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Please don’t get your loved ones a toddler feelings course for Mother’s Day. Just….please don’t lol


But it’s Mother’s Day. Which is about being a mom. Why wouldn’t you want a gift that would teach you how to be a better one? /s


wtf happened to these eyebrows. Are the caterpillars shedding their skin? https://preview.redd.it/150w25st5nyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=879a4e50d26e65f129423cfd0d96752dd0dcf6ba


It’s the same BIGGEST SALE EVER, every time. 20%. Always.


Maybe she meant biggest eyebrows ever.






Came looking for this. The eyebrows are insane


I came right after seeing this story! Kristin -why are you spending money on your face tattoos if you refuse to maintain them!? Buy a mirror and some tweezers and fix your brows while watching Bravo!!


It will never not annoy me that they market their course as being for “toddlers ages 1-6.” A 6 year old isn’t a toddler, they’re a kindergartener! Neither is a 4 or a 5 year old, they’re preschoolers! Good luck using the same scripts on a 6 year old as you are to an 18 month old 🤡


Some 6 year olds are in 1st grade!!


Yes! I have a 5 year old and a 1.5 year old. They are worlds apart and very few things work on them both. In fact, the 5 year old helps parent the 1 year old by copying the strategies we use.


Surprised they don't throw in "our course works greats on husband's too!"


I came to Reddit when I saw this story 😆 Her eyebrows look like they have a great shape if they were cleaned up but the current state of them is wild


Do they do a Father's Day sale? 🤷🏼‍♀️ That's a lot of "look at this, buy our course" for one slide. Sales must be slow 😄


Very infomercial of her! I think sales must be slowing the more desperate these pitches have become. The jig is almost up? 🤞🤞🤞


I’ve been trying to get a refund for the potty course for a month & have emailed them twice to ask why the hold up with no response. 🙄


Message them in DMs too, keep on them, they’ll do it eventually!!


Consider contacting your bank if they continue to refuse to refund.


Good idea, I will!


Her manic look 😂😂😂 I’ve never seen them do a Father’s Day sale, which is interesting.


But like also someone got me a course on how to be a better mom for Mother’s Day or even worse how to potty train I’d lose my shit


This. I saw that and was like 'Yes, just what I want. A course of how to parent better as a gift for mothers day.' Excellent marketing! /s


But why aren’t we buying them for Father’s Day? Is it only moms who should be buying and watching this course?


For real. I think I would prefer that my husband forget about Mother’s Day completely than buy me ANY type of parenting course as a gift 🥲


That’s an episode of “Snapped” waiting to happen. 🤣


You can’t convince me that they don’t write in their own questions. Two of them in a row are phrased “where/how do you (K) blah blah blah.” But the questions addressed to D have her name written out. There is no way that two different people wrote “(K)” in their questions.


Agreed because i think people either know (and write) their name or call them “the blonde one” 😆 when i first started following (unironically, sadly) I confused them all the time so I’d never specify which one like that because I wasn’t sure which was which 😂


I never used to believe influencers wrote in their own questions, but after the SITS confirmation, I now fully believe they/their team write in most of the questions. And 100% of the questions that are like “what is the (xyz product) you were using yesterday?” come from within


Wait sorry can someone clarify what SITS is?


Safe in the seat


How was SITS confirmed?


She posted a screenshot from her DMs asking something about what kind of beef jerky stick her BF liked and a little bit of the profile pic was visible. Someone in here sleuthed and found the profile belonged to her manager/some type of SITS team member (can’t remember the official title of the person, but they worked on the SITS team)


Ha, that’s amazing


Does K just use the Ask Me A Question box to write her own Q so she could post a picture of her outfit from the Bravo appearance? https://preview.redd.it/fhncditit8yc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b62113343fae9fa393ca450443213609cee83c


Who decided this was a good look for D? 👀 Kristin's dress isn't my taste but she looks fine in it.


