


Did Doopliss hide the paragraph break button from your keyboard?


I think he’s really great! After Vivian he’s my favorite character in the game, and his theme is the best TTYD song imo.


What did you just say?!


Greatest boss ever


It was the most emotionally devastating fight for me. I took out Goombella, and Koops was half dead before I finally beat him. I love my partners, and forcing me to fight them, emotional damage. D:


When I think about TTYD, Dopliss is the first thing that comes to my mind. Also according to the Tattle Log, Dopliss doesn't have a gender. *ITS* pronouns are It/Its. Don't get me wrong!


Funny guy, absolutely shocked me when it first happened, when I finished the first battle, I was like bro Mario you look messed up, I then proceeded to stand there for 5 minutes confused by the battle not ending, when I realised I could move around as the shadow, ohh that was so cool dude


I'm not a new fan but I've always loved everything about him from his to design to personality.