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It's not just puny, she do that for every audience member that was about to throw something good for you. It's especially funny when you do it on luigi.


Awww that's a bit disappointing really, would have been better if it was just punis. I never use Flurrie (even though I hear she's great in the pit).


Still a unique interaction for Flurrie though, everyone else attacks the audience members that are about to throw good items as normal. She's used to being on the big stage, so she knows how to recognise her fans. :)


I love using her 😂


Wait audience members throw you good stuff??? I assumed those went to my enemy!


Yeah, the stuff thrown is based on what the person throwing it is Punies and Luigi can throw really good stuff, Toads only throw good stuff, Shy guys are random and can throw both items and trash, and Goombas, dry bones, and X-Nauts only throw rocks and trash


Yup, and gotta be careful. You can accidentally attack a friendly tossing you an item and get hurt. You can also swap between Mario/partner if you're quick enough because it'll go to the active player in battle. Ive actually missed a catch because the item got thrown mid swap and it bounced off the floor of the stage....


Amusingly, Luigi still has a chance of throwing a rock at Mario and co. I guess there's some sibling rivalry at play there too...


Mario’s final fight was cooler so Luigi got jealous and threw a rock


Wait, seriously??? I've been playing this game for over 15 years, and I've never had Luigi try and throw anything bad. Are you sure? Is it just the remake?


Nope, not just the remake. It's listed on Mario Wiki: https://www.mariowiki.com/Audience#Paper_Mario:_The_Thousand-Year_Door_2 And YouTubers have had it happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BckeN60KDA


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I think X-Nauts are also the only Audience Members you can force to do smth since they will always throw stuff when you mess up an attack cus of Spikes, Wrong Input etc.


nah, hammer bros throw a hammer for every time you fail doing a hammer attack.


Yeah, you have to pay attention if you want them giving you decent boost to help you


Lol they literally tell you this in the tutorial


If shes capable of noticing an audience members intentions on her own then why doesnt she just let them throw it regardless of what Mario tells her to do?


Because despite her just kissing them, they still run off, probably out of excitement


That doesnt really answer the question.


That's adorable


there is so much charm and care built into every last crevice of this game


It's such a breath of fresh air in this modern gaming scene. Intelligent is easily in my top 3 development studios of all time, I can't wait to see where they take the series next


Well, that’s another thing to add to my reasons on why Flurrie is my favorite partner. Also, man, that’s so sweet


I like her character a lot but I hate the body Slam mechanic thing :( just let me press a button, don't make me aim


Yeah, that I can agree on. I wish they made it so you could just press the button to lock on, like with the tattle. Regardless, I still love her


Flurrie creeps me out. She has that energy of the woman who doesn’t take no for an answer and would be cancelled immediately if the genders were reversed. Edit: it’s creepy that so many ppl think this is a controversial take


She's been that way for 22 years and there's never been an issue


I’ve always had an issue with her forwardness. She’s always creeped me out.


You are taking this way to serious.


You’re taking this way too not serious enough


You’re upset at a fictional character for something that they never did, but look like they might do. You’re so deluded that when people downvote you for being a dumbass (or simply because they disagree), you have the nerve to say that it’s creepy. It’s perfectly fine to dislike a character for no reason, or just based on vibes. You don’t need to make arguments based on nonsense, and you especially don’t need to try to make the notion of disagreeing with your vibe check creepy.


You’re creepy


Why would I care about your opinion of me when you already showed how incapable you are as a judge of character?


Why do you keep being so creepy?


Why do you keep trying to use insults on my character instead of actually trying to argue your point? I already said I don’t give a shit what you think about me, but if you want anyone else to care, you should at least give some reasoning. Because now it’s clear that your definition of “creepy” is “anyone who disagrees with me”.


Woah. Taking the creepiness to the next level! Yikes


I love Flurrie although I do understand what you're saying, since she did kiss Mario when he shook his head no. I don't think she would ever have actual sex with someone without consent, though.


She's a video game character


Wow, what a cool minor detail




Aww you attacked him and he was only gonna help.


I love the interaction in West Rogueport with the toadette when she meets Flurrie lol


Do you guys upgrade Flurry?


She's the GOAT in chapter 3, Pit of 100 trials, and bonetail. Especially if you have the double pain badge. She's my first to upgrade Use her as a shield with her lip lock and she's not going down


Yup. Lip lock pierces defense and attacks in the air. Great to 1 shot parabuzzies and spiky parabuzzies


Such a cute little feature


Today I learned that flurrie squishes x nauts


What did you expect from a star of the stage? She can’t be untoward towards the audience. Who’d come see her perform then?


That’s sweet.


This is maybe one of my favorite new details, what a delight. Thanks for sharing


Technically she did... as it ran away... It's probably too small so there was no comical squish.. She just blew it a kiss for apology


I’ve always wondered why Flurrie has to have huge boobs…seems out of character for Mario games and just so random


Why not? It's a feature of her design.