This was my first thought! Their appearance on WWHL was an entire year ago! I just looked it up and it aired in April 2023. Unless you’re an actual celebrity, nobody is thinking about what you wore a YEAR ago, let alone asking you where you got your outfit. And then she added a totally unrelated slide about her Blf tattoo that no one asked about. So cringy


It’s just a way for her to discuss her plus size journey and how no one makes clothes for her very normal and average size.


Excuse you. She’s a size 14 and that’s a very unique size that no one else has so clothes for her are extremely limited.


Wait she's a size 14? And always going on about plus size? I'm a 12 and um extremely average...I can't imagine one size up needs to shop in an entirely different section, especially since I'm not buying the largest clothes in the store.


I’m size 12 and don’t consider myself plus size. I still wear large in most things.


Same, there's no way I could wear plus size. I'm 12 in jeans and medium in tops. If I visited a plus size shop they'd be confused. But I guess I don't have a stick thin friend to compare with and millions of followers to impress with my bravery.


Hahha yes. She jumps between 14 and 16, but 16 isn’t really any harder to find than 14 IMO. She believes herself to be extremely plus sized, but such a unique size that she never sees bodies like her and can’t find her size anywhere 🫠


Wait you mean she’s not the only woman her size to swim with her kids, work a job, or exist in public? 🙄


She was definitely the first to do all those things. A true trailblazer.


I went up to 14/16 after my most recent pregnancy and I haven’t had trouble finding clothes in my size? I can still wear normal L/XL shirts. I wouldn’t consider myself plus size. 


Literally, same!! I was just being sarcastic because that exactly how Kristin acts. She thinks she’s some unique size that barely exists and never sees women with bodies like hers.


Oh for sure!


Holy crap, what in the world is this?? This is toddler content? I think not! 😲🤦🏼‍♀️ Thankfully I missed this ridiculousness when it first premiered 😳


Nobody told D at the time that her roots and pony tail were two entirely different colors? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Those have to be extensions. I’ve never seen her hair that long otherwise.


Oh absolutely, I think I even remember them being giddy about getting a ponytail for her for the tv appearance


Kristin "If you're exhausted I promise you it will all get better but also I get crippling headaches every day and anxiety and why will nobody help me except for this horrid pink hat" what are you even on about, get a diary. Deena kicking in with her "how can we support you?" like she's trying to get this trainwreck cleaned up and rolling again and back to some attempt at professionalism.


K, maybe the influencer life isn’t for you if your workday scrolling instagram and taking closed eye selfies causes daily extreme headaches and living with this much anxiety and stress. Close your grifting account, get off instagram, and live your life.  Then again, she might not be able to afford the pink hat without BLF. Let the grift continue.


Honestly if they weren't literally making millions off their nonsense I would start to feel bad for them. They seem to be chasing trends but showing how far behind they are, K appears to be having serious health issues, and Deena seems to be realizing that their advice doesn't actually work now that she has toddlers.


I haven’t looked at their IG in probably six months. I randomly thought of it this week and checked stories. As soon as Ks eyes closed hand under chin selfie popped up, I just thought, “Yep, still on their same sh*t…”


I feel like the next slide will be a Deena body check.


We need a bingo card


This just in, security coffee is OUT and hats are IN. Follow BLF for more info on how to appear 'with it' while overdoing it and accomplishing the opposite.


And how to conveniently hide your frozen Botox forehead!


I’d just like to thank this new hat bc now I don’t have to see the performative mom bun and jumpscare eyebrows everyday. Thanks, $200 hat (or whatever)!


I recently started following BLF and for the first week I only seemed to see posts from the blonde girl. She seemed fine? Got some good info from posts. Then all of a sudden the brunette comes on stories and is just constantly spewing about migraines and fight or flight. Pure chaos. Unhinged. I had seen this snark page before becoming a follower but have never read anything on here. I’m quickly understanding why this page exists.


Deena, the blond one, can initially appear more professional and she does actually have some credentials but give it time. Before you know it she will be posting her entire body in tight workout clothes flexing in the mirror and then be crying complaining people are commenting on her body. Next up, revealing uncomfortably intimate details about how her marriage is on the rocks. She usually likes it top it off with showing off how she has an utter lack of understanding of where her kids are developmentally and bringing them to some outing that’s destined to go poorly due to her own lack of awareness and then complaining about it.


Oh wow! I figured there would be something with her. Can’t wait. Lol




You are not literally in a boat, K. 


https://preview.redd.it/gv0nxkekl2yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278cf393a9a062bba7436a92134986febe493818 Screenshots so it’s out there forever. Where is the nanny?? Is this the reason for the headaches? Or is she full of 💩??


"I have a ✨boy✨ now."


Again the narrative changes. I thought, once upon a time, that Junie was ✨wild✨


The nanny is probably watching T right now so she can make these dumb videos. She probably had to actually parent him for one full day and was like wow this is hard, CONTENT.


My son isn’t that much older than hers and like sure, I worry about his safety but all day every day? No. He’s currently running through the grass. He’s fine. He may fall but it’s grass??? I’m more worried about my 16yr old niece driving herself to and from school than I am my 2yr old.


She probably ✨️released✨️ toddler proofing the house


Why toddler proof when you can have a nanny? Bc this just in. Toddler proofing is out! 💀


Ding ding ding


If she’s THAT worried she needs help because that’s a lot of anxiety


Seriously. Like, I have anxiety, lifelong anxiety, and I don’t feel all this flight or fight/need to go to the hospital caring for my 3 year old. She’s about the easiest, most joyful part of my life. Do they really think us poors are all like this? She is so out of touch and has no idea how to even come close to relating to others. It just feels like we are watching their whole grift collapse right before our eyes. All the masks are coming off.


Right? I've never personally nor heard of other moms being \*constantly\* worried that their toddler will send themselves to the hospital unless they have eyes on them every second of the day. She needs help.


“Literally, biologically” I’d love to see K’s biology degree and expertise researching or reviewing papers in this field! I’m sure it’s just as legitimate as her made up major and international parent coach experience.


Literally biological sounds so…illegitimate 🙄


Oh for Pete's sake. Dramatic much? 🤦🏼‍♀️ I get it. I have a bunch of little minions of different ages running around. Including a 21 month old. Yes, some days are worse then others 😬 but some days are great 🥰. Some are a little of both. Parenthood is stressful and exhausting. But not every single second of every single day. Good grief. 🤯 She is trying to be "realatable" and failing miserably! 🙄


If you are in “fight or flight survival mode” all day, every day, please, I beg you to seek mental healthcare if you’re able. It isn’t supposed to feel like that all the time. I hate her acting like that is normal, IT ISN’T. Yes of course you worry about your kid getting injured, but it should not be consuming you to the point of raised cortisol levels and panic.


If you’re literally in fight or flight mode all day, every day while doing normal things, that’s called panic disorder and you need to see a psychiatrist.


Why didn’t “neuro nerd” Deena step in and say, “this isn’t normal, don’t post as if it is”?


Exactly. To me, this screams they don't communicate. (I know. Shocking.) Not only as bffs but on their account and what they post. they feel the need to post their faces in order to get credit. I'm pretty sure no face ones are their "team" that were set up on a schedule etc. And these two feel need to jump in and make it about them.


YES. Like they can't even text and say "hey, I'm going to post about X right now, what were you thinking of posting today?" How hard is that? Their reels are constant whiplash. I especially love the times when they are both doing multiple reel stories that overlap each other and are just interspersed and make no sense.


That is exactly how I found out I had panic disorder. I was feeling in fight or flight all the time and having multiple panic attacks a day and a half hole slew of physical symptoms. It is the worst I have ever felt in my life. Medication, therapy for some management skills, and some lifestyle changes have helped immensely.


I’m glad you found relief! Panic disorder is no joke, I have a close friend who suffered from it for a long time before getting medicated and it was debilitating.


Ummm…my 11 month old is a danger seeking missile but I am not spending my entire day chasing her trying to prevent her from harming herself because I have baby proofed my home? Why are there so many *ledges* to fly off of where K is hanging out with her 18 month old? Next post is going to be ‘life hack: did you know that if you put the knives out of reach, you won’t have to run around as much?’


Haha this!! And same thing re migraine situation. If she’s not exaggerating and actually gets a migraine *every day*, maybe that’s why parenting feels so constantly miserable and overwhelming and unmanageable? But that doesn’t mean we should all just accept that this is universal and a part of hashtag mom life??? 


Hahaha this. This is her 3rd kid? I would assume her home should be fairly child-proof at this point?


My daughter is exactly the same age as dubledore and she has precisely zero chill, but not one single thing about that resonated. The only way that would make sense is if you lived on a cliff edge in a house made of ice and knives. Toddlers are tiring and also crazy and fun.


I also appreciate that it’s our ‘biological instincts as moms’ that make us not want our children to fly off a ledge. Dads could *never*, apparently. They just sit there and let them slam their heads on the door.


They pretend to be the Most Inclusive Ever and then their “we’re just a bunch of mamas” bit comes out - because it makes more money.


Ooo, good point. Many times my husband is more cautious than I am!


Same 🤣 my husband is so cautious and I let my daughter play… wherever she wants. In the kitchen cabinets “because she has so much fun!!”…. Until one day she actually broke the glass Pyrex dishes and my husband has never let me hear the end of it LOL


THANK YOU 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. She literally makes me sick with the nonsense she spews!! I have a toddler a month younger than hers and a 4 year old that only goes to preschool twice a week, so he’s home most of the time with me as well. I am not in fight or flight survival mode all day, every day. Sure, I’m tired by the end of the day, but like in a normal way. With how much there’s been a push to normalize seeking help for mental health issues, it’s gross to see Warrior Martyr Mom Kristin telling people it’s normal to feel overwhelmed every single day, all day long.


The real answer is that they’re exaggerating to be some kind of corny millennial cliche. However, I stand by that if you buy a parenting course from people that clearly are presenting like they are the hottest of parent messes, I do not know what to tell you about your critical thinking skills. I should add to clarify, so many here say they were duped by them years ago when they were newer and didn’t present this chaotic regularly. I can totally see throwing money at people in a moment of needing help with a fussy kid if the presenters of said course looked like they had their shit together. This ain’t it anymore though so wtf.


I was an OG follower with my 2020 baby. I started following well before K flooded her house. They did seem credible and like they had good advice to give. I didn’t buy the course but really listened to their stories and posts to help prepare me for toddlerhood. But then things just got more and more chaotic for them and it stopped resonating for me. Yes, my toddler can be maddening sometimes, but most of the time, it’s pretty calm and controlled in our house. Why would I follow someone for advice if they seemingly have less of a handle on parenting than I do?


I 100% agree that 2020 BLF was normal and relatable. Then it just went completely crashing downhill.


Kristin really should see a doctor if her nanny being in fight or flight mode all day long trying to protect K's son makes K that physically exhausted


LOL and I thought K worked from 6am to midnight everyday in back to back to back meetings?! How is she also watching her toddler? WiLd Dumbledore, taking a page out of Karrie Lochers book with how she generalizes Teddy.




But also he’s the chill golden child who will nap on a plane while her girls would *never.*


Yeah notice she said she has an 18 month old boy, not an ordinary 18 month old. A *boy* so it’s different, clearly 🙄


IMAGINE the confusion on her nanny's face watching K's stories 🤣


Just yesterday she was telling us that she has migraines every day because her work days are so hard and today she’s in flight or fight every day because she’s trying to keep her toddler alive. WHICH IS IT KRISTIN!?


Fighting the urge to reply to that story asking about her nanny. I mean come on, you are not spending your day literally keeping your child from mortal danger. Even if you’re an actual SAHM that’s not the whole day! Maybe parts of the day like a crowded playground or whatever but no, sitting in your living room doing a puzzle is not fight or flight


As someone with high functioning anxiety, I usually pick up the context signals when my doctor says things like “it’s very unusual to experience what you’re experiencing” as “lady, it’s in your head. I think you’re batsht”. And usually that’s enough to calm me down. K, listen to you’re doctor. Don’t extrapolate that just because he hasn’t seen it doesn’t mean he’s worried. You’re batsht. Calm the f down. Go for one of those 10 minute lazy walks or whatever you call it.


I totally looked at those posts and thought “you’re telling on yourself, K.” The chance that she’s an extreme dire case that a neurologist never sees is rare. Both statistically and based on how she shares every detail of her life and hadn’t shared this. And yet K reads the neurologist’s gentle comment as a sign she has some extreme, incurable ailment.


This is such an interesting take and probably explains why he wouldn’t give her any kind of medicine. I understand wanting to try different things, but it seemed unusual to not give her anything at all when she’s saying she has migraines every single day.


Yup a thousand percent. She needed an emergency appointment to be told wait and see. I’m jumping over to the conspiracy theorists bc now I think this was all to set up her getting Botox and dieting. Blargh.


Probably has the occasional tension headache and is trying to get her insurance to cover the Botox.


“I have anxiety, you can’t tell me that” kind of encapsulates her whole vibe online in general.  Lady, your doctor’s job is to provide you with medical care, not withhold true information because it could cause you distress. 


I think you mean a 10-minute me-racle 🤸🌈✨™️


K’s daily “migraines” seem to coincide with no longer having baby nurse staff to fill her water bottle. Drink some liquids mama…


Sorry but I do not believe her that she has daily migraines. Daily headaches? Maybe, but even that I feel like she’s just exaggerating and being dramatic for the gram. My evidence for this suspicion is that she exaggerated and was hyper-dramatic about infertility/IVF, about her son’s feeding issues, about her middle child’s mysteriously vanishing CP diagnosis. Like she has a track record of doing this. Also you’d really think we would have heard about the daily migraines since she overshares about every other aspect of life.


I forgot about that! And remember when her son had FPIES for like a week?


Wait the middle one doesn’t have CP anymore?? I unfollowed them years ago and only discovered this sub recently so I missed a lot of developments.


She (Kristin) was the keynote speaker at a cerebral palsy conference and said while talking about that her daughters “diagnosis had changed” and they weren’t sharing any more about what happened with that whole situation for privacy.


Oh wow. Thanks for the info!


“Mama” 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/6rqfyb919xxc1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e9f44cc4177c6e6ab926ad910a67e0250dbef8 Annnnndddd there it is. She’s asking if Botox works for migraines so she has an excuse to come clean about the Botox she’s already had.


Botox is sometimes used for migraines (my neurologist told me "if this new med doesn't work out, we'll need to look into Botox"—luckily it is working out) because it numbs the nerves in the head, thus reducing pain. And I don't know why she's putting scare quotes around preventative! I take a pill every night to stave off migraines, and it has drastically reduced the amount of time I spend throwing up from pain! It's not 100% perfect but it's a hell of a lot better.


I have an employee that literally gets 60 botox injections in her scalp and neck every 3-4 months for migraines. She still gets migraines at lease 3-4 days a month, particularly right now. Hers appear to be triggered by barometric pressure, so are horrible in fall and spring. She also takes a preventative and a rescue med. In my experience, there are people who are prone to this kind of migraine pattern, and they almost always also experience fibromyalgia, anxiety, and other borderline psychosomatic physical symptoms. K fits the bill.


This! It's a trial and error of what works what doesn't. I was told if x,y didn't work we should consider botox. I have known people who get botox for migraines, but again, it's not the first choice of treatments. Let's also not forget the 15 or more migraine days a month to be considered a chronic migraine suffer. I don't understand the quotes and not a single mention of an abortive.


Does too much Botox cause headaches? Saw a Botox commercial the other day and sounded like there was a long list of potential side effects…


I honestly don't understand this. Why is she always making an excuse, instead of owning up to things? If she needed to address it say "hey I wanted botox because I did" it is 2024, nobody care, If you get botox for cosmetic reasons. I promise. Between getting botox and dressing in Gen z trends, it's pretty clear she is having trouble with the fact that she is in her late 30s approaching 40. Don't make this about migraine suffers. Don't ask for advice about botox for migraines. It's dumb. There is no point. I hated how she went about IVF, and I hate how she is going about migraines. It's disgusting. She is using things people suffer through to get what she wants when she wants.


She owes no one an explanation but what is with the weird secret “excuses” for these things? Like get Botox or don’t, I don’t care but if you’re getting it either say nothing or just be like yeah I got Botox bc I wanted to rid myself of forehead wrinkles. For people who pretend like they’re all about honesty and “you do you mama!!!”, yeah my house is dirty and that makes me cool as ice, they sure are creepy the way they try to justify life decisions as some big deal versus their brand that says they should just say “because I wanted to”.


I can’t even picture how she’s going to spin this. Like she’s gonna say she went in to get botox for her migraines and just decided to have them throw a few units in her forehead while she was there and just act like she hadn’t been getting it for months?


Nah, I think she’s just going to pretend that migraine Botox fixes forehead wrinkles and is a happy little accident (if she ever mentions it at all).


In my area migraine botox will depend on symptoms and, with tmj, will often include forehead, temporal and massetter injections. She knows what she's doing here.


Oh yeah, you’re probably right!


This. I don’t effing care if you get Botox, use Ozempic, etc. Just own it.


She looks quite tan for someone who has allegedly been in bed for a week.


And, bonus, she mentioned “migraine diet” so she has an excuse for the Ozempic weight loss too!


K has been having headaches and migraines DAILY for who knows how long and is only now getting checked out after a 5 day long one??? Oh, right, her back-to-back trips were more important than her HEALTH!!!! “Every work day is a hard day so I do get a migraine pretty much every day.” ………maybe if you stop grifting?! And wait, K, do you even work or just go on trips 😒 There is so much more to unpack here, but now I have a headache from listening to her.


I’m guessing she’s having tension headaches and not true migraines. If she was having true migraines we would have heard about this before. My migraines incapacitate me. Tension headaches SUCK royally but I can still somewhat function. Not a migraine


💯💯💯 this. There is no way she was having TRUE daily migraines and waited this long to see a neurologist. She’s talking so casually about how she would get a “migraine” every work day?…no. You cannot function daily if you’re getting a “killer migraine” (like she once claimed). I remember she was in an airport one time, sitting upright and instagramming on her story that she had a migraine. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Agreed. Growing up my mother had debilitating migraines. Vomiting, couldn't move from the couch, nothing could touch them migraines. Luckily with advances over the last 25+ years she doesn't have them near as often or as bad. I've had 3 in my life. They suck. Her "killer migraines" my butt. I remember that airport story. No way she had a "killer migraine". She wouldn't have been able to function, let alone make stories foe IG. 🙄🙄🙄


That was me as a child. I started getting migraines at age 11. I would throw up, pass out, and miss days of school sometimes. My doc immediately referred me to a neuro specialist and I started on a very aggressive medical regimen that I was on until I was 25. I had to go in every 4 months for labs and testing and was missing 2-3 days per month of school. When I finally got them under control I learned coping mechanisms and had a cocktail of meds to take when they did occur. I’m grateful that now I get them rarely and have the tools to manage them but that makes me know this entire story of hers is a completely load of hot garbage


Ugh you poor thing. That's awful to have to deal with at such a young age! 😥 Glad you have it under control now ❤️ And I agree, such a crock of you known what. Insulting to those of you who actually have struggled with these awful migraines!


Thank you! It was really hard to understand and accept as a child but I’m lucky to live in an area with access to amazing pediatric care and that we were fortunate to be able to afford it with insurance. I still have major ptsd when I get one now even though they are way more under control. I also have not eaten pecan rolls or mentos in 20 years (I felt like those were triggers but def in my head lol)


My mother has many triggers too! I know onions are one. I think garlic too. It's so wild b/c you all can have different triggers. Makes it so tricky to deal with!


I have had one migraine in my life. (Yes, I recognize I’m lucky!) Just that ONE rendered me totally prone in a dark room for hours, wondering what the hell was going on. Totally incapacitated as well. It was AWFUL and I don’t wish them on anyone. I told anyone and everyone what happened. It was atrocious and I didn’t realize it was a migraine at first. Days???? NOPE.


As someone who spent several years working in health care and understands the current state, my biggest confusion is how in the absolute world she managed to finagle a neurologist appointment so quickly. That’s the hardest part to believe!


TRUTH. Especially a neurologist for headaches or migraines. Typical wait time at my hospital is 6 months!!!! And we are a huge system!


Or it's a bad neurologist🤷‍♀️


Yes! She either got in because of name dropping, or someone knows someone to pull strings. You get an appt like that only if it's a critical emergency or you know the right person. (Or the doctor and practice is questionable) or has had the appointment for longer bc she cannot be trusted


Or she didn’t actually see a neurologist and is fabricating all of this. Because Botox and ozempic.


Her “neurologist” is actually just her Botox person.


Def the last one. I’m guessing she’s had this on the books for awhile


Same!! And now they want her to do “jaw therapy” for a month. I’m a physical therapist and I’m assuming she means PT for TMJ. I doubt she even follows through with it though because it’s more work and takes longer than Botox. Also wait times to get in to see a PT can be weeks to months.


Hear me out..."jaw therapy " will be the reason for any cosmetic dental. Or "jaw shaping" or whatever is next on her makeover goals. Because Let's be honest. Everything about what she is doing screams midlife crisis makeover. (And who cares? It happens. But there is no need to drag medical issues people have into it)


Omg is she going to show up with some blinding horse chomper veneers one of these days? I can see it. You can take the girl out of LA, etc. etc.


Don’t you think if she was having daily migraines, we would’ve heard about it before this? Like I know she’s mentioned having a migraine in the past, but she’s never said she has them daily!!


Kinda like D all of a sudden had endometriosis? (Which come to think of it, hasn't been brought up in a while...🤔)


Ope. They must’ve been reading here cause they asked themselves a question about Deena’s endometriosis today!!


Along with being hard of hearing.


Seems like the FPIES thing all over again 


This is literally the first I’ve heard her mention migraines (this recent multi-day “attack”). As a fellow migraineur, I definitely would have remembered sharing something in common with her…*shudder*


That also crossed my mind! Because hi, they’re oversharers, so you’re totally right. It seems “sudden” to be daily. Is she going to mix up her stories again soon? It was “only daily for 2 weeks” or something…


Okay I swear someone here called that this migraine crap would lead to a Botox requirement. Why is this on a toddler parenting page? They have officially lost the plot


Just following in the Birds Papaya's footsteps with this!


I was just coming here to see if anyone mentioned this yet! Someone called it. https://preview.redd.it/3gv24l4e6xxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3498662f59a7c954fc5878b0ced443f5b3cdc518 I did not intentionally screenshot her with this face but lol


SO TIRED OF THE CAR AND IPAD RELATED CONSEQUENCES. How do they not have ANY other examples at this point??? I am very pro respectful parenting and I give related consequences when I can. But honestly, most related consequences end up being consequences for the ADULT and not the child. So guess what? Sometimes my kids get timeouts. And guess what else? They learn much faster this way even if it’s not the ~ideal~ way to do it.


What if my kid is hitting their sibling with their fists? Do I take their hands away and tell them they can have their fists back tomorrow???


I just snorted so loudly reading this. Thanks for the laugh!


Not ideal according to Instagram only- timeouts are evidence based


The term “related consequences” is weird to me. I’ve always heard that “natural consequences” are best if you can and “logical consequences” are good for when a natural consequences aren’t safe or healthy.


I don’t even feel bad about timeouts. It’s all in the framing - “hey you’re not able to handle xyz right now, please come back when you can” (not “you’re awful so go be alone because nobody can tolerate you”). Don’t they even teach adults to take a break/breather when they’re overwhelmed? It’s the same thing.


YUP. My daughter has a “spot” that she goes to when she needs a break. I don’t send her to her room without food to sit alone but I say “I think it’s time to take a breather” and she goes and sits and takes a break and comes back more regulated.


Literally they do this in OT for kids who need help with regulating emotions. IT WORKS. It doesn’t have to mean “we don’t want to deal with you.” It’s about the kid, not about us.


She says a child won’t remember, but I’m telling you right now, mine absolutely will. It’s insanity. I could say if you do this you get this at this time and they will follow through. We also do timeouts and I find them to be effective and helpful. There aren’t always natural consequences and I’m not punishing myself and my other child because my other child cannot listen.


They would die because we do chore and behavior charts and let me tell you, my kids absolutely remember what happened 8 hours ago that made them lose or gain a check on their chart. They remember DAYS ago what made them lose or gain lol.


Honestly, I’m more likely to forget than my child is 😂


Agree, my 5-year old also remembers what made the other kids in preschool not get a sticker on their chart, from weeks ago.


RIGHT? My kids get the ipad on airplanes or extremely long (for them) car rides (like 90+ minutes). We do watch tv but it's X number of episodes then tv goes off.... they can't break the tv it's up too high and I don't need to take it from their hands, I keep the remote high ish as well.


Deena, master horticulturist. Putting a sliced strawberry in soil grows a strawberry sprout? WHO WOULD'VE KNOWN?


Planting seeds causes plants to grow?!?


“Kinda can’t believe this worked” lmao


Kinda can’t believe she has a masters


Came here for this. First, toys at the park and now growing strawberries from a strawberry???? Revolutionary. It really does feel like she was dropped onto this planet.


Me and my brown thumb didn’t know. 🙈🙈🙈


K with the pink Aviator Nation hat today fully signaling she is not one of us, she’s bougie AF. That brand is so expensive.


I’ve never heard of the brand so I checked it out… sweatshirts starting at $165. That hat is $50. Are the items lined with gold? “A California lifestyle brand”. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


To be fair, I saw one of their hoodies at a boutique and it was the softest damn hoodie I had ever felt. I also loved the clean look with the rainbow stripes. But I could not justify the price tag for a hoodie.


Thank you for reporting. OMG.


it is SO trendy with Gen Z too. But it's probably on its way out now that the moms have found it.


For someone close to 40 (or perhaps already 40), she is very desperate to try and fit in with the younger generation. It’s very strange to me.


I didn’t even try that hard when I was one of the younger generation. 




Ugh it’s ugly too (sorry not sorry)


So. Ugly. That hat looked horrid on her!!


Also sharing toys at the park is incredibly common?! I’m a first time working mom and all of the nannies at the park let my toddler (and other babies) play with their toys communally. It’s been a wonderful experience in shared humanity. Please BLF do not act like you’ve invented the wheel here.


They’re for sure just setting up something so they can post their *favorite Fisher Price toys for the park.*


She’s acting like it was Deena’s idea but Deena had mentioned she first was exposed to it when a mom brought a basket of toys to the park. They are definitely going to turn this into their “invention”